Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2675 Five female monster insects!

Mr. Zhu's previous thoughts were shared with Queen Yue in private. Mr. Zhu did not mention the matter publicly to other ministers.

Mr. Zhu's proposal was shelved by Queen Yue. Mr. Zhu thought that Queen Yue was as opposed to his opinion as Master Chu.

But he didn't expect that Yue Hou would openly mention this matter at the Royal Court Council.

"This invasion of the main world by the dead dimensional creatures involves Hui Yao's life and death, but a solution can always be found."

"Since everyone hasn't come up with a good solution after discussing it for a long time, let's discuss another issue first."

"I propose to rectify the Builders' Guild so that the Builders' Guild is no longer just a loose organization."

"At the same time, a special official department will be established in Huiyao to recruit architects in the name of Huiyao."

"What do you think about letting the recruited architects conduct research in this specialized department to improve the efficiency of architects?"

I did have a similar idea before, but I didn't do any research on it.

Now after the chef made the proposal, it was only after a month that he focused on this aspect.

After an investigation, it was discovered that many architects were selling and preparing potions under the guise of researching and purifying death energy, and were selling these potions on the Star Network.

This is not necessarily the reason for the slow progress of Hui Yao's research, but it is definitely one of the reasons.

The architect's casual attitude made Queen Yue deny the certainty of Huiyao's future in her heart.

This certainty must be re-established after a month, otherwise all the pressure will eventually be given to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan is the savior of the main world, not its slave.

Lin Yuan has done enough, and Queen Yue doesn't want to make Lin Yuan's burden even heavier!

After hearing what Queen Yue said, Mr. Zhu immediately responded.

Mr. Zhu had already had this idea in his mind, but he didn't have the approval of other ministers or the approval of the six-star builder Yuehou.

The plan will definitely not go forward smoothly!

In the eyes of the outside world, he and the Chef Master are on equal footing with Yue Hou, but in fact, Yue Queen's creator abilities have already surpassed him and the Chef Master by far.

The strength of Queen Moon's six-star builder is not just something that Queen Moon talks about casually.

Now that Yue Hou has taken the initiative to propose and implement this matter, this matter will probably proceed smoothly.

There are many builders in Huiyao, and every four-star builder has endless creativity.

If the power of the Glory Creator can be integrated, it will be a blessing for the entire Glory!

And doing so is not depriving the architects of their benefits. On the contrary, after the integration, these architects will be able to improve their status based on their achievements in glory!

"I agree with Queen Yue's proposal!"

"At least 60% of Hui Yao's founders have not conducted research as required."

"Especially some four-star builders are still serving some top forces."

"Only by integrating the power of the builders can we better face the challenges brought by the undead natural disasters!"

The chef sighed in his heart, how easy is it to do this?

Once such a choice is really made, Huiyao will have to endure the pain of change for a long time.

However, if this matter can really be established and implemented, it will really be a contribution to Huiyao in the contemporary era and will benefit the future!

Queen Yue has never been the kind of person who likes gambling.

Now that she has made this proposal, Queen Yue should be confident.

Chu Zun is worried about asking Mr. Zhu to do this, but if he does it in a month, Chu Zun believes that he will be able to do it well.

But with Queen Moon's thunderous methods, I'm afraid those disobedient builders will suffer a lot!

The chef spoke up.

"I also agree with Yue Hou's proposal."

At this time, there must be no disagreement between myself and Yue Hou, Mr. Zhu.

Once there is a disagreement between the three of them, there are two proposals.

Those ministers led by Tian Feng who seek stability are bound to raise objections.

This matter concerns the Founder. If the three of us agree, no one will be qualified to refuse or object.

A proposal was made a month later, and Master Chu and Lord Zhu expressed their stances one after another.

After that, the conference room was silent for a long time, and voices of agreement came one after another.

Seeing that no one raised any objection, Cicada Ming was silent for a long time before speaking.

"After a month, once such a change is made, Huiyao's output of creator resources will be reduced by one-third or more for at least half a year!"

"I hope everyone can be mentally prepared for this in advance."

It's not that Cicada Ming doesn't support Yue Hou's decision, on the contrary, Cicada Ming feels that Yue Hou's approach is very neat.

This neat approach will keep the painful period of glory to a minimum.

It’s just that Cicada has a habit of thinking about the consequences in advance.

