Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 276: Giant snake in the sky brick corridor


“By the way, after walking through the stone steps, there is a throne made of jade.”

Oona was still in a trance. When she heard this, she subconsciously raised her head and met those clear and deep eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

 She was confused for no reason.

 Avoid Chen Yulou’s sight.

 He nodded, seeming to feel a little casual, and quickly added something.

 The Jade Throne?

This news immediately ignited everyone's emotions.

 It can be based on jade, and in the entire Jingjue Ancient Kingdom, only the Queen has this kind of treatment.

 “The boss is always the leader, so what are you waiting for? Let’s fight.”

"I would like to be a pioneer and explore the way for the brothers."

 “Take me one.”

Although they have been fighting for many years, how many of them have the opportunity to take a look at the royal tomb?

Not to mention the queen who unified the thirty-six countries in the Western Region.

  It would be difficult to find a few names like this in the thousands of years of Han dynasty.

 And Changsheng Mountain has always been the first to climb.

The most popular Zhang Yunqiao on the mountain today, I heard that it was in southern Yunnan that he made the great achievement of climbing the mountain first, and then he rose to prominence all the way.

  Years ago, he was still unknown.

 At present, he is the leader of the Thirteenth Hall.

With his example, the bandits can't understand at this moment that a great opportunity to gain a future is right in front of them. They can't wait and take the initiative, for fear of falling behind.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou couldn't help but ponder.

Even though Yuan Hong was asked to use the mandrill's talent to explore first this morning, he could only get a rough idea of ​​where the Snake Cave is. The royal city was shrouded in darkness, and he had to enter it to find out.

 The brothers are so enthusiastic and active.

 He also did not damage their confidence.

 “ take the lead.”

 “Remember, be careful.”

His eyes swept across the crowd, and finally landed on the tall figure beside him.

The temple is already astonishing and majestic, but Kunlun inside it actually feels like it is standing on top of the sky, just like the giant-eyed stone general that can always be seen along the way.

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

Kunlun's eyes were sharp. Even though he seemed calm, there was a hint of violent waves about to rise.

I couldn't open the dark door just now. Although the shopkeeper didn't say anything, he was quite blame in his heart. Now he finally has the chance to remedy.

 I immediately picked a few guys.

 It is easy to travel by light vehicle.

 Carry only torches and long knives and guns with you.

With countless eyes on him, Kunlun took a deep breath and pulled up the black scarf around his neck to protect his mouth and nose.

 The palace below has not been visited by anyone for thousands of years.

 Maybe it’s just a black cellar.

 There is not much time now, and there is no time to relax, so we need to be even more careful. If you rush into it rashly, you are very likely to be poisoned.

 Not only him, but also several people behind him.

The black towel is not only wetted with clean water, but also impregnated with a potion that can calm the mind and remove poison. If it is really poisonous, he will not die in an instant and can be dragged to the brothers to help him.


Kunlun holds a torch.

 He broke into the stone staircase tunnel first.

As soon as he stepped inside, he felt a cold, damp breath blowing against his face, mixed with an indescribable rotten musty smell.

 It is completely different from the dry and transparent temple.

 He reached out and touched the stone wall. The icy cold mist had condensed into water droplets, and his feet were extremely slippery. If he was not careful, he might fall down.

Kunlun frowned and reminded.

 The people behind him responded one after another.

After walking up to the eighty-seventh level, the stone steps finally reached the end. The space in front suddenly increased, and the line of sight suddenly became clearer.

 He stretched out his hand and made a sign of stopping. Kunlun did not rush in. Instead, he took out a fire stick and lit it, and then threw it out with all his strength.

The light and dark were uncertain, and the slightly flickering fire light flashed across the air.

His eyes were fixed on the trajectory of Huo Zhezi.

From time to time, there are flashes of rich and colorful colors in the light.

“Kunlun’s head looks like a corridor.”

 The old man behind him said in a low voice.

 “Indeed it is.”

Kunlun did not look back, but stared at the Huozhezi that had fallen to the ground. In the dim light, he could faintly see the stacked Western Region sky bricks.

They had seen a lot of this kind of sky bricks when they came here.

Many of the stone tombs floating in the sea of ​​sand were built with it.

 According to the shopkeeper.

It is extremely difficult to burn sky bricks from the Western Regions, and those who can afford them are generally the princes and nobles.

This corridor is now more than ten meters long at least, and the domes are stacked in the shape of bucket arches, which is enough to accommodate a carriage. It is so grand that it requires thousands of sky bricks at least.

  After ordinary people die, it is rare to decorate them with sky bricks.

 That is, only Queen Jingjue has such luxury.

 “You guys wait here.”

 After looking at it for a moment, Kunlun casually handed the lantern to the man behind him.


 No one picked up.

The guy grinned and said, "Kunlun leader, why do you need to do this small task of exploring the path yourself?"

