Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 251: The person who sinned against God with the sacred wooden Dharma drum

The wizard's voice is hoarse, his accent is thick, and he sounds unclear.

 But he undoubtedly spoke Chinese.

 At this time, not only Chen Yulou and the other five people were surprised.

Even Po Li, who was standing by the side with a bow, could not conceal his astonishment.

He grew up in the village, but in his impression, the wizard lived alone in the house most of the time, except when he appeared during sacrifices to heaven and gods, which required his supervision.

  I suddenly opened the door and appeared.

  It has far exceeded his expectations.

 Let alone the fact that he can speak Chinese.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn, Po Li took a deep breath and hurriedly explained.

“Master Wizard, Brother Chen and the others are traders from the Pass to the Western Regions, because...”


 The sentence has not been finished yet.

 The old man swept over quietly.

With just a fleeting glance, Po Li, who was always known for his bravery and prowess in battle in the tribe, felt a strong sense of oppression for a moment.

 In the cold weather, there is cold sweat on the forehead.

  Hold your head, not daring to say another word.

 “I’m in Chen Yulou, I’ve seen Kamu!”

Seeing this situation, Chen Yulou cupped his fists and cupped his hands, and said calmly.

 khamu is the honorific title for shaman in Turkic language.

 Seeing that he actually understood Turkic language, the old man's eyes became even more profound.

 “Yulou Jinque, a good name.”

“But you haven’t answered me yet, where did you come from?”

 Seeing him ask again.

 Chen Yulou couldn't help but feel a little inexplicable in his heart. He had recognized countless people, but at this moment, he couldn't understand the old guy in front of him.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he still spoke.

 “I’m from Xiangyin.”


 The old wizard nodded.

I don’t know if he knows it or has never heard of it.

But the sudden silence made Chen Yulou feel unspeakably depressed, and he couldn't help but take the initiative to ask, "May I ask Kamu, what does the God of Fire mean?"

“Everything in the world has spirituality, including the sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and...water and fire.”

“The **** of fire is naturally the **** who controls fire.”

 The old wizard explained calmly.

 At the same time, the voice changed.

The pair of eyes that were so calm and a little strange looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

"You have the aura of the God of Fire, but Xiangyin... I have never heard of this place. Can you tell me why?"


 The aura of Vulcan? !

 Catching these key words, Chen Yulou's heart suddenly moved.

 It was like an enlightenment.

 For a moment, he suddenly understood what the old wizard meant.

In shamanistic beliefs, in addition to the concepts of souls and ghosts, the most amazing thing is the worship of nature, ancestral gods and living creatures.

 Natural, not in the broad sense.

Rather, they worship fire, mountains, sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

In shamanistic teachings, fire comes from heaven and is regarded as the most sacred, clean and close thing. Fire can wash away all impurities, drive away devils, and perform divination.

 So much so that any religious ceremony is inseparable from fire.

 Every sacrifice must be offered to the God of Fire first.

When they met before, the old wizard said that he had the breath of the God of Fire. Chen Yulou didn't realize it at that time, so he just thought it was some kind of shamanism.

 It was only after he mentioned it several times that he finally understood.

 Fire actually refers to the breath left by Luofu.

 Luofu belongs to the genus Phoenix, and the phoenix fire is one of the most amazing flames in the world.

It can kill evil spirits, exorcise evil spirits, and eliminate evil spirits. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine fire.

 Luofu is with him all day long, so it is inevitable that there will be contamination.

It's just that the old wizard didn't expect to get this level. He just sensed the pure fire and thought it was the aura of the God of Fire, so he hurriedly opened the door.

 “It have thought of it.”

Although it was only for a moment, Chen Yulou was able to conceal the change in his eyes very well, but the old wizard's terrifying ability was still somewhat beyond his expectation.

  “There are some guesses.”

Seeing him open his mouth to point it out, Chen Yulou had no intention of hiding it and nodded calmly.

 “Then have you seen the God of Fire?”

 Hear this.

 The old wizard's thin, bloodless face showed a touch of indescribable excitement.

 As a believer in the gods.

His greatest wish in this life is to see the gods with his own eyes.

 “Kamu is joking.”

“Chen is a Han nationality, and it is his first time to cross the border and enter the Western Regions. If he hadn’t met his senior today, he would never have known about the existence of the God of Fire in his whole life, and how would he have ever seen him?”

 Chen Yulou shook his head.

Hearing this, the eyes of the old wizard who was originally full of expectations dimmed.

 But what Chen Yulou said next.

 It made him subconsciously feel a little suspicious.

“However, before I came here, I was in Xiangyin and once entered a hundred-foot fire cave. I wonder if it has something to do with it?”

 “Is the earth fire?”


