Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 274: Witchcraft worships the mountain **** mirror to guide the way

  burned by fire.

 The meat ball on top of the head suddenly squirmed faster.

The outermost layer of mucus made a crackling sound in the sea of ​​fire. Holding your breath, you could still hear a faint wailing sound.

 Hearing this, the faces of the people around him became even more ugly.

 I couldn’t help but grasp the torch in my hand.

It’s really hard to imagine what the **** that thing is.


While they were hesitating, the flesh ball suddenly burst open.

Then there was a splash, and a ball of dark, viscous liquid seemed to have been fermenting in the gutter for hundreds of years, emitting a pungent and unpleasant smell.

 Until the slime falls onto the floor tiles.


With the flickering firelight all around, everyone could see clearly that the "viscous liquid" was actually countless black strange snakes tightly entwined together.

 Same as seen twice before.

 The black snake has sarcoma on its head and its body is covered with scales.

  Compared to those two, these black snakes in front of me looked like they had just hatched. They were only more than ten centimeters long, and the smaller ones were only one finger long.

 But it does not affect their terror at all.

He held his head high, and the sarcoma-like eyes on the top of his head shot out a fierce red light, staring at the surroundings, which made people shudder.


Chen Yulou raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice.


 In an instant.

 A wind lantern was thrown out from the hand of the partridge whistle, cutting through the night and heading straight for the dense black snakes on the ground.

The moment he threw out the lamp, he grabbed it at his waist, intending to shoot, break the lamp, and burn the strange snakes to death.

 But Yang Fang is faster than him.

As soon as the wind lantern appeared above Snake Chao's head, he raised his hand, and a delicate but heavy pistol appeared in the palm of his hand. It was clearly a Sanhuakou that would shine in later generations.

 That is, Browning.

 Since its birth in the early years of the Republic of China, it has appeared in the country.

 The number is second only to the Mauser twenty-ring mirror box, and it was also the favorite of warlords from all over the world during this era.

 There has always been a saying that there are one spear, two horses, three flowers, four snakes and five dogs with their mouths open and kicking.

 Because the protruding muzzle brim has a non-slip pattern.

 Hence why it is called Sanhuakou.

However, most of the ones used by the Xiling bandits on Changsheng Mountain and several groups of warlords in Xiangyin were twenty rings, so Yang Fang didn't recognize them when they took them from Huo Jia, and it was Chen Yulou who informed him.

 Even before that.

 He has never used a firearm.

 But it did not affect his marksmanship at all.

After all, there is Partridge Whistle, a master of spears who can shoot through the poplars at a hundred steps, and there are many old people on the mountain whose marksmanship is equally outstanding.

I asked for advice last night.

 After finishing several boxes of bullets.

Yang Fang's attainments in marksmanship can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

The accuracy of the shot from a hundred and ten meters away may not be satisfactory, but now that the wind lantern was less than ten meters away, he almost raised his hand and shot. In the light of the fire, yellow-orange bullets tore through the night.

 Hand through the glass cover of the wind lamp accurately.


 With a loud noise.

 A burst of fire exploded.

 Like a shower of stars scattered across the sky into a tide of snakes.

They started so quickly that the black snakes didn't even have time to open their fangs before they fell into the sea of ​​fire. The mucus and grease on their bodies made the fire even more intense.

 Less than a moment.

Hundreds of black snakes, without exception.

 Be burned into a pile of black charcoal.

 All of them perished in the sea of ​​fire.

The pungent fishy smell permeated the entire temple, but because of the air circulation outside and the fact that the face was wrapped in a wet black towel, it was not affected much.

 Otherwise, the venom of the black snake can cause a lot of trouble.

“Grandma, didn’t you say that the snake cave is in the underground royal city?”

“I’ve seen snake eggs before, but this is the first time they’ve been so weird.”

“Why does it feel like it suddenly appeared? I’ve seen it before and there’s nothing on the dome.”

 Until the tide of snakes was killed.

Everyone around him secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the solemnity on their faces did not diminish at all.

Even before coming down, several leaders had already made it clear that there were highly venomous black snakes lurking in the city, so one must be extremely cautious.

 But this ugly, ghost-like thing was far beyond their expectations.

The key is.

 After entering the temple.

 The first thing they did was to patrol around to make sure there was no danger.

 This is a habit developed through many years of back-fighting.

 After all, once you enter a tomb, dangers are always present, such as traps, poisons, and zombie rice dumplings, all of which may be fatal.

The top of the tomb is subject to quicksand, fire, and collapse all the time.

Although this temple is made of large pieces of black mountain stone, it has stood firm in the wind and sand for many years. However, after all, it is an ancient relic from thousands of years ago, and no one can guarantee that it will be foolproof.

 So, they looked at it carefully after coming in.

 The snake egg was not found.