 “Give it to the brothers and I will do it.”

Before Kunlun could say anything, the others laughed and jumped out.


Kunlun frowned.

The reason why he wanted to go alone was because his experience of visiting tombs countless times in the past told him that such long, narrow and closed corridors were most likely to contain hidden mechanisms.

 No need for fire, quicksand or traps.

  Just set up a few crossbows in the darkness in front of the corridor.

 Machine expansion triggered by golden Yinxian or mercury water.

  No matter how many people there are, they can only be shot.

He originally thought of relying on his own strength to make a breakthrough. If there were arrows, crossbows and hidden arrows, he might not be able to escape unscathed.

Unexpectedly, the old man saw through his intention immediately and rushed out without hesitation.

 Wait for him to turn around and look.

The others fell on the corridor paved with sky bricks like a line of blue smoke, and kept rushing forward.

This scene made the hearts of several people on the stone steps tense into a straight line.

I dare not take a breath.

 I am afraid that there will suddenly be a buzzing sound in the darkness ahead.


 The group’s worries did not come true.

The guy was very fast, and in just a moment he had crossed the corridor and stood under the circular arch.

Without enough time to take a breath, he raised his wind lantern and looked in front of him.

After looking at it intently for a while, he took a long breath and waved the lantern, "Kunlun, come on, it's okay."

 Hear this.

Kunlun’s frown finally slowly relaxed.

There was also a low sigh of relief and cheers coming from the stone steps behind him.


 Without any hesitation.

Kunlun strode forward.

Lamps illuminated the corridor as brightly as daylight, allowing them to see clearly the murals on the walls.

 Looking up, there are almost all kinds of eyes.

 Either they are open or tightly closed, some are large or small, and even the eyelashes and eyelids are clearly drawn.

Walking in it, it's like being stared at by countless pairs of eyes. Even if a group of people are all old Jianghu who are not afraid of anything, they can't help but feel hairy.

Kunlun was quite fascinated by what he saw.

But the most important thing about this trip is to find out the situation in the palace.

 He did not dare to waste time.

 Just glanced at it casually, then went to the front to meet the guy.

 “Good kung fu.”

Kunlun stretched out his hand and patted him **** the shoulder. Kunlun's eyes were full of admiration.     He is a master in his own right.

Having seen the skills of the shopkeeper, Partridge Whistle and Yang Fang, he has a very high level of vision, and ordinary light body skills cannot catch his eye. He did not expect that this guy's skills are so outstanding.

 “Thank you, sir.”

"What's your name? I'll go and ask for credit for you later."

 See that he is neither arrogant nor impetuous.

 The look of appreciation on Kunlun's face suddenly became stronger.

However, although he has always held a top position on the mountain.

  But because he had not been enlightened in the past few years and could not speak, he was almost in a state of self-isolation. Except for the shopkeeper, the kidnapper and the red girl, no one could get close to him.

 So I’m not too familiar with the guy.

As we were walking along, I felt that he looked familiar, but I didn’t know his name.

“Kunlun is the leader. He is known as Xiaoqian in the mountains. His strongest point is his skill.”

The guy was about to speak when a few laughs came from behind him.

 Hour migration?

 Hearing this title.

Kunlun couldn't help but nod. Changsheng Mountain was from Green Forest, and the guys on the mountain most admired the heroes from Shuibo Liangshan. They were proud of their nicknames of Xiao or Sheng.

 In the whole of Liangshan, except for Dai Zong, Shi Qian was famous for his light body kung fu and agile body movements.

 However, when the guy heard this name, he blushed for the first time.

“When I was young, my family was poor and I almost starved to death, so I became a gentleman for a while...”

 “That’s why I got such a name.”

Seeing the shame on his face, Kunlun just shook his head and smiled and didn't care.

Brothers on the mountain, none of them came from a poor background.

 He was just a wild man in the mountains before he went up to the mountains.

 “Okay, I remember you.”

Nodding, Kunlun said no more, said hello, and walked straight through the arch and entered.

 “Brother Zhao is getting rich, don’t forget your brothers.”

 When he left, several guys quickly followed and filed in. However, when he passed by Xiao Qian, they could not hide their envy in their eyes.

Kunlun is the confidant who always deserves to be the leader.

If he can be remembered and ask for credit in person, it is conceivable that after returning to Changsheng Mountain, he dare not say that he will catch up with Zhang Yunqiao, but it is definitely enough to become the helmsman under the branch hall.

 For these guys, this is already a step to the top.

 “Go, go, go, there’s no trace.”

The guy waved his hands, but his heart was full of longing.

 After so many years, I am finally coming out.

 He took a breath and quickly followed without further delay.

When several people caught up with Kunlun, they realized that he was holding a wind lantern and looking at something intently. Looking at it, he saw that it was a throne made of mutton-fat white jade and finely carved with red jade.

