Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 238: Thousand-year-old hanging coffins in Wushan Coffin Gorge

Chapter 238 Wushan Coffin Gorge Thousand-year-old Hanging Coffin

 A group of people broke through the morning fog.

 The sound of horse hooves neighing echoed among the green mountains.

This is tantamount to telling others.

 The next thing he did was not in the village.

Even a few confidants will leave with him.


even so.

Chen Yulou has never thought of hiding his itinerary, such as setting off at starry night, or leaving in batches.

 It’s not that I’m conceited.

This is purely the foundation of the century-old victorious mountain.

 After all, the **** fire in Hubi Village and Huodong Temple has not yet dissipated.

 The gold and silver treasures accumulated by the Chen family for generations are all in the village. Anyone who has the courage can take them.

 Of course there is no chance.

 It depends on their fate.

 Originally, there were a few annoying flies on the boundary of Xiangyin.


Nowadays, there are three Xiang and four rivers, and people from Changsheng Mountain are everywhere.

As long as you don’t live too long, or your brain is in trouble, you probably won’t be stupid enough to take advantage of the Chen family.

 The most important thing is.

Chenjiazhuang seems to be just a small town.

But the Chen family was from Xiling, and what they were best at was weapons. No one could imagine how many killing moves were hidden in the village, which only covered an area of ​​30 acres.

not to mention.

 Chenjiazhuang and Changsheng Mountain face each other from a distance, forming horns with each other.

 Even if it is a fully armed army, it must be spared.

 As for the bandits.

Changsheng Mountain is the ancestor of green forests in the world.

No matter the number of people, guns or means, there are not many in the entire Republic of China.

 I recall the time when I and Uncle Yu and the other seniors mentioned that we wanted to go to the Kunlun Mountains.

 The expressions of Uncle Seventh and Uncle Thirteen.

 Chen Yulou even suspected that these old guys were eager for someone to attack.

 After all, I have been raised in Zhuangzi for so many years.

 His fists and feet have been itching for a long time.

 If there is someone who is not afraid of death, he can loosen his bones.


 Uncle Yu is here.

Chen Yulou is not worried about what tricks they will make.

No matter how notorious those people are in the world of martial arts.

 You have to be honest when you are in front of Uncle Yu.

After all, he brought it out with his own hands, how could he dare to mess around?

"Shopkeeper, why don't you go through Yiling via Yuanjiang River this time?"

Because it was winter, the red girl wore a cloak, a nine-section whip tied around her waist, and a cloak on her head, which made her look even more majestic.

Riding a bay-red horse, he rushed outside Chen Yulou.

 Looking at the mountain road ahead, thoughtfully.

Going further west, you will find the 100,000 mountains in western Hunan. Generally speaking, there are basically many waterways from Xiangyin to Sichuan and Chongqing.

Go north along the Yuanjiang River to Yiling, go down the Yangtze River at the transition point and go straight to Wushan, and then go to the border of Shaanxi and Qin.

 “The detour is too far and will delay the journey.”

 Chen Yulou shook his head.

Although they have a large number of people now, they are not like the time they went to southern Yunnan a few months ago, where they specially brought a large amount of food and equipment.

Zhelong Mountain is located in a remote area with continuous mountains.

 There is no mountain ladder, and once you get off the ladder, it will be almost impossible to move forward.

 Plus it’s my first time traveling far away.

 Of course there is another reason.

 Insect Valley is an insurmountable obstacle for him.

 That’s why I made all preparations and didn’t dare to miss anything.

But this time is different. Apart from windy sand, there are no vast mountains and forests in the desert, so the mountain ladder has no use. Food and water can be supplied along the way.

 At least before entering southern Xinjiang.

 There is no need to consider the problem of lack of food and clothing at all.

 Excluding necessities, such as the rarest herbs, according to his plan, he traveled as lightly as possible in the early stage.

  You really have to follow the red girl’s route.

Just arriving in Sichuan and Chongqing will take twice as long.

