Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 299: Kill the evil **** with the sword withou

Chapter 299 Killing the Evil God with the Sword without Seeing or Hearing

That cold feeling is so real.

So much so that Yang Fang seemed to be able to see it even through the black cloth.

A two-meter-long black snake with a thick arm and a **** on its head emerged from the crack in the cliff, wrapped around his wrist, and stared at him with its head raised.

The scarlet snake letter swayed back and forth in mid-air.

The next moment, it will cross his face.

The cold wind in the tunnel is just biting to the bones.

But this chill went straight to the sky, making people tremble and feel horrified. There were countless goosebumps on the arms crawled by the black snake.

Yang Fang gritted his teeth.

But he couldn't suppress the tremor in his voice.

I want to escape.

But the tunnel beneath him was extremely narrow, making it difficult to turn around. Moreover, judging from the current movement, the entire tunnel seemed to have been submerged by a tide of snakes.

The sound of hissing messages, the interlacing of iron leaf scales, and the rustling sound of snake belly crawling across the ground and cliffs.

Zoom in through a long, narrow tunnel.

When it falls into the ears, the effect is even more terrifying.

It seemed like the next moment, they would be buried by a tide of snakes.

"What to do?"

"Shopkeeper Chen, if this continues, we may all be buried in the snake's belly."

Seeing that several people around him had stopped, Yang Fang knew that they must have heard the noise, but they still didn't respond, which made him feel confused.

Now is not the time for silence.

One wrong move could mean life or death.

Before, outside the stone bridge, the guy exploring the path was just bitten by a black snake. His whole body looked like a clay statue from an old temple that had been washed away by heavy rain.

Less than two breaths before and after.

All the flesh and blood melted away, not even the bones were left.

That scene flashed through his mind like lightning.

It also made him feel even more uneasy.

The snake tide is getting closer and closer. If we don't make a plan, will we really have to sit back and wait for death?

"Don't panic, brother Yang Fang."

"If it's really a snake wave, do you think we still have a chance of survival?"

I could hear the impatience and panic in his voice.

Chen Yulou, who had been silent all this time, seemed to finally come to his senses and whispered meaningfully.

"What...what do you mean?"

Yang Fang looked stunned and confused.

The black snake beside him was almost touching his face, and the fishy smell rushed straight into his nose, giving him an indescribable feeling of nausea. How could it be fake?

Not only him, but also the three people next to him.

Sounds can be imitated, but smells and evil spirits can also be faked?

And, most importantly.

If only one person felt it, it could be explained as an illusion, but now all five of them heard it clearly, so it was impossible for them all to hallucinate?

"Brother Yang, do you think that black snake is dangerous?"

One look at the changes in the dark colors of several people, and Chen Yulou could guess what they were thinking. After thinking about it for a moment, he changed his question.


"I'm not bragging. Although Yang Fang and I have been traveling around the world for a short time, only a few years, most of these years have been spent in the mountains and forests."

"The number of snakes we encountered was not hundreds, but dozens."

"But there is nothing that can poison it, not even mountain climbing or the tip of a soldering iron."

Yang Fang nodded.

Although he grew up on both sides of the Yellow River, his travels were mostly in the Guichuan area. Those deep mountains and old forests were rampant with poisons, and countless people died at the mouth of the snake every year.

But even snake catchers are afraid of crossing the mountain.

After being bitten, even if there is no cure, it can last for three to five days. Finally, the venom soaks into the bone marrow and heart vessels, causing painful death.

But once bitten by this black snake, the whole body will be covered in ulcers and melt instantly.

He had never even heard of such strange poisons.

I guess even the legendary Hedinghong is hard to match, right?

"What about speed?"

Chen Yulou did not respond, but continued to ask.

Hearing this, Yang Fang subconsciously recalled the scene outside the ancient well in Gumozhou that day.

The strange snake jumped out of the barrel like a black lightning bolt.

Even though several of them are martial arts practitioners with five senses and six consciousness far beyond ordinary people, they can only vaguely sense it and have no time to react, let alone stop it.

That is to say, Chen Yulou's strength is amazing.

Take action brazenly.

Otherwise, Huamaguai would have been completely cold.

There is no chance to live to this day.

He didn't understand why Mr. Chen asked such a question, but he always felt that he must have ulterior motives, so he answered honestly.

"Nature is also unmatched."

"In that case..." Chen Yulou spread his hands and changed the topic, "We have all fallen into the snake tide, why hasn't a black snake attacked yet?"


Hear this.

Several people only felt a buzz in their minds.

It was as if a thunderbolt fell.


