Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 154: The Secret Text of the Heavenly Book of the Sixteen Hexagrams of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 154 The Secret Text of the Sixteen Hexagrams of the Zhou Dynasty

 With a lot of doubts as well as tension and expectations.

Partridge Whistle took a deep breath.

 When his mood calmed down a little, he called out to Hua Ling and Yuan Hong, walked through the dense forest, and rushed towards where everyone was.

 Until I saw a bonfire in the clearing.

The remaining light reflected the tired but excited faces of everyone, and he suddenly realized that it was late, it was already nightfall.

 It gets dark early in the mountains.

 In addition to this deep valley, with deep trees and dense forests, now the mountain fog is shrouded, making it even darker.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

 “Brother Chen…”

 Stride forward, facing that calm face, Partridge Whistle had too many questions.

 So, he didn’t say a word about it.

If it were a living being, it would have retreated long ago under the great terror of life and death, but the corpse cave is just a gap in space. It was only attracted by the snake god's aura on the Muchen Bead, and it wanted to devour it crazily.

 But there were so many things at once that I didn’t know where to start.

The existence of Muchen Bead is a top secret.

By the time the corpse cave rolled into the depths of two ancient trees, before he could spread his ghostly hands, countless people from the chaotic and vicious sand outside him had already perished.

With the help of Tai Sui's spiritual eyes, Chen Yulou took a peek.

 It is hard to imagine that besides what can be seen in this world, there are many other things floating under the water of icebergs.

In the feng shui array of Qian City shrouded in black mist, countless corpses were melted as soon as they entered the cave.

“By the way, Brother Chen, the corpse cave…”

 After all, Tai Sui can help with spiritual practice, but the corpse cave is extremely dangerous.

I dare not say that I am alone in the world.

 But at that moment, just peeking into the corpse cave made him feel terrified.

  Carry it behind you again.


 Half-step golden elixir.

I just felt that it was as dark as ink, and the evil energy in it was astonishing. There were countless shadows like dead souls. Their facial features could not be seen clearly, they had no consciousness, and they were floating back and forth tirelessly.

 But if you look at yourself, you can still take one step ahead and stand here calmly. Anyone who sees it will be amazed.

 It is clearly a gap wandering in the void.

 Taking the wind and cloud wrapper, shaking it slightly and feeling the weight, Partridge Whistle basically understood it.

 After all, I still can’t stop my curiosity.

 Ghost hands kept reaching out, being cut off by the invisible Feng Shui array, and then more tentacles poked out from it.

But the corpse cave is invisible, does not know pain, and acts completely based on instinct.

  Or what it originally looked like.

 Extraterritorial space?

 Or the legendary netherworld?

“There is a Feng Shui array outside the valley, which distinguishes yin and yang, distinguishes pure and turbid, and smears evil sand.”

 Gradually the true nature of the corpse cave was revealed.

 And in the deepest part of the crack.

 At least now, it is not convenient for too many people to know.

 The angle from the cliff outside the valley.

On the contrary, it was Chen Yulou who took off the wind and cloud wrapper from behind with a smile, "Brother Dao, you have lived up to your trust and have not lost anything."

 In the blink of an eye.

 At least, Chen Yulou can walk sideways now as long as he is not an entity like the Ancient God.

  Explain softly.

The feng shui formation strangulation from the city of Zhuo is also becoming more and more shocking.


Ancient tree and old vines are constantly being swallowed by the corpse cave, but the expansion is far from being kept at the speed of being cut by Feng Shui Array.

Chen Yulou had known that he would ask this question.

 My mind suddenly returned to half an hour ago.

 The strong wind is howling, and it is a lifeless and silent place.

 Chen Yulou didn’t see how terrible it was.

 Easily difficult to remove.

 The deeper you go into the valley.

 At best, the terrain is different from other places.

 But it’s like being restrained.

 All things in the world are in conflict with each other.

The corpse cave is weird, but it is restrained by the Feng Shui array.

