Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 216: The sting of dragon and snake is heavily encrypted

Chapter 216 The Sting of the Dragon and Snake is heavily encrypted

 Outside Wuku Temple.

Countless green bamboos stretch for kilometers.

 The locals call it Laoling Bamboo Sea.

The mountain wind blows by, and the sound of bamboo leaves is like turning the pages of a book. There are mountain springs, streams, ancient pavilions and chess tables in the forest. Occasionally, you can see stone tablets, all left by ancient hermits.

Liao Chen took a group of people with him.

 Wandering through the bamboo sea.

They didn’t stop until they reached the ancient pavilion.

It can be seen that the bamboo pavilion is quite old, and the thatch covering the top has been soaked and rotted by the rain.

 There is only a stone table and a few stone benches in the pavilion.

 Sit down and you can overlook the bamboo sea and listen to the gurgling stream.

 “Come, please take a seat.”

 Just look at the whole world.

With this joke, the tense atmosphere in the pavilion suddenly eased a lot, and Chen Yulou took advantage of the situation and asked.

Sometimes I would sit there for most of the day, reading a book of scriptures, listening to the wind and admiring the moon.

 Several objects fell on the stone table one after another.

 From front to back, use two Bagua directions to place the stone.

Looking at Partridge Whistle with an eager face, Liao Chen waved his hand and motioned for him to sit down.

Chen Yulou immediately noticed that the breaths behind him were disturbed.

In just a few days, I found a way to decipher the Book of Heaven.

 Just let a few people sit down.

The words just fell.

“Senior, has there been any progress since you left seclusion this time?”

 He ​​knew very well how much these two words shocked the three brothers and sisters of Partridge Whistle. After all, even he could not hide his amazement.

 Looking at the green jade-like scenery around him, Chen Yulou couldn't help but joked.

 It’s just that subtle change.

Only then did Ling Chen get a glimpse of the door.

  Without any concealment, he nodded.

 There are very few people in the world who are more outstanding than him.

There are sixteen rings, but there is almost no difference from the outside. However, on the inside of the ring, there are small characters carved one after another.

 But the purpose of coming here today is obviously not to enjoy the scenery, but to enjoy the scene here without outsiders disturbing me.

 At this moment.

 Elder Liao Chen is indeed Mr. Zhang’s most proud disciple.

This bamboo sea has become his favorite place for leisure.

 Liao Chen already knew the group of people very well.

“Hahaha, little friend, I was joking. The Chen family is located in the land of three Hunan provinces and four rivers, and there are 800 miles of Dongting. In terms of scenery, Kuanglu Mountain is even worse.”

 I saw him moving the fingers of his hands rapidly.

 In the past few years, when the mountain was relatively quiet, hermits would often come here to make tea, play chess, and sit and talk. Unfortunately, this scene has not been seen for many years.

 “Senior, what does the dragon bone say?”

"These days, Lao Na has sorted these sixteen black jade rings one by one according to the sixteen-character Yin and Yang secret technique, and finally found a possibility."

 “Don’t be impatient, come sit down and talk slowly.”

The ring, which was originally randomly and messy, was also rapidly changing its position.

The mountain folk also tried their best not to disturb his sitting meditation.

 Among all the people, Chen Yulou deserves to be the number one regardless of his temperament and means.

 Compared to the Partridge Whistle Master, the three brothers and sisters were more uneasy.

“Senior has found a good place, with such scenery, I want to move there and be a neighbor.”

 It is clearly a dragon bone variant, a sixteen-ink jade ring, and a set of paper and pen.

 Stayed in the temple for so many days.

  It will be much calmer once you get rid of the dust.

 Then the cuffs of the long sleeves of the toga twitched slightly.

  After finishing the practice here.

 “I do have some ideas.”

  After doing all this, Liao Chen did not stop. He spread out the white paper he brought with him, held the brush, and quickly wrote a line of words.

"This is…"

Waiting for him to put pen to paper, the ink will dry in the shade.