Only when the other ministers know the seriousness of the consequences, will everyone cooperate with the next plans of Queen Yue, Master Chu, and Master Zhu.

Chef Zun and Zhu Jun did not speak when they heard this, but looked at the Queen of the Moon.

Zhu Jun did not make this proposal publicly at that time because Zhu Jun could not bear the consequences.

Now that the Queen of the Month has brought it up, the Queen of the Moon must have a way to bear the consequences.

Queen Yue tapped the table twice with her fingers and spoke firmly.

"No matter how low the resource output of Huiyao's founders is this year, I can still use resources to make up for it."

"I believe that as long as everyone works together, one year is enough to get through the pain period and let everything settle!"

After talking about this month, he paused and then continued.

"Mr. Liu, you have notified the parties concerned about the ordering and selection of the Hundred Sons of Radiance, the selection of the Radiant Knights and the selection of the Radiant Envoys, but you have not notified the whole federation yet."

"I suggest that this matter be postponed for at least a week and then proceed as originally planned."

Liu Wencheng nodded after hearing this.

"I will pass on the news of the postponement."

"If you have any other requests after the month, just tell me and I will fully cooperate!"

The Queen of the Moon's request for a postponement was not to use this time to gather the power of the founder of Brilliance.

There is no conflict between the gathering of the power of the founders of the Radiance and the ordering and selection of the Hundred Sons of the Radiance, as well as the selection of the Radiance Knights and the Radiance Envoys.

The reason why Yue Hou made such a request was to give Lin Yuan time.

First, it would give Lin Yuan time to experiment with whether the method would work.

Considering Lin Yuan's situation two months later, there was no way he could miss this event.

Lin Yuan was the most dazzling presence in the last selection of the Huiyao Hundred Sons sequence.

He even killed a free agent in the subsequent battle.

Since then, Lin Yuan has become famous in one battle and has become the idol of the younger generation of Quan Huiyao. His voice is louder than that of the current Huiyao envoys.

Once Lin Yuan is absent, the people of Huiyao will definitely think about the reasons.

It will also make the purpose of this event somewhat missing.

In the final analysis, the purpose of this event is to enhance the fighting spirit of Huihuiyao citizens, otherwise all these selections can be conducted internally.

The Queen of the Moon did not mention the matters related to the dead dimensional creatures again, but the other ministers had already vaguely guessed that the Queen of the Moon must have a solution.

Otherwise, the month later wouldn’t have changed the topic just now!

At this time, Huiyao's subordinates all worked hard to improve their strength.

When Huiyao encounters danger, he can rely on his own strength to better solve the problem.

After the Royal Court meeting was over, the Moon Queen returned to Huiyue Palace.

At the beginning, I held an academic seminar for Huiyao's internal architects with Mr. Zhu and Mr. Chu, and all the architects of Huiyao were required to participate!

Queen Yue was busy gathering the power of the Brilliant Creator while waiting for Lin Yuan's reply.

Zongze, Gu Lang, Xia Qing, Gao Feng, and Anhe had already left the training room on the second day.

All five people have improved the strength of their spiritual objects.

After hearing the news that the selection was postponed, the five people did not stay in Guiyuan Manor to disturb Lin Yuan.

Zongze and Gu Lang made an appointment to kill the undead near the Well of the Dead and learn about the power of the undead from actual combat.

Xia Qing was ready to return to the royal court to stabilize the state of her two spiritual creatures.

Xia Qing's mental power mutated due to an accident.

When Xia Qing was in seclusion, she actually improved on the basis of being an A-level spiritual energy professional.

Although there is still some way to go before becoming an S-level spiritual energy professional, Xia Qing's mutated mental power is already able to withstand spiritual objects at the peak of the lord-level mythical species!

Gao Feng is going to find his master Cicada to help Cicada share some work.

As for Anhe, Anhe is going to find his senior brother and improve his fighting skills through fighting with him.

It was only on the fourth day that Lin Yuan saw Keira who had come all the way.

After seeing Lin Yuan, Kayla said to Lin Yuan very respectfully.

"Master, I captured more than ten dead dimensional creatures along the way."

"The frequency of the dead dimensional creatures appearing is getting higher and higher. I chose five insect eggs to selectively devour the dead dimensional creatures and then induce the eggs to hatch."

"This is the female monster insect I hatched."

