Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 225: Seal of the Miao King, Ancestor of the Cave People

Chapter 225: Seal of King Miao, Ancestor of the Cave People

 “Bad thing.”

 “It’s a wave of Gu insects!”

Almost at the moment when the rustling sound started.

 The expressions of the two guys changed drastically.

 They have been in Chenzhou for many years, and they are very familiar with the name of Basu.

It is said that this man was born in Dongzhai and joined the sect since he was a child. However, because his methods were too cruel and he used living people to feed gu, he was not tolerated by others. In a rage, Basu killed everyone in the sect, and then burned them all to the ground. .

 After settling in Chenzhou.

 According to the rules, no matter how big the dragon crosses the river, it has to worship at the top of the mountain.

As for the local snakes in the city, they are nothing more than the two thunder altars of Jinzhai and Huzhai.

But Basu had a perverse personality and cruel methods. He actually stripped off the skin and flesh of the reincarnation of Lei Tan, fed Gu insects with essence and blood, and finally died in endless pain.

This scene also completely angered the two thunder altars.

 It is rare for both sides to join forces.

Each of them sent their masters to strangle Basu.

 At the same time, he also used other people’s heads to kill chickens and scare monkeys.


No one expected it.

Those dozens of people were swallowed up by the endless tide of insects without even being able to break through the gate of the house.

 It is said that the ferocity of the scene left those who watched the battle in a lifelong nightmare.

 Since that day.

The two major thunder altars never mentioned the matter of worshiping the mountain and being strangled.

 By default, Basu started a new business in Chenzhou.

From that day on, Basu became known as the Insect Demon, and rumors about him became more and more widespread. It was even rumored that he was born from the belly of an insect and could only control all the insects.

 Arose as a result of rumors.

 There is also the supreme reverence for Basu.

Even the house where he lived became a forbidden area in the city.

 It makes people’s expression change.

 Would rather take a detour than pass by the door.

 Neighbors all around have moved out one after another, for fear of being devoured by a wave of insects when they wake up.

The two guys were sent by the Chen family many years ago. They originally just wanted to expand their business, but the two major thunder circles were too powerful and intertwined to intervene.

 Having no choice but to close the shop and return to Chenjiazhuang.

Although this trip is back to this place after many years.

 But the fear of insect demons has long been deeply rooted in his bones.

At this moment, as soon as I heard the strange movement around me, the horrific memories from many years ago suddenly surged up from the depths of my heart like a tide.



 It is different from the two people who are panicked.

 At this moment, the old foreigner showed extremely calmness.

First he took out his mirror umbrella and opened it with a swipe to protect the front of his body.

at the same time.

The corner of his eye glanced at the three people behind him, and he shouted in a deep voice.


Awakened by his shout, Yang Fang was not slow and immediately took out the fire sickle and rubbed it against each other.


 A flame ignited, and the light dispersed the surrounding darkness.

By the light of the fire, the old foreigner subconsciously looked sideways and saw that the courtyard was overgrown with weeds and shrubs. It seemed that no one had taken care of it for a long time. It was just an abandoned house with no habitation.


At this moment, countless insects appeared among the weeds.

 It was almost completely different from what he had seen before.

Those bugs are absolutely disgusting.

Like a viper, it is as dark as ink, like a centipede, but its body is covered with scales, like a scorpion, but its body is as scarlet as blood.

At a glance, there are thousands or hundreds, which is simply countless.

 The most terrifying thing is.

 He noticed an astonishing toxicity in those insect poisons.

 The stench reaches the sky.

As if he smelled the blood on them, the tide of Gu insects was like crazy, rushing in from all directions.

 “It’s indeed a poisonous insect.”

 The old foreigner frowned.

Before Pingshan, the three brothers and sisters walked between western Hunan and southern Xinjiang for several years in search of the tomb of King Yelang.

I have seen too many Miao magic.

 The most amazing thing is raising gu.

  Especially in those old villages in the remote and desolate mountains where the world has ended, the voodoo techniques spread are even more evil.

At this moment, looking at those strange insects, he immediately understood that the rumors about Basu in the city were true.

 “Everyone stands still!”

 “Hide behind the umbrella.”

The horror of man-eating bugs flashed through his mind, and the old foreigner let out a low drink.

 Then he gently picked up the gourd with the fingertips of his left hand.

There was only a pop sound, and the cork popped out of the gourd mouth.

 A line of strange-colored smoke suddenly sprayed out from the gourd's mouth.

at the same time.

Yang Fang and the other three also smelled an indescribable smell permeating the surroundings.

 It seems to be a refined medicine stone, or like countless spices mixed together.

 Indescribably strange.

 But as soon as the smell dissipated, the Gu insects surging in the surrounding darkness seemed to have sensed something terrible, and their rustling stopped.

 Looking at the wall.

  All with fear.

 “Hmm? That’s really useful!”

Yang Fang, who had already grasped the magic whip and was about to charge forward, couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on his face when he saw this situation.


 “The insect tide has stopped.”