  Not to mention the thousands of miles ahead.


Hong girl raised her head and looked at the endless mountains in the distance.

 A trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

 The Laoxiong Mountains, Wuling Mountains, and Xuefeng Mountains in western Hunan are like a tent, stretching between Sichuan and Hunan.

  meaning to pass across.

 Looking at the map, it can indeed save a lot of time.

 However, natural dangers are constant, and most of these places are still uncivilized barbarian lands.

 Having been cut off from the outside world for generations.

 Live a life of isolation.

It is as difficult as climbing to the sky if you want to take advantage of the road.

“Why, with our team of nearly three hundred people, are we still afraid that someone will rob us?”

Seeing that she could not hide her worries, Chen Yulou smiled and joked.

Of course he knew the difficulty of crossing the deep mountains of western Hunan, but he naturally had the confidence to do so.

 Except for maps.


As he spoke, he glanced at the top of his head from the corner of his eye.

In the clouds and mist, there was an invisible shadow passing by.


 Inspired by what I got from Wuluo in Maluzhai that day.

Huntongqing can still patrol the sky.

 Eliminate danger in advance.

Luofu has become a great demon, and his demonic power is as majestic as the tide. He can easily fly hundreds of feet into the sky. He is also connected with his mind and can communicate with each other with just one thought.

 Even, with the help of spiritual seeds.

 It’s like having a second pair of eyes.

 The Eye of the Sky that can overlook dozens of miles in radius.

Even if the deep mountains in western Hunan are filled with swords and fire, he is confident that he can pass through safely.

 “The shopkeeper is joking again.”

Hong girl stretched out her hands to tuck her long hair hanging down from her temples, and smiled helplessly.

“Those who dare to rob Changsheng Mountain Road are probably not even born yet.”

Hearing this, Chen Yulou chuckled, "In that case, please tell Hong Gu to go down and cheer up the brothers. We will arrive at Wushan in three to five days at most by starry night."


Hong girl nodded.

 Holding the reins in hand, he turned the horse's head, patted the horse's back, and the cloak floated like fire. Not long after, a clear but sharp voice resounded through the mountains and forests.

 “Brother Chen…”


 Hear this place name.

Partridge Whistle, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but light up his eyes.

Before heading to Kuanglu Mountain that day, he remembered that Chen Yulou had told him that the Feng family from Guanshan had lived in Wushan Coffin Gorge for generations, and according to Old Man Shen, the person they were looking for was now a monk in Qingcheng Mountain.

 There are many roads from Xiangyin to the Sichuan-Shaanxi border.

 But he chose Yuzhou.

 In addition, Yuzhou and Yizhou are very close to each other.

 Mount Qingcheng is right between the two states.

All of this makes Partridge Whisper think too much. Will Chen Yulou have to take a detour to Coffin Gorge or Qingcheng Mountain during this trip?

"Not urgent."

 Seeing him look surprised.

 There was a bit of hesitation.

Chen Yulou immediately understood, but he just waved his hand.

“Since the Dragon Bone Code has been cracked by Master Liao Chen, why bother looking for him again?”


 After taking a breath, Chen Yulou continued.

“When we return and pass Qingcheng Mountain, we can go to Tianshi Cave to see that person.”

 According to the timeline.

There are still several years before Feng Sibei finds the entrance to Dixian Village and finally sits in it.

Even though this trip to Kunlun Mountain will last for a year and a half.

Dixiancun Dazang will not be delayed.

  “Also good.”

Partridge Whistle was slightly startled.

 This is slightly different from what he had in mind.

However, as long as it doesn't delay the trip, it doesn't matter to him whether he goes or not.


 In a blink of an eye.

 Two days have passed.

The group finally crossed the vast mountains.

Arrived at Fengdu Ancient City.    That's right, it's the place where Fengdu Underworld is rumored to be.

 It's just that they didn't come to find out.