Listening to the noise, it was clear that the black snakes had already surrounded them.

With their ferocity, they are definitely not kind.

Could you let them go so easily?

I'm afraid it has already eaten the bones and marrow.

"Brother Chen, what do you mean...illusion?"

Partridge Whistle frowned.

After seeing everything in the tomb of Queen Jingjue above his head, he no longer dared to make a decision lightly.

"Most likely."

Chen Yulou nodded.

Didn't say it to death.

Even though his consciousness swept across the white tunnel at this moment and there was nothing in it, the sound of the surging snakes in his ears became stronger and stronger.

The corpse-scented konjac was completely burned by his spiritual fire.

There is absolutely no chance of chaos happening again.


There are only two possibilities.

One is the snake **** under the ghost cave who controls the ability to transform realms.

The second is that the evil **** Mahakala struck the Thunder Mountain.

But it was difficult for him to determine who was behind the scenes.

"how come?"

"Illusion? Witchcraft?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be too **** real?"

Hearing his words, everyone looked in disbelief.

Especially Yang Fang, at this moment, he could even feel that the black snake was completely close to him, and the smooth and cold snake Xinzi lightly scratched the bridge of his nose.

A touch that is so real that it couldn’t be more real.

It gave him a strong urge to pull off the black cloth on his face and take a look.

"Remember what I said before?"

"Everything you think is false!"

"If you really can't let go of your fear, try closing your ears."

Chen Yulou actually knew very well and understood their thoughts.

Because, from what he could feel at this moment, a black snake had landed on his shoulders and was wrapping around his neck, as if it was treating him as prey and trying to strangle it alive.

Like scales of iron leaves, they scratched across the neck, and a cold, damp breath hit his face.

The chill went straight from my feet to my forehead.

An ordinary person would probably not be able to bear to scream in surprise.

But his consciousness swept over.

The neck was clearly empty, as always, there was nothing.

However, although he seemed calm, there was a solemn look between his brows and eyes that could not be wiped away.

To be able to be so real.

It also illustrates the terrifying nature of the opponent from another level.

This kind of phantom mirror is beyond the reach of corpse-scented konjac and prophet's stone box, and is almost completely consistent with the real world.

Be part of it.

It is also an extremely huge test for the five of them.

Regardless of state of mind or knowledge.

Once he couldn't bear it anymore and his mind collapsed, he didn't dare to say what the outcome would be, but it was certain that his mind would completely fall into an illusion and he would sink forever.

Therefore, he made a decisive suggestion.

Out of sight and out of hearing.

Covering your eyes with a black scarf, you have achieved the first point.

Not hearing it will cause them to lose their hearing in a short period of time.

But in this case, it is equivalent to being deaf and blind. If you really encounter danger, you will be unable to react and deal with it. The pressure was all on him alone.

"I'll try."

As soon as I heard this method.

How can Yang Fang delay?

In just a moment, the others were going crazy. The snake outside him had crawled along his arm and all the way to the top of his head.

My scalp almost exploded.

Although I tried my best to tell myself that it was all an illusion, don’t think too much about it.

But the rustling sound of snakes was pervasive, and the touch of snake scales across his scalp made him on the verge of collapse. How could he really ignore it?

Immediately activate Qi and blood.

The ear openings were forcibly sealed.

If he could, he could even seal off all the remaining four senses and five consciousnesses.

Otherwise, with his character, sooner or later he would be unable to bear it and kill like crazy all the way with the magic whip in hand.

Buzz —

The moment when the ears are sealed.

A slight buzzing sound resounded, and then...all the sounds outside were completely cut off. For a moment, the other person seemed to have fallen into the water.

The eyes cannot see and the ears cannot hear.

But the numbness on his scalp, as if he was getting an electric shock, disappeared instantly.

"it works!"

Feel it all.

Yang Fang couldn't help but exclaimed.

In his several years of fighting career, this was definitely his most bizarre experience.

In the past, the skills of dividing gold and fixing acupuncture points, analyzing Feng Shui, and observing the stars and pulses were completely useless. Even the fighting and suppression that he was best at were useless.

Sora has a lot of skills.

But he was helpless.

That feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Really useful?"

In fact, old foreigners are also suffering.

It's just that he is more determined than Yang Fang. After all, as a descendant of Zagrama, he has to suffer unimaginable pain from birth.

But that's all.

At this moment, he felt that there were venomous snakes everywhere around his feet, sides, ears, head, and shoulders.

The whole person was surrounded by a wave of snakes.

Safety is falling into the snake's den.

Therefore, when he heard Yang Fang's voice of surprise, he immediately responded.

