Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 190: Cutting off the fortune of the 800-year-old dynasty

Chapter 190: Cutting off the fortune of the 800-year-old dynasty


“I am a descendant of the Peng family, and I have been awarded bounty books by successive dynasties. You cannot kill me!”

Peng Ruyang, who originally wanted to muddle through.

 As soon as I heard this.

 The whole person instantly felt like falling into an ice cave.

Yongshun Peng family has been in charge of Beijiang since the Later Liang Dynasty in the Five Dynasties. When its sphere of influence was at its widest, it controlled twenty states, including Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Chongqing. It lasted through the Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

 It lasted for eight hundred years, twenty-eight generations, and a total of thirty-five chieftains.

These are just the names engraved on the copper pillars of the Tusi Mansion.

 After the reform of Tusi, the chieftain seemed to be canceled by an edict.

But the Peng family is still the well-deserved king of this land.

From the moment they chose to attack the city, there was no turning back.

 The Qing Dynasty fell for several years.

With a cold look in his eyes, he interrupted Peng Ruyang who was about to say something. Chen Yulou glanced at Kunlun and gave instructions in a low voice.

 This is also the reason why Chen Yulou asserted his origin.

 Peng Ruyang's forehead was already covered in cold sweat.

 The clothes on my back were soaked with sweat.

 A lift of the wrist.

 Based on his Chen family background.

Not to mention that according to the imperial gold book, the chieftain of the Peng family has long been swept into the garbage dump of history and should not exist in the world.

If we really want to spare Peng Ruyang's life just because of a small profit in front of him today, the disaster that will be laid in the future will only become a sharp sword that will destroy them.

 It may not be much poorer than Tusi Mansion.

What’s more.

 In a matter of seconds.

  Over a hundred decades.


Peng Ruyang, who weighed 100 kilograms, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He picked it up in his hands and dragged it straight outside the chieftain's house.

  Peng’s toast still maintains the tradition of the past.

 The chieftain's mansion that can live here.

 Now is the Republic of China.

 Kunlun immediately took the order.

His whole body was limp, and his eyes were filled with the desire to survive.

Chen Yulou raised his eyebrows and his words were full of sneers.

Chen Yulou shook his head and sneered.

 The chieftain lived in Laosi City, Yongshun, while others lived in Yongding City.


“To buy my life for just a few pieces of gold and silver would be too disrespectful of me.”

 Those two simple words made Peng Ruyang's face look ugly. He finally realized that he had said the wrong thing.

   itself already explains Peng Ruyang’s identity.

 Which court?

The key is.

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”


"Do not kill me."

The people in front of me dare to attack Tusi City at night, kill people and set fires. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are bold and arrogant people. How can such people care about the imperial gold book?

 “No, no, no, that’s not what I meant.”

Song and Yuan Dynasties or Ming and Qing Dynasties?

 “Drag it out, move quickly.”

 Or is it the Yongshun Chieftain Dynasty?

"As long as you spare my life, there is countless gold and silver in the chieftain's house, and I can give it to my husband."

“I am the head of the Peng family. As long as I am given a chance to survive, Peng is willing to offer the position of chieftain with both hands.”

He could never spend all the gold and silver stored in the Chen family in ten lifetimes.

 “The imperial court?”

Feeling the shadow of death, Peng Ruyang screamed at the top of his lungs and kept stating various conditions in an attempt to save his life.


Even though his hissing sound spread throughout the Tusi Mansion in the night, no one was moved.

 Chen Yulou stood with his hands behind his back.

Standing on the stone steps of the Tusi Hall, he stared indifferently at the figure being dragged into the night.


  After a while.

Kunlun threw him to the ground.

 Peng Ruyang, who was pampered and well-off, had no intention of frowning and complaining, but he was selling his conditions harder and harder.

 But he was facing Kunlun.

For Kunlun, no matter how many gold, jade, treasures and beauties there are in the world, they are not as important as the words of the shopkeeper.

 Glanced him coldly.

The eyes are as cold as a deep pool.

 Not even the slightest fluctuation.

 Like a ruthless killing machine.

From that cold face, Peng Ruyang seemed to finally feel something. He gritted his teeth suddenly, struggled to stand up, and ran staggeringly out of the city.



 He had not even taken a few steps.

Kunlun took a step slowly with his right foot, stretched his body like a bow, picked up the spear in his hand and threw it heavily.

 The cold light tears apart the night.

In an instant, he caught up with Peng Ruyang's panicked figure running desperately. With a hiss, the gun tip pierced the back and came out of the lower abdomen without losing any strength.

 The blood-stained wall pierced the blue brick floor with a bang.

 His whole body was nailed to the ground.

The bandits in Xiling are still hunting down the government soldiers who are in a hurry.

Kunlun's shot was seen by countless people.

 Seeing the chieftain die.

The fu soldiers who were still hopeful at first had their last bit of hope completely gone.

 The king is dead.

So what if people like them can survive?

They threw away their spears and knives one after another.

 Kneel down on the ground.