 Instead, they passed through the dock outside Fengdu City, hired two large ships, and headed westward and southward along the vast waters of the Yangtze River.

 This day.

The sky is clear and the air is clear, and the sky for thousands of miles is as clear as water.

Two large boats were traveling one behind the other, chasing the water. The river was endless as far as the eye could see, with dangerous cliffs and steep peaks on both sides of the river. From time to time, the screams of apes could be heard.


 Have previous experience of ferrying across the Nanpan River.

 Chen Yulou and others took the opportunity to meditate in the cabin, or simply sleep and rest.

Only those young people who were traveling for the first time were full of curiosity about everything. They gathered on the deck in twos and threes, either sitting on the ground or leaning against the side of the ship to look around.

“Ahead is Bingshu Baojian Gorge.”

“The rapids are dangerous and there are many rocks and reefs under the water. You’d better go back to the cabin and stay there.”

Many people on the deck came from the north to the south to escape the disaster.

 The last fallen grass always wins the mountain.

Have never seen such a wonderful sight in my life.

I have long heard that Baojian Gorge is a natural danger on the Yangtze River, and the scenery is even more unique.

 That's why I came up to the deck from the cabin early, just to have a quick look.

Unexpectedly, before arriving at Bingshu Gorge, the head of the boat suddenly came up in a hurry, speaking in a Sichuan accent, and kept talking to everyone.

"Don't worry, we brothers grew up by the water. I dare not say anything else. We still have water-based courage."

“That is, the boat’s head is on its head but its heart is in its belly.”

Although the bow of the boat pointed out the dangers below the river.

 But both inside and outside the words, it seems that they are driving people away.

Those guys had finally arrived, so how could they be scared away by a few words and immediately said nonchalantly.


 I saw a bunch of young people who were living in poverty.

The ship's head is also in a hurry.

They have lived on the river for generations, and there are many taboos about boating on the water.

What's more, the place above the Bingshu Baojian Gorge ahead is even more eerie.

 Usually, when he takes people passing by, he will inform him in advance.

Then burn a stick of incense, worship, and you will be in peace.

 But he really couldn't figure out the origin of the group of people on the boat. They numbered two to three hundred people, and everyone was riding a horse. Not to mention their impressive momentum, there were also many vicious people.

 How can we have such power these days?

 Either a warlord or a bandit.

 No matter what kind of thing, they are not the ones that boat runners can afford to offend.

 But the good words and persuasion didn't work at the moment. The boat swallowed his head and could only tell the truth.



Several young people heard the words coming from his mouth.

At first they looked at each other, and then couldn't help but chuckle.

“Captain of the boat, you look down on us too much. Not to mention evil, you just bumped into ghosts and gods during the day...”

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. There are gods three feet above your head, so you can't talk nonsense. If you offend the ghosts and gods, I'm afraid all of us on this boat will suffer."

 Seeing their disdainful expressions, their words were even more arrogant.

 Suddenly the head of the ship was frightened.

Hand waved his hands repeatedly to interrupt.

While speaking, he did not forget to clasp his hands, close his eyes and bow around to worship.

"what happened?"

 Just when a group of people were at a stalemate.

 A calm voice came from behind.

With that sound, the head of the boat was immediately keenly aware that the people who had been carefree just now suddenly became silent, with their heads lowered, and their expressions were full of anxiety and uneasiness.

 He has been boating all year round and has met too many different kinds of people.

 I don’t know what’s going on.

 Can make them change like this.

 The person coming will definitely be in a high position.

 Swallowing secretly, the boat's head turned around, only to find that there was more than one person coming.

  There are six or seven people in total.

There is a person in the front, wearing a long gown, who looks like a teacher.

It’s just the temperament revealed in every move.

But he is unspeakably domineering.

“Sir..., the Bingshu Gorge is just ahead. Our boat crew has some taboos, so I want you all to go back to the cabin first and then come up again.”

 Only glanced at it.

