Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 264: Earth-shattering under still water!

 Because of what happened underground.

 A lot of effort was wasted.

By the time a group of people were traveling through the ancient city and heading towards the camp, it was already getting dark.

 The cold wind howled.

 Like a knife scraping across the face.

If it were just like this, I could barely bear it, but the cold wind was mixed with sand, gravel and fine snow particles, which caused bursts of pain on my body.

“Grandma, no wonder this place is so deserted and ghosts can’t survive.”

Huamaguai spat and cursed in a low voice.

 It felt like I had swallowed a mouthful of yellow sand in just this moment.

He took out a black scarf from his pocket and hurriedly covered his face without caring about the mess.

 So does everyone else.

Chen Yulou frowned, unable to hide his sadness.

 Climbing up a sand dune with difficulty.

Looking up, there were heavy lead clouds overhead, and strong winds rolled up yellow sand all over the sky, forming pillars of sand.

The sky and the earth seemed to be shrouded in a black curtain, and the earth dragons that emerged from the ground were moving indiscriminately, giving people a full sense of oppression.

The temperature is also dropping rapidly.

Chen Yulou tightened his collar, and the breath he exhaled condensed into a fog of frost almost instantly.

 It was exactly as Oona expected.

 The snowstorm is coming as promised.

 It came out much faster than expected.

I just don’t know how many days this **** weather will last?

 Although I was mentally prepared before setting off, the harsh environment of the Black Desert was still a bit beyond imagination.

Looking back now, although the Hexi area is also full of wind and sand, at least it has mountains and water, which is many times better than this place.

Looking from a distance for a moment, the group saw that the sky was getting darker and darker, so the group did not stay any longer, but went down the sand dunes.

 Under the broken wall of the ancient city.

A sandy valley has been dug out, and the camp is located in it. The tents are close together, and they are blown like sails in the night wind.

It’s been so long since I entered the Black Desert.

 They have learned a lot of sand prevention methods.

There are many Haloxylon ammodendron trees buried in the yellow sand on the outermost edge of the camp to prevent quicksand from pouring down in the middle of the night and flooding the tents.

 As for the camp, a bonfire was burning.

Although the Black Desert is known as a lifeless land, in fact, in addition to humans, countless beasts live there.

 Compared to humans, they are more keenly aware of climate changes and dangers.

 It is conceivable.

 When night falls completely, this ancient city will welcome many creatures taking shelter from the wind.

The bonfire not only plays the role of keeping warm for night watchmen.

  More importantly, it is to drive away wild animals.

Otherwise, no one would want to open their eyes in the middle of the night and see several sand wolves with fangs exposed and drooling, staring at them.


 “Shopkeeper Chen.”


 As soon as you enter the camp.

Several figures walked out of the night.

Hong girl had her sleeves rolled up, and there were a few stains on her face, which were obviously left by sweat and wind and sand, and her face could not hide her tiredness.

 She was accompanied by Yang Fang and Yuan Hong.

Yang Fang returned one step ahead of them, and at this moment, he still had a pungent smell of realgar.

"how's it going?"

 Seeing him ask, Yang Fang immediately said seriously.

“They were all spread, and a circle of quicklime was buried around the camp.”

Hearing this, Chen Yulou’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

When he went down the well to the tomb, he seemed to have forgotten to remind them that they had better be prepared when setting up defenses.

 Realgar is doped on the surface of sand dunes.

 Can drive away black snakes and wild beasts.

 Quicklime buried underground can prevent underground ghost ants.

 After all, the broken insect road in Insect Valley that day left a very deep impression on him.

Although it cannot be as amazing as the insect-breaking path, with this double precaution, at least most of the snakes and insects can be eliminated.



Yang Fang waved his hand.

This trip was originally his initiative to follow.

We did see countless unimaginable scenery along the way.

 Food, drink, housing and transportation are all provided by Chen Yulou.

 You should also put in some effort.

 “Where is Yuan Hong?”

After asking a few more questions, Chen Yulou smiled and looked at the last figure.

 It is completely different from the vitality in Xiangyin.

 After entering the Western Region, its energy and spirit dropped significantly.

 At this moment, it is as if it has been hit by frost, and it looks weak.

After all, the species are different.

If he hadn't cultivated into a demon, there would have been no apes in this vast desert in another hundred years.

 Sandstorms and snowstorms are unbearable for people, let alone this.


Yuan Hong shook his head.

 “I’m going to stay in the ancient city to take shelter from the wind and sand for the next few days. You should have a good rest for a few days.”

 “This, thank you master.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Hong, who was still grimacing at first, was instantly excited.

 At least I have time to catch my breath.

Waving his hand at it, Chen Yulou thought of something again, glanced at the red girl and said softly.

“Oh, by the way, there is an underground river connected to the bottom of the ancient well, so there is no need to worry about the water issue for the time being.”

 The latter understood immediately upon hearing this.

During this period of time, because there was no oasis, the water carried when setting off from the village was not enough for people and animals to drink, so washing could only be as simple as possible.

