Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 174: Deep mountains and great swamps are full of dragons and snakes

Chapter 174 Deep in the mountains and swamps, there are dragons and snakes

 Go through the east gate of Chaoyang Tower.

 Walking through the long streets paved with bluestones.

 I thought it was similar to the ancient city of Nanjian, just a small border town.

To the group's surprise, although Jianshui City was indeed not big, it was lined with high-walled gardens, three vertical and four horizontal, with carved beams and painted buildings, cornices and brackets. The layout of the houses was orderly, and the courtyards were arranged in layers.

 It is clearly an ancient garden that can only be seen in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

In addition, there are the ancient Fenfo Temple pagoda from the Nanzhao Kingdom period, the double-geek seventeen-hole stone arch bridge, and the unique loess palace of the Yi people.


 What surprised them the most.

 There are also academies scattered throughout the city.

“Everyone, do you want to eat or stay in a hotel?”

 Especially go around Fuxian Lake.

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

The shopkeeper was stunned.

If it were a prosperous time, Jianshui City would definitely be considered a paradise.

Those who looked a little further, only thought about risking their lives to gain wealth, then go down the mountain to buy a few acres of fertile land, marry a daughter-in-law and start a business, but they never thought about studying.

 After walking for a day, it’s important to get enough rest and recharge your batteries to face the dangers on the lake.


 This trip is not far away for hundreds of miles.

Among those who passed the imperial examination in southern Yunnan, Lin'an Prefecture accounted for about half, ranking first in southern Yunnan, so it is also known as Lin'an Prefecture.

Therefore, for hundreds of thousands of years, every household in Jianshui City, whether Han, Yi or Wa, is proud of reading.

 Jianshui City has a strong culture of advocating Confucianism and reading, which is one of the best in southern Yunnan.

 Are there any completed eggs under the overturned nest?

 In less than half an hour’s walk, we had already seen four ancient academies.

 After retiring from office, he returned to the city and either built a large academy or taught in a hospital.

 It’s not just to enjoy the scenery here.

 When Chen Yulou heard the shopkeeper speak, he couldn't help but say.

 Hundreds of years ago.

Seeing the cavalry team approaching, the old shopkeeper who was checking the account books in the building did not dare to delay. He took the initiative to take over the responsibility of the shopkeeper and smiled at everyone.

You must know that this situation is rare even in Xiangyin.

Even if it is Chen Yulou, it is rare for him to feel emotional.

 While the lights flickered, the sound of reading aloud was heard.

 For a while, I couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It is precisely because of this.

 Jianshui City is definitely the only place he has ever seen that has such a vision.

"Let's find a place to rest first. The brothers are tired after running around for several days."

 Lin'an Fuxue, Chongzheng, Huanwen, Chongwen.

 Almost across the entire territory of southern Yunnan.

 “Yes, North Sichuan Road…”

I found out after asking a random local.

Chen Yulou casually pointed to a restaurant next to him and said calmly.

 I don’t know why, but listening to the sound of reading coming from the academy felt an inexplicable pressure on them.

This trip to Zhelong Mountain.

 The group of people breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Many people on the mountain still think that they will be content with being rich.

But he reacted quickly.

 Even in today’s troubled times.

Most of the group of people are old people who have traveled far and wide. They have never seen such a scene before.

 “The shopkeeper’s accent sounds like he’s from Sichuan?”

 The trend of reading remains unabated.

 Since ancient times, scholars in Lin'an Prefecture have passed the imperial examination and become officials in the dynasty.

He fled the famine and came to Jianshui City when he was a teenager. More than thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye. His temples have been stained with frost, but his local accent has never changed.

Over the years, he has seen many Han people coming and going.

 Most of them are merchants doing business.

Looking at the heavy bamboo basket on the horse, he had a calculation in his heart.

 The same is probably true for this group of people.

“It should be called Jialing Road now.”

“Yes, yes, Jialing Road, I don’t know why it has been changed all day long. One moment it will be established as a state, another moment it will be rerouted, and in a few years it will be withdrawn again.”

 The old shopkeeper seemed quite dissatisfied with this and muttered in a low voice.

Hearing this, Chen Yulou just shook his head and smiled.

This was the case at the beginning of the Republic of China. The system was in chaos and orders were changed day by day. It was understandable that the old shopkeeper would have complaints.

 It is my homeland after all.

 Change your name every three days.

 I am far away from home, and sometimes I don’t see a single Han Chinese person for a year or so. There are even fewer people who know about North Sichuan Road.

“Hey, let’s talk about these things, everyone, please go in first.”

 After coming back to his senses, the old shopkeeper patted his forehead, smiled apologetically, stepped aside quickly, and invited everyone to enter the building.


 Although it is a meal.

 But there are not many guests in the building.

There are only a few tables and the lobby seems empty.

However, the old shopkeeper still specially invited the group to the second floor and ordered the waiters to make tea.

 Return a favor in return.

 Chen Yulou was naturally not stingy and asked the old shopkeeper to serve the dishes.

                   Since first meeting.

