Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 696: lost myself

"I'm obviously a poor ghost, but I'm still worried about the life of the future son of the richest man in the world. Am I very inflated?"

"The same expansion, but... I'm really worried that Ye Shen will suddenly donate all his money one day in the future. It's hard for others to say, but his words really have this possibility."

"Who knows, but Ye Zi is not a fool, and he is a filial son. We don't need to worry about him."

"It's better to think about yourself. Ye Zi is right. I feel that my consumption has become more and more inflated now. I just pay the card every month as soon as I get my salary, and I don't have any spare money to invest."

"Hey~~~ don't mention it, I just spent the money on the so-called investment in myself and took out a loan for training, but now I still can't find a job. As a result, the bank has begun to ask me for money, and I told the previous training institution, 'Wait until you get a job' is totally different!"

"It's just a routine, sigh, I blame myself for not studying well in school."

Ye Zhi's remarks caused a lot of heated discussion on the Internet. Many senior professors from colleges and universities also stood up to agree with Ye Zhi's point of view, especially some of them watched their students fall into campus loans. The professor of the abyss also recounted the personal experience of his students.

It has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

Now the consumption concept of college graduates is too "advanced", which is actually a good thing for businesses, but for themselves...

That will only ruin their future!

To say that you can make money because you can spend it is to reverse the causal relationship. You can only spend money when you can make money first, right?

Listening to these so-called 'chicken soup', many people actually take it seriously. The money is spent, but the ability to make money can't keep up, and the moonlight is not a problem. Now there are more and more people who are unable to extricate themselves into the campus loan cycle. The more...

But there are still many people who are unaware of it, which has to be said to be a kind of sadness.

Especially children from some relatively poor areas, who have just entered the society and face this colorful world, there are really too many temptations. Over time, it may be out of inferiority, self-esteem, or something else.

Gradually, I lost myself.

At first, some people thought that those people deserved it, and they didn't control themselves, so who could blame?


Soon Toutiao has sorted out more than 200 suicide cases of college students across the country, and nearly 80% of them are related to campus loans. Only when you really understand the inside story will you understand how deep the routine is. !

How horrible is the black chain in the middle!

Self-control is one aspect, but the almost pervasive temptation is really hard to resist!

This industry really needs to be rectified, but Ye Zhi is very clear that it is difficult to change with his own strength. As he said, those who are in high positions and have assets will only try their best to make young people. Earn money from people's hands.

They will not estimate the life and death of these young people.

This kind of thing, it is difficult to rely on the market to spontaneously regulate and restrict it. At this time, it is very necessary for the state machine to take action. Ye Zhi is very clear about this, so he will deliberately mention it in Shen Lu’s live broadcast. this topic.

He has such influence and has collected enough evidence to draw enough attention.

Originally, some relevant departments turned a blind eye to this kind of thing, and did not go into it, but these things, as long as you dig a little inside, you will find some hidden under the seemingly normal operation. Grey chain.

As long as the attention of the society comes up, the relevant departments have to do something.

It also achieved Ye Zhi's goal.

Although what he is doing now seems to be looking for things to do in government departments, it is obvious that these are what they should do, and these people cannot be too idle.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the relevant departments had to take action. There were many illegal operations in the routines of campus loans, and the police department cooperated with the relevant departments to make corresponding investigations and punishments.

This time, thousands of small loan companies that violated laws and regulations have been investigated and punished. The central government also attaches great importance to the investigation and punishment. .

Then Ye Zhi, who was the 'initiator', kept a low profile.

It seems that there is nothing bubbling, but as long as people who are familiar with Ye Zhi will probably know that it is impossible to keep a low profile, a temporary low profile is just that he is planning a bigger sensation.



"What are you doing?"

Han Xia stretched a lot, and then pressed Ye Zhi's shoulders, "I've been working overtime for several days in a row. It's so boring. Let's eat chicken together at night. Don't push yourself so hard."

"Don't play your King's Glory anymore?"

"There's no technical difficulty. With this skill, I might as well play League. Besides, there are too many rookies in this game. There are many generations who have played it. I have encountered many pitfalls, and I don't dare to play the md pits."

"It's really hard to catch this on behalf of the brush."

If it's open~

It can be easily analyzed through the game data, but the replacement brush is different. It is completely manual. There is really no way to do it. It is not a problem to say that a friend helps to play, but it will affect the balance of the game.

The number of times some high-end players have encountered 'tiankeng' during the ranking is quite a lot!

"You said you won't come, right?"

"Okay, let's take a break today and let you see the real technology!"

"Just blow it up, you haven't fought for so long, it's okay if you're not unfamiliar."

And half an hour later, the game started, and Han Xia gradually began to doubt life. Ye Zhi, this sassy pig, was not unfamiliar at all, and was even more skilled than the previous one. This dog must be hiding something from him!

"Dog! Honestly, are you playing games without telling us?"

"No, I haven't opened this chicken for almost a month."

"Then how are you doing this today? The gun is so What have you done!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Ye Zhi's face, "Want to know?"


"Because I also watch Lulu's live broadcast when I have nothing to do."

"Does this have anything to do with your gun pressure?"

"In order to teach her how to press the gun, I thought about a lot of gun pressing skills..."

Han Xia rolled his eyes at him, "You're a liar, it's not bad that that man can eat chicken two or three times a month, this skill is so scumbag that I'm sorry for her hand speed, and... You don't mean that you are on the account every month. Yet?"

"I just taught her, but she couldn't learn how to learn. I learned it myself."


After a long time, Han Xia nodded, "I believe it, teach me quickly."

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