 It is more than two meters high.

   Close to the high wall, it looks indescribably majestic.

The whole body of the pedestal is inlaid with gold and silver, and is engraved with fairy mountains, clouds, insects, fish and animals.

 It is extremely eye-catching in the black-based main hall.

"The throne...isn't this **** valuable?"

“What a good thing. I can exchange it for hundreds of spears if I get it back.”

 “Granny, a queen of a small country is really luxurious.”

“I’m afraid it’ll be a little difficult to move back. It’s thousands of miles away.”

 The group of people couldn’t move their eyes away from it.

Especially when they saw that the throne was made of a single piece of jade and not spliced ​​together as they imagined, everyone was even more shocked and exclaimed from time to time.

 “Look at other places first. If there is no danger, go and notify the shopkeeper.”

 Kunlun is not very interested in these.

After casually scanning, he withdrew his gaze, glanced at a few people and warned.


 The group of people scattered in all directions.

 After watching it for a while, several people looked a little disappointed.

Because the palace hall was built underground, the water vapor was deep and the air was humid. Except for the throne and the murals in the corridors, which were well preserved, the other ancient objects were severely corroded.

Furthermore, the legendary scene of gold and silver everywhere has not been seen.

 Except for a few pieces of jade, they put them away.

 Pottery is not valuable.

 Copper, iron, wood, and silk fabrics are almost broken at a touch.

There are still a few white bones scattered in the corner of the hall. Judging from the rotten armor on their bodies, they should be guards. The rusty sword armor is scattered on the ground.

 The style is completely different from that of Han swords.

A few guys who liked ancient weapons wanted to take them back for collection, but they turned into powder before they could pick them up. Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to give up.

 “Go and notify the shopkeeper.”

 Kunlun didn’t reveal much.

 Just gave instructions to a few guys.

 Not long.

The sound of footsteps came from the sky brick corridor.

Chen Yulou and his party looked along the murals one by one, many of which they had seen before.

 After all, he has been ruled by Jingjue for many years.

Both Xiye and Gumo live in the shadow of the queen.

However, the closer you get to the palace, the contents of the murals begin to become mysterious.

 Especially one of them.

The jade eye enshrined in the altar shone brightly, and then a black hole appeared in the sky, from which a giant eye-like flesh ball slowly emerged.

 “ really an imaginary number space!”

 The moment I saw it.

 Everyone subconsciously thought of what they had just experienced in the temple.

 No wonder the snake eggs appeared silently.

“Isn’t this just that kind of black snake?”

As he watched, Yang Fang suddenly touched the old foreigner next to him with his shoulder.

 The latter raised his lantern forward.

I saw two black mountains covered with black snakes. Countless people and beasts knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the black snakes on the mountains.

 The murals are so realistic and lifelike that it is hard to tell whether they are real or fake.

Just as he was about to speak, the old foreigner suddenly noticed something. His body couldn't help but tremble, and veins popped out on the back of the hand holding the lantern.

"What's wrong?"

 Perception that he was strange.

Yang Fang couldn't help but look weird.

Although the black snake is weird and venomous, it's not so scary just because of a painting, right?

 “Look behind the mountain…”

  After taking a few deep breaths, the old foreigner finally calmed down slightly, but he still couldn't hide the complexity between his brows and eyes.

 “Behind the mountain?”

Yang Fang took advantage of the situation and looked around.

It was only then that I discovered that behind the intertwined peaks of the Double Black Mountains, two scarlet dots poked out from the clouds and mist. They were looming. If you didn't look carefully, you could easily be mistaken for red minerals.

Now take a closer look.

 He just vaguely realized seemed to be a giant snake entrenched on Shuanghei Mountain.

"how come?"

Seeing the strange snake, which was almost bigger than a mountain, Yang Fang's first thought was that it was impossible.

 Shuangheishan is not high though.

 But it is still several hundred feet long.

His body is surrounded by two huge mountains, even the legendary dragon cannot reach it.

Seeing his expressions changing one after another as he exclaimed, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle, who were looking at the murals one after another, were also alarmed and followed him to inquire about the situation.

  “I don’t think it’s possible either.”

“Brother Chen…how big is the thousand-year-old dragon at Fuxian Lake?”

Partridge Whistle frowned as he looked at it.

No matter what I saw along the way, or in the family books left by the ancestors of the Zagrama clan, there was no record of this giant snake. It was the mother snake that reached the sky, but it was almost the same as the giant green-scaled python in Zhelong Mountain. .

 The big snake in the mural in front of you.

 They have transcended the worldly realm.

Even the several great monsters recorded in the ancient mythology The Classic of Mountains and Seas are nothing more than this.

Facing the looks of several people, Chen Yulou did not explain, but pointed to the mural at the end of the corridor.

 “I think we have to look at it in conjunction with it.” (End of this chapter)

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