Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 996: no one dares to move

For example, customers like Han Xia.

If he hadn't had Ye Zhi to help plan it, he would have to spend a lot of money to find a truly experienced and creative team to contract his wedding.


There are very few such teams now.

It can't be said that there are few teams, but it can only be said that Han Xia and Xu Ruoying are really very few teams. The two of them are people with relatively high requirements, and they are all together.

If Ye Zhi hadn't contracted for them this time, they would have been so picky...

Estimated to burn tens of millions!

"But now it's just a rough prototype and an idea. Except for the small program, nothing else has been seen yet. My acquisition has not been carried out yet, and it is not that fast."

"I always feel that you always think things too hard."


Han Xia: "When did you not count all the possibilities? I've never seen you miscalculate. Who has played with you? Play with you and admit defeat as soon as possible."

Huang Bo: "I still vaguely remember how you were yelled at when you crossed the line like crazy. Now those people don't know where your slap went."

"How can it be so exaggerated, I just considered some more possibilities. The opponent is too weak, and I can't help it."

"Then you are really fat."

“It’s just so-so~~~”

After the bragging, Ye Zhi continued his own planning, and also put forward some of his own ideas to discuss with Han Xia. The details of the wedding still need to be knocked out by himself, although he is just listening with the attitude of Ye Zhi. .

"I will arrange a teacher from Qixin Entertainment to handle the stage of this venue. I promise to make the arrangements for you clearly. You should think about it for yourself. When the time comes, what program will your groom prepare."

"What? What program is the groom preparing for?"

"Otherwise? Don't sing a song to confess?"

"Just a hammer, it's fine if you don't invite people to perform, I invited IZ He's Xiao Kaikai, and A Hua and Sister Luoluo, Qixin's artists are all here, you think I'm not enough Shame?"

"Although you are a real dish, after all this wedding, you are the protagonist."

After listening, Han Xia shook his head, "I think it's better. You guys just sing a few words on stage, and I'm going to take a break. This comparison shouldn't be too obvious, okay, I don't think it's okay, it's too embarrassing."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

"This is my wedding!"

"I'm the general planner, listen to me."


Ye Zhi couldn't help laughing when he saw him Xucheng like this, "What's the panic, I'm here, and there's still so long, just practice more, it's not a big problem, trust me, I'll give it to you Jiaying too Ying made a little surprise."

"What do you sing? It's too difficult for me."

"I'll give you the whole simple one."

"I don't dare to compliment your songs, there are not many songs I can sing at all."

Ye Zhi's songs are notoriously difficult to sing.

For some songs, the tune is low and low, and the high one is too high. Not to mention ordinary people, there are not a few professional singers who overturn their cars. Some of those Internet celebrity singers also forcibly rely on their voice. Drop Key sings.

Not many can really sing the feeling.

So Han Xia is really false!

"It shouldn't be a problem. If it really doesn't work, you can adjust it to lower and lower the key for you. Just show your usual KTV singing standards, and I don't plan to make you a singer."


"By the way, Xiaoshu, I'm married, this brother...are you coming?"

"Aren't the bridesmaids pretty?"

"It's alright, Sister Yingying seems to have brought a few sisters from the family here, her looks are decent, and I sold a bridesmaid position to Xinxin, but don't think about her, just run towards Ye Ye. "

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a beautiful girl, it will be done. If you start it, maybe there will be a small change that will fall in love with me."

"It's also about your money."

"You! Do you want to fight?"

"Oh hoo? Come on, practice."

He Shu looked at Han Xia, who was 'a tall man and a big horse'. He was still a little cowardly. He was pampered. When he was a child, he dared to fight Han Xia, but now he doesn't dare, "Oh, I won't be like you. The common sense of a savage."

"Hehe, if you don't dare, don't dare, little brother."

Ye Zhi waved his hand angrily, "Save it, now the small reformers are rich, and few are willing to marry into wealthy families, just those in IZ, they don't have a good impression of the rich second generation, you If you really want to pursue it, you have to change your routine."

"You don't object?"

"What am I against?"

"People in our circle are spreading rumors that IZ's minor changes are probably your ban..."

"Ban you from MMP, what are you thinking, what kind of circle are you in?"

"The circle of the rich second generation in China."

"It's not like you haven't been to my club. Most of the members are rich and second-generation. We usually talk about these things when we chat, but there was a sand sculpture surnamed Chen who used his crooked brains instead of directly going bankrupt for you. already?"

"do not know."


Maybe it was done, but Ye Zhi didn't bother to remember the names of these people.

They're all little guys anyway.

How many are really brainless among the top rich circles in China?

These people are very clear about who can offend and who can't offend. Since IZ and He are entertaining together, Ye Zhi won't let them move, so they can't move, ordinary pursuits are fine, if they dare to use their brains...

Even if the head will be beaten crooked.

"Alas, it's so rumored now, IZ and that are not afraid to move."

How awesome is Ye Zhi?

Anyway, money is definitely something you can't afford, even if you have power, you have to weigh it, because before there was a big tiger who was playing prestige in Zhixin Technology and Ye Zhi directly stabbed all his black materials.

He also cooperated with several Internet media to make all the things he did behind his back made public.

At that time, the national media was almost unified.

In less than a the evidence was conclusive, and the big tiger fell directly.

Even if someone above wants to protect it, it is not easy to protect it. When they react, the evidence that any one can bring him down has already been flying all over the sky, and all of them are of the kind that can stand the test.

Everyone knows who did it.

Although you can't do whatever you want with money, you can really protect your rights and interests if you have money and brains.

not to mention……

No one dared to move Ye Zhi now.

If it moves, that is the public enemy of the whole country. His contribution to the whole society is too great. So far, no one can replace his existence, and he is like a rich vein that is being digged. The more you dig, the more valuable it is!

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