Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 29 Miscellaneous Family Practice

Xishan Prefecture, Changping County.

As an inconspicuous lower-class county in the Liang Kingdom, Changping County is not well-known within the jurisdiction of Xishan Prefecture. Because there are many mountains around it, the county is not rich, but it is not too poor.

The so-called people rely on mountains to eat mountains, and rely on water to eat water.

When there is not enough food to eat, picking up a knife and ax and going up the mountain is another way out, and you will not really starve to death.

In other words, the security level in Changping County is not very good. County residents go down to the mountains to work as farmers and go up the mountains to work as bandits. This is mostly normal. From time to time, there are a few lively beheadings at the vegetable market in the county, and they can be regarded as grassroots. Not many group pastimes.

There are no rules for the Autumn Judgment in the Liang Kingdom. Firstly, it is a long way to the capital, and secondly, there are many warriors coming and going in this world. Therefore, as long as they are reported to the capital and recorded in the book, the most evil ones will be executed in all seasons.

But recently, two strange things happened in Changping County.

First, the old Sutou who was beheaded in the county seemed to have taken a leave of absence. Now a young man with an unfamiliar face was executed at Caishikou. A short sword with a long arm was much more novel than the ghost-headed sword. With one blow, the head was severed. , causing the people around to exclaim.

Secondly, Changping County Lord issued an order that from now on, the corpses at the execution ground should be cremated by the Yamen to prevent epidemics. Even the people who were waiting for their painstaking treatment could not be contacted and could not spend money to accommodate them.

The melon-eating people in Changping County were curious and discussed a lot.

They all also regretted that the new executioner, who had an extraordinary appearance, ended up doing such a low-level job. He might not even be able to get a wife in the future.

In a shop near Caishikou, Lin Gao was hunched by the window, listening to the gossips of the people eating melons, and couldn't help but sigh.

As the only corpse stitcher in Changping County, he can survive by relying on this craft and selling some paper money and paper tie-ups.

But now Cai Shikou only beheads people but does not collect corpses. He only relies on selling paper money and paper bundles, and his livelihood has naturally been affected.

"Alas, in this world, the poor are never allowed to live."

Lin Gao lowered the curtains and murmured to himself.

It was night. Old Su, the former executioner of Changping County, Su Kui walked slowly out of the city with his family's meal on his back. Some sharp-eyed people saw him along the way and were also far away. Yuan said hello and said with a smile: "Old Sutou, why haven't I seen you at Caishikou for a long time? Could it be that you taught the apprentice and starved the master to death?"

Su Kui wasn't angry, he just grinned. Although he was beheaded with a ghost-headed sword, even wild dogs avoided him when he walked on the road, but he was very kind on weekdays, like a little old man. , never fight with others.

In fact, he was only in his early forties, but he looked like he was in his fifties or sixties, so he was called Lao Sutou.

Su Kui left the county seat and headed north. After walking for several miles, he arrived at the Baihua Forest outside the city, which was the customary cemetery in Changping County.

There were two large white lanterns hanging at the entrance of Yi Zhuang outside the flower forest, fluttering in the wind. Su Kui ducked his feet and shouted at several pairs of green eyes in the forest: "Get out!", and they quickly caught up with the calves. The big and small local dogs whined twice and retreated deep into the flower forest.

Pushing open the door and walking in, in the drafty Yizhuang courtyard, a dozen coffins were placed in disorder, and two figures were having a drink, unaffected by the rotten smell.

Su Kui took a closer look. A few simple side dishes and a pot of warm rice wine looked delicious.

"Old Su, you are here."

Lin Gao bowed his waist and poured him a glass of wine, and then complained: "I don't know what Mr. Chen is making trouble about. Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy peace and happiness in his Sanyin Temple? It's so good. Sigh."

Su Kui held the Ghost Head Sword in his hand and saluted politely: "Senior Lin, Senior Ma", and then sat down to receive the drink.

