Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 271: The human heart is not enough and the snake swallows the elephant

 More than half an hour later.

 Oona finally ended the interrogation.

Having been in the Western Regions for so long, everyone has actually learned a few words in Uyghur. It is not a problem to simply say hello, but in the current big event, it is best for her to be the translator.

 As for Pat.

 After all, he was from a lower class background and had not seen too much bloodshed in the world.

 The result of the interrogation.

 It was exactly as they had guessed early on.

 There are two teams in the city.

 One branch crossed Central Asia and crossed Kunlun.

 That is, the thirteen corpses hanged on the city gate.

 The other branch is the guy whose hands and feet are tied.

The name is Hoja.

 I heard that he is a descendant of a saint.

 Chen Yulou didn't pay much attention to this.

Most of the Uyghurs I met along the way had very long names, and the names were also given in all kinds of strange ways.

 According to Hoja.

 Their team is extremely large, with nearly a hundred people.

 A mixed bag.

 Most of them were bandits from southern Xinjiang, with a small number of defeated troops from Tsarist Russia mixed in.

 At first, they moved back and forth between Shule and Yarkand.

 Killings, setting fires, robbing passing merchants, all kinds of evil.

 Until I met the group of foreign devils crossing the border.

Although there are also many people in Central Asia with blond hair and blue eyes, they are still very different from each other.

What’s more.

 Trading traders on the ancient Silk Road.

 Rarely carry a large number of weapons.

The bandit boss was keenly aware that there was something wrong with that group of people.

 So he resolutely detained the team.

  After some severe torture, a confession was extracted.

 They really asked me something.

Those people came from the distant European continent, talking about and doing inspections.

 But the real purpose is to come to an ancient city in the black desert.

 In fact, Marco Polo's rumors about the East have been circulating in Europe.

 Gold, porcelain, silk, brocade and jade as described in biographies.

 Everything has inspired adventurers of all ages.

 It’s just that Europe and Asia are too far apart. Drifting by sea often takes several years, and few people can accurately reach the eastern continent.

 For various reasons, they chose to go around Central Asia.

 And the reason for all this.

We have to start with an explorer named Stein.

According to his statement, while wandering in the Western Regions, he accidentally broke into a black desert. As a result, the camel team was lost in the wind and sand. When he was about to die, he was taken by camels into an ancient city.

 The ancient city is located under two tall black mountains.

 The city has long been abandoned.

 No trace of human beings.

 But the city was filled with gold and silver.

 Buried are treasures that ordinary people cannot retrieve in ten lifetimes.

 After receiving the news, a group of people organized a group of fanatical adventurers to come to the Western Regions to look for the legendary ancient city.

 When they heard that there was such an amazing treasure.

How can a group of bandits be able to endure it?

 I immediately became greedy.

 After all, as long as you dig out the ancient city, you will have countless gold and silver.

So they forced themselves to follow the team and entered the Black Desert.

  We walked for several months and many people died before we finally reached the ancient city of Jingjue.

 But they didn’t wait for their excitement.

The seemingly peaceful ancient city is actually dangerous.

 Especially a strange black snake.

 Not only was the speed astonishing, but it was also extremely poisonous. In just a few days, more than ten brothers were killed.

In desperation, a group of bandits turned their attention to those foreign devils.

  Anyway, we have arrived at the ancient city that we have longed for.

 They naturally have no place to use them.

So, in the following time, those people were driven with guns into the city to explore the way.

The fate of those people is naturally self-evident.

 Fortunately, they are not useless, and they just used their blood and lives to build a path.

 As for why their bodies were hung on the city gate.

Hoja said that after they entered the city, they were worried that outsiders would break in, so they used this method to frighten newcomers.

 This was also the time when they were causing trouble in Yarkand and other places.

 A commonly used method.

They kill too many people and the heads are rolling, which will naturally make everyone fear them.

 “Then where did you go after entering the city?”

 When the interrogation reaches this point.

Chen Yulou asked a question that everyone is concerned about.


 “There is a big city below the ancient city.”

Hoka did not hesitate.

 “Is it the Queen’s Palace?”

 “Have you found the Queen’s treasure?”

  The moment the words "Underground Ancient City" appeared, everyone's minds couldn't help but tremble.

Yang Fang and Guaizi couldn't help but ask impatiently.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Hoja didn't know what he was thinking of. His whole body was trembling uncontrollably, his face was as pale as gold paper, and cold sweat was pouring down his forehead because of fear.

  It has been a long time.

 Wait until your mind finally calms down a bit.

   Hojaci gnashed his teeth and cursed loudly.