 When turning the page over and pushing it in front of two people.

Partridge Whistle's mind was refreshed, and he didn't dare to think too much. He leaned over and looked over seriously.

 One on the left and one on the right of the paper.

 It is painted with patterns on both sides.

 It is clearly the innate Bagua and the acquired Bagua.

  A note is made in regular characters on the side.

 However, he knew all the words on the paper, but putting them together made him feel inexplicably obscure.

 “Heaven, earth, people, ghosts, gods, Buddhas, demons and animals.”

 “Shooting the town and fleeing things into the yin and yang emptiness?”

As Partridge Whistle chanted in a low voice, the look of confusion on his face became thicker.

 “This is Zhou Tian’s sixteen characters.”

 Chen Yulou explained softly.

 “Do you know, little friend?”

 Liao Chen's heart moved, and his eyes were full of surprise when he looked at him.

You must know that since the death of the master, he is the only person in the world who understands the complete sixteen characters.

Zong is the second junior brother Jin Abacus.

I only know a lot about Feng Shui, but I also know nothing about Yin and Yang in the second half of the volume.

All this is because Zhou Tianquan Gua has long been discontinued.

At that time, Mr. Zhang Sanye robbed a large tomb of the Zhou Dynasty and obtained a bronze vessel recording the Zhou Tianquan hexagram. After many years of painstaking study, he obtained the bronze artifact.

  Finally, sixteen characters were deduced from the Zhou Tianquan hexagram.

As far as he knew, the Xieling sect specialized in weapons, similar to the Taoist Bishan Taoists, and was not good at Feng Shui.

 Unexpectedly, Chen Yulou was able to tell the truth straight away.

 How not to amaze him?

“My predecessors didn’t know something, but I have a close friend who is a descendant of Yin Yang Duan Gong. Chen has been very interested in Five Elements Feng Shui since he was a child. He often asks for advice, and he has achieved success in his studies.”

“Yin and Yang Duan Gong? But that Zhou Yuji from the Ming Dynasty?”

 Lochen nodded first.

 Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, and asked with a hint of surprise.


 “Senior’s knowledge is truly astonishing.”

 Four gates and four tribes.

 Except for the Guanshan Feng family, the reputation of the other three families is actually not very high.

 What’s more, it was an ancient incident hundreds of years ago.

Most people don’t know everything about it, but they have never heard it.

 Lie Chen has retired from the world for so many years.

  It can still be so clear.

 It can only be said that his vision and insight are indeed far beyond ordinary people.

“It is said that Zhou Zongbing once shot a tiger to save an ape and was able to read the heavenly book. Now it seems that this rumor is not groundless.”

 See him for confirmation.

 Liao Chen was even more amazed.

Back then when he was still in the sect, he heard Mr. Zhang talking about the four major families that were fighting against each other.

“Chen doesn’t know whether the ancestors of the Zhou family have a book on the sky, but Mr. Zhou’s attainments in Feng Shui are indeed extraordinary.”

 Chen Yulou responded ambiguously.

 His understanding of the sixteen characters.

 Most of them naturally come from the original works.

Of course, the mausoleum genealogy obtained from the mountain-watching Taibao in Pingshan also covers the Zhou Tianquan hexagram, but it is slightly different from the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret technique.

"I see."

 Lie Chen nodded.

  Stop worrying about this matter.

 Hand pointed to the black jade rings placed in order on the stone table.

“These rings correspond to the sixteen characters of the Zhou Dynasty one by one, and then with the help of Yin Yang Bagua and Five Elements calculations, we can decipher the secret text of the heavenly book on the dragon bone.”

 “We have also thought of this.”

 Chen Yulou nodded.

It is recorded in the Book of Heaven that King Wen of Zhou obtained the Muchen Bead, and the black jade ring was the decoder for deciphering the cipher text.

 He had known this for a long time.

 The problem is that having a decoder is not enough, you must also know how to use the decoder.