Mo Jing thought that all three of them were practitioners of the Miscellaneous Family, but he could only rely on the ancestral ghost-headed sword to lure evil into his body before he could achieve enlightenment. He was no match for the two people in front of him who were real practitioners of the Immortal Way.

"Lao Su, please tell me, what does the name Chen mean?"

Lin Gao said in a low voice: "You said he is not particular. He even sent us a post to inform us in advance. You can say he is particular. He is a disciple of the Heshan Sect, but he even takes low-level jobs like us, and he is not afraid of losing his status. Son."

Su Kui smiled bitterly: "I don't know. The county magistrate directly asked me to cooperate and go home to rest. He just said that he wanted me to take care of myself in old age."

"But your Ghost-headed Sword hasn't seen blood for almost two months, is it really okay?"

Supervisor Lin smiled when he heard this, but his smile seemed to mean something else.

Su Kui hesitated for a while, then replied as if he was resigned to his fate: "Find some animals to kill, and you can still carry them after all."

These days, the executioner is a high-risk profession. Just like in the novel, the hero who robs the execution site shouts "Keep the knife under the knife", and the next second the flying knife stabs the executioner in the heart without any hesitation. .

Not to mention that there are those who seek revenge afterwards. They can't afford to offend the dog officials, and they can't afford to be beheaded. Therefore, most executioners who can be passed down for several generations have some unique skills passed down from their families.

Just like the Su family's secret method can cultivate the blood evil spirit on the ghost-headed sword that has been passed down for five generations. If the evil spirit is introduced into the body, about ten orifices of true energy can be cultivated in a short period of time.

But the disadvantage is that this ghost-headed knife is like raising a kid, and it needs to beheaded from time to time to warm it up.

Males of the Su family are also prone to longevity, premature aging, and weak heirs. His family's inheritance is considered to be not very popular among the Za family.

"I don't know how long this guy surnamed Chen will have to suffer. I'm fine. I can live without the corpses for sewing, but Lao Su and Lame will have a hard time."

Lin Gao Gao took a sip from his wine glass and said cheerfully: "Cripple, I heard that there is an ancestor of Daoji in your Ma family. Why don't you go and make peace?"


The lame Taoist picked up a peanut without even raising his eyelids: "But it's strange to say that the man named Chen originally wanted to buy a few corpses from me, but why did he suddenly start practicing killing people? Even though he is a death row prisoner, But it’s also completely different from his temperament in previous years, it’s really weird.”

"It's different whether it's ancient or not. What should we do now? The three of us will really suffer."

Beheading, sewing corpses, and renovating the village, this is a one-stop service, but now it is handled by Chen Ci alone. Even if the three of them are just practicing together, they are very dissatisfied.

The three of them ate the side dishes and drank for a long time. Suddenly Lin Gao winked and said in a low voice: "How about we give it a try?"

"Hey, little brother, I'm going to change my career to become a butcher. This Su family's ghost head knife is not a rare thing, so I've looked away from it."

Su Kui put down his wine glass and sighed: "My Su family, the fifth generation of a single generation, is also pitiful."

"My village is okay. We can't collect the corpses of death row prisoners, and there are quite a few people dying in the wilderness. We can make do with it."

The lame Taoist also added: "I have guarded this village for twenty years and I don't want to move."

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Gao was a little surprised: "Lame, your village has also been registered with the government office, but it is under the jurisdiction of Jiuquan Temple in Longhu Mountain. You can write a letter and find a reason to let the high-level Taoist priests from Jiuquan Temple come to visit Heshan." Can the external cultivators taught by him still stand up to the investigation? Even if nothing happens, we can still keep the man surnamed Chen safe and sound."

"Changping County has high mountains and far distances."

"Try it. At most, you will be scolded and lose some face. At the worst, I will give you a few corpse stitches as compensation."

The lame Taoist seemed to be interested in moving, and after a moment of silence he replied, "How about a try? Regardless of whether it works or not, you have to give me three corpse stitches."


