Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 79: The Great Demon Appears, Demonic Disaster (Please Read)

Time flies by, and a few years pass in the blink of an eye.

"Seobing, freshly baked sesame cake."

"You Tiao, ancestral fried dough sticks, a century-old brand in Kyoto, freshly made, hot~"

A group of young warriors walked into an inconspicuous tavern on the street. There was a wooden sign hanging at the door of the tavern with a big word "zhou" written on it.

"Uncle Zhou, bring me two pots of fine spiritual wine."


Zhou Yi, who had a half-white beard and hair, gave the other party two bottles of spiritual wine and then walked back to the counter.

Before the lid was opened, the young man who shouted had already started praising it.

"Brothers, I am not bragging to you. If you want to say that the largest restaurant in Kyoto is definitely not this, but if you want to say that the best wine in Kyoto is, it is definitely the wine from my Uncle Zhou's house!

This spiritual wine is fragrant and strong. After drinking it, it will be cool in the mouth and warm in the stomach. It is wonderful. "

As he spoke, he opened the lid and turned it around everyone's noses, and everyone showed intoxicated expressions.

"It's really a good wine."

"Hey, how's it going? Let me tell you, I've been hanging out in Sijiu City since I was a child. When the Qiankun Sect was still the Daqian Dynasty, my father Wen San was the warden of the Daqian Kyoto Heavenly Prison! If you don't believe me, you ask Uncle Zhou! Right, Uncle Zhou? I’m not lying, am I?”

Zhou Yi nodded.

"It's true."

Everyone was flattered after hearing this, while Zhou Yi's thoughts were racing.

A few years ago, he and Li Xuanjiu came back from the Qilin Abyss. Li Xuanjiu personally beheaded his grandson Li Jianwen. Within a few days, he announced the disbandment of the entire Daqian and changed the Daqian into the Qiankun Sect.

In fact, this is also in line with the general trend.

Haotian Divine Palace took over the Red Phoenix Divine Palace, and its power became stronger and stronger. All the major sects under it were competing to catch up and develop their own power crazily.

The dynasty does not conform to the development of the new era and is too dull.

Those ordinary people cannot bring much help to a force at all, but are all a burden!

After changing into the Qiankun Sect, it only absorbed the best talents in the world to increase its training efforts. Soon the Qiankun Sect was on the right track, surpassing the previous Tianji Sect and becoming a ranking under the Haotian Palace. The previous sects were considered to have suddenly emerged and made a big splash, giving the Li family a second life.

Of course, the great master Li Xuanjiu also contributed a lot behind the scenes. If he directly joins the Qiankun Sect, the Qiankun Sect can even directly become the Qiankun Shrine.

But Li Xuanjiu didn't do that.

After being trapped in the Kirin Abyss for a hundred years, he had long looked down on fame, wealth and power, so he just gave Emperor Jing some advice and then went out for a wander. He would come back to report to Zhou Yi from time to time, and tell him some things outside the sphere of influence of the Haotian Palace.

With the Heavenly Prison gone, Zhou Yi naturally couldn't go back, so he simply opened a tavern on the street, quietly savored life, and pursued the realm of the Domain God!

"Hey, have you heard about it recently? A demon famine occurred in the Shenjian Sect in the south. Several cities were slaughtered and millions of people were gone."

"I've also heard that things are not peaceful in the south now. There are many demons hidden in the billions of mountains in southern Xinjiang."

"Don't you know? I heard that a long time ago, in our world, humans and monsters were almost the same, and even monsters were better.

But as time went by, after the human race learned various great ways, they gradually defeated the demons and expelled them to several places. Southern Xinjiang is one of them.

Many demons there had terrible names in ancient times! "

"Hi~! So powerful?"

Zhou Yi remembered that he had learned about it from the memories of the three great masters, but this problem existed and has been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

There is an irreconcilable conflict between humans and monsters!

Although many monsters and humans have now relaxed, it is actually because the bloodline of these monsters is extremely thin.

Many ancient demons have been sealed, or their bloodlines have been hidden.

Every thousand years, the aura between heaven and earth will change. After that change, the demon's aura will rapidly increase in a short period of time.

Many great demons can break the seal, or their descendants' bloodline will awaken.

Because they are very powerful and can affect ordinary demons, ordinary demons will also become violent and fight against humans.

This situation is called the ‘Demon Catastrophe’!

Calculating the time, it seems that it has been more than nine hundred years since the last demon catastrophe, almost a thousand years!

Just as he was thinking about it, several figures walked into the tavern again.

"Elder Zhao, the wine in this tavern is truly wonderful. You must come and try it. You will never be disappointed."

"You came all the way to bring me here. You have to say it first. If it doesn't taste good, don't blame me for scolding you."

When Zhou Yi heard this familiar voice, his thoughts couldn't help but be pulled back.

While looking at the other party, the other party also saw him.

"Old Zhao!"

"Brother Zhou!"

Both of them couldn't help but be a little surprised, because the person coming was none other than Zhao Yuanji.

