Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 961: 1 animal

"Don't worry, we are still testing our translation tools, at least we have to do a good job of the most commonly used apps. I have contacted several large domestic app development companies, and they will help us. do this."

While eating the roast chicken, Shen Lu asked, "But will they be willing to do this?"

"Of course I would."

Dependent on people.

But it's not just Ye Zhi who is worried, they may be more worried than Ye Zhi!

On IOS, there have been more than one incidents of domestic apps being taken off the shelves due to various disputes, and Android has recently been pushed to the forefront due to the trade war. In fact, many manufacturers are worried that Google will not be able to withstand the pressure.

At this time, Zhixin Technology stood up.

With great sincerity, a very easy-to-use development language, and a very complete development environment, tools, and manuals, this is simply great news for domestic IT companies, and planning for a rainy day is more than just a matter of Ye Zhi will do it.


This language was developed by the team led by Ye Zhi. In addition to being very simple and versatile, it can also guarantee sufficiently powerful functions and incredible performance. With the current Y3 processor, this is a match made in heaven!

Perfect match.

There is even a relatively simple compiler that can convert programs in other programming languages ​​into binary codes, and then escape them into applications in the new operating system. From a technical point of view, this is completely achievable. After all, for a computer, it knows only 0 and 1.

Ye Zhi personally led the team to do this.

Steady one!

For example, some relatively simple apps can be directly escaped, but some large-scale games still need to be tested by testers. Compatibility problems will definitely exist, but Ye Zhi believes that this is possible. overcome in a short time.


At the beginning, he targeted a few relatively large application developers, and these companies were willing to cooperate with them in this matter.

At present, some mainstream games on the domestic mobile phone end, manufacturers are also very willing to support, such as King of Glory and PUBG Mobile not to mention, they were originally written in this language, and there are already versions of this language.

"You really have always been a blockbuster if you don't make a sound."

"I just don't like doing things I'm not sure about."


Netizens on the Internet also exploded the pot, such a hot news, it is simply shocking.

"WTF, Zhixin Technology has made the operating system?! And the TM has been completed in seven or eight?! Who can tell me, what is this swollen?"

"Cow beer."

"Although I also really want to believe in Zhixin Technology, but the operating system, this is the operating system! It's not that easy. If it is so easy to create an operating system that is comparable to Android and IOS, Google and Apple will not be in danger. Yet?"

"When the Y-series processors first came out, there were a lot of people who said the same stupid things as upstairs."

"Sit and wait for the face-slapping leaf to go online."

"I hope to be slapped in the face, I'd love to be beaten this time, the louder the better, the domestic mobile phone operating system, mom, I'm excited just thinking about it!"

"Hey, I'm still not very optimistic. What if the system is easy to use? No WeChat, no Alipay, no Hungry. Do you use it?"

"The upstairs is a mentally retarded person. After the appraisal, can my company's application still support it? What an international joke, and Ye Shen just said that he has contacted several large application development companies in China. Including the most commonly used ones."

"As long as it can meet my daily needs, I absolutely support this wave! Even if I use two mobile phones for the time being, I'm happy."

"Maybe it can support dual systems? Everyone should know how powerful the Y3 is. Now the memory of mobile phones starts at 256, and dual systems don't seem to be a problem. Before, there was only one Android, and IOS simply couldn't. Installed, but if it is the system of Zhixin Technology... It's hard to say!"

"Wow, that's awesome, by the way... what's this system called?"

"According to the urine nature of the leaves, it's either very casual, or you can't guess why it's called this name, such as a certain east, a certain cat."

“Wow wow~~~”

"By the way, I just heard what Sister Luoluo said. Ye Shen seems to have tried this phone a long time ago."

"I also noticed this. Ye Shen's mobile phone seems to be a little different all the time. I thought it was a high-end Android phone that he specially ordered. Now, if I look at it this way, it seems to be a test phone!"

"Mom, the cow beer is over, isn't this still a human being?"

"It's amazing, I just watched the live broadcast and saw such a hot news, burst, blowing Ye To be honest, I don't dare to be too optimistic, after all, this is the operating system, this thing is really good It’s hard to say, ecology is really important, but Ye Zi’s integrity, I think it’s worth believing, I can support a wave, and I’ll pay the IQ tax if I spend a little money.”

"Please, don't be so pessimistic, Ye Ke has never done anything unsure, I think it's still very hopeful."

It was the day after Ye Zhi said that.

Zhixin Technology held a press conference. The company's press conference has always been very strange and very random. Only they know the time of the release, and neither reporters nor netizens know about it. , which is also the operating system.

Ye Zhidu has been trying it out for several months!

Stability and other aspects have not been said, and besides Ye Zhi, Zhixin Technology actually has many testers using it. It was really inconvenient at the beginning, but now some commonly used apps have been developed one after another. Since then, the testing situation has changed a lot.

So that some testers directly upgraded the mobile phone that was originally used as a backup phone to their main mobile phone.

Just don't play games.

This phone has just about everything you need.

Even some relatively unpopular apps, as long as they are not too complicated, can be directly compiled and used. For games, as long as they are not too unpopular, they are basically supported now, so they can basically satisfy normal people. daily needs.

at the press conference.

As the chairman of Zhixin Technology, Han Qi, of course, made a generous speech as usual after he came to power.

Then there is the introduction of the product.

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