Like a six-winged centipede, it has occupied the Pingshan Mountain for hundreds of years as a great demon. Even though it is as strong as the Corpse King, it can only compete with it, but it never dares to cross the thunder pond.

 But Ang Qing Ji, even if he has never practiced, can still suppress it.


 Seeing that the Muchen Bead on the top of the ancient tree was getting closer and closer.

The corpse cave seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

 Difficult to make progress.

 It is difficult to make any progress.

Countless tentacles, it seems that all of them have been severed.

It originally occupied almost the entire deep valley, but now it has been reduced to less than 1%. Looking from a distance, only a few feet long gap can be seen faintly, floating in the air.

It’s hard to spot without looking carefully.

 A few steps further.

 The moment when you step into the formation of the city.

 The entire formation was opened, and the corpse cave was completely eliminated.

As for everything swallowed up by the corpse cave, they were all turned into mud, and were blown away by the howling mountain wind in the valley, and disappeared without a trace.

 See that scene with your own eyes.

 Chen Yulou was amazed and also understood the word Feng Shui better.

The Qi is dispersed by the wind, and the boundary water stops.

 It may seem like just a few strokes, but it requires insight into mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, extending from people to the sky and the universe.

Although he had taken Tian Beng at his fingertips, smeared evil sand, cut off Yin and Yang, destroyed life and death, and found out and in, only Chen Yulou himself knew that he was just taking advantage of the time traveler.


 When I go to see it again.

The kind of change that is noticeable even in the slightest.

 It is an experience I have never had before.

“I’m afraid this is also the fate of Dao Dao...”

 Listen to his explanation.

Partridge Whistle finally understood.

He has actually been thinking about how to solve the problem of corpse cave.

It’s just that even if there are countless methods of moving mountains, none of them can restrain it.

“By the way, Brother Chen, have you ever heard of Elder Chen?”


 Chen Yulou nodded.

  "Sanye Zhang is a disciple, senior brother of Mojinmen. If I remember correctly, he should be a monk in Wuku Temple now."


   It was clear to him that Partridge Whistle was not surprised at all.

 Not many people in the world know about Zhang Sanlianzi.

 But Chen Yulou is definitely one of them.

 “Wu Ku Temple…”

I thought about these words again and again.

The original meaning of Partridge Whistle is that if you have a chance, you can go to Wuku Temple.

However, when the words came to his lips, he suddenly remembered.

Now the Muchen Bead has been found.

 The most important thing next is not to ponder Feng Shui, but to practice breaking through the realm to improve strength. He has heard countless stories about how dangerous the ghost cave under the Zagrama Mountain is, orally passed down by his ancestors.

Having Muchen Beads doesn't mean you can sit back and relax.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak, his eyes flickered, and finally became calm again, Chen Yulou could probably guess what he was thinking.

 After all, he is not the variable.

 Follow the original direction.

The partridge whistle has already bowed under the dust gate.

 At this time, we will probably be in the vast desert, looking for the location of Blackwater City.

 “Brother Dao?”

 “Oh...yes, Brother Chen, this is the wildflower plant.”

Partridge Whistle came to his senses and took down the bamboo bag behind him.


 From the moment they appeared at the entrance, Chen Yulou noticed its aura.

Opened the bundle and took a look.

 The majestic and astonishing Qingmu spiritual energy suddenly rushed towards his face.

In an instant, countless names of great elixirs flashed through his mind. They were all supreme Tao elixirs recorded in the Qingmu Gong that could improve cultivation and break through realms and enter the Tao.

“Then… Chen, you’re welcome.”

 Chen Yulou is not polite either.

 Hand the bamboo bag into the hands of Kunlun behind him.

 When he returns from this trip, he will have plenty of time to study alchemy and talismans.

 At that time, I will use these elixirs to try to make elixirs.

 Not only him, Partridge Whistle and Red Girl can also catch the rain and dew.

