As soon as these words came out.

The scene of that day suddenly appeared in the minds of several people around him.

That was also the first time they saw that kind of weird black snake in the black desert.

Open your eyes to day, close your eyes to night.

How amazing this is.

But so far, they don't seem to have seen such terrifying abilities from them.

Except for the two giant snakes, which were a little tricky, the snake tide still won with numbers and venom.

Therefore, I always have doubts in my heart.

They... don't seem to be as powerful as Chen Yulou said.

Partridge Whistle's words undoubtedly led his thoughts in another direction.

Perhaps it is not Jingjian Agama that isolates yin and yang.

But this mountain where Mahakala strikes thunder? !

After all, these four words, Black Sky and Ghost Side, seem to perfectly fit and correspond to each other.

"It's not impossible."

Chen Yulou thought for a moment and his eyes brightened slightly.

This kind of speculation was something he had never thought of.

The so-called yin and yang has a very broad meaning.

Heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, cold and heat, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the underworld, movement and stillness, opening and closing, direction and back, and the two qi that transform all things in the universe.

In fact, they can all be defined as yin and yang.

However, before, they thought that opening or closing the eyeball totem was the difference between day and night.

"Then Shopkeeper Chen, what's next?"

Seeing that he was thoughtful, the old foreigner couldn't help but ask.

"Go in and take a look before we talk."

The stone door in front of him was not integrated with the Thunder Mountain. There was a sliding stone ball at the bottom of the door as an opening and closing mechanism. As he spoke, he tried to push it.

I originally thought that no one had set foot in this place for thousands of years.

The mechanism may have long since decayed and been damaged.


Use a little more force.

There was a creaking sound, and the stone door slid straight to the left into the depths of the cliff.

A deep and long natural cave is exposed behind.

Both sides of the tunnel are filled with unknown crystal ores.

Looking up, it looks like a growth of downy mold, emitting a cold luster in the darkness, giving it an indescribable sense of coldness.

"This is?"

Several people looked behind the door in astonishment, their brows furrowed.

All this seems to be different from what is seen in the murals on the sky brick corridor.

"Whatever it is, you'll know everything once you take a trip."

Yang Fang licked the corner of his mouth, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Although he is a descendant of Mojin, he has never had the mentality of Mojin Xiaowei. He has always had no taboos.

In the past, I walked around the world alone.

The tomb will not fall unless it is a grave disaster, and it will not fall unless it is the owner of a violent death.

It's just that in this journey, in front of Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle, he can only be regarded as a junior in the world, a late learner and a latecomer.

In addition, the ancient city of Jingjue is really weird.

Far beyond what he had seen before.

Just don't dare to mess around.

Otherwise, with his character, even if he knew there was a tiger in the mountain, he would still have to take a deep look inside to feel at ease.

"Hahaha, brother Yang Fang is really straightforward."

Hearing this, Chen Yulou couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

This is how a back-and-forth fight should be, be bold and cautious, be brave and diligent, and the most taboo thing is to be hesitant and hesitant.

"In that case, how about Brother Yang taking the lead?"


Maybe there were so few opportunities along the way that he couldn't believe it at the moment.

Chen Yulou shrugged, "A gentleman's words."

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

Yang Fang's eyes suddenly lit up, and the blood boiled in his heart.

He wasn't sure about the big snake before, but if he couldn't do this small task of finding the way, wouldn't it mean that he had lost his reputation as Captain Jin?

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate at all.

He picked up a wind lantern and held the magic whip in his hand. He stepped through the stone gate and stepped straight into the tunnel.

The swaying firelight reflected on the rock walls on both sides, and the fluorescent light shone like frost, as if a layer of white mist had arisen.

Once inside.

Yang Fang's eyes swept around like knives.

However... the uncontrollable weirdness that was expected did not occur. The tunnel was extremely quiet. You could hear a needle drop, and you could even hear his breathing and heartbeat.

"I just said it's okay..."

Seeing this situation, Yang Fang suddenly felt relieved.

He turned around and grinned at a few people.

But before he finished his sentence, a dull thumping sound suddenly sounded, from far to near, and the tunnel was narrow and long. The sound kept reverberating, and by the time it reached his ears, it was already rolling like thunder.

It exploded in his eardrums.

The shock made Yang Fang tremble all over, and he swallowed back the last few words.

Holding back his panic, Yang Fang turned around suddenly, clutched the magic whip tightly, and held it against the depths of the tunnel.

But nothing can be seen.

In the vast mist, it was as calm as ever.