“Those foreigners are full of lies. We didn’t find a single piece of gold or silver in the underground royal city…but we encountered countless venomous snakes.”

 “Someone is dying every minute.”

"That is the devil's residence, and those poisonous snakes are the devil's messengers. If we rush in and disturb the devil's sleep, we will be killed."

 “Snake den?!”

 Simple two words.

 Made everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Especially Huamaguai, the smile on his face froze instantly.

 After all, he is the only one in the team who has been attacked by a snake so far.

 Just a little bit separated the yin and yang.

 Coupled with this period of time, the closer you get to the ancient city of Jingjue, the more and more marks you get about the black snake.

 Their existence always shrouded his mind like a nightmare.

 Now I heard the word "Snake Cave" from Hoja's mouth with my own ears.

Huamaguai felt a chill rush straight to the top of his head, his vision became blurred, and countless images intertwined before his eyes, finally settling into a black snake figure with scarlet eyes.


 It was Chen Yulou who was the first to notice something strange about him.

 Hand out your hand and pat him on the shoulder.

 A wisp of pure Aoki spiritual energy passed through the palm of his hand.

As the spiritual energy circulated through his limbs and veins, Huamaguai felt a chill all over his body, and then his vision blurred, and the noise in his ears gradually dissipated, becoming clear again.


Huamaguai let out a long sigh of relief.

 Cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

Seeing everyone looking at him worriedly, he waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

 “Is there anyone else alive besides you?”

Chen Yulou's eyes flickered and he looked at Huo Jia sitting on the ground again.


Hoka shook his head.

 Looking lonely and scared.

"At least when I left, I didn't meet anyone. If I fell into the devil's cave, there would be no chance of survival."

 A team of hundreds of people.

 Nearly half a year.

 In the end, only Hoja survived.

It can’t be said that it is not tragic.

However, people’s hearts are not as strong as snakes swallowing elephants, and they have themselves brought this fate.

 “The snake you encountered...does it have any weaknesses?”

 The atmosphere became silent.

 After pondering for a moment, the old foreigner suddenly asked.

Although according to ancient rumors in the clan, the clan members had the experience of besieging and killing black snakes as early as the ancient sage era, it was too old after all, and the exact method of killing them was not recorded clearly.


“Snakes are treacherous things, and they are most afraid of the scorching sun.” Hoja hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to tell the truth.

His current situation is like mutton on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered. Unless he can grow a pair of wings, he alone will not be able to get out until he dies.

Such a vast and boundless black desert.

With no one to support him and alone, the man-eating beasts alone could bite him into pieces.

 So, it is better to rely on these people now.

Although their identities and origins are not yet clear, there are hundreds of people in the team, so maybe they can actually accomplish something.

“Since we know that black snakes are afraid of fire, why are you still in such a situation?”

 The old foreigner frowned and continued to ask.

Hoja was a little frightened by him. After all, he was definitely impressed by the kick just now. The bones on the inner side of his calf were still feeling a faint pain.

 I saw him frowning at this moment.

 His eyes immediately looked at Oona on the side.

 After listening to her translation.

 His face couldn't help but show a hint of bitterness.

“The size of the underground city was astonishing, completely beyond all of our expectations. The torches we carried were simply not enough… plus we were driven away by a tide of snakes and couldn’t find our way out.”

 “What were you looking at before?”

 At the moment when his mind was intertwined.

Chen Yulou suddenly spoke out, piercing the depths of his heart.

Hoja, whose ears were still ringing with the screams of his brothers and the rustling sounds like the devil's whisper, couldn't help but have a flash of panic deep in his eyes, but he immediately became calm.

 “No, it’s nothing.”

“I’m just afraid that those black snakes will catch up.”

 Hear the words.

 Everyone didn’t think there was any problem.

 But Chen Yulou shook his head, "No, you are lying."

  Although I speak Chinese.

Facing those blazing eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, Hoja understood what he meant at once.

 “No, I didn’t, I was just running for my life.”

Everyone who was still thinking about how to deal with the snake cave in the underground city felt the sudden panic in his tone and raised their heads.


His gaze fell like a sword.

Although Hoja was born as a sand bandit and was responsible for countless lives, for some reason, these people outside him were obviously dressed as businessmen, but he felt more murderous than them.

He had no doubt at all.

 As long as you keep making things up.

 What awaits him is the sword and ax.

 Under the terrifying pressure, Hoja finally failed to hold on.

 “It’s the devil…”

“Sacrifice your life to him and you will live forever.”

 Finish this sentence.

Hokja took a deep breath of air.

The whole person lay down on the sand, his face pale, as if he had been drained of the last bit of strength.

 His words seem to be quite ambiguous.