 Two extremely nervous guys looked incredulous at this meeting.

Even the two major thunder altars were helpless against the Basu Gu Insect. Unexpectedly, the old foreigner actually had a way to deal with it.

I heard three people exclaiming.

 The old foreigner did not dare to relax at all.

A pair of eyes stared at the surroundings.

 At the moment, it can only be explained that the gourd Chinese medicine can deter the insect tide, but whether it can kill the worms is another matter.

 It can be seen from their movements.

At this moment, the insect tide is just standing still, but it has not receded.


 The two sides are confronting each other.

 When the atmosphere is so gloomy that it almost drips with water.

A harsh flute sound suddenly came from the darkness in the distance.

 At the moment when the flute sounded.

The tide of insects, originally frightened by the powder, instantly became crazy, scurrying back and forth, and the rustling sounds were even more alarming than before.

 “Bad thing…”

 See this situation.

 How can old foreigners not understand?

 This is to bring out the true master.

Not daring to delay any longer, he clasped his fists and whispered softly.

“Senior, the four of you here don’t have any ill intentions, but are just here to pay me a visit.”

"There are many eyes and ears on the wall, and the situation is urgent, so we took this step. Seniors, please don't blame us."

His voice seemed inaudible.

 But it was delivered with a majestic inner energy.

It will not alarm the people in the thunder altar outside, but it can also be heard clearly by the owner here.


 The sound was sent out for a long time.

 The courtyard was still extremely silent.

 On the contrary, the rustling sound of the insect tide became more and more intense.

 It seemed as if it would attack them at any moment and devour all four of them.

 The four of them felt like there were several stones piled up in their hearts.

 Invisible pressure shrouded.

 Made the atmosphere even more solemn.

Yang Fang and the old foreigner were a little better. The two guys didn't even dare to take a breath and held the pistol tightly. Only it could give them a sense of security in the face of life and death.

"Who are you?"

 After a stalemate for half a minute.

 A hoarse voice finally sounded.

  It sounds vague and unclear, with a thick accent.

 But being able to have a conversation is the best situation for the four of them.

“Senior, I am an old foreigner from Chenjiazhuang, Xiangyin.”

 “I was ordered to come here specifically to see my senior.”

 The old foreigner responded quickly.

 Specially, the pronunciation of the three characters Chenjiazhuang is slightly emphasized.


 Sure enough.

 Hear these three words.

 The darkness fell into silence again.

“The Chen family are also coming to join in the fun?”

This time, not too long ago, the harsh sound of Basu's sound like a knife grinding against a stone sounded again.

"Senior has a keen eye." "My shopkeeper does have some ideas about this."

The old foreigner didn't hide anything, he just smiled and cupped his hands.


Hearing this, Basu couldn't help but comment lightly.

However, in the voice that still seems to be cold to the bone, if you listen carefully, you will find that there is already a trace of fluctuation.

 “Come down.”

"Although the cave people don't have so many twists and turns, they don't have such a hospitality."

 While speaking.

 The strange flute sound from before sounded again.

The old foreigner frowned, and the finger bones of his right hand holding the mirror umbrella began to turn slightly white due to too much force.


 With the sound of the flute.

 with the tide of insects around them, but they didn't kill them like crazy as expected. Instead, they dispersed like a receding tide, disappearing almost in the blink of an eye.

next moment.

 Two lights floated up from the darkness.

 Dispel the heavy fog in the night.

The four of them finally had a clear view of the courtyard. The rockeries, lotus ponds, and paths were unfortunately in disrepair and no one cared about them, so they had all been overturned by weeds.

 And outside the rockery.

 A tall, but extremely thin figure stood.

 Wearing a loose black robe.

  Although the appearance cannot be seen clearly, one can get a glimpse of the momentum just from the shadow.


 Don’t dare to look more.

 The old foreigner put away his umbrella, took a deep breath, and whispered to the three people behind him.

Use the sky rope to jump off the wall quickly.

 Then he walked carefully through the courtyard.

He walked to Basu and stood still.

 Just waiting for the four people to see his appearance clearly, each of them felt like their scalps were going to explode.

 What a face that is.

 The face is long and narrow with a sharp chin.

He is somewhat similar to the second aunt Mouse that he saw behind the door of Pingshan Yizhuang that day.

 But what is even more frightening is the unspeakable thing.

His entire face was covered with large and small malignant sores, which were bumpy and uneven, as if he had been soaked in venom.

 A pair of eyes as dark as ink, with almost no trace of the white of the eyes visible.

  Just staring at a few people intently.

Just standing there gives people the feeling of a poisonous snake dormant in the dark, ready to bite anyone at any time.

 “I’ve met the seniors.”

 The old foreigner suppressed the chill in his heart and held his fists in the air.

 But the words are not finished yet.

He was interrupted coldly by Basu.

“Okay, my time is limited and I don’t have time to listen to your nonsense. Just tell me the reason why you are looking for me.”

 “Of course it’s the ancient talisman.”