 The method is the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique.

This is why they traveled thousands of miles from Chenjiazhuang, Xiangyin, to Wuku Temple to look for him.

 After all, it is the whole world.

 Liao Chen is the only person who knows the sixteen characters.

As for the yin-yang-eyed Sun Guofu, I dare not say whether he is still alive today, and even he only received half a volume of secret techniques.

"Following this idea, I repeatedly calculated with the help of sixteen characters, and finally figured out a few characters." "I dare to ask senior, which ones are they?"

 Heard what Chen said.

 The four people who came to the bamboo sea with him all had surprise on their faces.

 Lou Chen's fingers passed across it, and finally landed on the cryptic texts on the far right side of the dragon bone.

 “The sting of the dragon and snake!”

 “The sting of the dragon and snake?”

 Hearing these words, an indescribable strange emotion suddenly spread in the hearts of the four people.

Even Chen Yulou is like this.

He even thought he heard it wrong, so he asked again specifically.

 Then I picked up the pen and wrote in the blank space of the paper.

  Still the sting of the dragon and the snake.

“Senior, I have only heard of the inchworm’s flexion in order to gain trust, and the dragon’s and snake’s sting in order to survive.”

Chen Yulou frowned.

 After thinking hard for a while, I finally spoke.

Even though he has a lot of knowledge and a strong memory, he only wants to get this sentence at the moment.

“Does this dragon bone secret text refer to it?”

Hearing what he said, the three brothers and sisters of Partridge Whistle on the side were silent and did not dare to speak, for fear of disturbing their thoughts.

As a member of the Zagrama clan.

 For thousands of years, they have maintained the purest bloodline.

Even though they migrated all the way to Peacock Mountain in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

 Be able to read and hyphenate characters.

 But in terms of understanding of ancient culture, he is still far inferior to Chen Yulou.

 At least when faced with the sting of a dragon and a snake, without understanding its profound meaning, for a moment, one is completely confused and at a loss.

“Shopkeeper Chen is really knowledgeable.”

 See what he says is in order.

 The ancient Chinese sentence patterns are at your fingertips.

 Liao Chen looked at him with more admiration in his eyes.

Originally, he only felt that the mentality and methods of this generation of Chen family bosses were far beyond ordinary people.

did not expect.

He is also so profound in his calligraphy attainments.

 Yi Shu is obscure and difficult to understand.

 It is simply impossible for someone who has not studied painstakingly to blurt out something like this.

“This sentence comes from the Book of Changes. It says that dragons and snakes hibernate in winter to cope with the weather and preserve their lives.”

  “However, this should be an allusion.”

A brief explanation of the true meaning of these four words.

 The dust has not stopped.

 Instead, he continued to tell his speculations to a few people.

“Lao Na has seen it and found out that this square dragon bone is at least an antiquity from the Pre-Qin era, which can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou dynasties. At that time, the sting of the dragon and snake actually referred to King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou.”

“Furthermore, it is recorded in historical records that King Wen was restrained and performed the Book of Changes.”

“So Lao Na guessed that this thing may have been left by King Wen, or at least related to him. Also, this dragon bone seems to be a fragment, and there should be more than this one.”


 Lie Chen spoke neither hastily nor slowly.

 Looking calm.

 It seemed like he was just giving lectures and reciting lectures.

 But when he heard the assertion in his last sentence, Chen Yulou felt like there was a thunder in his mind.

 You can guess this step just by deciphering the four characters "dragon and snake sting".

I can only say that my worldly knowledge is indeed extraordinary.

But if it were just that, he wouldn't be so shocked. The most important thing is the fragments, which suddenly reminded him of the piece taken from the Western Zhou Dynasty tomb in Longling.

 If I remember correctly.

 Professor Sun, also known as Feng Xuewu, after deciphering the dragon bone.

 It was named "Fengming Qishan".

 In the past, he only thought that it was just Professor Sun's way of doing things.