 The old wizard frowned slightly.

He has never left the Northern Desert of the Western Regions, let alone entered the Han territory.

Even the theory of earth fire is just hearsay.

 Whether there might be a reason for this, he did not dare to confirm for a while.

Seeing that he was lost in thought, Chen Yulou, who had unknowingly turned away from the guest, cupped his hands and said, "I haven't asked the name of Kamu yet."

 “Old man Azhiya.”

The old wizard didn't think much and responded casually.


 Chen Yulou nodded and silently wrote down the name.

While talking, the door of another earthen house not far away was also opened, and an old man with gray hair and wearing a traditional Turkic felt robe walked out.

 “I’ve met the patriarch.”

Hearing the noise, Po Li finally dared to raise his head and saluted the visitor respectfully.

“Po Li is back. How was the harvest of this trip?”

Compared with the gloomy and unstable wizard Azhiya, the patriarch is obviously much gentler, and his hearty laughter is full of concern.

 “A total of fifteen sand wolves were hunted.”

“However, Brother Chen helped hunt down the first wolf and gave it to our tribe.”

Poly finally had a chance to speak.

He didn't hide anything immediately and simply told what happened during Shahai's hunt.

 Only mentioned when Chen Yulou and his party were about to cross the Black Desert.

Not only the clan leader, but also A Zhiya, who was still immersed in the source of the fire, had a look of disbelief on his face.

“Visiting the Black Desert at this time?”

The patriarch's eyes swept over several people in surprise. It seemed that there was still a bit of luck, so he couldn't help but remind him.

 What a pity, Chen Yulou still nodded.

“Yes, I came to the city to meet you two, and Chen also has an unkind invitation.”

“Isn’t it possible that your kid has taken a fancy to Po Li and wants him to take you across the Black Desert?”

 He just finished speaking.

Azhiya sneered.

“Yes, I can’t hide it from Senior Kamu. I really admire Brother Po Li’s skills all the way down here.”

“Before setting off from Kunmo City that day, Shopkeeper Wu also told me that in the entire Western Region, only the Uighurs on the Yuhai coast have the ability to cross the Black Desert.”

 Chen Yulou looked calm.

  What he said was watertight.

Even Azhiya couldn't afford to refute for a while.

"Crossing the Black Desert, if everything goes well, will take at least half a month. Po Li is a warrior among our tribe, and his skills are indeed impressive. But once he leaves, if there is an unexpected enemy attack, how can the tribe agree?"

  Different from Azhiya's straight and straight approach.

 The patriarch obviously thinks more and sees further.

 Immediately pointed out the problem.

“Then I dare to ask the patriarch, is there a better candidate among the nobles?”

Chen Yulou didn't care. What he wanted was an experienced guide who could lead them safely across the sand nest. It didn't matter whether this person was Po Li or not.

"Brother Chen, this question is on point." The patriarch suddenly chuckled, with a somewhat mysterious and joking look on his face.

“As for our understanding of the Black Desert, our Uighur tribe is second to none in terms of understanding of the Black Desert.”

 “Senior Azhiya?”

 This answer was something Chen Yulou had never imagined.

 After all, the Black Desert is known as the land abandoned by the gods, and he is a wizard who serves the gods.

 There is an inherent contradiction between the two.

However, when he looked over with incredible eyes, A Zhiya's old face could not hide his pride.

“Brother Chen doesn’t know something. Shamans are not only responsible for serving the gods, but they also have divination, exorcism and witch doctor. In addition to divination, exorcism and witch doctor, they all need to use witchcraft.”

“The drums and staffs used in witchcraft must be made of sacred wood, which only exists in the black desert.”

“So, does Brother Chen understand?”

The patriarch explained softly.

 Chen Yulou and others' eyes subconsciously fell on the Dharma drum around A Zhiya's waist.

 It is somewhat similar to the Cro drum used for divination by Xigu Moba.

However, the skin covering the drum head is not human skin.

 But cattle, sheep, camels or wild beasts.

 But a few people’s attention was mostly focused on the drum stand.

From the exposed material, it is obviously wood, but the color is jet black, the wood texture is clearly visible, and there is a hint of golden color.

  It undoubtedly adds a bit of mystery to it.

 “Sacred tree?”

Chen Yulou is well-informed, but he has never seen such a tree.

 Subconsciously glanced at the partridge whistle beside him.

 The latter also frowned slightly.

“Then I wonder if I can ask Senior Kamu to come out?”

 Looking away, Chen Yulou was not polite at all.

 There are such good candidates.

 Of course you can’t miss it.

Azhiya frowned and said, "How dare you really open your mouth? At my age, I still want to go into the Black Desert with you?"

“The patriarch has said so, so Chen naturally wants to give it a try.”

