Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 129: Dao Sect Talisman Armor Rides a Dragon to Climb to Immortality

Chapter 129 Taoist Talisman Armor Rides a Dragon to Climb to Immortality

 “Will you be an immortal?”

"This King Xian really wants to become an immortal. Is he really going to build a palace on a cliff so that he can invite immortals to meet him, teach him the art of immortality, and ride on an elephant to ascend to heaven?"

Yuan Hong’s voice is not too loud.

But here, high in the sky, no one dared to speak.

 So it still reached everyone’s ears clearly.

Turning his eyes away from the waterfall hanging outside the mountain, Chen Yulou sneered.

 Are there any immortals in the sky?

he does not know.

However, it is absolutely nonsense to think of inviting immortals from heaven to come down to earth with just such a palace in the mountain.

But he dared to do so.

 The others looked at each other in shock.

 I just feel that Xian Wang is so ambitious.

“No, shopkeeper, if this is the Huixian Palace, where is the Xianwangxuan Palace?”

Hong girl suddenly realized something was wrong.

He said in a suspicious voice with a slight frown on his beautiful eyebrows.

As soon as she said these words, the guys immediately fell into thinking.

“There are geese in the clouds, gray roads in the middle, snakes in the grass, fog in the water, don’t you know it when you go in and take a look?”

Chen Yulou smiled.

 These sentences are recorded in the human skin map.

 The tomb of King Xian depicts a scene in which there is nothing in the sky but nothing on the earth, creating a unique part of the heaven and earth.


Hong girl nodded and didn’t ask any more questions.

Since it is the Hall of Immortals, a place used by King Xian to entertain the immortals, it must be full of treasures, so naturally you can’t miss it.

"Push door!"

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

 The gang of thieves have been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

As soon as Chen Yulou said this, the few people who peeked in through the crack in the door did not hesitate at all. They immediately put their hands on the stone door and pushed in together.



The door that has been sealed in dust for more than two thousand years.

 The first time someone opened it.

 The door slowly opened a crack, dust shook off, and dust floated in the light.

 Unfortunately, the sunlight slanting down from above can only reach the door.

 But even this startling glance was enough to make the thieves couldn't help but scream.

 The hall is covered with water-polished gold bricks, which shine brightly under the sunlight.

 Have long expected that the extravagance of the tomb of the king would be astonishing.

 But no one expected it.

  Even so extravagant as to pave the floor with gold bricks.

  It made all the guys’ eyes widen and their breathing quickened.

I wish I could go in and pry open the floor tiles right now.


Sensing that everyone was strange, Chen Yulou frowned slightly and pointed to the depths of the hall.

 Light reflected by the ground.

There are clearly black shadows standing in the mist.

They are either standing, bowing, lying down, or lying on the ground, with different postures, but the faces are the same, their eyes are dull, looking quietly towards the back of the hall.

 See this scene.

The thieves who were originally very enthusiastic felt like they had a bucket of cold water poured on their heads.

The eyes calmed down a lot in an instant.

 “Shopkeeper, I’m here to explore the way.”

Seeing that the atmosphere was slightly silent, the red girl raised her eyebrows with a dashing and heroic look.

  “No need.”

 Now thousands of miles away.

Even if there are ordinary thieves, even if one person dies, it will be difficult to replace them.

 What's more, let her personally take part in the danger.

“Chen Bantou, let me come. I will be protected by a mirror umbrella, impervious to fire and water, and impervious to darkness and arrows.”

Seeing this, the old foreigner stepped forward and volunteered.

 There is a magical weapon of the same lineage as moving mountains.

 The mirror umbrella has amazing defense and can deter evil spirits.

In addition, he has practiced martial arts for many years, and his skills are just as good as those of the red girl.

On weekdays, the three brothers and sisters go to the tomb, and most of the work of exploring the tomb and opening the way is done by him, so he is quite familiar with it.


 Chen Yulou still did not agree.

 “Let you see a gadget.”


 The group of people looked at each other.

 He had already taken out a pair of paper armor.

It is no more than the size of a palm, and looks like a human being. Its facial features are vaguely visible, and its eyes are even dotted with cinnabar.

