Immortals At Hogwarts In Marvel

Chapter 170: The Beginning of the New School Year

In the early morning of the second day of school, Luke, who was exercising in the responsive house, saw Penello, Katie and Qiu Zhang walking in at the same time.

"I thought you would sleep in." Luke said with a smile.

"If we don't work hard, we will be farther away from you. Are you going to tell Hermione that there is a room for everyone?" Qiu Zhang asked.

"Definitely, Hermione will also come here to practice. And this year's training plan I will adjust, and I will practice new magic." He looked at Penello, "Penello, you have an OWL exam this school year, and it's still a level now. Long, do you need to adjust the training plan?"

"You don't need to adjust too much. It should be enough to diversify part of the original rest time. Fortunately, your Bodhi leaf tea has an obvious effect. I feel that exercising mental power is also effective in learning and normal state."

"That's good, you guys train first, I'll bring Hermione over."

Luke found Hermione, explained to her how to use the Room of Request, and took her to the Room of Request again.

"Penello, Katie and Qiu Zhang have all met."

"Do you usually practice here?" Hermione looked at the facilities in the house curiously.

"Cultivation methods are sometimes absent. Exercise and magic are here. This is my recent plan." Luke handed Hermione a piece of parchment. "In the morning, swimming in the big lake and other exercises. After school, we will practice magic. , Mental power. In the evening, practice exercises."

"We mainly practice magic and spiritual power here, and occasionally come here to read books and learn spells. After all, there is no one to disturb here, and it is spacious enough. Now if you count here, only 5 people know." Katie said.

Hermione thought for a while, "Then I will also join the exercise training. The Fighting technique taught by Whistler is the worst for me. Anna is better than me."

"Fighting technique?" Penello, Katie and Cho Chang looked at Hermione.

Hermione motioned for Luke to explain.

"Well, this is what I recommend her to learn. In some cases, the Fighting technique will have unexpected effects, and it can also train reflexes, and the safety will increase when casting magic. But you join the training and rest. Time is less."

Hermione didn't have blood and spiritual foundation like herself, Luke was worried that she would be too tired like this.

"I'll try it first, and I can't adjust it." She introduced the Fighting technique and techniques that Whistler taught her to the three of them, but she didn't expect them to try to learn after listening.

"This ability tree feels a bit biased, isn't the true essence of magician being close combat." Luke mumbled quietly beside him.

In the afternoon, Luke took Hermione to get to know the campus again. Hermione focused on the library and asked questions about the books in the library of many colleges. Luke introduced the house elf Miller to Hermione, who was still helping him when he had a lot of letters. Hermione also asked it a lot of questions, and in the end Miller had to hide from Hermione and couldn't come out.

Starting from Monday, the little necromancers have entered the formal learning stage. Hermione completed the first-year courses ahead of schedule, and her positive performance in every class has made her loved by many professors, especially Professor McGonagall.

However, Hermione's situation is different from Luke's. She is more immersed in the world of her own learning, and she seems a little out of tune with other classmates. The upper-grade necromancers didn't respond much to this, after all, they had seen Luke who was more troublesome.

Since the beginning of school, everyone has rarely seen Luke, not knowing what he is up to.

In the black magic defense class, Professor Rocky’s classroom was full of garlic. He told everyone that this was to drive away a vampire he encountered in Romania, fearing that the vampire would turn around and catch him.

Many people know about Luke's involvement in the elimination of vampires last year, but no one has ever smelled the smell of garlic on Luke's body. Even the Weasley’s twin brother said that Luke is better suited to be a professor of this course than Quirrell.

In class, Luke spent all his time developing new spells except for reviewing the professor's content.

For Hermione, the only thing that made her nervous in the first-year class was the Flight class. She had never practiced flying broomsticks at home. Although she has a bolide given by Luke, she has never had the opportunity to practice in a community of ordinary people.

Before the Flight class, she often went to Luke to ask about Flight's experience and skills.

Penello gave Luke the recommendation letters that he received from some F.A.M members one after another. He saw that neither George nor Fred recommended Ron and Percy. I asked them specifically, and the twin brothers replied that Percy might not be able to keep secrets. Ron felt that he was not qualified enough for the time being and planned to observe for a period of time.

Luke also discovered one thing, that the members of Slytherin did not recommend anyone at present. He had no good way to deal with this kind of situation that didn't pass the test inside the academy.

Some people recommended Harry. Luke guessed that it was probably because of Voldemort, but fortunately, he wanted to see Harry's thoughts.

On Thursday, Luke saw that Hermione was a little absent-minded while eating, and he was still worrying about the flight class in the afternoon.

Luke's fear of heights is known to almost all necromancers, including the freshmen. With Richie's propaganda, it is difficult to know.

"I'm just a little worried that I can't do it." Hermione told Luke in a low voice.

"On weekends, practice more with you, so don't worry about getting in touch."

At this time, an owl sent a small package to Neville. Neville opened it excitedly and showed everyone a glass ball the size of a big marble, which seemed to be filled with white smoke.

"This is a memory ball!" Neville explained, "Grandma knows that I always have no memory... It will tell you if there is something you forgot to do. Look, you hold it tightly, like this, if It turned red, oh..." He stretched his face suddenly, because the memory ball was suddenly red and shiny, "I don't know what I forgot..."

"You forgot to wear Hogwarts robe." Luke reminded.

" seems to be, thank you Luke." Neville said annoyedly.


After school on Thursday afternoon, Hermione told Luke about the Flight class.

As in the original plot, Neville broke his arm and Malfoy threw Neville's memory ball. Harry caught the memory ball before it fell, and Harry was taken away by Professor McGonagall.

The difference is that Harry was not directly absorbed by Wood into the team, just as a substitute, because now Quidditch has to fly the broomstick with fireballs, and Harry has not been exposed to mental training at all.

The latter thing was told to Luke by Wood through a communication card, and he hoped that Luke could explain his mental power to Harry alone on Friday.

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