Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 193: Traces of the Four Tribes in Xiong'er Mountain Ancient Tombs

Chapter 193 Traces of the Four Tribes in Xiong'er Mountain Ancient Tombs


  Being outside the village before.

I heard the kidnapper talking about his instruction in martial arts training.

 Chen Yulou actually guessed that Zhou Mingyue might have something to ask for.

Now that I see him taking the initiative to speak, how can I refuse?

 I agreed immediately.

He made a gesture of invitation, and then motioned to Huamaguai, asking him to entertain the three Partridge Whistle.

 Although the kidnapper is not very old.

  But he is an individual.

 Especially in dealing with others, he is impeccable.

Seeing him nod, Chen Yulou took Zhou Mingyue, one behind the other, towards the village.

At this moment, the lanterns are just coming on, passing along the lake embankment.

 “Mr. Zhou, please speak out if you have any concerns.”

Seeing this, Zhou Mingyue smiled bitterly. To be honest, he thought he was mentally prepared before coming, but when he was about to speak, he felt like there were so many things at stake that he didn't know where to start.

It is expected that there must be a large tomb in Xiong'er Mountain, and it is not an ordinary ancient tomb, at least it is a royal tomb.

At that time, the earth dragon was raging in Tongtian Ridge, and time was needed to build the Bagua Fort to suppress it.

 Chen Yulou couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

  At a loss of resources.

Zhou Mingyue didn't know yet, but with just three words, Chen Yulou had already sketched out countless plots in his mind.

There is smoke and cold water on the lake, the stars and moon are dim, the water and wind are blowing, and the floating light is shining. Even if it is not as vast as Fuxian Lake or as aura as Xingyue Lake, it is a unique scene.

Xiong'er Mountain Ancient Tomb was indeed mentioned in Xiandun Devil May Cry, but there was no further mention after that. I thought it was just a casual mention after digging a hole, but now listening to Zhou Mingyue's meaning, there seems to be another hidden meaning in this matter.

Chen Yulou shook his head, indicating that he didn't need to be nervous.

 “Mr. Zhou continued.”

 Recalling the records in the book.


Looking calm and quiet.

The hidden spring under the tree is constantly growing, and the red beard tree is also full of life, showing no signs of dying.

Zhou Mingyue then spoke again.

 Hear this name.

Zhou Yuji sat and watched a strange light rising into the sky from the mountains.

Chen Yulou breathed out calmly.

 But he never expected it.

 “Shopkeeper Chen will take care of it.”

 Chen Yulou walked with his hands behind his back.

 Once you leave, there is no chance of returning.

If I remember correctly, Zhou Yuji, the ancestor of the Zhou family, passed by Xiong'er Mountain before going to Tongtian Ridge to live in seclusion. Yin and Yang Duan Gong knew the secrets of Yin and Yang, and his eyes could observe the changes in the wind and clouds.


 Think for a moment.

 I explained it subconsciously.

 He can only go to Tongtian Ridge first.

 As if he had never heard of this mountain range.

 After returning to Zhuangzi, I was finally able to relieve myself of a heavy burden and felt a lot more relaxed.

 When the hidden spring dries up and the red bearded tree dies, the descendants of the Zhou family can enter the tree and burn the earth dragon cocoon with a fire.

 Hundreds of years have passed.

 “Xiong’er Mountain?”

 “At the junction of Henan and Shandong, on the bank of Taihang Mountain.”

 When passing by the foot of the mountain.

 Perception of something strange about him.

On the other hand, Zhou Mingyue, who was following behind him, no longer had the calmness he had before. His brows were furrowed and he hesitated to speak. There was a deep sadness on his face that could not be removed.

“I came to see you this time because I actually want to ask Shopkeeper Chen to go to Xiong’er Mountain with me.”

 Thinking that after suppressing the earth dragon under the red beard tree, it would be too late to go back and get the great treasure of Xiong'er Mountain.

In order to suppress the earth dragon in the red beard tree, Zhou Yuji fought to his death and was seriously injured. He passed away less than half a year ago. Before his death, he left his last words and nailed the dragon's veins with his own coffin.

