Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 867: a waste of resource

At this moment, Ye Zhi put down the keyboard in his hand, picked up the guitar, and came to the microphone connected to the Loop.

He recorded the sound of slapping and strumming the guitar and his own voice.


Miss Lisa seems to have discovered a new world. She knows how to use Loop, but she didn't expect Ye Zhigang to be so skilled in using it. However, what she likes most is this melody!

With Loop, he's really a band all by himself and doesn't need anyone else at all.

In a moving melody, it was born in just one minute. This is a strange melody that no one has heard before. When he finished his work, he returned to the microphone, under everyone's attention.

Dynamic melody, once again amazing.


This song is really completely unheard of, apparently it's a new song.

This time it was Ye Zhi's one-man show. Others had never heard the song and were not familiar with the melody. At first, they didn't know how to join in, but Lisa still had something. She was the first to bring her violin. sound blended in.

After all, this is a cyclical rhythm, and it is easy to find an entry point as a professional.


Xu Ruoying leaned on Han Xia's shoulder and listened to the song, "Turtle, this guy... is it a new song again?"

"Probably, maybe it's not new. He doesn't know how much he has stocked up." Han Xia calmly followed the melody and shook his head. Consciously, it will move with the melody.

"But it sounds really good."

Han Xia nodded and continued to shake, "Ye Ye actually likes making music the most, if he doesn't look at his income, but only if he really likes it, apart from being a singer, everything else might just be his sideline, if he's not afraid of making songs too much. Frequently affects the market, it is estimated that he can release more than a dozen albums a year, and his music library is so large that you don’t believe it.”

"Then the others are still alive?"

Ye Zhi, a dozen albums a year? !

Is this still for play?

Now this has almost ruled the entire Chinese music circle, and has a pivotal position in the international music scene. It really makes him make more than a dozen albums a year, and I am afraid that other singers will really not be able to survive.

Who can resist this!

Originally, almost every song he wrote was a classic, and even now, the songs he wrote when he first debuted occasionally return to the list, which is something that few other singers can do. .

So his fans are really super tangled.

I want Ye Zhi to release a song again, but I also know that he has too many things to do, and the song release can only be put on hold. As long as he can release an album every year, he is very satisfied, but...

every time!

Every time there is a feeling of not listening enough, it is a single cycle for a long time until I get tired of listening.

But Ye Zhi already has quite a few songs. Even if he gets tired of listening to this one, he can quickly find a favorite in his playlist, and then he falls into an endless loop. The quality of each song is so high!

Like this one, it's no exception.

It's not...

There are really not many people like Han Xia, and they started shaking with this melody unconsciously. The crowd of onlookers also increased, and before they knew it, Ye Zhi and the others were already crowded with people.

The video has also circulated online.


"According to my careful analysis, this little brother, without a doubt, is Ye Ye."

"Carefully analyze your sister, just this voice, can it be someone else?"

"Guapiye, don't think that I won't recognize you if the lights are dimmed, you scumbag, you actually went to HK to play, can't you take advantage of this gap to release a few more songs?! I'm waiting for all the flowers. Thanks!"

"Please, Ye Ziyue has only released a song for half a year, right?"

"Right, if Ye Ziyi releases a song again, other people are really going to cry. This is a screwdriver. Every song of his is of such high quality, his singing skills are good, his popularity is also high, and he is one of the longest-lasting ones on the list. As soon as he released an album, it was almost impossible to find anyone else's songs on the charts."

Really can't stand it.

"Does anyone know what this song is called? Can you download it? I also want that song Shapeofyou just now. Can anyone provide the sound source?"

"Where is the master of the sound repairer! Brother, put on your knees and help me extract the sound source. I really like these two songs very much. Just now, the young lady sang very nicely, especially the chord of Ye Zi, I like it. explode!"

"Please add one to the sound source, I can pay, and I can accept it for fifty yuan per song."

"Then I'll give you a hundred."

Money doesn't matter. The sound repairers take action. In fact, it doesn't take too much time to extract the sound source. They are more focused on removing noise and helping to repair the sound. After all, this is a scene. Even if the singing is perfect, there are still many other sound details. need to be dealt with.

After all, the recording equipment is not professional equipment, just passers-by's mobile phone, or DV.

In this way, the sound of the scene can be restored as much as possible.

Next, Ye Zhi didn't sing much, just played the chord and accompaniment. It seemed that he was pushing Lisa up on purpose. Even the focus of netizens was still on him. body.

However, Lisa, a singer who is not a singer, has also gained a lot of attention.

First of all, of course, it is the appearance, and it is still very dominant to be beautiful, and then it is the singing skills. It is very rare for an 'amateur' singer like Lisa to have such good singing skills, not to mention, there are still people It was revealed that she graduated from Berkeley.

That's even better.

It's just that some people are more curious, why the conditions are so good, she actually didn't go to be a singer.

Obviously, all the external and internal conditions Lisa has now are enough to make her a successful singer, but her profession is an ordinary white-collar worker, working in the securities industry, which is completely beyond everyone. unexpected.


After sending parents and Xixi back to the hotel, the four young people found a place to have supper with Miss Lisa.

Shen Lu looked at the young lady strangely, "So... you really do garbage recycling?"

"Sure, what? Doubt about my occupation? I have a work permit."

"That's not true, I just think it's a bit strange that you graduated from Berkeley to do this."

Lisa nodded, and it wasn't just Shen Lu who thought it was strange, "My dad's company, I just took a job, and I usually didn't do anything. If my dad hadn't died, he wouldn't let me go to the entertainment industry. I've already been a singer."

"It's really a bit of a waste of resources."

"Yeah, but my dad is a stubborn old man. Now HK's entertainment industry is a stagnant pool, and they all go to the mainland to develop. He has nothing to do in the mainland, and he is always afraid that I will be bullied, saying that this circle is too messy, Not suitable for me."

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