 The old foreigner's face was calm, not at all annoyed at being interrupted.

After all, everyone in Chenzhou City knows that Basu has a perverse personality.

“Just a few of you, do you want to **** the ancient talisman from Hu Mangong and Jin Zhenmu?”

Hearing this expected answer.

  Basu’s eyes swept across the group of people indifferently, his tone cold.

Hearing this, Yang Fang's face couldn't help but darken, but before he could speak, he was stared at by the old foreigner.

“Hahaha, if we can’t do it, don’t we still have seniors?”

“I have not been involved in world affairs for many years, so why should I help you?”

“My shopkeeper heard that my predecessor is from the Miao ethnic group in Dongzhai, so he specially asked me to send this gift.”

 The old foreigner seemed to have expected Basu's attitude. Instead of being impatient at all, he always kept a smile on his face.

 While speaking.

He slowly took out an object from his sleeve.

 Put your hands apart and lie quietly in the palms of your hands.

With the help of two wind lanterns hanging under the eaves behind him, Basu glanced subconsciously.

 It was clearly a bird-shaped silver sculpture.

It looks no more than the size of a baby's hand, and the style is not exquisite. Apart from being full of antiquity, it doesn't seem to have much to offer.

 The moment Dan Basu saw the silver sculpture clearly.

 It was the first time that his expression changed drastically.

 “Miao King Seal?!”

 In the land of Miao territory, the Eighteen-Dong Village has used the black bird as its totem since ancient times.

 The Miao king held a silver sculpture of a black bird as his seal.

 This is something engraved in the blood of every descendant of the Dongzhai Yi people.

It is a pity that when the Yuan people suppressed them, almost all of the Shibadong Village was suppressed, causing countless casualties. The few remaining cave residents also fled into the mountains and old forests to avoid disaster.

 Hundreds of years have passed.

 Miao Wangyin has long since disappeared.

Although Basu is capricious, cruel, and murderous in his life, the blood of the cave people flows in his bones.

 That's why I was so shocked when I saw King Miao's seal at this moment.

“Yes, my seniors must have heard about the business of the Chen family. The shopkeeper of my family went to Pingshan to find this thing from the tomb of Manzi, a Yuan Dynasty man.”

 “I brought it here specially today, and it will be returned to its original owner!”

 The old foreigner's expression remained unchanged.

 There was a huge wave in my heart.

 Before departure, Chen Yulou specially called him and handed this thing to him.

 It is said that when you see Basu, just give him a look.

 At first he was confused, but now he realized that shopkeeper Chen was really a man of nature, and he could predict the future.

 “Thank you…”

Basu hesitated for a moment.

  In the end, he could not resist the temptation of Miao Wangyin.

 Taking the black bird silver eagle, he thanked him softly.

It’s just that for him, this kind of thing seems to be so rare that even the simple words are a bit stiff to say.

“When you get the ancient talisman, when you return to Xiangyin, bring it to your shopkeeper for me.”

 Turn your palms over.

 The silver seal disappeared instantly and was put into Basu's sleeve.

 “Senior...know the whereabouts of the ancient talisman?”

Before he could marvel at the Gu Master's methods, the old foreigner suddenly came back to his senses, raised his brows, and asked in disbelief.

 The situation has not been clarified yet.

 Basu dared to say that they took away the ancient talisman.

Not only him, Yang Fang and the two guys behind him also subconsciously became nervous and looked at Basu.

 “Only a vague direction.”

“Whether it is or not, you won’t know until you go.”

Basu shook his head.

 He devoted himself to raising Gu insects and had not been out of the mountains for many years.

 But as long as it was dealing with the two old guys Hu Man Gong and Jin Zhenmu, he was quite interested in getting involved.

  What happened that year.

 Although it ended with murder.

 But Basu still felt uncomfortable.

 “May I ask, senior, when will we set off?”

 The old foreigner and Yang Fang looked at each other with shock.

No one thought of it.

Things went so smoothly.

"Not urgent."

“There are a few annoying flies outside, and my bugs are also hungry.”

Basu shook his head.

After he finished speaking, he raised his right hand, and the old foreigner saw that there was a half-foot-long bone flute hidden in his hand.

 It also looks like an antique.

 Put it to your mouth and blow gently.

 In an instant.

 The familiar eerie low voice sounded again.

 He finally understood the source of the sound before.

 There was no time to think too much.

The rustling sounds in the courtyard also surged again, several times more alarming than before. Countless Gu insects emerged from the ground and cracks in the walls.

 Like black rivers, flowing outward.


The four old foreigners subconsciously tensed up, their faces full of horror.

It’s no wonder that Basu is known as the insect demon.

Who would have imagined that there are thousands of Gu insects in such an abandoned house.

 As the insect disappears.

  After a while.

 There was a burst of noise and...screams in the night outside the courtyard wall.


  “It’s insect poison.”

 “Run away quickly, no, save me.”

 “Inform the Altar Master that the insect demon is taking action!”

 (End of this chapter)

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