 But now we connect the two together.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but have an extremely bold idea in his mind.

The phoenix sings in Qishan, and the dragon and snake sting.

 They all praise the major events of King Wen's era.

The key point is that everyone knows these allusions, and they seem to have nothing to do with Muchen Bead.


 Is there a possibility?

The cipher text of the Dragon Bone Book is not as simple as it seems at all, but is heavily encrypted.

“Senior, based on the current deciphering speed, how long will it take for this keel to be fully written?”

 Think of this.

 Chen Yulou's heart sank, but his expression showed nothing, he just asked calmly.

 “There are sixteen characters to deduce, up to three days.”

 Liao Chen hesitated for a moment before giving an answer.

 Three days?

 Hearing this time limit, Chen Yulou nodded.

Based on his understanding of the dust, he said that it could be completed in three days at most, or about two days.

 He can still afford to wait for two or three days.


“Then please help me, senior, to decipher the cipher text as soon as possible.”

"No trouble…"

 Zhaochen waved his hands.

He has retired from the world for many years, and is accustomed to the days of green lanterns and yellow scrolls, chanting Buddhist scriptures, and has not used the secret technique of 16-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui for a long time, but now he can practice it.

 For him, it’s not all bad.

After agreeing, Liao Chen took a deep look at him.

 Although we didn’t get along for a long time.

But he thought he had a fairly thorough understanding of Chen Yulou's character.

Although this boy is not very old, he is neither impatient nor impatient when things happen, and is as steady as a rock. He is obviously a little abnormal at the moment.

 “What are you worried about, little friend?”

Facing Chen Chen's bright eyes, Chen Yulou couldn't help but shake his head.

 “I knew I couldn’t hide it from my seniors.”

“I just feel that this variant letter may not be as simple as it seems.”

 He briefly stated his guess.

Of course, the chapter about Fengming Qishan has been specially concealed.

 After all, of the three keel bones, only the first one has been released so far, and the remaining two are hidden in Longling and Heishui City respectively.

 “That’s why I asked you, senior, to hurry up.”

“If the secret text records are indeed nothing more than praising the merits of King Wen and King Wu, then it can be verified that Chen’s guess is correct.”

 “The sting of a dragon and a snake, a flying bear entering a dream?”

 Listening to his casual allusions, even Lao Chen couldn't help but feel a bit of anticipation.

 “Okay, I will go back to retreat now.”

Having said this, he said goodbye to a few people without further delay, declined their farewell, turned around, and walked quickly in the direction of Wuku Temple.

 If it is true as Chen Yulou guessed.

There must be a huge secret hidden in this dragon bone.

 The design of the Heavenly Book based on the Zhou Tianquan hexagram was enough to surprise him. If it were double-encrypted, the challenge would undoubtedly be even higher.

I kept watching him disappear into the vast sea of ​​bamboo.

The three Partridge Whistlemen, who had been silent for a long time, finally looked away and their eyes fell on Chen Yulou.

 The entire conversation.

 They couldn't even get a word in.

 Hua Ling and the old foreigners know nothing about Feng Shui. To them, it is nothing more than a heavenly book.

But the one who was hit the hardest was Partridge Whistle. He spent a lot of time studying in Chenjiazhuang and asked Zhou Mingyue for advice all day long, but he was still like this.

“Brother Chen, you just told Senior Chen about the secret message...”

 “It’s just a guess for the time being.”

 From his tone, Chen Yulou could guess what Partridge Whistle was thinking.

 Shaked his head, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

“When Senior Chen deciphers the entire article, we will know the truth and falsehood.”

 “What if it’s true?”

Hua Ling finally reacted, biting her red lips, her beautiful eyes full of worry.

 She couldn't understand.

  Why is it that even though I have obtained the Muchen Bead, I still have many difficulties?

 “It really doesn’t matter.”

“Having sixteen characters means you have mastered the method of using the key. At most, you can just change your thinking.”

 (End of this chapter)

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