Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 327: The Seventh Eye of Transcendence and Buddhahood

  Tantra has been passed down from ancient times.

There are six types of eyes in the world.

The first type is called ordinary eyes, which are the eyes of ordinary people and can only see the simple existence of the world.

The second kind is called the original eye, that is, the eyes that are not polluted by the world can already capture some things that ordinary people cannot see.

Next is the Third Eye.

Being able to see the situations of sentient beings in both worlds for many lives in the past and future.

The fourth type is called Dharma.

Such as the eyes of Bodhisattvas and Arhats.

You can clearly see events hundreds of kalpas before and after.

The fifth type is the Holy Eye, which can clearly see the past for millions of kalpas.

The highest state is the Buddha's eye.

The Buddha's eyes are boundless and can clearly see the beginning and end of eternity.


According to legend, among these six types of eyes, there is also a magic eye that can open the imaginary number space.

People with such eyes never show their true colors easily and must always cover their eyes.

Because the Buddha's eye is boundless, and the devil's eye is boundless.

Once opened, it will inevitably cause unimaginable horrific consequences.

And this demonic eye is actually the Unbounded Demonic Eye.

Such eyes are extremely rare.

Even in the ancient snow-covered demon kingdom era, not every generation of ghost mothers had demon eyes.

Even Queen Jingjue, who is known as the last generation of ghost mothers.

In fact, it is not a complete unbounded demon pupil.

This shows how rare this magic eye is.

But now.

This page of scripture actually records the method of cultivating the Unbounded Demonic Eyes.

If it spreads.

I'm afraid the whole world will be shaken by it.

Chen Yulou is just an ordinary person, so how can he not be shocked?

What's more, in this era, there should be few people who understand the horror of the Unbounded Demonic Eyes better than him.

This also better illustrates the importance of this page of scripture.

"They are indeed a bunch of guys who are called crazy."

Chen Yulou breathed out.

A face full of smacking lips.

Which normal person would dig the graves of their ancestors and study this kind of demon pupil cultivation method?

But nothing.

If the record on the back of this page is true.

Then its value, in Chen Yulou's opinion, is almost equal to that of the Yunlu Heavenly Book.

Although those people are crazy, I have to say that they are definitely geniuses.

Use this method.

It is equivalent to being able to produce ghost mothers in unlimited batches.

There is no need to repeat the mistakes of the Snow Demon Kingdom.

They kept sending demon slaves around to catch people.

Not to mention inefficiency.

In the end, it caused public resentment and embarked on the road to national subjugation.

"Good stuff."

Holding that page of scripture tightly, Chen Yulou became more and more excited as he thought about it.

With it.

Plus the demon pupil Luofu brought back and the Snake God's Eye Muchen Bead.

If you continue to practice and can't develop the legendary demonic eye that transcends the Buddha's eyes.

It can only be said that he is too talented.

But in this vast world, who dares to say that he is more talented than him?


Think of this.

Chen Yulou put the scriptures away.

Looking at the empty Reincarnation Temple, without further delay, he tapped his toes on the ground. The next moment, his whole body was like a feather, rising straight from the dark bottom of the water.

Clip ditch top.

All the people from Tour arrived.

Each one draws his bow and draws his string.

He bowed slightly and his eyes swept around him like a knife.

From where they stood, one could see how experienced the hunters were.

Although the Kizi people do not have the saying "Three Talents, Four Elephants, Five Elements and Six Paths", their years of nomadic hunting experience also let them know what is the best choice when in danger?

At this moment, Tur was like the alpha wolf in the pack.

Occupy the highest place.

From his perspective, not only can he have an unobstructed view of the Jiazi Valley, but there are dangers in the snow-capped forest, and he can also detect them in the shortest possible time.

As for Taxi and his party.

They are scattered around him.

Ensure support is available at any time.


Tur was standing on the rock at this moment, his eyes full of astonishment and confusion.

It was clear that five people had descended into Jiazi Ditch before.

Why is it that no matter how much he counts, there are only four figures?

When was one missing?


Just as he hesitated.

Countless bubbles once again appeared on the surface of the Ghost Pond, which had gradually returned to calm.

He suddenly became nervous.

Don't dare to think nonsense anymore.

He made a fist gesture with his backhand towards the people behind him.

Taxi and the others understood immediately.

This is a sign that prey is about to appear.

Put it here, it means there is danger.

The group of people's big hands holding the horn bows secretly exerted force, and the bow strings, which were as thick as fingers, were pulled apart little by little, and the buzzing sound of the strings was heard endlessly.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

It seems that what falls in the night is not snowflakes, but rocks.