 It's like...appearing out of thin air.

Not only those guys, but also the Partridge Whistle and others clearly noticed something was wrong. In order to confirm, he even called the old foreigner over and asked in a low voice.

 Usually, the three of them, brother and sister, go to the grave.

He has always been the one who takes the lead. Behind the Hualing Palace, the old foreigner is responsible for patrolling the surrounding areas.

Take the Qinchuan Bow to occupy the high ground.

Not only can he overlook the entire tomb, but he can also protect his senior brother from time to time when encountering danger.

Although there are many people on this trip, he does not need to do this kind of work again, but the habit of many years has been engraved in his bones, and it cannot be easily let go.

 But according to what the old foreigners say.

 After he and Yang Fang came in, they took a special look and found no snake eggs.

 When several people met, they briefly discussed their findings.

 The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Yuan Hong even took the initiative to ask for help. He held a lamp and climbed along the stone pillar closest to the dome in the temple to the top. He looked for a long time through the light, but found nothing.

 The dome is made up of large blocks of stone.

 To prevent rainwater from leaking.

  A thick layer of isinglass was specially used to seal the spaces between the stones.

Not to mention hundreds of snakes crawling through the gaps, even a blade would be difficult to insert.

 Various signs are taking things in a weird direction.

“Could it be the imaginary number space of Laoshizi?”

Yang Fang suddenly raised his head, breaking the silence.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, he didn't waste any time and quickly explained.

"The black tower we went to last night, between the patron saint and the queen, didn't there have a layer that represented nothingness? Is there a possibility... that it was not a fabrication, but a real existence?"


 The old foreigner frowned.

 Suddenly I thought of Chen Yulou’s analogy last night.

Yang Fang shook his head, "It's not necessarily the underworld, it's just an invisible space."

 “Is there really such a world?”

 The old foreigner is still a little unbelievable.

In Taoist practice, there is heaven and earth in a pot and heaven and earth in a cup. There is a similar saying in Buddhism, which is to hide the Sumeru in mustard seeds.

 The original meaning is actually very similar to the concept of imaginary number space.

 But I have been practicing for so long, and I have gained experience in both Taoism and witchcraft, but I have never heard of anyone being able to open up space.

 “It’s impossible to say that it’s true.”

I heard the conversation between the two.

The Partridge Whistle, which had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.


 The old foreigner was stunned for a moment.

 Partridge Whistle has an irreplaceable place in his heart.

He is also a teacher and a brother.

 Everything he learned came from his senior brother.

Now that all his senior brothers are saying this, he still doesn't believe it.

 Just for a moment, it was really unacceptable. After a moment of hesitation, I couldn't help but speak.

"Shopkeeper Chen, why are you...huh?" He raised his head and scanned the crowd.

However, he found that Chen Yulou was not involved in the debate. He was facing away from everyone and looking at the shrine attentively.


   is the jade eye placed in the gold plate.

Sensing something strange about him, several people looked over subconsciously.

 Compared with before, the jade eyes have not changed much, but if you look closely, you will find that the dense bloodshot eyes on the jade beads seem to have dispersed a lot now.

 Looks eyes are open.

“Do you still remember the murals in the tomb of Prince Gumo?”

 “The queen lifted the veil from her face, and the assassin disappeared into thin air in front of her.”

Chen Yulou did not look back, he just looked at the jade eyes intently, as if he was staring into it.

"of course I remember."

Partridge Whistle nodded.

 After leaving Gumozhou, this scene often flashed through his mind these days.

How come you can’t remember it?

“The murals in West Night City say that the queen made a deal with the gods in exchange for boundless mana, but whether it was to sacrifice slaves or sell her soul, the conditions were never mentioned.”

“Brother Dao, do you think there is a possibility?”

“The queen sacrificed her eyes to the gods, and then with the help of this jade eye, she mastered the ability to connect the imaginary space?”

Chen Yulou’s voice was not loud and his tone was extremely calm.

 But every word and sentence seems to contain thunder.

 “Sacrifice your eyes…”

 It’s not just a partridge whistle.

Those who had seen the murals and entered the black tower were all shocked.

“So, the appearance of those black snakes just now was not an accident.”

Yang Fang murmured in a low voice.

 Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Shopkeeper Chen, can it be said that as long as you get this jade bead, you can master the ability to connect the imaginary number space?”

This is a guess.

Even Chen Yulou couldn't help but be stunned. He was stunned for a while before shaking his head and laughing.

 “You boy… you really dare to think about it.”

 “Can’t you?”

Yang Fang scratched his chin, looking slightly embarrassed.

"What do you think?"

 The Reincarnation Sect has been studying it for hundreds of years and has always dreamed of having such an ability.

They did not hesitate to dig up the nine-story demon tower and take away the demon eyes of the first-generation demon mother Nian Xiheiyan, but in the end they just carved out a replica of the Evil Luohai City under the Kunlun Mountains.