It seemed that there were just rocks rolling down outside the mountain after a thunder strike.

Just about to breathe a sigh of relief.

next moment.

An even more alarming thump than before suddenly erupted.

The sound was so weird.

It sounded like the sound of someone stepping step by step.

The slow steps sounded extraordinarily heavy, as if they were being managed by thousands of troops. Every step fell, and the sound gathered through the tunnel and then spread out, like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts.


"Who the **** is pretending?"

Yang Fang's face darkened, and his expression was extremely ugly.

He never thought that there were still people in this ghost place.

However, for a while, he couldn't think of it, was it the general holding the mausoleum from the ghost cave, or the sand bandits who came with Huo Jia and his party?

If it's the latter, that's fine.

After staying for so long, the opponent must have run out of ammunition and food. After all, there are only gerbils in this ghost place besides snakes, so it is impossible to survive by eating dirt.

But if it's the former.

I'm afraid it's another big trouble.

From the stone door behind him, as well as the eyeballs and ancient inscriptions scattered all over, it is not difficult to see that these ruins belong to at least thousands of years ago, and are older than the ancient country of Jingjing.

Thousands of years old rice dumplings.

It is estimated that they have become generals and have not turned into bones.

Even the magic whip may be of no use to it.

He roared with anger, but unfortunately, the 'person' in the tunnel still had no intention of responding.

He even seemed to be alarmed by him.

The thunderous footsteps came closer and closer, and the rhythm became more rapid, falling like a downpour.


The movement in the tunnel was so startling.

How could the few people who had already entered behind him not hear it.

The old foreigner had already taken off his dragon-shooting bow, and there was an iron arrow on the bowstring, which was emitting a faint cold light, making people shudder.

They heard footsteps getting closer and closer, as if they were about to tear through the mist at any moment and break into the group of people.

His brows had already furrowed into the character "Chuan".

"I'm afraid even Kunlun can't do this kind of movement, right?"

The old foreigner glanced at Kunlun beside him.

It's not like he hasn't seen him take action before.

Especially when he was encircling and suppressing the six-winged centipede in Pingshan that day, at the last moment, he pulled up a beam and knocked down the big demon that was trying to escape from mid-air.

That scene was almost etched in his mind.


But even if Kunlun, which is leaning on the sky and the earth, and overwhelming the mountains and the world, can't make such an astonishing movement when it strides forward.

Now listen to those footsteps.

It is not impossible to say that it is an ancient giant beast.

"Damn it, I'm afraid it's not that ancient **** who's here..."

Yang Fang's face was as white as gold paper, his heartbeat was racing, and inexplicable fear arose spontaneously, which he couldn't restrain at all.

The hand holding the magic whip was very hard, and the veins on the back of the hand were clearly visible.



Listen to the thunderous footsteps.

It's already close at hand.

Unfortunately, nothing can be seen in the tunnel.

The indescribable weirdness and panic was like a huge boulder, making several people breathless. The partridge whistle lowered his head and glanced at the vajra prong in his hand.

The strange thing is that, as a tantric dragon-suppressing magic weapon, at this moment, it is actually motionless in such a paradoxical environment.

as if…

Everything they heard was just an illusion.

Secretly swallowing, he did not dare to hesitate anymore and reminded a few people in a low voice.


In an instant.

The group of people quickly exited the door like a wave.

The team's formation changed from the front to the back. Yang Fang, who was at the head, became the last one to leave the tunnel, listening to the roaring footsteps that were still ringing in his ears.

He grabbed the stone door.


Close the open door tightly again.

Almost the moment the stone door closed, the strange footsteps stopped abruptly.

" more?"

"what's the situation?"

Yang Fang's retreating figure froze.

Staring at the stone door in front of him in disbelief.

As before, the two eyeballs on the door page did not change at all. They opened and closed, looking at the group of people quietly.

But don't know why.

He always felt that there seemed to be a bit more sneer and sarcasm in those eyes.

"Fucking hell."

The old foreigner held a dragon archer's bow, stepped forward past Yang Fang, and placed his ear on the stone door, but what was damning was that it was surprisingly quiet behind the door, with no movement at all.

Where are the footsteps?

Complete nothingness, not even a sign of life.

Like the imaginary giant or behemoth before.

It's like it evaporated out of thin air.

Fu Er listened for a long time, and after repeated confirmations, the old foreigner stood up with an ugly look on his face. He, who was always calm and composed, unexpectedly uttered a rare curse word in the face of several questioning glances.

"No, it's just gone?"

Yang Fang frowned, still unable to believe it.

