Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 82: The following guilty

to be honest……

Li Xiaomu somewhat admired Ye Zhi, a boy who was five years younger than him.

Ye Zhi's work ability is very strong. Whether it is in life, or in all aspects of talent, he can't see what a normal high school student should look like, and only when he is with his friends, he can A little bit aware of him...

He was still a high school student!

He always seems to be that calm and light-hearted, as if he is in control of everything, as if things can't be done without him.

The most terrifying thing is.

Ye Zhi is incredibly self-disciplined. In addition to taking care of school life, he still insists on 'writing' novels every day, learning vocal music and dancing, and even running a new company rated as the most valuable emerging enterprise in 2015 by international media company of.


Just like a monster!

However, Li Xiaomu felt lucky to have met him. At this moment, she wanted to say some words of thanks, but somehow, they were all stuck in her throat, and all the words were condensed into one sentence:


"What's there to thank for this, you deserve it."


Don't they all make progress through setbacks?

After this period of training, although Li Xiaomu didn't realize it herself, she has grown a lot in the process of actual work. After gradually getting started with the work at hand, she did share a lot of work for Ye Zhi.

As Lao Qi said, there is someone around to help with some trivial matters, and his work and study efficiency have improved a lot.

Inexperience is a common problem for all graduates.

But experience can be accumulated, right?

Even students from famous international schools are all the same when they just entered the society and started working. The difference is that some people learn fast, while others learn slowly, and some people can't meet them Things, will say: I will not.

And some people...

Will say: I can learn.

Everyone has a time when they are inexperienced. With a little more tolerance and patience, she will definitely become better.

Ye Zhi's ticket was in the afternoon, but Li Xiaomu wanted the dormitory in the magic capital to pack up, so Ye Zhi let her go ahead of time.

As for decoration.

Although the design drawings are perfect, it will take at least a month and a half to decorate the house, and it is now during the Spring Festival, when the decorators have all gone home for the Chinese New Year.

So there is no rush.

He planned to surprise his parents when the house was renovated.


On New Year's Eve, Ye Zhi's house.

The whole family is together.

Dad was fiddling with the new mobile phone, mom was cooking, and in the kitchen, a brand-new Bluetooth speaker was playing very familiar music, "In this warm room, I slowly discovered that getting together is actually a kind of fate... "

Ye Zhi couldn't help laughing and laughing, the song in the room, my mother has been looping for a long time, "Mom, can you stop playing this song."

Mom's soft voice came from the kitchen, "what's the matter?"

"It's really embarrassing to listen to myself sing."

"What's so embarrassing, my Ye Ye sings really well. Mom likes this song very much."

Ye Zhi squeezed out a bitter face, "Hey~~~ Dad, don't talk about Mom, I've been listening to this song all day, and my ears are getting calluses."

Unexpectedly, Dad just raised his head with a smile, and his slightly vicissitudes face was filled with deep pride, "It's good, this song is not tired of listening to, many of my workers are listening to it, they need to know this It was my son who sang it, and I'm definitely envious, haha."

Ye Zhi slapped his forehead fiercely, and Ye Zhi couldn't help laughing.

It's really embarrassing to play your own songs at home and listen to them all day long, but...

Look at the smiles on my father and mother's faces.

Ye Zhi showed a happy smile from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, he couldn't help but recall himself when he was on Earth. After his parents passed away, Ye Zhi went home from get off work every day, and he was alone. The Spring Festival was also a Spring Festival when he was alone, and his home was also his alone. Family.

Thinking of this.

look back...

Ye Zhi's eyes were a little wet.

Isn't this... the life he has been missing so much before?

The family is together, simply, eating together, making noises together, talking and laughing together, no matter what they do, they are full of happiness.


Little Ye Xi pulled Ye Zhi's clothes, "Ye Zhi."


"I want to drink Coke."

"It's in the refrigerator."

"I still want fried chicken, let's go to KFC."

Ye Zhi's expression gradually froze, "Mom, your daughter said she wants to go to KFC to eat fried chicken."

This made my mother so angry that she stopped the music and walked out of the kitchen with a frying spoon, "Xixi, you girl! It's not enough for Mom to cook so many delicious food for you. What kind of fried chicken do you want to eat! Can it be delicious as my mother makes? There is no nutrition at all."


To her mother, Ye Xi didn't dare to be so bold.

Aggrieved, she closed her mouth. She is still at an age when she likes to eat 'junk food'. She doesn't care whether it is good for her health or not, and she casts her eyes on her brother with incomparable resentment. went elsewhere.

But Ye Xi didn't plan to give up.

Once again walked into Ye Zhi's line of sight, and continued to use his eyes to kill.

Ye Zhi finally softened her heart, "Mom, it's Chinese New Year, I'll go buy some for Xixi. If you don't buy too much, just one chicken leg and one chicken wing."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

After twelve o'clock, all the penguin groups and WeChat groups in Ye Zhijia were very lively.

In the WeChat group established by Zhixin.

Ye Zhi lost 20 big red packets of 2000 in a row, "Happy New Year, singles, it's time to test your hand speed!"

Single Dog Ajie: "Boss, are you in the company now?"

Ye Zhi: "Not here."

Single Dog Ajie: "That's a pity."


Single Dog Ajie: "Then where are you?"

Ye Zhi frowned, feeling that things were not easy: "I don't want to tell you, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to find you with a torch in my hand now. Do I want to irritate us single nobles like this when I send a red envelope?! My Applejack is going to commit the following crime today!"

"Oh, Applejack, do you...want to experience the fear of receiving an exclusive red envelope except for you?"

"Boss, I was wrong."

Of course, this was just a joke. Ye Zhi didn't really do it, and continued to send out red envelopes until all the 50,000 yuan of his bank card limit was sent out. Douyin is really popular. , everyone is idle...

There are more people who shoot Douyin!

Therefore, the company's reviewers must work overtime on their home mobile phones or computers to review at this point. The meaning of sending these red envelopes is actually to give a little reward to the employees who are still working **** New Year's Eve. Zhixin's year-end bonus this year is very real.

Four months salary.

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