A few years ago, there was a war between the Haotian Palace and the Red Phoenix Palace, and Zhao Yuanji was pushed out of the prime of life. There has been no news about him since then. Zhou Yi also used the Tianji Ruler to check for news about him. Knowing that he was not dead yet, he didn't pay much attention to it. , I didn’t expect to meet him in my tavern today.

"Good guy, I've been wondering before that I couldn't find you when I came to Qiankun Sect. I didn't expect you to hide here and open a tavern."

"Long time no see, are you okay?"

"Okay, okay, okay."

The person beside Zhao Yuanji smiled and said:

"Elder Zhao, do you know him?"

"More than just acquaintance? We are old acquaintances. Elder Liu, today I want to chat with my old friend. Please go back first. I will entertain you all another day."

"In that case, we won't bother you. Elder Zhao can call us anytime if he needs anything. We'll be here on call."

Everyone said goodbye and left. Zhao Yuanji came to the counter and lightly hammered Zhou Yi on the chest.

"Boy, I've been looking for you to say thank you! Thanks to you for finding me a good grandson-in-law! That boy Yang Jian is indeed extraordinary and has extraordinary qualifications. He is now a Martial Saint.

He also founded the Divine Sword Sect, and my Zhao family also enjoyed the blessings. Last year, he also helped me enter the realm of the Martial Saint! "


"Boy, do you regret it? If you had married one of my granddaughters, now you would at least have a martial saint's brother-in-law and a martial saint's grandfather!"

Zhao Yuanji had a proud smile on his face, Zhou Yi just smiled and said nothing more.

"A drink?"

"Okay, I've wanted to drink your spiritual wine for a long time. Other people's spiritual wine is not as good as yours. It's strange to say, what did you use to make the wine?"

"Drink yours?"

Zhou Yi poured two cups and they drank them all in one gulp.

"Delicious, this is the best wine in the world!"

Zhao Yuanji sighed with emotion, and then said:

"I think you might as well open a tavern in our Shenjian Sect's territory. I'll protect you. Don't worry, no one will dare to bully you.

In addition, you can definitely practice with peace of mind there. If you enter the realm of the Martial Saint in the future, your life span will last hundreds of years. Why not? "

"I'm sorry, I just broke through to the realm of Martial Saint recently."

Zhao Yuanji: "(灁‘)?"

The air fell into dead silence for a while. After a while, Zhao Yuanji said with a troubled face:

"No, let me ask you, how do you practice? I don't see you practicing on a daily basis. Why is your cultivation so high?

When we first met, you were just a small innate realm. Now I am a Martial Saint and you are also a Martial Saint? "

"I don't know, maybe I'm just lucky."

"Luck alone won't make it this far. Your boy might be a god."

Zhou Yi smiled and changed the topic.

"Speaking of which, you were staying well in the Divine Sword Sect, why did you suddenly come to the Qiankun Sect?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yuanji couldn't help but sigh, with a look of helplessness and fear on his face.

"It's a long story. I don't know what happened recently. On the territory of the Divine Sword Sect, demons and demons appeared to kill people, and the other party immediately slaughtered a city.

Yang Jian and I went out and searched for each other many times but couldn't find each other, so we came to Qiankun Sect for help. "

The sects under the Haotian Palace are also divided into three, six or nine levels.

The Qiankun Sect is a first-class sect, while the Divine Sword Sect is a third-class sect.

According to the rules of Haotian Palace, lower-level sects can come to higher-level sects for help if they have any problems. Higher-level sects are not allowed to refuse, but they will also receive some benefits accordingly.

The Qiankun Sect is the closest first-class sect to the Divine Sword Sect. No wonder they came to find the Qiankun Sect.

"I just heard from the drinker that a big demon appeared in your Divine Sword Sect, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Who says it isn't? I've been worrying about this matter for a long time recently. Yang Jian's hair has turned a lot gray because of this matter."

Zhou Yi stroked the wine glass gently, with no emotion on his face.

He had watched Yang Jian grow up, and inherited his father's chivalrous heart.

He is a good person, but unfortunately in this world, you cannot live well just by having a good heart. Sometimes, being more ruthless can go further.

The catastrophe of demons is coming, and the disasters of heaven and earth cannot be resisted by human beings. If Yang Jian wants to fight with his own ant power, the future end can be imagined.

"Actually, with Yang Jian's talent, he might be able to go further by letting him practice in Haotian Palace."

"I have also said this to Yang Jian, but he can't let go of the young and old in his family, nor can he let go of his brothers who follow him to conquer the world.

He finally established the Divine Sword Sect. Although he could go to Haotian Palace, without him, the Divine Sword Sect would soon be annexed by other sects. You have to know that there are more than just demons that eat people in this world. Sometimes humans are even scarier than demons. "

Zhou Yi nodded.

"Then what does the Qiankun Sect say?"

"It's difficult!"

Zhao Yuanji shook his head and sighed.

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