Chen Yulou nodded, not intending to tell the truth.

"This matter has to start with our ancestors of the Zhou family..."

 As he knows it.

Zhou Mingyue briefly explained the matter.

“The ancestor Zhou Yuji was advised by the white ape to observe the heavenly book on the cliff. In addition, he also had a sword.”

“Seeing something strange in Xiong’er Mountain, our ancestors left behind a team of a hundred people, the Kuzi Army, and asked them to enter the mountain first with their swords in order to find the location of the ancient tomb.”


 Speaking of this, Zhou Mingyue let out a long sigh.

Accidents will happen.

Even though Zhou Yuji has the power of heaven and man, knows the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams, and can drive away gods and ghosts, he cannot escape a single word of fate.

How could he imagine that he would die from an earth dragon?

 And he died.

The connection between Feixian Village in Tongtian Ridge and the people in Xiong'er Mountain has been severed.

 Over hundreds of years.

The descendants of the Zhou family also went back to Xiong'er Mountain and tried to contact the scattered Kuzi army back then, but the team of 100 people seemed to have evaporated and disappeared without a trace.

 The whereabouts of the sacred sword that Zhou Yuji obtained has disappeared.

 This incident has also become a concern for the Zhou family.

 Over the years, the Zhou family has never forgotten it.

However, after so many years, the descendants of the Zhou family living in seclusion in Feixian Village in Tongtian Ridge have long lost the glory of their ancestors and have been declining from generation to generation.

 Coupled with the war and chaos, there have been years of famine.

 Don’t talk about going back to the past.

 It is difficult to find a way to survive.

 The entire Feixian Village now has less than a few dozen people.

And he, Zhou Mingyue, is considered to be one of the most talented people of his generation. His father has very high expectations for him and wants him to repeat the important task of yin and yang.

Before he died, he even told him to return to Xiong'er Mountain to retrieve the artifacts of his ancestors.

Zhou Mingyue did not disobey his father's last orders.

 He has gone to Xiong'er Mountain alone many times.

 But still found nothing.

The last time, he encountered a military disaster on the way. Even though he had many means, his wife and children were restrained. In desperation, Zhou Mingyue could only take his wife and children to go south with the refugees.

 Having suffered many hardships along the way.

While passing through Xiangyin, I heard about the Changsheng Mountain in Chenjiazhuang.

 At the beginning, he actually didn’t want to enter the banker.

 After all, that was Xiling’s territory.

  But when his infant daughter was seriously ill and he had no choice but to remain anonymous, he followed the refugees into Chenjiazhuang and became a tenant.

 According to his original plan.

 Wait until my daughter recovers from illness.

His own side has also returned to its original state.

He took his wife and daughter back to Tongtian Ridge in order to continue plotting against Xiong'er Mountain.

But he never imagined that more than ten years would pass in the blink of an eye, and he would be almost the same as those farmers in the outer city. He would work at sunrise and rest at sundown, carefully tending the crops in the fields.

 Watching my children grow up day by day.

 Like Tongtian Ridge, the Zhou family and others have become farther and farther away from him.

 But Zhou Mingyue knew that some things were destined to be on his shoulders, and he could not decide them alone.

 A few months ago, Chen Yulou asked him to study for Kunlun and Yuan Hongmeng.

For him, who is rich and knowledgeable, passing on knowledge and teaching couldn't be easier, not to mention that shopkeeper Chen specially asked the accountant to withdraw a sum of money for him, which is enough for the whole family to live a better life.

In addition, his identity has not been exposed for so many years.

So Zhou Mingyue agreed without thinking too much.

 How do you know...

 He still underestimated this young master.

 Chen Yulou's thoughts about the city are really unfathomable.

I also blame myself for being greedy for the contents of the cup, failing to control my mouth, making a blunder after drinking, and being exposed for many years.

those days.

 He even thought that his peaceful life for many years was coming to an end.

Even if shopkeeper Chen doesn't have murderous intentions, he will never tolerate a descendant of Yin Yang Duan Gong living beside the bed, hiding his name for many years with ulterior motives.