Unfortunately, Yang Fang's ears were completely sealed.

and could not hear his inquiry.

Just talking to himself.

"Damn, it's really an illusion. If it's possible, I don't want to stay in this **** place for another minute."

"Fortunately, I held back and didn't pull off the black scarf, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Listen to him murmuring to himself.

The old foreigner's last doubt was completely dispelled. Without further delay, he also stimulated the qi and blood to flow upstream from the chest through the eight extraordinary meridians, sealing the ear openings.


The noisy sound suddenly stopped.

Just like when the stone door was closed before, the footsteps disappeared.

Sensing his change, Kunlun hesitated, but finally chose the same approach.

"Brother Dao?"

The actions of the three people were all under the observation of Chen Yulou.

Seeing that the partridge whistle did not move, he couldn't help but urge.

"I don't have to, I can still bear it."

"If something changes, Yang can still take action and form a rivalry with Brother Chen. There will be someone to take care of him."

Feeling his determination, Chen Yulou thought for a while and did not refuse.

Among the five people in the group, Partridge Whistle was far more powerful than Yang Fang and the others. Judging from the aura flowing around him, he had at least reached the third level of Qi training.

Just one step away from breaking the window paper.

Step into the foundation building.

Although it is still not enough to see in front of the snake god, it is enough to deal with the illusion at the moment.

Just keep your mind calm at all times.

You will not fall into perdition easily.

In addition, just like his last words, if something really happened, it would be difficult for him to take care of everyone in such a narrow tunnel.

"That's fine."

"Then I'll take the lead, Taoist Brother, take the back seat."

Chen Yulou said softly and asked him to take out the Sky-Diamond Cable again.

Kunlun and the others had their eyes and ears closed, and they were able to convey news in a timely manner with the help of ropes.

Wrapping the rope around his wrist, Chen Yulou walked straight towards the front of the tunnel without hesitation.

As soon as he moved, Kunlun, Yang Fang and the old foreigner who followed him immediately sensed it and immediately got up to catch up. As for the last partridge whistle, they could clearly hear the surrounding movements.

Even at this moment, everyone's footsteps were almost inaudible amidst the clattering snake scales.

That's right.

The surrounding black snakes seemed to be angered by their indifferent reaction.

They all raised their heads, swallowed snake letters, and shook their scales.

The sounds intertwined, like a volcano erupting.

The partridge whistle knew that everything was an illusion, so he couldn't help but pursed his lips, with murderous intent floating between his eyebrows.

All the way forward, Chen Yulou would count silently in his heart every time he took a step.


Wait until this number pops into your head.

He suddenly felt something in his heart, and an indescribable throbbing emerged.

Subconsciously, he turned around suddenly.

Even though his eyes were the same as those of the people behind him, they were also covered by black scarves.

But a ray of consciousness rushed out of Niwan Palace and headed straight into the darkness behind.

In the tunnel they just walked through.

Thick fog shrouded the place.

But among them... there was an extra shadow that appeared at some point.

Fuzzy, human-like, like a ghost, just staring at the group of them.

But the strange thing is that when the spiritual consciousness rushes through, the shadow is like a mirror, breaking into the black mist in an instant, and the next moment, it is born out of thin air in the same place.


"Or...the evil **** Mahakala?"

This scene is so familiar.

So much so that his thoughts were suddenly drawn to the mountains behind Maluzhai half a year ago.

It’s been so long since I broke into this world where monsters are rampant and weird and hidden.

He actually understood that folk rumors were all fabrications.

"Brother Chen...what's wrong?"

Sensing that he suddenly stopped, Partridge Whistle was frightened and asked in a deep voice.

But Chen Yulou did not respond.

Instead, he reached behind him, pulled out the scabbard with a clang, and then flicked his finger.


A wisp of invisible sword energy instantly penetrated the heavy fog and appeared outside the black shadow.

This sword is a temptation.

It even exudes a sure-kill momentum.

I was already upset by what happened just now.

Chen Yulou doesn't care if it is a devil or an evil god.

He has only one goal during this trip.

That is the snake god.

So this sword is extremely powerful.

Besides its sharp edge, the most astonishing thing about Lu Zu's sword intention is Zhiyang Zhilie's Taoist Qi.

The snake mother at the end of the underground lake is proof of this.

Even if he has been transformed into a demon for hundreds of years, his soul will be shattered with just one sword strike.


I saw.

The sword energy roared past.

In an instant, the newly condensed black shadow was cut into countless pieces.


Chen Yulou didn't have time to breathe.

next moment.

In the mist, a black shadow slowly took shape again.

(End of chapter)

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