The sound of water reached its peak, and a figure jumped up from the water.

Tur's heart sank.

Subconsciously, you have to draw your bow and ready your arrow.


"Stop it all!"

When he saw the figure clearly, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but jump heavily.

What kind of evil ghost is that?

It was clearly Brother Chen who disappeared without a trace.

Tu'er lowered his bow and arrow with his backhand and waved loudly to Taxi's group behind him.

"No, why is it him?"

Taxi also reacted at this moment. Looking at Chen Yulou who floated to the ground and appeared by the pool, he felt as if he had seen a ghost, and his face was full of shock.

That's where evil spirits hide.

The previous scenes of the herd jumping into the water and committing suicide are still vivid in my mind.

Isn't he afraid?

Such a weird place, just getting close to it is scary enough, but he actually sneaked into the ghost pool alone?

Isn’t this **** madman?

"So, he went into the water just now?"

Tu'er's eyes were also widened, his lips were slightly open, and his heart was beating like thunder under his chest.

I thought that Chen Yulou and others were just curious and went over to take a look.

Now it seems that he is even crazier than he thought.

"It should be..."

Listen to him talking to himself.

A young Kezzi man who was closest to Tour rubbed his face hard, and then regained his composure, but his brain was obviously still in a down state, and he nodded confusedly.

Forget it.

Can you still escape intact?

Tur swallowed secretly.

I just felt like I had an unreal nightmare.

But when his eyes wandered to the water pool again, under the light of the torches and wind lanterns in the hands of the group, the water swaying back and forth reflected a scarlet-like luster like blood.

This scene brought his mind back completely.

Truth and falsehood intersect.

Eventually it turned into a blast of cold air that went straight to the top of my head.

"Then...Tul, what should we do next?"

I saw that he didn't look right.

The people in Taxi didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Tu'er shook his head, "Let's take it one step at a time. After tonight, we can go back."

"What I'm talking about is after I go back."


Tu'er was shocked by Taxi's words.

This trip was originally just to **** them across the snow-capped mountain pass. Unexpectedly, something went so wrong now. How should I explain to the clan leader and wizard after they return?

Will this move anger the evil spirits in the pool?

Bring disaster to the tribe?

Tu'er was in a state of confusion. He had always been calm and composed, but at this moment he actually felt like he had no idea what to do.


Taxi suddenly spoke.

All eyes of several people fell on him.

Seeing this, he hesitated again. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth.

"Just pretend nothing happened. Anyway, if we don't say anything, the clan leader won't know."

"Do you think you can hide it from the wizard?"

Tur scoffed.

Paper cannot contain the fire, and such a big thing will be exposed sooner or later. "Then what do you think we should do?"

Tassie was a little discouraged and scratched the back of his head.

"Don't say anything anymore, just take it one step at a time..."

While the few people were talking, they were arguing, and the atmosphere was indescribably uncomfortable.

Quite different.

At this moment, everyone at the pool could not hide their surprise.

"Brother Chen, how are you?"

"Is the shopkeeper okay?"

"Brother Chen, you are finally back."


A group of four people quickly gathered around, looking at Chen Yulou with expectant expressions.

As for his body showing no signs of getting wet after entering the water, no one was surprised at all.

This happened to him.

This seems to be the case.

"To make a long story short, there is an ancient temple of the Samsara Sect underneath, and what caused the beasts to commit suicide was an evil spirit transformed from the remnant soul of a high priest."

He glanced at the figures high up in Jiazigou.

I saw a few people not paying attention here.

Instead they were arguing about something in a low voice.

Chen Yulou did not waste any time and said calmly.

"Reincarnation Sect?"

"High Priest!"

Keenly caught two words in his words.

Partridge Whistle's pupils couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The identity of the high priest is easy to understand, and should be similar to that of a shaman, but... the name of the Reincarnation Sect has an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if it has been heard somewhere.

"The sect created by the remnants after the demon kingdom was destroyed."

"One of them finally returned to Shuangheishan, which is the Ghost Cave Clan."


Hear this.

Partridge whistled and suddenly realized.

No wonder they are so familiar. It turns out that those weird people who appeared in the murals in Jingjue Ancient City are the Reincarnation Sect.

Also, in the picture that their family’s prophet saw before he died.

The same kind of people have appeared before.

Demon Kingdom, Samsara Sect, and Ghost Cave Clan.

They are actually of the same origin!

This is not difficult to explain.

Why did the Guidong tribe choose to build a city and establish a country at the foot of Zagrama Mountain?

Because they are following in the footsteps of their ancestors.

"We'll talk about the rest when we get back."

Chen Yulou reminded.

