Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 255: I have only one sister

Ye Zhi rolled his eyes at him angrily, "You think you are still young, Uncle Han Xia, it's you that the post-90s old man is talking about."

"I'm happy, I'm happy, a little bit~~~"

Finally, under the patient explanation of the two mothers, Cheng Lin and Li Ziqi, the two pink and jade-like children, called Ye Zhi sweetly as brother, and the feeling of being called brother by two little loli was really inexplicable. of satisfaction.

Ye Zhi crouched in front of one of the children, "Is it Ziqi? Are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry, Xixi just brought me a lot of fries, but it's delicious."


Ye Zhi frowned slightly, feeling that things were not simple.

No, the little guy spoke so loudly that the mother who was far away in the kitchen heard, "Ye Xi!!!"

This little guy, Xixi, is very clever. He immediately hid behind his brother and covered his ears with cute little hands, "I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear anything."

Mom came out of the kitchen with a spatula and gave Xixi a vicious look, "I told you not to eat this kind of junk food all the time, why don't you listen!"

"I didn't eat it, I gave it to Zi Qi and Cheng Lin."

This rebuttal is really powerful.

Both mothers laughed out loud at this magical logic. As soon as she finished speaking, her mother killed her angrily, "Just give it to others? How does the teacher usually teach you, and the fries are not nutritious and delicious? Get on fire..."

Before her mother lost her temper, Ye Zhi pushed her shoulders, "Forget it, forget it, Mom, it's her birthday today, it doesn't matter if she eats a little bit, it's fine to eat less."

Mom: "Zi Zi, don't get used to her as soon as you get home, it will spoil her!"

Ye Zhi looked back at Xixi and smiled, "Just get used to it, I'm not always at home, after all..."

"I'm just such a sister."

Xixi is still young, and Ye Zhi still hopes to give her a childhood full of happy memories. In the past, Xixi was too sensible, and she was really sensible, but he hoped that she would be more self-willed like she is now.


The mother's original reproach was pushed back by Ye Zhi's smile when it came to her lips, and she had to replace it with a stern warning, "Even if it's a birthday, you are not allowed to eat more, and next time you are not allowed to buy secretly, you must tell Mama if you want to buy it. ,do you know?"

"I know~~~" Xixi replied slightly reluctantly.

Xixi has a great advantage, that is, as long as she agrees, she can do it.

This is the same as Ye Zhi.

Today is obviously Xixi's birthday party, but Xixi's friends are most concerned about Ye Zhi, especially the little girl named Cheng Lin. She usually likes Ye Zhi very much. She even talks to Mama when watching TV dramas. Claiming to marry him when he grows up...

No, they have already blatantly started hugging Ye Zhi's thighs, that's how unscrupulous!

Cheng Lin's mother tried to stop...

He pulled the little guy over from Ye Zhi's side, "Linlin, come down quickly, what does it look like to follow Xixi's brother like this, you also have a brother."

"No~~~ Yes! My brother is not as good-looking as Brother Ye Zhi, and he bullies me every day. I don't want such a brother."

Ma Ma persuaded bitterly, "Don't make trouble, be obedient, brother Ye Zi will hate you like you."

This frightened the little guy!

"No! Brother Ye can't hate me! I like him so much, I will be his wife when I grow up!"

Ye Zhi was still feeding Xixi fries. Hearing this, he didn't know whether to give it to her or not. He held it in his hand and felt a little embarrassed, but he finally put it down. When he turned around, he could There was a trace of resentment in Shen Lu's eyes.

This is embarrassing~~~

The five people in their group are quite good-looking, and they are quite popular with the two children. How can they understand love at their age, they only know whether they are beautiful or not, whether they like it or not.

Different from Cheng Lin, that little kid named Li Ziqi has been shuttled by the three big sisters all the time, being favored in various ways, not to mention how happy she is!

Cheng Lin was too clingy, and she was embarrassed, so she had to hold her baby daughter to prevent her from running around, and then apologized to Ye Zhi, "Linlin played too much with her father at home, sorry."

"it's okay no problem."

Han Xia was left out in the cold, not to mention how depressed he was, sitting next to Ye Zhi, "Are all the children so precocious now?"

"I think too much, it's just pure goodwill."

"Then why isn't anyone here? I'm not that scary, am I?"

"This may be a matter of appearance."


Everyone gave Xixi birthday gifts and sang the birthday song together.

This is the first time that Xixi has so many people celebrating her birthday. Xiao Nizi can't close her mouth with laughter. I believe that tonight should be the best memory in her life.

A smile is indeed something that can be infected, and Xixi's happy emotions infect everyone.

His eyes fell on Xixi. Ye Zhi really hoped that she could be so happy all her life. At Xixi's age, happiness is really as simple as eating what she likes the most, being with her family and friends...

When I was young, happiness was a very simple thing.

When I grow up, simplicity is a very happy thing.

Ye Zhi is really touched by these two sentences now. Looking at the smiles on everyone's faces, as he grows up and his mind becomes complicated, it is difficult to be satisfied so easily. Once a hot french fries are enough To be content to laugh, and now...

French fries, just fries.

It's not that he doesn't like to eat, it's just that he doesn't have that kind of satisfaction anymore.

The older you get, the more greedy you become.

The things I wanted when I was a Although you may not always get it, as long as you get the same thing, you will be very happy, but when you grow up, you want a lot of things, and you get a lot of things, but you have already I lost the joy I once felt when I got it.

After everyone left, Xixi, accompanied by her father, started to unpack the gifts.

It was the first time that she had received so many gifts. The beautiful clothes, shoes, dolls, and toys all surprised her, until she opened Ye Zhi's gift, and when she saw the exquisite violin, Xixi's eyes brightened a bit.

Holding the violin in her arms, joy filled her body.

Very cherished!

Carefully used the special cloth to wipe every minute, every inch of the violin, put it in the box again, hugged it in her arms and said nothing, even when she was going to bed at night, Xixi was reluctant to let go.

She put the dog doll that Han Xia gave her by the bed, and went to sleep with the cold violin box in her arms. As long as it was something from her brother, Xixi liked it, so she never said what she liked, she just felt that her brother Will definitely know what she wants.

Xixi is dreaming.

Although I don't know what kind of dream it is, it must be a sweet dream, one that can even laugh when you are asleep.



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