 The old shopkeeper felt that he had an extraordinary bearing, and at this moment he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

 Want to get acquainted.

I personally went to the cellar to get a pot of aged cave.

Seeing this situation, how could Chen Yulou refuse? There is no more suitable person than the old shopkeeper regarding the matter of Fuxian Lake.

 Wait until you have had a few glasses of wine.

Chen Yulou pretended to be curious because of his drunkenness.

“By the way, old shopkeeper, on the way here, Chen heard someone say that the Fairy Lake has not been peaceful in the past few years. What is this situation?”

 Listen to him and ask.

 The old shopkeeper put down his wine glass and sighed.

“The tide rises every year and floods many villages. Those fishermen who depend on the water do not dare to go into the water. There is no peace.”

“Isn’t this Immortal Lake a mountain lake? Why does it have tides?”

 Chen Yulou frowned, indeed a little confused.

 When I entered the city in the evening before.

Standing on the top of the Hezi boat, he specifically looked at the large lake outside the city from a distance.

Fuxian Lake is a vast water area, much larger than the creeks and lakes we saw along the way. However, it is surrounded by mountains and the terrain is low. Logically speaking, there should be no storms and waves.

 “Who says it’s not?”

“I have been coming to Jianshui for thirty years, and I have never seen this scene a few times.”

 The old shopkeeper nodded.

 He is actually more concerned about the situation on the lake than anyone else.

 After all, if you open a restaurant by the lake, the guests will eat the lake’s delicacies.

 But in the past two years, the restaurant's business has plummeted. Not to mention new customers, the old people who used to be in the restaurant also don't come very often.

 There is no other reason.

 The waves are rolling on the lake.

Those fishermen dared not go into the water.

 So, the current situation has been created. Although they are guarding hundreds of acres of lake water, there is almost no fish to eat.

 Sometimes, it’s hard to catch a fish in a net.

Before entering the city, he was robbed by several other companies.

This made him very worried.

Originally, he had just kept these things in his heart, but now after a few glasses of wine, his complaints and dissatisfaction could no longer be suppressed and came out like beans.

 “Could no one check, what’s going on?”

Chen Yulou held the wine pot, filled it for him, and asked.

 “Why don’t you check it?”

"is not it…"

 The old shopkeeper spoke subconsciously.

However, just before he said these words, a gust of night wind blew outside the window, which made him wake up for the most part. Cold sweat dripped on his forehead. The hand holding the wine glass was hanging in the air. For a moment, he didn't know whether to lift it or put it away.

“Old shopkeeper, is there something unspeakable?”

Chen Yulou picked up the wine glass with a smile, drank it all in one gulp, and then said with a smile.

  "This..."    See this.

 The old shopkeeper gritted his teeth and seemed to have decided something.

 “Mr. Chen, please wait.”

As he spoke, the old shopkeeper stood up straight away, and under the astonished and surprised eyes of everyone, he closed all the windows facing the lake, and then returned to his seat.

 Pick up the drink and swallow it in one gulp.

"Mr. Chen, don't blame me for being pretentious. This thing actually sounds scary. The older this person is, the bolder he becomes. If he offends him, the whole family really doesn't dare to gamble."

 The old shopkeeper smiled coquettishly.

 Hear this.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes lighting up.


Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Yulou raised his eyebrows.

 “Dragon King.”

 Compared with his calmness.

 The old shopkeeper struggled to spit out a few words.


 Just three words.

It was as if there was some kind of magic that brought the thoughts of everyone at the table back to a few months ago.

 On the Nanpan River, the bow of the Hezi boat.

The captain of the boat, Bamo, who was smoking a pipe, talked about that past incident.

 What he saw on the Immortal Lake was almost exactly the same as what the old shopkeeper said at this moment.

“You don’t want to talk about this nonsense, old shopkeeper, Chen has also traveled north and south. The river **** and dragon king always bless a place with peace and good weather all year round. There is no one who floods villages or capsizes boats and kills people.”

 “Harm, Mr. Chen, how dare I say such nonsense?”

 The old shopkeeper shook his head repeatedly.

“Sacrificing the river **** at Fuxian Lake is a tradition that lasts hundreds of years. Mr. Chen, you didn’t see the battles in the past years.”

“But since the sacrificial boat was capsized the year before last, there has been no peace on the lake.”

“Tell me, if this is not the Dragon King’s anger, what is it?”

This is the first time Chen Yulou has heard about this.

 On the road before, I had heard about the driver after all, I had never seen it with my own eyes, and the details were far less clear than what the old shopkeeper said.

“Is it because the boat capsized that the river **** was offended?”

 Chen Yulou said thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, the old shopkeeper still shook his head and frowned deeper.

 “If so, things would be simple.”

"But...the sacrificial boat was overturned by the Dragon King. You said this."

 “The Dragon King overturned the sacrificial boat?!”

 This answer.

Rao was also unexpected by Chen Yulou.

Not to mention the people next to him looked at each other in disbelief.