 It is surprisingly the paper armor technique of Guanshan Taibao.

 “This... paper man?”

“Is the shopkeeper planning to let it explore the road?”

 Looking at the paper man in his hand, everyone was even more confused.

Even though Kunlun, who had been following him all this time, saw him for the first time, both of them were filled with astonishment.

Partridge Whistle thought of something.

But the paper figure was only the size of a palm and had no Taoist spirit. It seemed far removed from the legendary talisman armor.

 The only one who feels familiar is the red girl.

 That day I was at His Majesty Yun Zangbao.

The shopkeeper took her away from the crowd, opened the underground stone door, and found a few scattered utensils from the skin bag of the ancient corpse.

 If I remember correctly.

 There is this kind of paper figure among them.

It's just that it's different from that day when it was ashes, lifeless, and even a bit scary.

  Seeing each other now, for some reason, she always felt that those two red dots were like a pair of bright red eyes, peeking at everyone secretly.


 Ignore the people with different ideas.

Chen Yulou's mind moved and he drank softly.

 In an instant.

The paper armor that was originally motionless, like a dead thing, actually jumped up from his palm.

 It felt like the wind was rising out of thin air beneath me.

 In an instant, the paper man rose up in the wind. When he landed, he was already more than half a person tall.

 “Ancient color tricks?”

 “Heaven, what kind of spell is this?”

“The shopkeeper is really a god, can a paper man live?”

"I heard that immortals can turn stones into gold and cut paper into human beings. Isn't this... a rumor?"

 Seeing the paper man standing in front of me.

The five senses are present, and the peeing is as real as possible.

 Because of those eyes, they suddenly felt like they were facing a living person.

 Some people thought it was a trick or illusion at first.

 These days, craftsmen traveling around the world can often be seen at temple fairs.

There are many people who are good at ancient color magic. Their hands can change at will, and some can even conjure people out of thin air.

 But now Chen Yulou's paper-man technique seems to be completely different from magic.

 After all, who has ever seen a paper man?

“Is it really a Taoist talisman?”

 Different from the exclamation of a group of thieves.

At this moment, Partridge Whistle's heart was beating, and his expression was a bit unbelievable.

There are endless Taoist magic techniques. According to folklore, the paper-cutting technique used to create a human being is actually the magic of talisman and armor. The person becomes a yellow scarf warrior to summon and protect those who practice Taoism.

At first he thought he had guessed wrong.

 Until this moment, he suddenly understood.

It’s not a Taoist talisman, how many magic methods in the world can be so miraculous?


Chen Yulou seemed to be able to penetrate his mind.

 A faint smile flashed quietly in the corner of his eyes.

The reason why Partridge Whistle could not detect the witchcraft and evil spirit in it was naturally because it was covered by his spiritual energy.

The name Guanshan Taibao, for the people of the four sects, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a blood feud.

 It is best to hide it as much as possible without being exposed.

 After all, Taoist talisman armor is very similar to paper armor.

Unless he is an old monster who has been practicing for decades in Taoist sects such as Longhu and Zhenwu that have been passed down for thousands of years, and his Taoism is unfathomable, few people should be able to see through the truth.


  Following his words.

There seemed to be a ray of light floating in the eyes of the paper man, and his body suddenly became alive. He reached for a wind lantern, crossed the mahogany threshold, and walked straight into the temple.

 See this scene.

Everyone came to their senses one after another, not daring to think too much, and their eyes were chasing the paper figure.

 Follow it as it goes deeper into the temple.

 The wind lantern dispels the darkness.

Those dark shadows were also reflected one by one.

 The first thing that catches the eye are two evil-warming bronze lions, one male and one female.

Then, there are some ancient strange beasts. Even if a few people have seen them before, they can only vaguely recognize the Xie, Jian and Qilin, as well as auspicious signs such as red deer, cranes and elephants.

 Once passed here.

 Those who appear in the light become people.

Looking at the attire, there are civil servants, military generals, and nobles, all standing with their hands hanging down.


These bronze men and beasts are not guarding the throne that everyone expected.

The movements are rather strange. There seems to be some kind of ceremony going on.

 “Welcome the Immortal?”

Hong girl moved her lips slightly and said silently.