 At least that was the case for Oona. She tried to translate it several times before finally finding a word that she thought was relatively suitable.

 “Eternal life?!”

 Hear these two words.

 Chen Yulou's mind seemed to be filled with thunderous waves.

At that time, in the ancient kingdom of Jingjue, people kept sacrificing their lives to the snake **** in exchange for mana.

  Killed countless slaves and prisoners of war.

 In the end, God is angry and everyone is angry.

 The practices of the Samsara Sect before them were similar. In order to seek the so-called immortality, they constantly killed and sacrificed prisoners.

The implication of Hoja’s words was extremely clear.

 A team of hundreds of people.

 I’m afraid many died in his hands.

Thinking of this, Chen Yulou's eyes flashed and he appeared outside Huo Jia in an instant.

reached out his hand and grabbed the back collar of his robe and pulled hard, only to hear a squeaking sound and the robe was torn into two pieces.

 In the light of the fire.

 A lifelike ‘ghost eye’ appears.

It seems that it was carved not long ago, and it still has a strange feeling of scarlet red like blood.


 The moment I saw that ghost eye.

Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner were shocked and spoke out almost at the same time.

The actions of the two people even alerted the people who were still busy in the distance, causing Hua Ling and Miss Hong to look this way frequently.

 Especially the flower spirit.

 She doesn't know what happened yet.

Just seeing the sudden change in the behavior of the two senior brothers, I couldn't help biting my lips, and my clear eyes were filled with worry.

 “It is true.”

 The rest of the people didn't understand what it was.

 Just seeing the appearance of the two Partridge Whistle, I instinctively realized that something was serious.

What's more, those ghost eyes are so vivid and enchanting, it's like a demon has been planted in Hoja's body, and it will squeeze out the flesh and blood at any time, open the ghost eyes and drill out.

Only Chen Yulou had a clear look on his face.

 Trading with the snake **** never ends well.

Hoja thought that his words were perfectly fabricated.

But he never imagined that there were people in the world who could penetrate the mind at a glance, let alone that in terms of understanding of ghost curses, he would not be able to match the three people in front of him among a hundred people.

 Perception of the pity in Chen Yulou's eyes.

Hokja finally noticed something.

  Desperately trying to turn his head to see what was on him.


That eyeball has already been integrated into the blood.

Not only that he couldn't see the back of his neck with his eyes, even if he untied his hands, he couldn't find any traces.

Standing up, Chen Yulou patted the shoulders of his two brothers.

 Their reaction was not surprising.

  After all, it is something engraved in the blood of Zagrama.

As soon as he patted them, the two of them came to their senses one after another.

 “Brother Dao, don’t worry.”

“Thousands of sails have been crossed, so what’s more, what’s ahead of us?”

Chen Yulou smiled.

Although he did not explicitly mention the word Muchen Pearl.

 But Partridge Whistle understood what he meant immediately, nodded, and then secretly took a few deep breaths, finally suppressing the restlessness and uneasiness in his heart.


  “The aroma of this food is wafting over you. It’s really important to fill your stomach and have a good sleep first.”

Stretched his limbs, Chen Yulou smiled and walked towards the camp.

  The remaining people looked at each other in confusion.

Huamaguai pointed at Hoja on the ground and asked, "Shopkeeper, what should I do with this guy?"

 Chen Yulou did not look back.

 Just raised his hand and made a downward gesture.

 He understood immediately.

After watching the group of people go away, Huamaguai greeted the few Changshengshan guys who were left behind.

 “Be smart.”

 “Leave no trace.”

Hearing this, several of the guys couldn’t help but grin.

  "Don't worry, spend your time, just leave this little thing to the brothers."

Still turning his head to look at Hoja on the back of his neck.

 Suddenly noticed something.

  Turning around, I realized that the previous group of people had already gone away.

 There are only a few people left.

He was looking at himself with a smile.

 His mind sank to the bottom of his mind.

Having been a bandit for many years, Hoja was very familiar with this scene.

Subconsciously, he wanted to struggle and opened his mouth to scream, but before he could make a sound, a figure broke into him and stuffed a ball of linen cloth into his mouth.

 There was only a low whimper left.

He was also weighed down by the cold wind blowing from the gap in the Shuangheishan Mountains in the distance.

 See this situation.

Huama hummed and turned around calmly.

 After walking a few steps, he heard a slight popping sound.

 Just like the butcher in the outer city killing pigs.

 The sound of a sharp knife piercing the neck.

Hearing the noise, Huamaguai couldn't help but shake his head, as if he was singing something dramatic.

 You can only hear it when you get closer.

"The human heart is not enough... the snake swallows the elephant." (End of this chapter)

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