Several people nodded immediately.

If it were just them, it would be easy to say, but there are Tour and others on this trip. If they stay for a long time, things may change.

Several people jumped up along the steep stone wall of Jiazi Valley.

The people in Tour were still arguing.

Suddenly I found a few people beside me.

"Brother Chen...Brother Chen?"

"Thank you so much for helping Chen."

Feeling the astonished and amazed gazes of the group of people.

Chen Yulou just smiled faintly.

"How can there be..."

Tur waved his hands repeatedly.

He just reacted on the spot and didn't do anything. As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at the pool of blood deep in Jiazi ditch.

"The ghost pool?"

"There's nothing to do here. You can go back to camp and rest."


Hearing this, several people couldn't help but look at each other.

They have been warned by their parents since they were young, and they were strictly prevented from approaching this place. Now Chen Yulou is approaching without warning, and even went into the water alone, saying that nothing happened.

How is this possible?

"If Brother Tour doesn't believe it, you can go down in person and see for yourself."

Chen Yulou shrugged and smiled.

Hear the words.

The heads of the people in Tour suddenly shook like rattles.

"Forget it then. Since Brother Chen is fine, it's better to leave early. This place is very evil, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the elders of the clan when we go back."

It's too late to escape.

How could it possibly go higher?

If an evil spirit is provoked and brings disaster to the clan, it will not be as simple as kneeling before the shaman to plead guilty.

For them, staying in this **** place for even one second makes them feel numb all over.

"That's fine."

Look at the expressions of several people.

Chen Yulou could not guess what they were thinking, so he quickly returned with them without saying a word, and did not stop until they reached the entrance of Jiazigou.

The people in Tour couldn't stay idle.

Not caring about resting, he went to set up the tent on his own, leaving Yang Fang and Kunlun behind to help.

Not long after.

Under the towering cliff.

Six or seven tents were lined up.

A bonfire burned brightly, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the surrounding area.

Because of what happened before.

Tuer and the others did not dare to leave rashly and hunt deep into the cedar forest.

Just take out the beef, sheep and horse meat you brought, skewer it with wooden sticks, and roast it back and forth on the fire.

Not long after.

The rich aroma of meat wafted everywhere in the snowy night.

Chen Yulou and others twitched their index fingers and even took out the mare kumiss, enjoying the meal.

On the contrary, Tour and the others obviously had no appetite.

Their eyes met in the air.

I opened my mouth several times to speak.

But I don’t know where to start.

"Brother Tour, we Han people have an old saying, as long as the sky doesn't fall, nothing matters."

Several of them are frank Kezzi men.

The master who obviously can't hide things in his heart.

How could that change in expression fool Chen Yulou's eyes?

"What Brother Chen means..."

Tuer was shocked.

After chewing carefully, I felt as if a pair of invisible hands were sorting out the confusion in my mind.

"I see."

"Thank you, Brother Chen, for your advice."

"Everyone has worked hard all the way today, so go and rest first. We can just keep watch."

Just meet him and you'll get through it.

Chen Yulou's last trace of worry disappeared.

Having come into contact with so many people of the Yi tribe, he can actually understand their thoughts. After all, it is a belief that is imprinted in their bones. How can it be easily changed?

"...that's fine."

Tur hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

He greeted Taxi and the others.

A group of people got into the tent.

After they left, Kunlun immediately took the initiative to ask for help.

"Shopkeeper, I'll keep watch."

"No, just rest and recuperate, I will take care of the night watch."

Chen Yulou waved his hand.

to his current state.

Even if it's not to the point where I can sleep without sleep, it's not far off.

What's more.

He has big things to do.

There's a good chance I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Anyway, we have to meditate and practice. Isn’t it easy to keep vigil by the way?

Kunlun wanted to say something else, but he looked back with a look.

Today, we have traveled nearly a hundred miles, and we have to rush through the snow. It is definitely a lie to say that we are not tired. Seeing his persistence, the others can't say much.

After eating and drinking, they all left.

Everyone returned to their tents.

Not long after.

Except for the endless crackling bonfires around me and the howling wind in the mountains and forests, the world was silent.

Scanned the camp.

Feel the rising and falling breathing.

Chen Yulou stood up straight, took one step into the air, and sat cross-legged on a blue stone high up.


As if talking to himself.

But the next moment.

In the dark sky above.

A stream of fire silently broke through the black fog and fell straight down from the rain-like snowflakes.

It's Luofu.

At this moment, in its claws, it still holds a pair of gold and silver eyes, glowing with an indescribable mysterious color.

"Unbounded Demonic Eyes!" (End of Chapter)

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