Chen Yulou nodded and did not refute. According to King Xian's virtue, his mind was filled with thoughts of becoming an immortal.

 The burial regulations are completely unceremonious.

 But when it comes to him, it seems perfectly normal.

 “Is there a pool?”

The paper man was extremely fast, flying lightly across the ground, passing between the bronze men, and passed halfway through the hall in the blink of an eye.

However, there is a pool standing unexpectedly deep in the palace.

 There seemed to be half a pool of clear water in it.

The light passed by, bringing with it a deep and cold feeling.

Before he had time to think about it, the paper man had already jumped across the water. The fire in his hand cut through the darkness, and a brilliant golden light suddenly spread out in the mist.

There is also a hint of radiant jade.

 “Throne, Jade Dragon!”

 Chen Yulou was born with night eyes.

The eyes are the sharpest.

  I was immediately able to distinguish it clearly from the rainbow light.

At the same time, no one noticed that there was a hint of chill deep in his eyes.

 The reason why I used paper figures to explore the way.

 The biggest reason is that the jade dragon contains lead, mercury and fire. Once the mechanism is touched, it will lead to a narrow escape.

But Huixian Hall is the only way to Xianwangxuan Palace.

 Unless the dome deep in Bitan can be broken.


 Even if you can dive.

 If you accidentally fall into the corpse cave, you will die.

 There is also the most important point.

There is a gold and jade box hidden in the Huixian Hall, which contains one of the three dragon bone heavenly books left by King Wen of Zhou Dynasty to deduce the Muchen Pearl.

 Two more.

 One is in the Longling Mysterious Cave in Gulan County.

 The last one is far away in Heishui City, Xixia.

 King Wen of Zhou Dynasty knew everything about heaven and earth, and was almost like a god. He deduced the Muchen Bead based on the sixty-four hexagrams of Zhou Dynasty, and finally saw the existence of the snake **** in it.

 Because the ancient gods are too amazing.

Even he didn’t dare to show it to others easily, and he didn’t want to let all his hard work go to waste.

So he engraved the deduction results on three tortoise shells in cipher text.

 Things that decipher those ciphertexts.

There are sixteen black jade rings.

 They are all interrelated and cannot be separated from each other.

More than a thousand years have passed from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Qin and Han dynasties, and I don’t know where exactly King Xian got so many ancient artifacts.

 With the power of one person.

 Collected a dragon bone heavenly book and sixteen black jade rings.

 Additional with Muchen Zhu’s words.

 It is definitely a masterpiece.

 “Jade Dragon?”

 “Brother Chen, do you have anything to say?”

  While he was absent-minded, the paper man had already stood still, holding a lantern and standing beside the throne, and the jade dragon entrenched on it was completely revealed.

“Brother Dao, didn’t you notice that there was something wrong with the red light floating in the jade dragon?”

  “…it’s the flowing red spirit liquid!”

  A playful voice came.

Chen Yulou glanced at Hua Ling subconsciously, his eyes showing wonder.

 The flowing Zhu Lingye is another name given to mercury by ancient Taoists.

From these words, we can also get a glimpse of their beautiful imagination of this thing.

 It’s no wonder that so many people died from taking mercury pills.

 “Mercury flowing!”

Partridge Whistle frowned.

The scene I saw in Pingshan before suddenly sounded in my mind.

It is precisely because of the burning of the elixir that the mercury poison seeped into the ground, creating countless poisonous substances, and even gave birth to great monsters such as the six-winged centipede.

“Lead and mercury are more poisonous than centipedes.”

 “Be careful when you go in later.”

 See everyone noticed.

 Chen Yulou then reminded in a low voice.

As early as two thousand years ago, King Xian had expected that someone would come and rob his tomb.

 Set up many traps.

 Just waiting to be buried with him.

Moreover, unlike Pingshan, where one can see through the tomb of King Xian at a glance, it is a place that is so treacherous and difficult to figure out.

 He could only use this method to remind him secretly.

 “Yes, always the leader.”

 You can hear the solemnity in his words.

How dare a group of thieves despise him? They all accepted the order in unison.

 “Let’s go in and have a look.”

