Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 103 Gathering Ten People (Subscription Request)

"Stop talking nonsense and follow me."

Zhou Yi waved his hand, and the persimmon essence was immediately put into his sleeves, and then he turned around and left, disappearing into this world.

Everyone present could not help but be dumbfounded as he held everything in his sleeve.

In their opinion, Persimmon Spirit was already so powerful that he suppressed all of them, leaving so many of them unable to resist, that they all had to surrender at his feet.

But as a result, a random person came by today, and he was captured easily. This person's strength is too strong.

"Then who was that guy just now?"

"I don't know. But he is definitely a very powerful guy. His strength has probably reached the realm god level! It is definitely not something that we people can easily get involved in."

"Hey, what do you care about that? Now he has taken away his men. From today on, we no longer have to be oppressed by that guy. Isn't this a great thing?"

Everyone couldn't help but start to get excited.

"That's right. That guy has done many evil things, and we have been unable to deal with him. Now that he has been captured by others, we finally don't have to think so much anymore. Everyone is free from now on."

"That's right. We are all free from now on. We don't have to think about it anymore. Whoever takes him has nothing to do with us."

"Hahahaha, good catch, good catch!"

"These bastards, sooner or later I will come back and take care of them. What a bunch of beasts. I was so happy just after I left."

Persimmon cursed loudly.

Although he was in Zhou Yi's cuffs, he could still easily sense the movement below.

Zhou Yi didn't care.

Soon, he took Persimmon Spirit back to his residence, and then with a wave of his hand, he released the opponent directly from inside.

When Persimmon Spirit saw this small courtyard that had troubled him for many years, there was some emotion and fear in his eyes.

Back then, when it was still a little goblin, it had seen countless extremely terrifying things here.

Those are the nightmares Zhou Yi brought to him.

He had seen him kill countless people here.

There used to be countless souls on their own tree branches, using themselves as their houses.

At that time, I was having nightmares every day. In the dream, Zhou Yi kept killing people. He seemed to be a top devil. Everyone in the world was killed by him. He stood in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. They were all corpses, and no one could resist him.

I was even worried that one day he would just cut me off.

Later, he finally succeeded in practicing and finally found an opportunity when he was not at home, and took the opportunity to escape. I originally thought that I would be able to roam around freely from now on, traveling all over the world, and never have to return to this small courtyard that filled me with fear.

Unexpectedly, he was captured again today. This is a huge irony. You must know that his current strength is already very strong, and he has already surpassed his original strength by an unknown amount.

This world is a nightmare. Is he destined to be unable to escape from the opponent's grasp?

With a deep sigh, he knelt down in front of Zhou Yi.

"Master, I was wrong. I shouldn't have escaped from this place so casually."

I have to say that he is still very discerning. Although he really doesn't want to return to this place, now that he has come back, he will not continue to beg for mercy like a little daughter here. Instead, he begs Zhou Yi for forgiveness. Let's see. Can you give yourself another chance to live?

After all, he is the person who knows Zhou Yi best in the world.

He knew that this guy was absolutely killing without blinking an eye, and he was the kind of person who would destroy people's lives. Now that his strength has become so powerful, killing himself should be nothing more than a simple move of his hands.

It took a lot of effort to reach this level in my life. It would be a pity if I died like this.

Zhou Yi spoke slowly.

"You're right. Don't be too afraid. I didn't bring you back to kill you. If that were the case, you would have been dead long ago. Why bring you back?"

Persimmon Spirit thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. He was too scared just now, so he didn't think of this level. But if you think about it carefully now, it's really impossible for him to die. After all, he has become so powerful now, so it would be good to keep him as a subordinate.

Thinking of this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said:

"As long as you can save my life, I don't expect much else. You can even let me continue to stay in this courtyard from now on."

Persimmon Spirit knows that Zhou Yi is powerful. He is already so powerful. There is no way he can stay here forever, right? Sooner or later he will leave one day, and then he can continue to leave this place.

Anyway, as long as you survive, there is always a chance to regain your freedom again.

Zhou Yi, however, seemed to have seen through all his thoughts and snorted with disdain.

"You can only think about some rubbish things in your mind. Do you really think I'm on the same level as you? All you can think about is keeping your own men by your side?"

Persimmon Spirit smiled coquettishly.

"Then I don't know why the master caught me this time, uh, brought me back?"

Zhou Yi looked calmly and said:

"The main reason why I chose to bring you back this time is to improve your strength."


Persimmon Spirit had a question mark on his head and a puzzled look on his face.

He has made such a big mistake. It stands to reason that the other party should find a way to kill him. Even if he does not kill himself, he should at least teach himself a lesson so that he can remember it for a long time. But what he didn't expect was that not only did the other party not kill him, but they actually wanted to improve his strength.

Did he hear wrongly?

This is too incredible.

"Master. I. Did I hear you correctly? Let me confirm again. Do you want to improve my strength now?"

"Look at your little potential, but you look worthless. You heard me right, I really want to improve your strength."

"But if my strength goes further, I will reach the realm of realm gods! That is the most powerful realm in the world. As long as I reach that realm, I can run for the realm king! Huh?"