 “There’s a fire in the city!”

 On a high cliff in the valley outside the mountain.

Yuan Hong stood on an ancient tree, looking at the fire that suddenly shot up into the sky in Laosi City in the distance, and couldn't help shouting loudly.


 In the valley under the trees.

Hua Ling, who had been riding on the horse and was always on standby, heard the words and her beautiful eyes lit up instantly.

 Since Chen Yulou and his party left.

 She was waiting for the signal.

 Now it’s finally here.

"Brother Chen and the others must have succeeded... Let's go outside the city to meet them."

Hua Ling is actually very clear about the difficulty of attacking the city, but she has unparalleled confidence in Chen Yulou.

 In her heart.

There is no city gate in the world that Brother Chen cannot break.


 Compared to the valley full of people before.

At this moment, the valley will seem much lonely.

 There are only a dozen or so figures.

To be honest, they were all a little uncomfortable being left behind to take care of them. It was not because they were the first to get there, but because they did not do such a big thing themselves.

 After a while, I returned to the mountain.

 When the other brothers talked about the night attack on Laosicheng and the destruction of the Tusi Mansion tonight, they didn't even have the right to brag.

I can only lower my head and hide in envy.

 But right now…

  While taking advantage of the situation.

Maybe I can kill a few of his mothers too.

 At the age of seventy, I will be able to play a few words.

There are countless chieftains in the three regions of Yunnan, Guizhou and Hunan, but since ancient times, only the Peng family has been worthy of the title of chieftain king.

If this can unscrew the head of the chieftain of the Peng family.

 His name will be spread throughout the world, not to mention the green forests of the thirteen provinces in the north and south.


 Following the word Hua Ling, it fell.

In an instant, the silence of the valley and dense forest was broken by the rapid sound of horse hooves.

Yuan Hong jumped down from the top of the ancient tree. When he was about to land, he grabbed an old vine with both hands, used the momentum to swing, and then landed firmly on the horse's back.

  Quickly catch up with the people in front.

Although there were only a dozen or so of them on this trip.

 But the momentum is not weaker than before.

Even because of the fire that shot up into the sky in the city, he seemed even more confident. He crossed the long bridge over the river and rushed straight to the east gate tower with his horse. at the same time.

 Outside the Tusi Mansion in the inner city.

Looking at the Tusi Mansion caught in the flames, Chen Yulou did not waste any time, jumped on his horse, and glanced at the excited figures around him.


 The whole prosperous ancient city.

 In less than half a quarter of an hour, heaven was knocked down into hell.

 The fireworks soaring into the sky cannot cover up the smell of blood in the night.

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

 The shouting of orders echoed throughout the inner city.

Kunlun was riding on the back of a yellow gelding horse. When he passed Peng Ruyang's body, he suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

  The spear was pulled out from the ground, and Peng Ruyang was also provoked.

At this moment, his face was as white as gold paper, and he was lifeless, but the fear and unwillingness on his face could not be wiped away.

 Hand on a spear.

 Horse through the long streets of Laosicheng.

He has walked on this road countless times. Every time the chieftain drove by, the Miao, Zhuang, Wa, Tibetan, and Yi people in the city would all kneel together.

 Didn’t even dare to raise his head.

 Afraid of offending his chieftain authority.

 But today…

Peng Ruyang probably never thought until his death that he would end his career in this way.

 Inside the wound on the chest.

 Blood dripped all the way.

While passing through the city, someone finally noticed something was wrong. Laosi City was really weird tonight.

 Especially those who have lived in the city for generations.

Have never heard so many gunshots.

 In addition, the sound of horse hooves kept coming and going.

 Some people kept opening the windows secretly and peering down through the cracks.

 “Not a soldier?”

 “Where did these soldiers come from? They are so murderous.”

“Could it be the reinforcements from the chieftain, sent to the front line to attack and kill Anjia’s surprise troops?”

"No way. The chieftain king has been in charge of Yunnan and Guizhou for eight hundred years. When will he need help from outsiders to fight a war?"

"Haven't you heard? Recently, the government soldiers have been arresting people everywhere, and the mountain people in the surrounding villages have almost been emptied."

"Don't dare to talk nonsense. You are gossiping behind your back. Be careful if the soldiers overhear it. You may end up destroying your family."

“No, Grandpa, why do I think the man on the spear is the chieftain...”

  A child's voice sounded.

 The entire wooden buildings on both sides of the long street were silent for an instant.

Everyone stared at Kunlun on horseback with their eyes wide open, or to be precise, at the spear he carried on his shoulders.

 A corpse was strung between the barrels of the gun like a candied haws of sugarcane.


Wait until you can see what the corpse looks like.

 An old man in his sixties or seventies, his whole face suddenly turned pale.

From the trembling white beard on his chin, you can tell how frightened he is at this moment.

 Chest heaving, eyes twitching wildly.

 Swallowed hard.


 “What a great toast.”

 The chieftain was killed? !