 The inside and outside of the main hall are now clear.

Chen Yulou did not waste any time and went straight into the palace at the lead.

Seeing this, others did not dare to let him risk his life. Immediately, six or seven men rushed forward and raised their straw shields to protect him airtight.

Kunlun, on the other hand, was cruising outside with a big halberd in his hand, his usual simple and honest look gone, and his eyes as fierce as a knife.

The remaining people filed in carrying wind lanterns.

Those bronze men were eerily quiet, with strange expressions on their faces, as if they were secretly sizing up outsiders like them.


 It starts with Chen Yulou.

The guys experienced a brief moment of shock and their minds calmed down.

 Just following the shopkeeper's instructions, he did not touch the gold easily, but observed around to know himself and the enemy.

Chen Yulou and the others walked directly across the bronze man formation and the living pool, and stood in front of the throne.

  A throne as tall as a man.

 Made of pure gold.

The amazing flow of colors reflected under the light makes people's hearts tremble when they see it.

 So much gold moved out.

I'm afraid I can buy tens of thousands of acres of fertile land.

However, a few people only glanced at it, and then their eyes fell on the jade dragon.

 The jade dragon carvings are lifelike.

With his head raised and his beard flying, his eyes are like tigers and fish are like scales, and a look of unruliness comes to his face.

Under the crystal clear jade pieces, red liquid mercury floats back and forth.

 “Not quite right.”

“The flowing mercury turns into water when it is hot, and turns into stone when it cools down. Water mist is evaporating here, so it is unlikely that there is an earth fire. Could it be that an earth dragon is buried?”

 The experience of Partridge Whistle is still old.

Looking at the mercury in the jade dragon for a moment, he suddenly murmured hesitantly.

 “Perhaps it’s a fire?”

Chen Yulou suggested calmly.

 “That’s possible.”

Partridge Whistle nodded, and his expression became more solemn, "Brother Chen, if there is really a hidden fire, you have to be a hundred times more careful. When mercury meets fire, it can produce strange poisons."

“Honggu, did you hear that?”

“Take the brothers and look around to see if there are any fire traps.”

Chen Yulou turned around and gave an order.

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

 Among the group of people, Miss Hong has the deepest knowledge of institutions.

 In addition, the girl has a delicate mind and is much more cautious than the guys on the mountain, so it is most appropriate for her to go.

 Wait for her to take the people and leave.

Chen Yulou pursed his lips toward the gable behind the throne.

 “Brother Dao, take a look.”

Hold the wind lantern in your hand forward.

 The flickering light of the fire immediately dispersed the darkness.

The few people who were still looking at Yulong subconsciously looked up.

 Then, everyone looked shocked.

I saw a vast mural painted on the wall.

 In the painting, the fairy clouds resemble the sea, with green smoke lingering, and a real dragon is faintly visible in the clouds and mist.

  But what’s even more astonishing is.

A tall old man wearing a python robe and a golden crown, under the gaze of countless people, is rising into the sky on the body of a dragon.

At the highest point of the clouds and mist, there was an immortal riding a crane, looking at him with a smile, holding his hands to greet him, and behind him there were figures of immortal figures.

 It is a picture of the king ascending to heaven and ascending to immortality.

 The mural design is extremely exquisite.

The dragon's body in the clouds fits perfectly with the dragon's head entrenched on the throne. It seems that the whole dragon comes to life at once.

 “It’s such a big ambition to fly up on a dragon.”

 Throughout the ages, only the legendary Yellow Emperor rides on a dragon.

This Xianwang is a small barbarian king.

How dare you compare yourself to the Yellow Emperor.

 “Without ambition, how could you dare to do this?”

Chen Yulou smiled meaningfully.

 While the two were talking.

 A waiter came quickly with a lantern and said in a deep voice.

"Shopkeeper, Hong Bituou found a forest of steles in the back hall. There is a six-legged bronze tripod in it. It is said that there are traces of saltpeter and ointment. It is suspected of being a fire. I want you to go and have a look."

I have to catch a plane at five o'clock. I'm worried that I won't have time to type when I land tomorrow, so I stay up late and write four thousand and five thousand, which is considered a guarantee. I will try to make a second update tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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