Persimmon Spirit suddenly seemed to have thought of something at this time, and seemed to have understood the secret.

Zhou Yi must have reached that state now, there is no doubt about it. Then he already has the qualifications to compete for that position.

But he is the only one who is a loner. No matter how powerful he is, no matter how evil his talent is, other strong men who can reach the strength of the Domain God are definitely not useless.

If this is the case, then all his advantages will be gone.

It is very likely that he will be defeated at the hands of the opponent.

If you fail to participate in a war of that level, you will basically face a dead end.

If he doesn't want to die, he must find a way to improve his connections, and he should be the most powerful among all his subordinates.

Because he has been practicing for such a long time, he knows better than anyone else how evil his talent is. It may be because the soul technique he practices is a special power that others have not had much exposure to.

So now I am the most suitable to train him and help him compete for the position of King of Kai.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that he came back to be his cannon fodder.

But it doesn't seem to have much to do with it. If you serve as cannon fodder for him, then it can be regarded as a great achievement. When he achieves that position in the future, he will give himself more or less freedom, right?

"Hehehe, I see, the master wants to compete for the position of King of the Realm, so he brought me back to help you. If you had said this earlier, I wouldn't have to be so afraid."

Zhou Yi was quite speechless.

"You think too much. I don't have such thoughts as you. The reason why I brought you back is indeed to let you participate in the battle, but I will not participate."


Persimmon Jing was once again confused, but at this moment, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful aura rising rapidly nearby.

"This is just someone trying to break through to the Realm of the Domain God!"

Persimmon Spirit couldn't help but turn pale with shock, his face was extremely shocked.

This place is a big place. In the past, he must have thought this place was a very powerful place, but after going out, he now understands that this place is just a very remote and small place.

It is impossible for any super genius to appear here, and even the aura of heaven and earth in this area is not as rich as outside.

So under this situation, it stands to reason that strong men of this level should not be cultivated.

Of course, Zhou Yi is purely an exception, and sometimes he will not be here and will leave here to go to other places. Maybe like myself, I am practicing hard in a place in this world where the spiritual energy is relatively rich.

So now a strong man of this level suddenly appeared here, which surprised him.

"Are you very shocked?"

Zhou Yi smiled.

"It seems that you have been away from this place for so long. You have gone out and walked around a lot. You still haven't seen much of the world."

Persimmon Spirit hesitated, his face slightly red.

He seemed to understand what the other party meant. He's been out and about for so long. Indeed, I have seen many superpowers and heard many stories of geniuses.

But in the end, after returning here, I realized that there were many things I didn't know.

Just like the Book of Changes, just like this Domain God who is making a breakthrough. In short, everything seems to be completely beyond his own thinking.

It seems that Zhou Yi not only found himself, he also trained other strong people.

When I heard that he would not participate, I thought it was just a joke, but now it seems that it must be true.

Zhou Yi has definitely broken through to a realm that he doesn't even know about.

A realm beyond the realm of kings.

"Master, please clarify my doubts."

Persimmon Spirit knelt on the ground again, this time with an extremely pious look!

Zhou Yi nodded.

"My current strength is completely beyond this world. And I have killed the king of this world.

At present, I promise the world will of this world to select a Kaioh again! But to select a realm king, you need to be in the realm of ten realm gods.

I only have a few men, and I am short of numbers, so I brought you back. I want to accelerate your strength to that level. "

The heart of Persimmon Spirit was beating wildly. He was shocked by too many things today. Although he had guessed part of it, he found that his guess was far from enough.

Zhou Yi's improvement was too fast, far beyond his prediction.

But at this time, he suddenly thought of something, and he immediately said:

"Master, if you bring me back, even if you can improve my strength to that level in a short time, I should not be good enough in front of others. In this case, wouldn't I be a cannon fodder and a stepping stone for others? Help others improve? What about me? I will die again by then. "

If I reach that level, just to die as a cannon fodder for others, it would be too aggrieved.

Zhou Yi shook his head.

"You don't need to worry about this. Since I brought you back, it is impossible for me to kill you. Regarding this battle for the Realm King, I personally presided over it, so I will not let you fight to the last step, as long as you can achieve the set goal.

In this way, you can continue to live, and wait until the next term, you will fight on your own, and at that time, I will no longer interfere in the affairs of this world. "

Zhou Yi was not joking. He broke through so quickly. Now he has reached this realm in less than a hundred years. It will definitely take less than a thousand years for him to wait. Not to mention reaching an invincible existence, but one thing is certain that he will definitely be far beyond the current realm, and he will not be able to stay here at that time.

He will definitely not continue to care about the trivial matters of this world.

So this is actually a special benefit for others.

Even if they cannot win the election this time, at least they will not be killed by others after losing like in the previous election.

As long as they live peacefully for thousands of years, they will have the opportunity to participate in the next election.

And another advantage is that they have now broken through to this realm, and they don’t need to consider the issue of improving their cultivation in the next thousand years.

This alone is a benefit that countless people can only dream of!

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