The sound that sounded like drums and thunder made his whole body tremble. How could he just disappear?

Even if you notice them leaving.

There will also be friction sounds under sudden braking, right?

The door seemed to be pressed when it stopped.

"ask me?"

"I still want to know what's going on?"

Seeing him staring at her with wide eyes, the old foreigner, who was also confused, felt angry.


Yang Fang was startled, and his face looked a little unsightly.

Seeing that there was suddenly a bit of restlessness, anger and gunpowder in the atmosphere.

Chen Yulou, who had been silent until now, finally spoke.

"I probably know."


Hear this.

The two people who were fighting against each other, no matter how dared to confront each other, turned around.

The same goes for Kunlun and Partridge Whistle on the side.

All four people's eight eyes fell on him.

"Brother Chen, what do you say?"

Making a silent gesture towards the two of them, Partridge Whistle asked eagerly.

"Didn't you ask me before if the Yin and Yang are separated behind this door?"

Chen Yulou breathed out.

His eyes were deep and he spoke calmly.

"I can answer you now."

"That's right!"

"Striking Thunder Mountain is like a great Feng Shui array, forming a space of its own. Once you step into it, the yin and yang will be out of order, and the universe will be in chaos. This is the so-called black sky ghost convenience."

Chen Yulou explained calmly.

"From the moment we stepped into it, we were actually hit."

"It's equivalent to saying... this Thunder Mountain is a corpse-scented konjac flower in another sense!"

In fact, he didn't think it through at first.

It wasn't until Yang Fang slammed the stone door shut and the sound disappeared that he suddenly came back to his senses.

An open door equals an open eye.

Closing the door leaf is equivalent to the closed eye.

" to live?"

Yang Fang was still thinking about passing through early, entering the ghost cave, and meeting the legendary ancient **** for a while.

Although I still don't understand at this moment.

But at least I already have an idea.

Immediately he was calm and couldn't wait to ask.

"There is a saying in Tantric scriptures that all appearances are false."

"Actually... if you want to pass through the tunnel safely, it's very simple, that is, close your eyes."

Chen Yulou actually understood now.

The various relics, ancient texts and totems on the Mahakala Thunder Mountain here were left behind by people from the Snowy Demon Country thousands of years ago.

Regardless of the Demon Kingdom, the Samsara Sect, or the Jingjue Ghost Cave Clan.

They are of the same origin.

Worship the snake **** and believe in reincarnation.

And the key to it all is the eyes.

"Close your eyes?"


Hearing this, several people in the group couldn't help but look at each other.

In a place where yin and yang are out of order, there is no distinction between feng shui, day and night, and no two qi. Even if they try hard, they can't find a single clue or solution.

Is such a move too casual?

"If you don't see or hear, your illusion will naturally be defeated."

Chen Yulou shook his head.

Although the voice is soft, it has a magical power that goes straight into people's hearts.

He knew very well the doubts of Partridge Whistle and the others.

But often the more complex the problem, the simpler the solution may be.

The premise is to find that little way.


Even if you get through the cracks, it will be difficult to achieve anything.


Look into his eyes as calm as Shishui.

The confidence inadvertently revealed between his brows.

Partridge Whistle didn't waste any time. He walked forward and blasted the stone door open again.

But this time he did not rush in. Instead, he took out a spare black scarf and folded it, then blindfolded his eyes and tied it behind his ears.

Do it all.

Partridge Whistle then strode into the door.

Seeing this, no one dared to say anything, staring at his back and profile.

But after waiting for a moment, the shock and panic before appeared on him.

"Senior brother?"

The old foreigner suppressed his emotions and spoke in a low voice.


Partridge Whistle slowly turned around, half of his face covered by black cloth, but the surprise and surprise could not be concealed at all.

"It's really useful!"

"Shopkeeper Chen, you are simply a genius!"

His answer instantly made everyone's hanging hearts fall back into their stomachs. They breathed a long sigh of relief and the tension disappeared.

Yang Fang was even more stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed to Chen Yulou.

"You kid..."

Chen Yulou shook his head and smiled.

He casually lifted up the black scarf on his body, covering his eyes as well, then stepped across the threshold and appeared next to Partridge Whistle.

"It's not done yet."

"It won't be too late to say this after the truth has passed."


Yang Fang grinned and without delay, pulled up the black scarf and quickly chased after him.

The same goes for Kunlun and the old foreigners.

A group of people entered the door one after another.

The weird and terrifying footsteps before... this time, it was indeed silent and never appeared again. (End of chapter)

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