 “Brother Chen, there is still it.”

Seeing that the two of them had finally finished their conversation, the flower spirit on the side pointed at several strange-looking and unusual herbs in the bamboo basket.     "Is this... immortal grass?"

Looked at it carefully.

Chen Yulou suddenly remembered that outside the village that day, Xigu had described the Immortal Grass to him. It had been passed down from generation to generation in the Wa village and only grew in the holy land of Zhelong Mountain. It was a strange medicine that could bring the dead back to life.

  “That’s it.”

 Hua Ling nodded vigorously.

Seeing her confirmation, Chen Yulou also became interested. He subconsciously took out a plant from the bamboo basket, put it in his hand, and felt the breath of the immortal grass carefully.


 In addition to the medicinal power of Aoki.

 There is another breath in the Immortal Grass.

 It is almost the same as the aura of Meji ghost caused by the ghost release in ancient times.

 According to Western ancient sayings.

 Insect Valley is obviously a place abandoned by the big ghost.

 Why is there such a strong ghost energy in the Immortal Grass?

Moreover, the great medicine for reviving the dead is at least the fairy grass above the seven-leaf old mountain ginseng.


 With the Qingmu Kung Fu, Chen Yulou has a very good understanding of the properties of plants and trees.

 But now I am looking at the immortal grass.

 For the first time, he hesitated.

 “Brother Chen, isn’t that right?”

Seeing that he frowned slightly and remained silent for a long time without speaking, Hua Ling couldn't help but feel uneasy.

 “That’s not the case.”

Chen Yulou shook his head, "I just think it's a little strange. I'll ask Xigu Qiuda again when I get to the village."

“ Chen, look at these.”

 While speaking.

Hua Ling took out a few jade rings that were completely ink-colored and looked like black glaze from the bag.

 Seeing her take it out, Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner all looked over.

They were the ones who took those rings from King Xian’s body with their own hands.

However, even with their extensive knowledge, the three of them could not identify the origin of the ring. They only felt that the style was simple and had a strong aura, and it should be an ancient artifact from the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

“Is there a total of sixteen?”

 Chen Yulou saw it and understood immediately.

 The secret that King Wen derived from the Muchen Pearl was hidden in the sixteen black jade rings.

 This thing can be said to be the earliest cipher text.


 See him and tell him the exact number of rings.

Partridge Whistle and the three people couldn't help but look at each other, their expressions full of surprise.

 “Do you know Brother Chen?”

“Since Brother Dao knows Mr. Zhang, he should have heard of it. He once wrote a wonderful book called The Secret Technique of Yin and Yang Feng Shui with Sixteen Characters.”

“Sixteen characters are actually not randomly determined, but derived from the Zhou Tianquan hexagram.”

“These sixteen rings correspond to the sixteen hexagrams in the sky.”

 Chen Yulou explained calmly.

Except for the patrolling and resting guys around, there are three people at Partridge Whistle, Kunlun, Hong girl, Yuan Hong and Luofu on his shoulders.

 The mind is almost completely attracted.

 Everyone listened attentively.

However, when speaking of this, Chen Yulou suddenly took a photo of Kunlun behind him.

 The latter understood it immediately.

 Take off the backpack behind you.

 Chen Yulou took out the golden jade letter from it and opened it carefully. A tortoise shell with a deep color suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

 “This is...keel?”

 By the bonfire burning behind you.

Partridge Whistle clearly saw strange ancient characters carved on the tortoise shell.

 But it is completely different from bronze inscriptions, large seal script and small seal script.

He has traveled around the world for many years and once heard that there was a gold and stone collector named Wang in the previous dynasty. When he was buying medicine in a drug store, he accidentally discovered writing on the dragon bone.

So I studied it for many years.

 Finally confirmed that the characters on the dragon bone can be traced back to the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

 That kind of mysterious ancient script is also called dragon bone script or oracle script.

 Because most of the dragon bones have obvious burn marks, they were obviously used for divination.