They rough guys can still stand it.

 But Hua Ling, Oona and Miss Hong are girls after all, and they love to be clean by nature.

Hearing the hidden meaning in his words, the red girl's cheeks couldn't help but feel hot.

 But the temptation to wash up was still irresistible, so I immediately found an excuse to leave.

 Not long.

Chen Yulou saw the three of them carrying their luggage and walking deep into the ancient city.

“Kaizi, tell the brothers not to go get water for the time being.”


Huamaguai nodded.

 Leave quickly immediately.

Chen Yulou glanced at the remaining people and pointed to the bonfire path in the middle of the camp in the distance.

 It’s still early and dinner isn’t ready yet.

 Shadows flashed through the night.

 There were a few laughs from time to time.

After all, most people could hardly suppress their surprise when they were suddenly in such a vast ancient city. What’s more, having just experienced the ancient city of Xiye, everyone knew that there were gold and jade artifacts under the yellow sand.

In this way, no matter how tired you are from traveling during the day, you will not feel sleepy at all.

Walking through the camp with his hands behind his back, Chen Yulou couldn't help but have a smile on his face as he listened to the slightly childish enjoyment and longing.

This is always the case when you are young.

  When he went to Pingshan for the first time that day, he could not contain his excitement either.

 “Always in charge…”

Seeing him approaching, a group of waiters who were preparing dinner couldn't help but panic and got up one after another.

 “If you are busy with you, I will come and sit here.”


 Hearing this, the group was visibly relieved.

 Then turn around and continue doing things.

In this team, the ratio of old and new people is about five to one. Many people are going down the mountain for the first time. In front of him, the leader of the green forest who is famous in the world, there is a genuine fear from the bottom of his heart.

 After getting used to this, Chen Yulou didn’t want to pay too much attention to it.

 Just pointed to the bonfire nearby.

 Take the first step and sit down cross-legged without any image.

Several people saw this and imitated him one after another.

 The blazing fire stretched the shadows of several people extremely long.

“Brother, were you at the bottom of the well just now?” Leaning against the fire, the coldness in his body was immediately dissipated. However, the old foreigner had no intention of doing so, and he couldn't help but ask shortly after he sat down.

 “Brother Chen, let’s talk.”

Partridge Whistle shook his head.

 He has always felt that he is clumsy and clumsy in tongue, and he always does more than he talks.

What’s more, until now, he was still immersed in the shock brought by the ink-color murals. He was worried that he would not express what he meant, so he simply asked the question to Chen Yulou.

 The latter smiled helplessly.

But there is no delay.

 Simply tell what happened after going down the well.

Adventures are easy to attract people, and Chen Yulou has the ability to speak like a lotus. After entering the tomb, what he saw and heard was so ups and downs that he captured the attention of several people in an instant.

Even Huamaguai, who left and returned, did not know when he sat down.

 Queen Jingjue, Prince Gumo…

 Listen to the stories that happened in this ancient city below you.

Amidst the howling cold wind, my ears seemed to hear the sound of fighting and iron horses from thousands of years ago.

“Shopkeeper… where is that exquisite ancient city?”

 Suddenly, a sound of surprise came.

Yang Fang was startled and looked behind him, only to find Huamaguai standing in the shadow behind him.

Hearing him mention the important points, Chen Yulou couldn't help but glance at him appreciatively.

Although he is a little obsessed with money, he has to say that his mind is definitely the fastest among the group.

  No matter Xiye, Gumo or Luntai, Loulan and Qiuci, which I have never seen before.

They are far less important than the two words "jingjue".

However, he did not explain. Instead, he glanced at the complicated figure sitting beside him, illuminated by the firelight.

 “If you guessed correctly.”

“The ruins of the ancient Jingjue Kingdom are under the holy mountain we are heading to on this trip.”


Partridge Whistle seemed to have had a premonition, but it was the first time for the old foreigner to hear this speculation. He stood up in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face.

 In the ancient legends of Zagrama.

 Ancestors migrated from distant continents.

 Finally, I encountered two black mountains facing each other, one in the south and one in the north, and then I decided to settle down.

 So, since he was a child, he had heard rumors about Kongquehe and Shuangheishan.

That is also the holy mountain in the hearts of all their people.

The purpose of this trip is to find the holy mountain and break the curse.

Now... Shopkeeper Chen actually said that the Jingjue Kingdom is under the Holy Mountain. Isn't it like a dove occupying a magpie's nest?

 “Old foreigner brother, don’t worry, this is just a guess on my part for the time being.”

“If you want to confirm, you can get Yamashita, or... Oona comes back.”

 Facing his calm eyes.

 The old foreigner's turbulent mood finally calmed down a little.

But when he heard the last name, he couldn't help but show a touch of incomprehensible surprise on his face. He glanced at his senior brother subconsciously, only to find that his brows were also slightly frowned, and he was obviously not clear either.