 So, the previous gunfire was not that the soldiers were arresting Ding, but that someone was attacking Laosicheng at night?

This thought together is like a wildfire in the mountains. Even if there is no wind, it has the potential to start a prairie fire. It instantly takes over everyone's mind and spreads like crazy.

I seemed to feel the frightened looks from upstairs.

 Chen Yulou, the originator of the terracotta sculptures.

 But there was no intention of covering up at all.

Tomorrow morning at the latest, the news that Laosicheng was attacked and Peng Ruyang was killed will spread throughout southwestern Guizhou.

By then, it will not only be Shuicheng Baima Cave, Sang Zhi Xiangjia, Cili Zhang family, these people will take advantage of the wind and turn into tigers, leopards and wealth wolves, swallowing up the Peng family whales and eating them up.

 The land of Jiangbei.

 Since ancient times, there have been countless toasts.

  But the only one who can be called king is the Peng family.

 One whale falls and all things are born!

 The Peng family was still there, and neither the Xiang family nor the Zhang family dared to take any step beyond their control, and could only succumb to the majesty of the Peng family.

As for settling down in Baima Cave, Shuicheng, it was simply because the two sites were too close together.

 If you don’t take action, you will only end up being gradually cannibalized by the Peng family.

 There is a big battle in the front, and there is a fire in the rear.

 It doesn’t take much thinking to know that the battle will definitely be one-sided.

 After tonight, the landscape of this area will undergo earth-shaking changes.

 This is what he calls breaking the sky.

 ‘Hush! ’

 Gently pulled the reins.

Chen Yulou rode his horse and stopped on the long street.

"The Peng family is unruly and bullies the city. It has occupied Laosicheng for eight hundred years. Today we will act on behalf of Heaven and burn down the chieftain's mansion. We will kill chieftain Peng Ruyang and clear out the soldiers in the city."

“The granaries and medicine shops in the city are now open, and the people in Laosi City can go and get them.”

 His voice is not loud.

But it is sent out with the power of Qi and blood.

 The news spread throughout Laosi City almost instantly.

After leaving behind some words, he did not hesitate and led everyone straight out of the city. After a while, the east city tower door opened wide.

Several guys quickly carried the body to the top of the building.

 Tie with a rope.

 Slowly put it down.


Hua Ling and others who came to meet him happened to see this scene, and their expressions couldn't help but show shock.

 Can be hung outside the city gate.

The identity of that person has been revealed.

 This generation of chieftain king Peng!

However, it has only been more than half an hour since they entered the city. Not only did they destroy the ancient city, but now even the chieftain was beheaded.

 What method is this?

 Rao is a flower spirit who has full confidence in Chen Yulou. At this moment, his face is full of astonishment.

"Don't stand there stupidly. The chieftain is dead. In a few hours, Laosicheng will be in chaos. It will be difficult to leave by then."

 Looking at the figure being hung up the city gate.

 Chen Yulou slowly exhaled.

You should know that after returning home, the strength of the Peng family plummeted. Two hundred years ago, the entire Xiangxi was still under the control of the Peng family.

 At least the Mengdong River area.

 Eighteen Dongzhai are all people of the Peng family.

Now, he actually personally cut off the fortune of the Yongshun Chieftain Dynasty that had lasted for eight hundred years.

 That is to say, he is now dedicated to cultivating immortality.

 Otherwise, if it had been him before, his reputation in the world would have reached an unprecedented level.

 Not only the thirteen provinces in the north and south.

 Transverse from east to west.

Especially in the realm of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Guangxi, he, Chen Yulou, will truly jump out of the fight and become the real co-owner of the rivers and lakes.


The dozen or so waiters responsible for the reception swallowed secretly, unable to suppress the shock in their hearts.

 Thoughts I had when I came out of the valley.

 At this moment, everything has been forgotten.

 Just nodded subconsciously.

 Follow the rear of the team and go eastward along the river embankment outside the city.

 Until the sound of horse hooves completely disappeared into the vast night and deep mountains.

It was only then that the people in Laosi City finally dared to open the door.

They all heard what Chen Yulou said before, but the fear of the Peng family was deeply imprinted in their bones. How could they dare to act recklessly unless they saw it with their own eyes.

A few brave people reached the east city gate in the dark.

 Until he saw the body hanging outside the door clearly.

They were finally convinced that things had really changed in Lao Sicheng.

Countless people cried in grief. Although their ancestors lived in the city, to the Peng family, they were no different from the mountain people who drank blood from their hair.

They are all mere words that can determine life and death.

 Even, compared to the mountain people, they paid heavier taxes.

Now that the mountain pressing on their heads has finally been removed, they can't help but cry with joy.

 “Granary, treasury!”

 “The adult said, let us go and get it ourselves.”

 “Hurry, walk quickly, otherwise it would be a pity to be burned by the fire...”


Some people remembered the words Chen Yulou left before leaving.

With any other thoughts on his mind, he rushed towards the Peng family treasury with all his strength.


 Complete chaos!

 (End of this chapter)

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