Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 49: Tik Tok

"Ye Ye, uncle will ask you more seriously, do you really plan to customize such an app?"

"um, yes."

"You just turned eighteen this year, are you planning to register a company?"

Ye Zhi smiled awkwardly, "Actually, I have all the materials ready."

Just when I was writing the document last night.

Although the actual construction has not yet started, just from the perspective of demand, it is known that this is an entertainment app, which is full of creativity. Dad Han is a little excited just after reading it. With many years of project experience, he is almost certain , as soon as the app is launched.

Maybe it will be an overnight hit!

Of course, the premise is that there must be a perfect operation team. Ye Zhi obviously doesn't understand this yet.

So he thought it was necessary to remind him, so he immediately raised some details about the project operation and maintenance with Dad Han, and Ye Zhi also gave the answers one by one. Dad's reminder, he is afraid that he really wants to ignore it.

"However, how did Uncle think about this price?"

"The price is 600,000, excluding the cost of operation and maintenance and system upgrades."

After quoting the price, Uncle Han was probably worried that Ye Zhi couldn't accept the price, so he explained, "Actually, according to your requirements for filters and big data analysis, my price is relatively low. If... …”

Ye Zhi interrupted his explanation, "I understand, I can accept it."

In fact, the price of 600,000 yuan to make such a detailed app is not too high, and there are many customization items. In fact, Ye Zhi's requirements for this app are quite high. The fee is very reasonable.

Father Han decided to start construction today. This is how IT outsourcing companies are. They must not stop work. Once they stop, it will be...

Sit and eat the mountains!

The company is basically full of high-paying people, who can't afford it.


"Leaf, what is the name of your app?"

"It's called Douyin."


Father Han, whose real name is Han Qi.

He is an architect who studied computer information management. He used to work in several well-known companies. Later, because he was a real person and had a big temper, he couldn't stand it. Information Technology Co., Ltd'.

The employees inside are all senior developers, and their salary is no less than 15,000.

Even the minimum salary of testers is 8K.

So, Dad Han's efficiency is really high!

In just three days, a rough App template has already come out, and the work is relatively fine. The color system and interface design are also in line with Ye Zhi's requirements. However, there must be a lot of adjustment, Optimized place.

Ye Zhi gave some opinions after the trial.

The functions of social apps like Douyin are relatively simple, mainly including music editing, popular music background selection, short video editing, beauty, filter effects, popular recommendations, and one-click sharing.

As for big data analysis, Ye Zhi even studied some big data analysis...

I wrote an algorithm myself!

Of course, in fact, for App developers, the so-called big data analysis is actually just extracting some commonly used popular information, and there is no technical difficulty.

The difficulty is actually how to optimize the efficiency of big data analysis.

This point was completely solved when Ye Zhi himself participated in the development work. Father Han was too convinced by Ye Zhi's talent for logical thinking. He was a veteran driver with more than 20 years of experience. It was mentioned by Ye Zhi!

This is kind of scary.

"Amazing, Ye Zi, how did you come up with this? This query efficiency has been improved by three or four times!"

Ye Zhi scratched his head and was a little embarrassed to be praised, "Actually, this is not what I thought of, I just happened to read a book on big data analysis before, and then there happened to be a similar case in it, so I myself After thinking about it for a while, the effect is not bad.”

Simple to say!

Those who don't engage in this line of work may have been "fooled" by him.

After years of experience, Han Qi himself has not relaxed, and he often reads materials about new technologies, but sometimes some new technologies are rather obscure and difficult to understand, and it is not so easy to understand.

What's more, just pick it up and use it!

"I'm old, I'm old." Han Qi forced a bitter smile. The matter that had been bothering him for several days was actually solved by Ye Zhi, a 'little customer'. Just thinking about it felt a little bit. A little embarrassed.

"Then, please, uncle, I'll go back to study first."

"Well... by the way, take that stinky boy A-Xia along by the way, don't let him be lazy."

"it is good."

"Thank you, Leaf."


Han Qi looked at Ye Zhi's back and sighed slightly. He had a hunch that Ye Zhi's future achievements would be very high, very high!

No matter which way it is.


Ye Zhi looked at the bank account with only a few thousand dollars left, and blinked, wanting to laugh a So he smiled, "Alas~ the share will be emptied as soon as it comes down, it's alright, no need Trouble how to spend."

Pei Xinxin got close to Ye Zhi and rubbed his shoulder against him, "Little brother, are you really planning to start a company?"

Shen Lu frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, and continued to think about her exercises.

"It's open."


"One-person limited liability company to find out."


Han Xia bit his pen in distress, "How to solve this problem?"

After Ye Zhi came over, he just glanced at it and wrote down two formulas. Han Xia immediately had an idea when he saw these two formulas, "As expected of Ye Zi, or Niu Beer... However, you don't plan to Are you hiring? My dad said, you must have customer service in this app."


Shen Lu stretched out her hand and gently held Ye Zhi's hand, "Do you need my help?"

"Hey hey hey, that's too much! Just talk when you talk, why do you extend your hand?"

Pei Xinxin glared at Shen Lu, how could she not see it, Shen Lu was just trying to show her power over Ye Zhi, but Shen Lu didn't show weakness, the two sisters stared at each other like this. eye.

Ye Zhi stretched out another hand and pushed Shen Lu's little hand away.

Then, in her lost eyes, she held her hand with both hands together, "You just need to study hard."

"All right."

Shen Lu smiled, very brightly.

But in the next second, her face turned black again, Pei Xinxin actually pushed her hand away forcibly, then put her hand between Ye Zhi's, and said in a childlike tone, "Little one. Brother! I want too!"


It was embarrassing.

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