“Brother Chen, I understand what’s going on, but what’s going on with Miss Oona?”

Partridge Whistle thought about it.

Even at a certain moment, he doubted whether the Uighur tribe on the coast of Yuhai were the descendants of the ancient Jingjue Kingdom, which was why Chen Yulou said so.

But as soon as the idea came up, he was rejected.

 After all, in the walled city that day, Chief Wutuo had made it very clear.

Their lineage migrated from the grasslands to avoid the scourge of war, so thousands of years have passed and they still retain their living habits of fishing and hunting.

“Brother Dao, do you still remember the sacred tree that Chief Wutuo mentioned?”

 “Sacred tree?”

 These two words seem to have some kind of magic power.

 The people sitting by the campfire suddenly fell into thinking.

 Chen Yulou did not lose their appetite, and his calm voice slowly sounded.

“This way, we passed through the Kongque River Ancient Road and have been walking for more than ten days. From the map, we are almost halfway through the Black Desert.”

“But besides Haloxylon ammodendron and Populus euphratica, have you ever seen other trees?”

"It seems not." Huamaguai shook his head, and then said thoughtfully, "Shopkeeper, are you saying that the sacred tree... actually grows on the holy mountain?"

 “It may also be under the ancient city.”

 Seeing him react so quickly.

 Chen Yulou looked at him with a look of admiration that suddenly became stronger.

 In fact, when he was still in the Uighur tribe, he had some guesses after hearing Wu Tuo's words.

 Could the sacred tree be the legendary Kunlun sacred tree?

 Jingjue Ancient City and Kunlun Temple are separated from each other by the entire black desert and the Kunlun Mountains.

However, the ancient Jingjue country and the Snowy Demonic Country are of the same origin.

In ancient times, the black desert was not what we see now. Taklimakan means oasis and home in the ancient Uighur language.

At least during the Qin and Han Dynasties, this desert was extremely prosperous and full of vitality. It was not until the Jin Dynasty that it was gradually submerged by wind and sand, the human habitation disappeared, and it became a lifeless land.

Therefore, it is not absurd that the Kunlun sacred tree appears in the ancient city.

 The most important thing is that to this day, Oona has never taken any action to harvest sacred trees.

They even expressed great concern about them entering the ancient city to search for ancient artifacts and artifacts.

 At least two points can be inferred from this.

 First, the sacred trees used by shamans should not exist in Xiye and Gumo.

 Second, her familiarity with the two ancient cities shows that she and Azhiya have been here before.

 Further ahead is the Holy Mountain and the ancient city of Jingjue.

It is hard not to doubt that the sacred tree that their family of wizards have been searching for in the Black Desert for generations is in the ancient city of Jingjue.


 Listen to what he says.

The expressions of several people are constantly changing.

Especially Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner brother, they fell into deep thought again.

Everything they heard now was far beyond their expectations, and it was understandable that they could not accept it for a while.

 See this situation.

 Kunlun, Yang Fang and Huamaguai also understood and remained silent in a tacit understanding.

 More than half an hour later.

 Hua Ling and the other three finally walked out of the ancient city.

I didn’t know what I was talking about, and I kept laughing all the way.

 “Girl Oona…”

Chen Yulou greeted from a distance.

 Seeing it was her, a hint of surprise flashed across Oona's face.

Hua Ling and Hong **** the side also looked at each other, looking puzzled.

 “Please come over, Mr. Chen wants to ask you something.”

 “Okay, shopkeeper Chen, wait a moment.”

Hearing this, Oona nodded.

 The three of them put their changed clothes back into the tent, and not long after, the three of them came together again.

Far away, the night wind blew by, bringing with it a faint fragrance of honey locust.

Oona's long hair was not **** as usual, but hung down behind her, making her look obviously less sharp and more girlish.

 I saw a few people sitting around a campfire.

The atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.

 Her brown eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of surprise.

 “What does Shopkeeper Chen want to ask?”

“I wonder if Miss Oona knows... the ancient country of Jingjue?”

Chen Yulou did not make any insinuations, but spoke directly.

 Then his eyes fell on Oona's face.

 Sure enough.

  It was almost the moment when the words "Jing Jue Gu Guo" appeared.

Oona's eyes clearly flashed with a look of disbelief and panic.

Even his steady breath became rapid for a while.

Although she tried her best to suppress it, she could not escape the attention of the group of people.

 In Taoist practice, one has mastered the art of breathing guidance.

 Most sensitive to the flow of breath.

 “It seems...Miss Oona knows.”

Chen Yulou smiled faintly and already had the answer in his heart.

Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner looked at each other. The two brothers were anxious and their eyes fell on Oona. They had too many questions.

 But in this regard, after experiencing a brief panic, Oona quickly calmed down.

 Just looked at Chen Yulou quietly.

"It seems that you are not going to Central Asia for business at all. You may have come here for it in the first place."

 Under still water.

 Undercurrent is surging.

 It was shocking when I opened my mouth! (End of chapter)

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