The head of the boat didn't dare to look too much and explained in a low voice.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yulou smiled.

“Bingshu Gorge, Qutang Gorge, and Wushan Gorge all have hanging coffins. Is this the taboo mentioned by the boat leader?”


 Seeing him tell the truth.

The head of the boat was stunned immediately, with a face full of astonishment.

"If it's a hanging coffin, don't worry about the head of the ship. Let's take a look. We won't miss anything important."

  Three Gorges Hanging Coffin.

How could Chen Yulou not know this?

 After all, that was where the Guanshan lineage started.

"This...then, sir, please be restrained. When you pass the coffin gorge, you must not make any noise, so as not to disturb the ghosts and gods in the hanging coffin."

The boat hesitated from side to side.

 Finally, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

 First, the origins of this group of people are unknown.

 In addition, they spend a lot of money.

Just chartered a boat from Fengdu City to Yuzhou, and he was given a full twenty pieces of silver.

 Normally, he might not be able to earn so much in one or two years.

  Whether it is a bandit or a warlord, if you spend money, you are the God of Wealth.

"rest assured!"

 Chen Yulou nodded.

 Hands to him to go ahead and sail the boat.

As soon as the boat took off, several of the guys thought they had gotten into trouble. They lowered their heads and lowered their eyes, not daring to breathe.

 “Okay, nothing happens.”

 Chen Yulou looked amused and waved his hands.

 Many of them are new faces, either they have only been on the mountain in the past two years, or they have not been able to get ahead in the past.

 “Thank you very much, chief.”

 As soon as I heard this.

Several young people were relieved and ran behind them, no longer daring to talk nonsense.

On the contrary, it was the Partridge Sentries who followed Chen Yulou up to the deck.

 Looking thoughtfully between the cliffs on both sides.

 It didn’t take much time.

As the ship passed through the rapids, dangerous shoals and dark canyons with hidden reefs, everyone was still marveling at the natural chasm of the Yangtze River. In the blink of an eye, the sun shone from over the cliff ahead.

 Against the light.

One coffin after another suddenly burst into everyone's sight.

On the hundred-foot cliff, there are countless coffins, densely packed and shaped like ships. Surrounded by misty clouds and mist, they look like they are floating in the Milky Way.

 “My God, it’s really a hanging coffin.”

 “Hush...I forgot what the head of the boat said just now.”

 “Oh yes, be silent.”

Even though everyone on the deck ate the food of the dead and had seen countless coffins, they were still shocked when they saw this scene with their own eyes.

 Even if it is the three brothers and sisters of Partridge Whistle.

 This is also the first time I have seen this strange burial method.

They find cave burials, water burials, cremations, and even sky burials all not surprising.

 But those coffins, the short ones are dozens of meters away from the river, and the high ones are even more than 300 meters.

 For a while, they couldn't even guess how to put it on hold.


Partridge Whistle frowned.

 Suddenly something came to mind.

 Subconsciously, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Chen Yulou in front of him.

“Brother Chen, is this the Coffin Gorge where Guanshan is searching for rare artifacts from heaven?”

Although the Taoist monks at that time were not killed by the Guanshan Taibao like the three sects of Mofaqiu and Xiling, he did not have much favorable impressions of people from that lineage.


 The basic understanding is still there.

Moreover, he vaguely remembered Chen Yulou once mentioned it.


“Going inward from the Coffin Gorge, it connects to the Daning River. There is an ancient town called Qingxi next to it. Thousands of years ago, the Feng family was a wealthy family here. They became prosperous with the help of the strange weapon in the hanging coffin.”

 Chen Yulou put his hands behind his hands and spoke calmly.

 It seems to be just an endorsement.

 But a few simple words made Partridge Whistle greatly shocked.

 In the records of moving mountains.

 Yu Guanshan Taibao has only a few words of introduction.

 Receive the imperial title, be awarded gold medals, build the imperial mausoleum, and suppress the four factions!

 (End of this chapter)

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