 Epigraphy and stone archeology have always been sworn enemies of each other.

  In the line of moving mountains, the dragon has always seen its beginning but not its end.

 Seldom walks in the world.

 He only heard about this matter.

"That's right...this dragon bone Chinese character should not belong to any kind of characters. I named it the Book of Heaven."

 “Dragon Bone Book?!”

These words seem to have some indescribable magic.

  It shocked everyone’s hearts.

"Then what does Chen Baotou...the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book have to do with the Sixteen Rings?"

The old foreigner was confused when he heard it, and felt a sense of fragmentation that he didn't understand.

“According to Chen’s guess, the ring is the key to opening the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book, and the content of the Heavenly Book…”


Hua Ling has a clear mind and guessed it right away.

However, when the words came to her lips, she suddenly woke up and almost spilled the words. She quickly pointed at the Fengyun Bao carried by her senior brother behind her.


 Chen Yulou is guiding secretly.

 But she was able to think of this in such a short period of time, which must be said to be extremely smart.

 Hear a brief conversation between the two.

 Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner seemed to have an earthquake in their pupils.

Sixteen rings deciphered the Heavenly Book, and the secret text recorded in the Heavenly Book is the secret of the Muchen Bead?

how come? !

The Zagrama tribe is definitely the tribe that knows the Muchen Bead best because they are cursed by ghosts and prophesied by the prophet.


 Isn’t it that the Muchen Bead belongs to the ghost cave?

 Because of the power of forcibly peeking into the ghost cave, will this cause misfortune?

What's more, not even the prophets from thousands of years ago could predict Muchen Bead. He passed away after leaving behind a few last words of "unobservable, unpredictable, and unattainable".

He couldn’t imagine who else in the world could be defeated?

“This...Brother Chen, what’s going on?”

At this moment, Partridge Whistle was in a state of confusion. He thought he understood it well, but until this moment, he suddenly realized that he had never really understood it.

With his character, he would never ask so rashly on ordinary days.

 It was Hua Ling who reacted first.

He calmly pulled down the sleeves of his Taoist robe, and Partridge Whistle suddenly came back to his senses.

 “It’s getting late.”

“You’ve been busy for so long, why don’t you go back to the camp and rest for the night, then talk about it tomorrow?”

 The changes in his expressions and the movements of the flower spirit.

Of course it can't be hidden from Chen Yulou's sight.

 Immediately change the subject.

It would be fine if it were an ordinary thing, but the Muchen Bead... is the eye of the snake god. The Muchen Bead contains the power of immortality. Who knows if the snake **** will curse or spy on you again.

 “This... is naturally the best.”

Partridge Whistle nodded absently.

 Although there is not much news.

 But the content contained in it is astonishing.

It was enough to make him feel confused and sleepless at night.

 Chen Yulou patted him on the shoulder and looked at Miss Hong. The latter understood and immediately stood up, glancing at the Xiling bandits who were resting around the bonfire.

 “The shopkeeper has an order.”

 “Go back to the camp first!”

Once they heard this, although everyone was extremely tired, they still cheered up and carried their bamboo baskets on their backs.

 Look up.

The grass shields and mountain ladders that they brought with them have all been occupied by gold, jade, ivory and other bright objects.

This trip, if nothing else, just talking about the reverse fight, is definitely a huge windfall.


 For Chen Yulou.

The harvest from this trip to Zhelong Mountain cannot be described as valuable at all.

 A group of people took out torches from the bonfire.

 Hurry to the camp along the way you came.

It was like a fire dragon rising across the silent valley.

Chen Yulou walked through it with his hands behind his hands. When he walked out of the gate of the valley, he couldn't help but look back.

  The night fog covers the stars, and the sky and the earth are dark and deep.

 Only the snow peaks stand.

 At this point, Zhelong Mountain’s offering of the King’s Dazang has come to an end for the time being!

 (End of this chapter)

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