 But things were beyond his expectation again.

 He was already prepared to be kicked out.

I just feel sorry for my wife, children and children.

 Unexpectedly, apart from being stared at for a while, the events of that day seemed as if they had never happened.

He even turned around and took people to southern Yunnan.

  I didn’t return until today. Zhou Mingyue thought over and over again and finally decided to show off.

Today's Feixian Village is no longer what it used to be. The three thousand cave soldiers under the ancestors are also walking to death.

 In addition to asking Chen Yulou to help.

He could think of no other way to find the relics of his ancestors and deal with the earth dragon under the red beard tree in his lifetime.

 “Mr. Zhou, are you in a hurry?”


I heard Chen Yulou’s sudden words.

Zhou Mingyue, who was still immersed in the past, couldn't help but be startled.

“Chen asked, was Xun Si Dao worried about suppressing the Chixu tree?”

  …"It's not too urgent."

Zhou Mingyue hesitated, shook his head and said.

 After all, hundreds of years have passed.

There are ancestor coffins suppressing them under the red beard tree, so those earth dragons won’t be able to break out of the ground for a while.

"That's good."

 Chen Yulou nodded.

Ever since he learned Zhou Mingyue's identity after drinking that time, he actually wanted to go to Tongtian Ridge, especially the red beard tree, which was even considered by him as a candidate for Aoki's true form.

 But after the trip to Zhelong Mountain.

  Integrated with the Ten Thousand Years Tai Sui.

 The true body of Aoki has been successfully cast.

The Red Beard Tree seems to be of little use to him, but...the Red Beard Tree is an ancient sacred tree. Wherever it takes root, the underground dragon energy within hundreds of miles will swallow it up.

 The one in Tongtianling.

  Lived for at least a few thousand years.

 The dragon energy contained in it is unimaginable.

If it can be incorporated into the true body, it will also be of great benefit to practice.

in addition.

 What he likes most is the Book of Heaven that Zhou Yuji obtained after being pointed out by the White Ape.

 Five elements and eight trigrams, yin and yang secrets, exorcism of gods and ghosts, and phase assessment.

 Especially the third one.

 The art of exorcising gods and demons is hard not to make people excited.

Otherwise, before leaving Chenjiazhuang that day and setting off for southern Yunnan, Uncle Yu would not have been secretly told to send a few confidants to search for the location of Tongtian Ridge deep in the Taihang Mountains.

Now that Zhou Mingyue comes to visit, it is naturally the best thing.

“It’s not a shirk, but Chen will need to travel far away for a while, and it will be difficult to return home in a while.”

"If Mr. Zhou is not in a hurry, how about we wait until I come back to discuss this matter?"

Chen Yulou discussed in a warm voice.

 The distant destination he mentioned was naturally the Kunlun Mountains.

 A trip to southern Yunnan took almost three months, and Kunlun Mountain was far away in the West Pole. In this era, the distance was unimaginable.

 So even he can't guarantee how long it will take to come back.

 “That’s natural.”

“Shopkeeper Chen is busy first, Zhou is not in a hurry.”

Seeing that he didn’t refuse outright.

Zhou Mingyue's hanging heart has actually fallen back into his stomach.

Now that he heard this promise, he felt even more relieved.

 “Then let’s just say it.”

“When Chen is done with his current affairs, he will definitely go to Xiong’er Mountain with Mr. Zhou.”

 It’s not just him.

Chen Yulou also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was still early at this moment, and the sound of singing and singing was still coming from the night sky behind me. Different from the noise outside the city, the lakeside was quiet and natural.

 The two of them talked all night along the lake embankment.

“I’ve always read in books that one day is like three autumns, but today Zhou finally understood.”

“In just three months, shopkeeper Chen’s achievements in Feng Shui have made Zhou even forget about the item.”

They walked along the plank road in the middle of the lake and walked into the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Looking at the water shrouded in night, Zhou Mingyue couldn't help but sigh.

Having been in Chenjiazhuang for many years, he actually knows the methods of the Xiling family very well.

 Feng shui is not Xiling's specialty.