His reaction is also reasonable.

 Looking at A Zhiya's age, it can be said that he has already passed his destiny and is almost in his sixties.

It is not easy to go out at this age, let alone the extremely dangerous black desert. Now it is the wind and snow season. Once you enter it, life or death can be said to be uncertain.

“Don’t think about it, kid, the next month will be the Spring Plowing Ceremony, and I will be responsible for offering sacrifices to the gods. Unless you are willing to wait, I will never leave this period.”

 Azhiya shook his head.

 As the only wizard in the tribe.

 All sacrifices and blessing activities are inseparable from him.

What's more, if someone in the tribe gets sick or needs divination, he has to do it himself.

The key is.

It has been more than ten years since he last entered the Black Desert to look for the sacred tree. Now that he is old and has inconvenient legs and feet, he is unable to support himself even if he wants to.

  “In that case.”

 Chen Yulou still has no intention of giving up.

 Took a step back.

“Then can you ask Senior Kamu to give you some advice and draw a road map for us?”

"it's useless."

Azhiya immediately understood what he meant.

  Scornfully waved his hand.

“The reason why the black desert is scary is that it is moving all the time, especially when the wind and sand come, it can bury all the roads in an instant.”

 “Getting into it depends on experience and improvisation.”


 Hear what he said.

 The five people in the group all looked ugly.

  It seems like there is an invisible haze hanging over my heart.

 “Is there no other way besides this?”

Partridge Whistle refused to give up and asked again.

“If you are determined to go, I have a candidate.”

Seeing how determined the group was, the patriarch hesitated before speaking.

 “Please also ask the patriarch to point out...”

Partridge Whistle's heart moved and he asked hurriedly.

However, before he could finish his sentence, Azhiya seemed to have thought of something, and there was a rare hint of annoyance and determination in his deep eyes.


“I know what you’re thinking, Wutuo, but she can’t do it.”

"It is God's punishment for sinners. Once you enter the place abandoned by God, if you are not careful, it will cause great disaster."

Azhiya looked gloomy and said coldly.

 Does God punish sinners?

 Hear this title.

 The eyes of everyone in the group flashed with curiosity.

Chen Yulou subconsciously glanced at Po Li, who was standing behind the clan leader and wizard.

 But the latter also looked confused at this moment.

I don’t know who I’m talking about at all.

 Seeing this situation, Chen Yulou couldn't help but feel more and more suspicious. Although A Zhiya seemed indifferent to him after being together for so long, he was actually not. This was the first time he had seen him so angry.

“Oona made a mistake, but she has not been forgiven by the gods.”

"She has been thinking about it behind closed doors for so many years. This trip is meant to make her guilty and meritorious service."

“Do you want her to be locked in that hellish place for the rest of her life?”

A Zhiya could not hide his anger.

Unexpectedly, the patriarch, who had always been extremely gentle, would not give in at this moment.

 A few words in a row made Azhiya unable to speak.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and waved his sleeves angrily, "I have absolutely no intention of doing this, but if you get into trouble, the blame will be solely on you, Wu Tuo, and it has nothing to do with me, A Zhiya."

 Throw the next sentence.

Azhiya actually said no more, turned around and returned to his residence.

 Not long.

There was a banging sound of the door closing.

 Chen Yulou also didn’t expect that a person he had never met before could create such a big gap between the two.

 “Ignore him, maybe he is still having fun now.”

The patriarch smiled and waved his hand.

  Doesn’t seem to care at all.

"Here, patriarch, what happened to the one you mentioned? Chen just wants to find a guide on this trip, so don't cause any conflicts."

 The patriarch's words made Kunlun, Yang Fang and the old foreigner look at each other.

 But he was keenly aware of something unusual.

 See him and ask.

Not only the Partridge Whistle and the others, but also Po Li subconsciously looked over.

 “It’s a long story.”

The patriarch Wutuo sighed deeply.

 Pointing in the direction from which they came.

 Hinted to them to talk while walking.

Go all the way to a location dozens of steps away from the earthen house and altar.

The patriarch stopped and spoke slowly to the people.

 “Oona is actually not a stranger, but…Azhiya’s daughter!”


 One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Even Chen Yulou was a little confused.

With this reversal, it would be a pity not to write a script.

Who the **** would have imagined that the angry and angry Azhiya just now was actually the father of Oona, whom he said was a **** punishing sinners and whose sins were unforgivable?

Chen Yulou frowned.

 The first partition I saw when I entered the city came to mind again.

Two high city walls isolate a no-man's land, called the underworld.

Now let’s look back.

 It looks like a prison no matter how you look at it.

“So, she was knocked down to the underworld and punished because she blasphemed the gods?” (End of this chapter)

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