Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 901: Must win!

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Lu Xuan excitedly typed and showed off in the fan group, "[Photo] Oh my god! I'm so happy, I'm sitting next to Ye Shen now, what should I do? I'm so excited, my heart is almost beating!"

"MDZZ, this guy is showing, I can see it."

"Even if I knew she was showing off, I was still shown by her, and I really wanted to sit next to Ye Shen."

"This is so handsome, obviously it was taken by the original camera of the mobile phone, how can it be so perfect~~~"

Lu Xuan couldn't be more excited, "Sisters, what should I do, what should I do, I'm afraid I'll pass out later, Ye Shenye, I finally see the live Ye Shen, I'm so excited that I can't say no. I've spoken."

"It's okay to faint."

"I said, can you be more aggressive? It's not just meeting Ye Shen, I've seen it several times, but I've never been as close as you, so hurry up and say a few words, when the game is over, but No more play."

"Yes, yes, come on quickly and ask a few more questions for our sisters."

Lu Xuan: "But...but...I don't dare, I, I don't dare to talk to him."

"You're too cowardly, don't tell me now, when will you wait until Ye Shen is gone? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you will regret it, there will be no next time. "

Lu Xuan: "Then what are you asking?"

"Ask whether Ye Shen's abdominal muscles are still there. I remember that Ye Shen used to have eight-pack abs. I haven't seen it for a long time, and I don't know if it is unified."

"Guiyi, haha, it doesn't matter, Ye Ye's figure has always been very good, you don't have to worry at all, and Xiao Xuan doesn't even dare to tell Ye Ye now, you asked her to ask about her abdominal muscles? You're afraid it's not for her life."

"Then what?"

"Just ask him when he will shoot new works and so on. I am really super curious about this. I have brushed the dragon race eight times!"

"It shouldn't be so fast, after all, there are so many things in Ye Zi Company."

"It's hard to say, Ye Shen can't judge by common sense. My brother is now in Zhixin Technology, an engineer of big data analysis. Once, when he was working with Ye Shen, he discovered something. His brain seems to be completely different from our normal people, not only is his thinking much wilder than the average person, but his thinking speed is even more supercomputer than supercomputer."

"Why do you say that?"

"My brother and the entire team have been embarrassed for three months and have not been able to solve the problem. He only took five minutes to solve it perfectly. He even thought of the follow-up plan. You said that you are not desperate?"


"So Ye Shen can't be judged by common sense at all. He is really awesome. Just ask and it's over."


Ye Zhi had already glanced over here, and entered something unknown on the phone, Lu Xuan received a message from an unfamiliar number, "Are you Lu Qi's sister?"

Lu Xuan looked confused. When she raised her head, Ye Zhizheng was holding up her phone, which was the text message.

"Ye, Ye, how did you know my number?"

"I checked."

"How did you check?"

Ye Zhi didn't answer. In today's Internet, with Xiaozhi, he can almost do whatever he wants, but he won't say anything like this, "There's a little bit of my way, you... Sign it?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Ye Shen, I, I like you so much, I, I, I am so excited."

"Slowly, don't worry, the game hasn't started yet, I'll finish the game today before leaving."

"Okay, okay, this, this, just sign it on this."

Lu Xuan pulled out an album, which she had prepared before she came. Although she also thought that she might not be able to meet Ye Zhi, as long as there was such a glimmer of hope, she wanted to try it. No, the emperor pays off. .

Ye Zhi casually signed and focused on the game.

Although the little sister Lu Xuan likes Ye Zhi, she still cares about her brother's game. Seeing the situation on the court gradually stalemate, Lu Xuan becomes nervous, "Ye Shen, my brother, they should be able to win, right? "

"It's hard to say, the opponent is very strong."


"It seems that the opponent's coach has thoroughly studied the play style of everyone in YZ." Ye Zhi touched his chin. If it wasn't for the special training a few days ago, this time, they might all be hung up and beaten. .

Lu Xuan tugged her hands tightly, not knowing what she was in, "My brother will definitely win!"

"Are you so confident in your brother?"

"Of course! He is my brother. He will definitely win. He said he will definitely win the world championship."

"Everyone here has said that."


Ye Zhi smiled lightly, and focused on the big screen again. Studying the opponent's style of play does have some targeted effects, but the game is changing rapidly, and the routine is sometimes But it is not has always worked.

The YZ gradually took hold.

He played steadily and successfully won the first game, which also made many fans heave a sigh of relief.

It's just that the second game didn't go so smoothly. Because of Jiang Rui's mistake, he lost Dalong and the opponent suppressed them all the way. In the end, they lost the game and returned to the scene of a draw between the two sides.


Jiang Rui bowed his head guiltily in front of Ye Zhi, "Brother Zhi, I let you down."


Instead, Ye Zhi said with admiration, "I played well today."

Before Jiang Rui could speak, Ye Zhi interrupted him, "Anyone will make mistakes, don't worry, be steady, I can also see some of their team's routines in the two games just now, you guys..."

Listening to Ye Zhi's advice, Lu Qi, Jiang Rui and others frowned, "Brother, will this be too risky?"

Wang Rumor has a different opinion, "I think give it a try."

The Demo kid nodded, "I also think we can give it a try. They are all very familiar with our style of play. We just slowly grind the details to see who makes mistakes. Although we have Xiao Wang on our side, we have a comparative advantage in laning, but team battles A small mistake can be the end of it, and instead of waiting for them to make a mistake, make them a mistake.”

Ye Zhi: "I only ask the last sentence, are you confident?"


Ye Zhi's plan is actually very simple.

It's just being aggressive, there's no need to be so conservative. Originally, in YZ's team, Lu Qi, Wang Ruanwen, and Demo were all relatively stable people, but now they're too stable, so they're stubborn.

He didn't use his own advantages at all, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw it offstage.

"Be louder, okay?!"


"YZ will win!"


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