Immortals At Hogwarts In Marvel

Chapter 493: Convergence

Before Hawkeye came to the UK, he investigated the Suzaku Group. No wonder when he inquired about S.H.I.E.L.D on the S.H.I.E.L.D intranet, many of them stated that they had insufficient authority. Immediately he wanted to understand that since the combat video was released on the platform of the Suzaku Group, and three videos have been posted one after another, no one would believe that there is no relationship between them.

Hawkeye suddenly heard something, "You were also on the roof of London at the time? Why did you call me Fat Tweet?" When he saw me this time, he needed to ask some questions.

"Look at this little belly, surely your eagle can fly?" Luke said jokingly.

Clint looked down at his lower abdomen, and couldn't help but shrink back.

"I'm all muscles." Hawkeye murmured.

"Where was the last time Natasha Romanoff appeared?" Luke didn't want to delay the matter for too long.

"A bar called Red Moon, in Romford, we got news that someone had seen a vampire there in the past two days." Hawkeye said.

Clint's news is too little, so I still need to find professionals.

Luke used the communication bracelet to contact Blade in front of Clint. Blade is also investigating Dracula these days, and I hope he has more news.

"Have you found their approximate location? Okay, I'll go to you and add some equipment by the way."

Clint was looking at the video on Luke's communication bracelet with novelty, and Luke ended the communication with Blade.

"Do I have this equipment?" Clint asked.

Luke took out a communication bracelet from the space and threw it to Clint, "Pack your equipment, we are going to France. I will teach you how to use the bracelet in a moment."

"Now? What about Natasha Romanoff?" Clint put his quiver on his back.

"Take an expert and go together." After Clint finished packing, Luke took him directly to a Warehouse in Calais, France.

When Clint reacted, he realized that he was no longer in the safe house of S.H.I.E.L.D, but in an abandoned warehouse, with two people standing not far away.

"Who is he?" Blade asked warily.

"Vampire!" Clint saw Blade's teeth and directly took out an arrow and aimed at Blade.

"Long time no see, Whistler." Luke ignored the confronting Blade and Clint, calling Roar to Whistler on the side.

Whistler was very surprised when he saw Luke and a person suddenly appear, not knowing how they came here.

"Your magic made you come to France like this from England?" Whistler was a little surprised. He hadn't seen Luke's magic. He thought Luke would fly over or something.

"Don't say that Britain is going to France, even if you want to go to other planets, I will be there too soon." Luke said with a smile.

Whistler looked at Clint again with a look of disbelief, "Hey, with a bow and arrow, do you think your arrows can deal with vampires?"

Clint is prepared to deal with vampires' bows and arrows, but the equipment is still on Phil Coulson's plane. He already knew that these two people should not be enemies, so he put the arrow back into the quiver.

"His name is Hawkeye, and he will act with us later. Blade is a vampire hunter who hunts down those vampires who kill innocent people. Next to him is Whistler." Luke introduced each other.

"Why bring an ordinary person?" Blade wasn't very optimistic about Hawkeye's strength.

The answer to Blade was the three ordinary arrows that Clint shot past, two of which were close to Blade's neck, and the other flew over his head with his hair wiping.

Blade didn't mind, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile, "It's not bad, it works."

"Another friend of mine, the vampire who was investigating to England last night disappeared, and her location signal disappeared. I think it might be in Dracula's castle. Whistler, help him prepare some materials and modify his Bow and arrow." Luke said, looking at Blade and Whistler.

"No problem, there are silver, ultraviolet devices, garlic juice, etc., there are many things to deal with vampires, what do you want to do?" Whistler said to Hawkeye.

While Clint was transforming his bow and arrow, Whistler came to Luke and carefully looked at the boy in front of him. He hadn't seen him for only a few years, and he had changed so much. Since Blade brought the news of Luke back, Whistler found some news about Luke on the Internet, the most famous being the hot and popular Suzaku Group.

"Where did the battle in that video take place?" Whistler asked curiously.

Even Clint, who was transforming his bow and arrows, pricked his ears. He also wanted to know what kind of battle the mysterious organization he joined was facing.

"In another space."

I don't know if Haierbo's sacrifice is limited or he has concerns. Fortunately, he didn't sacrifice in the outside world, otherwise the current situation would be more troublesome.

"I don't understand the world more and more. I thought there were vampires and necromancers. It's already very magical. But after watching the video you posted, I found out that we didn't know anything." Whistler sighed. Say.

"Is there no official person looking for you?" Blade asked, after all, the impact of this video was really too great.

"He is one of the officials." Luke smiled and motioned for them to look at Hawkeye in the distance.

Clint saw Blade and Whistler looking at him, and said, "I am not at the level and this matter is not in my control, but I have heard some news. Except for some minor actions by some military personnel, most people may be scared. , Are all in restraint, as if there is a consensus, no one dares to contact them alone. As for the people, aren't they always guiding them in special effects movies."

"I did find some news about your company going to make a superhero movie." Whistler said suddenly.

"This is a coincidence. My purpose is not to guide the people. By the way, when it comes to movies, Blade, are you interested in licensing your image to me? You can make money and earn prestige. If you don't want to be famous, you can find actors to act. Your role." Luke saw Clint also watching him, "Your authorization is my default when you agree."

"How much is my image worth?" Clint asked curiously.

"You are currently at the bottom." Luke said casually.

Clint was a little upset, "Hey, why am I the bottom."

"Can you beat Iron Man?"

"No." Clint thought about Tony Stark's past and said it couldn't be compared.

"How many people in the video can you compare?"

"" He couldn't compare whether it was the three guys on fire or the mysterious person in white clothes.

"You are not as pretty as Natasha Romanoff, and she can't be better than you." Luke said with a smile.

"Are there no other men?" Clint said unwillingly.

"Yes, but they are either gods or kings, or they will transform. Oh, yes, Captain America Steve Rogers. However, this seems to be incomparable to you." Seeing Clint's face getting more and more ugly, Lu Ke kindly persuaded: "Don't worry, there will be worse than you in the future."

Whistler and Blade were stunned for a long time, why we didn't understand anything.

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