Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 418: swell

Chapter 418 of the imperfect artist body volume swells? Su Zhejun is also drunk when he sees it, "Wow~~~ Mr. Xiaodong, you are really stingy, can you save the money for buying clothes?"

Yi Xiaodong rolled his eyes, he just bought two houses in the imperial capital, the full amount, owed a lot of money to friends, and now all expenses must be controlled, "Huh?! What? You are looking down on us now. Such low-income, unpopular seniors?"

Su Zhejun didn't dare to answer these words, he would die if he did.

Ye Qian said quietly, "Maybe they sell women's clothing? You wear them too?"

Women's clothing? !

This Nima, Yi Xiaodong said that his heart couldn't accept it when he was old, "Uh...if it's women's clothing, forget it."

Pei Xinxin continued, "There are both men's and women's clothing, and we provide clothing for all ages. In addition to our own designs, our store also represents many foreign fashion brands, so you can rest assured."

"Tsk tsk tsk~~Professional, come here, Xinxin, let me know the name of the Tmall store, I will buy the clothes from you in the future, it's free, this guy's face always feels unreliable, one day you will turn against him. ."

Ye Zhi: "..."

Of course, Pei Xinxin is also very happy to be added to the WeChat accounts of so many bigwigs. Just like An Yijing, as long as they like it, even if they wear it as a personal outfit, it is also a kind of excellent publicity.

Ye Zhi looked at Shen Lu, "Lulu, don't you take the opportunity to promote the products in your store?"

"What to promote? Is there a cell phone sticker on the spot?"

"I now know why the business in Xinxin's store is always better than yours."


"Your face is really not thick enough."

This point, Shen Lu did not deny, Pei Xinxin actually told her that even though you also need to pay attention to credibility in doing business, things like shame are really worthless, but if you know it, Shen Lu can't do it. arrive.

Character dictates, no way.

Pei Xinxin showed her QR code, added her own WeChat to the six bosses, and even started a group, and immediately posted a large number of 'Treasures of the Town Store' in her store, especially It was the two female tutors who were both fascinated.

If Ye Zhi hadn't coughed a few times, it would have been difficult for them to focus on the evaluation of the trainee's strength.

It's the first time that Shen Lu and Pei Xinxin have actually met the members of Produceidol, and they can appreciate their performances like their mentors. These little sisters are really good looking. Even if everyone is plain, they are already very beautiful!

And each one is full of youthful vitality and has a great body.

When I think that this guy Ye Zhi is now "getting along with such a group of beautiful young ladies", I feel a strong sense of crisis.

"By the way, Ye Zi, if you're not going to Tokyo to play songs, what are you going to do?"

"I have negotiated with Shenzhen Airlines and have chartered four round-trip flights on a medium-sized passenger plane."


Four trips? !

The corner of Yi Xiaodong's mouth twitched fiercely. Today, he knows what real wealth is. With more than 100 brokers, according to the current air ticket price, just one trip will cost at least five Six hundred thousand!

And it's four now!

How could this guy say it so easily?

Seeing the eyes of these people, Ye Zhi knew what they had misunderstood, "Book in advance, buy so much, there must be a discount in price, what are you thinking, and the accommodation in Japan, Sony The music will do it."

"Then how much did you spend in total?"

"It's only 400,000, and the average is 500 per person."

"You're still a rich dick. I'm very stimulated now, and I strongly demand a raise. The performance fee is too small."

Ye Zhi raised his eyebrows. He paid Yi Xiaodong a total of 2 million for the acting fee, which is already the highest among the mentors. The others are not as famous as him, and the more is more than 1 million. Like Ye Qian, he only gave 600,000.

"It's good to have it for you, and a few more words, I think I can lower it for you."

"Don't don't don't~ I can live on your salary."

"There are still some vacancies on the plane. If you have the idea to go to Tokyo together, you can also go together. This time the stage will be larger. In addition to playing songs, you will also rent a venue for a small free fan meeting. You can go to a show."

"Us? Forget it... You are the only guy who is popular in Japan. I'm afraid no one of us knew each other in the past."

Ye Zhi shrugged, "Look at you guys, if you don't go to the stage, you can go on a public-funded tour. Anyway, the air ticket is covered. The protagonists this time are this group of trainees. The first episode of the show will be broadcast tomorrow. Show off."

"But you're like this... The trainees here in China will be hit hard, right? How popular are they in Japan?"

"What you want is a blow, don't you feel that they are too inflated?"


In China, in any case, many people will give priority to the trainees of their own countries when voting, unless they really like the Japanese idols, they will vote. In terms of votes, Huaxia trainees and Japanese love In fact, the difference is not too big.

And many people have analyzed that after the show starts, it is even possible to overtake it in one fell swoop!

After all, China is still very dominant in numbers anyway.

Ye Zhi wanted to give them a sense of crisis now, but they couldn't be so comfortable, and only when they got to Tokyo and truly felt the huge difference in popularity would they feel pressured.

Now the Japanese idols are also growing rapidly, and in the past few months, it is enough for them to truly be on their own.

On the contrary, in this rating evaluation, the performance of many trainees in Huaxia is really disappointing. Although Japanese idols are not good in Chinese, they basically work very hard to recite and learn.

After all, it's just a song.

Not really to learn a language time has been very full.

But there is such a part of Huaxia trainees who don't sing Japanese in the rating, not a word, and even wrote on their Weibo that it's not that they don't practice, she just doesn't want to, because of patriotism, I don't learn Japanese.

In his speech, he even revealed the extreme disdain and discrimination against Japanese idols.

This was the least acceptable to Ye Zhi.

It's all about making excuses for not practicing. If you really have this 'patriotic' heart, you shouldn't come to the show to run for election.

After all, this show has stated from the beginning that this show will eventually choose a group that will debut together from both China and Japan, without Ye Zhi and the others saying anything, she has already been sprayed very badly, this kind of behavior...

Not patriotic at all, just shameful.



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