After saying that, Keira took out the diamond-level trapped spirit box that Lin Yuan had given to her before, and released the five female monster insects.

The appearance of these five demonic insects scared Lin Yuan.

I don’t know if it’s because they are based on creatures from the dead dimension, but these five female demon worms are all strangely black, covered with a faint layer of black mist.

The form of these monster insect females looks like a spider with slender legs.

But unlike ordinary spiders, demon insects have as many as twelve legs.

These five female demon worms look roughly the same, but if you look closely, there are huge differences in details.

Lin Yuan used Mobius's skill [Real Data] to investigate these five demonic insects.

After a closer look, Lin Yuan found that these five demonic insects did not have any specific skills or exclusive characteristics in terms of data.

The feeling Keira gave Lin Yuan was very similar to when Lin Yuan went to explore Keira after Mobius advanced.

It's not that there is a problem with Mobius's detection ability, but because the monster insect, a spiritual creature that relies on its genetic template to fight, is itself the best weapon.

In this regard, it is very similar to the zerg as a dimensional creature.

This also shows from the side that the zerg is indeed derived from the genetic changes of the demon worm.

Seeing that Lin Yuan looked at the five female monster insects he had summoned without speaking, Keira took the initiative to introduce them to Lin Yuan.

"Master, you can provide my five female worms with a sufficient environment of death energy, so as to test the strength of my five female worms."

"I wonder what you think about this?"

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard this. Lin Yuan had this intention.

The demon insect Keira can find creatures from the dimension of the dead even when she is walking, which shows that creatures from the dimension of the dead appear more frequently than before.

Lin Yuan has been receiving news from the reincarnation realm masters, so he is naturally more aware of this.

Now the entire main world has reached an extremely critical state.

If this problem is not solved within two months, the entire main world will face disaster!

Death air is fluid and can spread.

In about two months, according to the rate at which these dead dimensional creatures appear, the content of death energy may be higher than the content of spiritual energy.

The tower dispatched a large number of dead dimensional creatures. This was not so much a surprise operation.

Rather, it is better to say that this is the ultimate move prepared by Tadian to destroy the main world!

Lin Yuan thought about it and thought that the most suitable place for these five female monster insects to show off their abilities was to find a well of the dead.

The collision between the undead and the demonic insects spurted out by the undead well can best simulate the real battle situation between the undead and the demonic insects.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan contacted his master, Queen Yue.

As soon as he answered the phone, Lin Yuan could hear the obvious fatigue in Queen Yue's voice.

This made Lin Yuan feel a little distressed.

But at this time, Lin Yuan couldn't advise the moon queen to take more rest.

As long as there is a chance to rest, fatigue will not show up after a month.

The only thing Lin Yuan could do for Queen Yue was to reassure her.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan spoke to the Queen of the Moon.

"Master, my reinforcements to deal with the creatures from the dimension of the dead have arrived."

"I need a well of the undead to investigate on the spot how the reinforcements are dealing with the undead."

"I wonder if you have time?"

"If you have time, why not come with me to watch the battle!"

After hearing this, Yue Hou perked up and quickly put down what he was doing, speaking with excitement.

"Dead dimensional creatures have begun to appear in C33 Well of the Dead in the northern suburbs of Xiaoyuan King's capital."

"Why don't we go to the Well of the Dead at C33 for actual combat!"

"I will leave now for the Well of the Dead at C33 to integrate the site myself."

"Send the glorious warriors at C33 to the Well of the Dead at C32 for support."

"I'll ask Xuan Yue to pick you up in an hour."

Lin Yuan said quickly after hearing this.

"Master, there's no need to trouble Uncle Xuan. I'll ride there on my own in an hour."

"My place is not far from the Well of the Dead at C33."

"Let the Slaughtering Sky Butterfly take me, and I'll be there in less than ten minutes."

After talking to Yuehou, Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

To be honest, Lin Yuan was a little worried. Even if these five female demon worms eliminated the undead that spewed out of the undead well, they didn't seem to be able to solve any problem.

Because what Lin Yuan wanted to control was never the well of the dead, but all the undead that were wreaking havoc in the main world.

Keira had been observing Lin Yuan's expression, and after seeing Lin Yuan's concerns, Keira expressed her stance with confidence.

"Master, after you see the performance of these five female demon worms, your heart will definitely be in your stomach!"

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