 It is still a shadow created by the illusion of the environment.

What's more, what's the difference between making a contract with a snake **** and seeking skin from a tiger?


Seeing that he seemed a little disappointed, Chen Yulou changed the topic.

“Since this jade bead can communicate with the imaginary space, can we also see the gods believed in by the ancient country through it?”

 “Don’t say it, it’s really possible.”

 Listen to him.

 The more people think about it, the more likely it is.

 Immediately urged him to take off the jade eye from the shrine.

Chen Yulou did not waste any time and solved the only hidden danger in the temple dome. The next step... was to test whether the three keys he brought were useful.

He motioned to several people to bring their lanterns closer.

Chen Yulou took one casually and put the ancient jade key into the groove on the shrine.

 Same size.

But after being embedded in the groove, the jade eyes did not move at all.

The group of people looked at it with great uneasiness, but he didn't say much and just replaced it with another one.


 It was almost the moment when the second ancient jade key was imprinted into it.

There was a slight clicking sound from inside the shrine. The jade eye, which had taken root on the ground and was motionless and could not be picked up, actually rolled down from the stone platform on its own.

At the sight of it, it might knock the gold plate away and fall to the ground.

The old foreigner had quick eyes and quick hands. He approached the golden plate and opened the wind and cloud package with a splash.

as expected.

 The jade eyes flew out in an instant, drawing an arc in the air.

This scene made everyone around them feel numb and their minds were in their throats.


The jade eyes did not break, but fell accurately into the open wind and cloud.

 Feeling the weight in his hand, the old foreigner's heart strings tightened, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Shopkeeper Chen, this thing…”

 “Keep it, it will be of great use next time.”

Chen Yulou smiled faintly and ordered him to put it away. He even put the imitation that he had brought from the altar in Xiye City with him.


Seeing that his tone seemed casual, it was profound.

 The old foreigner immediately realized what he was doing.

 Put the wind and clouds carefully into the bamboo basket.

 After doing all this, Chen Yulou finally had time to study the sixteen stone pillars. After all, they were related to the underground royal city.


 Before that.

 He suddenly looked at Oona.

 After entering the temple, she said nothing and just looked around in trance.

But Chen Yulou is really curious. The design of the temple here coincides with Feng Shui. It connects to the stars on the top, the earth veins on the bottom, and integrates the five elements.

 Just like the stone toad I saw in the apse of the mountain temple in Zhelong Mountain.

   Not someone who is proficient in metaphysics and Feng Shui.

 It is almost as difficult as climbing to the sky to open it.

According to Oona, Azhiya has been here more than ten times, and he also visited this temple.

 But he had never heard of the Feng Shui inheritance of shamanism.

 “Miss Oona, I don’t know how to get to the royal city?”

Hearing this, Partridge Whistle couldn't help but have a strange flash in his eyes.

He had mentioned the Sixteen Dragons of the Earth before, so why did Brother Chen still ask such questions, but then he came back to his senses and looked over curiously.

However, when he asked, Oona acted extremely calmly.

 Look away from those stone pillars.

 Amber eyes looked like lake water flowing.

“In my shamanism, there is a witchcraft called worshiping the mountain.”

“The heavens, the earth, the mountains and the rivers all have spirits. I heard from Atta that the first wizard to enter the Black Desert saw the two holy mountains through worshiping the mountains and learned that there were sacred trees here.”

Oona said calmly.

at the same time.

 In the eyes of everyone's amazement.

She suddenly took off the magic weapon she was carrying behind her and peeled off the wrapped black cloth layer by layer. Finally... the bronze mirror was completely revealed.

 Holding the magic mirror in her hand, Oona's expression suddenly became much more pious.

Even the firelight shined through the mirror and reflected on her face, making her look a little more mysterious.

Closing her eyes slightly, Oona muttered something. She knelt down several times and stood up again. This should be the witchcraft of worshiping mountains in her mouth.

 Wait until you open your eyes again.

 I saw her suddenly raising the bronze mirror.

The divine mirror seemed to come alive, with a golden light shining out of it and shining straight into the deepest part of the temple.

There are several bluestone floor tiles scattered here and there.

  It seems to be no different from other places.

 But the moment they saw those floor tiles, the eyes of Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle suddenly lit up.

The so-called sixteen dragons that penetrate the earth are actually snakes.

 But among the sixteen, only one that passes through the earth veins is a true dragon.

While Oona was performing witchcraft, the two of them were not idle, and each made silent calculations using the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret technique.

 The surprisingly consistent with the place illuminated by the divine mirror.

 This is also the reason why the two of them were so excited.

“Shopkeeper Chen, the divine mirror has guided me, and the downward passage is right here!” (End of this chapter)

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