In the past few years, before Zhou Mingyue's identity was revealed, Chen Yulou often asked him for advice on Feng Shui.

 The same is true tonight.

Moreover, compared to the previous secretiveness, now that the identity is revealed, the barrier disappears.

Just a few simple words can already make Zhou Mingyue amazed.

 “Mr. Zhou, you’re welcome.”

Chen Yulou waved his hands and said modestly.

Zhou Mingyue never imagined that he had already integrated the mausoleum genealogy along the way to southern Yunnan.

The Zhoutianquan hexagram is supposed to outperform the acquired hexagram.

As far as the art of Feng Shui is concerned, except for a few people from the Touching Gold lineage, there are few people in the world who can steadily suppress him.

"By the way, Mr. Zhou, Chen has heard from his father before that there are many strange people in the martial arts world. In addition to the four sects that touch the golden hills and move mountains and mountains, there are countless families."

“It’s just that, except for Mr. Zhou, I have never seen anyone else so far. It’s a pity that we can’t meet him.”

 Chen Yulou put it simply.

Zhou Mingyue immediately heard what he meant.

“That’s true, but the Zhou family has lived in seclusion in Tongtian Ridge for generations and doesn’t have much time to travel around the world.”

 After a pause, he continued.

“However, many years ago, when Zhou was fleeing south, he encountered a severe drought. Outside Suizhou City, he saw a group of people setting up drought bone piles and burning drought demons. Those people had strange methods, and they must be members of my generation.”

 Driving bone piles.

  burn the drought demon.

Just these two sentences.

 Chen Yulou understood immediately.

The person he saw outside Suizhou City may be a descendant of King Kushi.

Like Yin Yang Duan Gong, Kushe Dharma King was also one of the inverted fighting families that appeared in the Ming Dynasty.

Members of this sect, because they inherit the Taoism of Longhu Mountain, are best at subduing demons and suppressing corpse disasters.

 Just, hundreds of years have passed.

The real King Kushir Dharma has long since disappeared from the world.

On the contrary, most of them are just fake people, using the guise of King Kushi to deceive and deceive people everywhere.

After all, the Kushi lineage can actually be traced back to the ancient Kushi kingdom thousands of years ago, and all the Kushi Dharma kings have titles.

However, Zhou Mingyue was able to say it so cautiously.

There should be descendants of Kushi outside Suizhou City.

 This way.

 Fight against the four major families.

Taibao Guanshan lives in seclusion in Qingxi Town, Wushan, Duke Duan of Yin and Yang lives in Feixian Village, Tongtianling, Dharma King Shenlong has disappeared, and only General Jiuyou has disappeared.

  I don’t know how I will travel around the world in the future.

 Have you ever had the chance to meet a member of this tribe?

 Suppress the river and subdue the dragon.

Just these four words can give you a glimpse of General Jiuyou's abilities.

In this world, there are countless people who are looking for dragons, but there are only a few people who can slay them and subdue them.

 There are clear written records in history that all those who cut off the dragon's veins were Feng Shui masters.

 “They are all old people.”

 “The people of the four tribes have long lost their former glory.”

“On the contrary, the Xiling lineage is becoming more and more prosperous, which is enough to see the methods of the Chen family in successive generations.”

 Seeing him seemed quite interesting.

Zhou Mingyue's eyes were filled with bitterness.

At that time, each member of the four clans received an imperial title, especially the Guanshan Taibao, who suppressed the four factions and almost completely turned the four clans into smoke, but now they have disappeared without a trace.

 As for the other three doors.

Finally, Zhang Sanlian came out of Touching Gold. There has been no news about Faqiu for hundreds of years, and Partridge Whistle struggled to support the move of mountains.

 Only Xiling is thriving.

 Even beyond all previous generations.

 “Mr. Zhou praised...”

 Chen Yulou also didn’t expect that his casual words would cause him to feel sad.

Immediately changed the topic and forcibly moved the subject away.

“With such a good opportunity, why not take a sip and walk around, Mr. Zhou, go to Guanyun Tower, and take advantage of this good mood to stay drunk until you return.”

 (End of this chapter)

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