Sanyin Temple, backyard.

Chen Ci was holding the spiritual iron dagger, and felt the cold light on it, which was even brighter than before.

"Those who can be sentenced to the death penalty of beheading are mostly warriors who fight for their lives and do not give birth. Their essence, energy and blood are far superior to others. One can have seven or eight drops of essence and blood. Even the poor ones have three or four drops. Unfortunately, the number is still too small.”

Chen Ci shook his head. It had been almost two months since the last time he went to Fuhu Altar to deliver blood essence. During this period, he beheaded more than thirty prisoners on death row, and even with the livestock he raised, he could only collect 400 drops of blood essence and send them to Xishan Mansion. Four power values ​​were changed.

To be honest, this efficiency is a bit low.

But there was nothing he could do. Spring plowing was approaching, and many swordsmen were going down the mountain to prepare for plowing. The number of bandits had dropped sharply, and he couldn't force the Changping County Lord to capture some death row prisoners for him.

In fact, this county official is just a lying mascot. As long as Chen Ci is willing to spend money, this guy can still help Chen Ci get it done.

But Sha Liang. Alas, Mr. Chen is kind-hearted and can only force the county magistrate to become a king. If the rich children in the county town want to kill their slaves, gangsters and loan sharks force their families to die, or human traffickers to harvest and cut their bodies, let him do it. Don't say that your words are unforeseen if you are judged before death.

However, in addition to blood essence, there is another skill that has made considerable progress.

Basic Swordsmanship: Dacheng/27/100 (Practice ten times a day, and you can advance to one level in ten days; if your mind reaches the sword, you can advance one level with one sword)

There is no one else but you who are familiar with beheading.


With a soft sound, Chen Ci's arm muscles tensed slightly, and the spirit iron dagger made a buzzing sound, cutting off a section of the stone table in the courtyard like a hot knife cutting oil.

It makes people feel faintly cold.

But more importantly, he did not inject true energy into the spiritual iron dagger, and relied solely on swordsmanship skills.

To be honest, Chen Ci was quite resistant to beheading at first, and wanted to use a cover-up to fool him.

Unfortunately not.

But after he read the case, the hesitations in his heart quickly faded away, and he even gained some understanding of the four words "meaning to sword to".

The so-called sword moves are all about "the heart reaches the mind, the mind reaches the sword." No matter what fancy moves, even the swordsman's methods are probably inseparable from this core element.

When he originally practiced swordsmanship, no matter how many times he practiced the sword moves, he didn't quite understand the meaning of "the intention reaches the sword," but when he had the murderous intention in his heart and cut off the good man's head with one sword, he suddenly understood it.

Swordsmanship is, after all, a killing technique.

Sword fighting in this world is fierce, and the same is true. Within five steps, in one breath, the sword reaches the point of intention. It can't be said to be more useful than some magical tools, talismans, and seals.

"This basic swordsmanship is still useful in close combat, but if you can throw spells, why put yourself in danger? It's still a flying sword!"

"It's a pity that I only had the feeling of 'the mind reaches the sword' a few times before killing the prisoner. Otherwise, sir, I'm afraid I really can't help but take shortcuts and kill people to practice swordsmanship. The liver will be perfect."

Chen Ci gently stroked the spirit iron dagger and suddenly felt that it was a bit short. It would be good if it had a forty-meter feeling.

I looked up at the sky and saw that it was almost the time to practice Qi in Haishi.

It took three months to accumulate six merit points. This speed was not slow, but it was far from enough to exchange for the Alchemy Talisman Book, and some items had quantity limits.

For example, the Seven Kills Soul Talisman and the Tiger Evil Aperture Breaking Pill.

Damn, they are all forcing everyone to get involved in death. In the past and present life, they will never meet these evil bosses.

Chen Ci shook his head and was about to go to practice Qi breathing when suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Pah, pah, pah~"

"Sir, Mr. Su Kui, the county executioner, asked to see you and said he had something important to report."

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