According to the old shopkeeper, the boat was sacrificed to the Dragon King in the lake to pray for good weather. They had been in peace for hundreds of years, so why did they suddenly get angry?

 “Is it a sacrificial ritual that is against the rules?”

Ms. Hong thought about it for a moment and suddenly said.

“Sacrifice to the River God is a major event among major events. Every step must be carefully prepared and considered over and over again. Don’t dare to be careless. How can something go wrong with a centuries-old tradition.”

 The old shopkeeper sighed.

Countless people in various cities and villages around the lake have been thinking about it for several years, but they still can't figure out how they offended the Dragon King.

 Even to the point where it is today.

 Hear the words.

 Everyone’s expressions were even weirder.

Walking across rivers along the way, almost every river and lake has a river god.

But the situation like this on Fuxian Lake is really the first of its kind.

 Generally speaking.

River gods are basically big monsters in the water who have become climates.

  Either a snake, a python, a dragon, or a big fish and a turtle.

 Offer incense.

This can be regarded as something where everyone gets something and complements each other.

 Why does it sound so weird that Lord Dragon lifts the table?

 Chen Yulou tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and he suddenly thought of something else.

"By the way, old shopkeeper, I heard someone said that there was an ancient city on the lake. Is this true or false?"

 “Ancient city?”

The old shopkeeper, who was still immersed in complex emotions, was startled.

“I have heard about the ancient city at the bottom of the lake. As for the ancient city on the lake, is it possible that Mr. Chen is talking about Yinghai Mountain or Liangwang Mountain?”

His tone doesn’t sound like he’s being hypocritical.

 Chen Yulou understood instantly.

It is true that there is unrest on the lake, but the matter of the ancient city on the lake is most likely spread through rumors.

“Old shopkeeper, you keep talking about Dragon King, Dragon King, has anyone really seen it?”

 The flower spirit who has never spoken.

  I asked suddenly.

Hearing this, everyone who was still thinking about it subconsciously fell on the old shopkeeper.

 “How could I not have seen it before?”

 “I personally went with a sacrificial boat and saw it with my own eyes.”

 Hearing this, an invisible fire seemed to be lit in the building.

 On the Nanpan River that day.

The old turtle appeared.

 Only a few people from Chen Yulou saw it.

 Most of the guys are still in the dark.

At this time, hearing the old shopkeeper’s certainty, everyone’s ears stood up and they didn’t even dare to breathe harder for fear of missing any scene.

 “What is the Dragon King like?”

Hua Ling asked with surprise.


 The old shopkeeper hesitated for a while before speaking slowly.

"I remember that the sky was clear that day, and we rowed the sacrificial boat all the way to the lake. The temple was still burning paper to offer sacrifices to the gods. Suddenly the sky turned cloudy, and heavy rain poured down as if it had pierced the sky."

 “A group of people could only run to the cabin.”

“I was young at that time, and I was not afraid of anything. When I entered the ship, I looked back.”

“I saw a black dragon leaning against the bow of the boat through the rain curtain, and swallowed the sacrificial bull’s head in one bite…”

 The night wind howled outside the building.

 I don’t know when it started to rain.

 The rain pattered on the window.

It was so quiet inside the building that the fifty or sixty people were holding their breaths and not daring to breathe. Only the old shopkeeper's old voice with a Sichuan accent kept ringing.

 He was still talking about the past.

Chen Yulou's eyes became deeper and clearer. He looked past everyone, as if he could see through the closed windows and the rain curtain between heaven and earth, and see the lake in the vast night.

So far.

 Many things have actually become clear.

The giant dragon in the whirlpool that Ba Mo saw in the lake back then is the same dragon as the Dragon King mentioned by the old shopkeeper now.

 No more than that.

That's not a dragon.

 It is a dragon that has not yet transformed into a dragon.

 A giant dragon that is more terrifying than the demonic dragon that suppresses the ancient scripture pillar.

 In ancient books, the simplest way to determine the strength of a dragon is to look at the vast area of ​​water they occupy.

 The ancient scripture pillar where the black dragon lives is only ten miles away from the Longtan.

But the dragon here occupies ten thousand hectares of Fuxian Lake.

Which one is strong and which one is weak is clear at a glance.

You must know that the land of southern Yunnan is also known as the Land of Land, with countless rivers and lakes, but there is only one body of water that is wider than Fuxian Lake, and that is Erhai Lake under Cangshan Mountain.

 It can be imagined.

 The giant dragon under the lake is so amazing.

 “Old shopkeeper.”

 Wait until the rain outside the building calms down a little.

Chen Yulou suddenly stopped thinking and took a deep look at the old shopkeeper opposite.

When he saw it, the old shopkeeper felt a sudden change in his heart for some reason. He always felt that what he said next would make him extremely embarrassed.

 Take a few deep breaths in succession.

At this time, he suppressed his emotions, forced out a smile, and said sarcastically.

"Mr. Chen, are you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen to urge them to serve the food quickly."

 “Don’t be in a hurry when it comes to eating.”

Chen Yulou waved his hand.

“I just want to ask, how can I see the river god?”

 (End of this chapter)

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