Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 409 I want your life, will you give it?

The news of Zhou Chengzhe's gauntlet against Yun Xi spread like wildfire, and almost all of the high school classmates heard about it.

Before the preliminary round of the biological competition started, some people started to form groups to watch the competition on the spot.

Zhou Chengzhe boasted about Haikou in front of so many people that day, and naturally he didn't dare to be careless.

The objects he didn't dare to underestimate were not Yun Xi and Zhao Yumo, but the masters of other universities.

His goal is to step on Yun Xi and win the championship to win glory for the school!

Hearing Yang Lu say that he either stays in the library every day or reads at night with the lights on, and walks alone every day, it looks like he has the chance to win.

Yun Xi didn't care what happened to Zhou Chengzhe, she and he both signed up for the biology competition.

If he can win the championship in this competition, he can be sent to study abroad with a full scholarship. Zhou Chengzhe is bound to win this championship.

Yun Xi is not very interested in studying abroad. Anyway, when the time comes, there will be a winner and loser in the arena. If she really takes this championship title and is recommended to go abroad, I am afraid that Zhou Chengzhe will hate her for ruining his future! !

Well, let reality wake up his vain dream!

As soon as school was over, Yun Xi glanced at Li Sinuo who hurriedly left the classroom with the book in her arms. She originally wanted to test her because of Zhou Chengzhe's affairs. Who knew that Zhou Chengzhe would come to the battle book by himself, and the rumors would be self-defeating.

The attention of the students all went to the competition!

It is more interesting to be able to see the winning and losing contest with one's own eyes than the rumors that follow others' rumors. At least the result is in front of everyone, there is no doubt.

Winning is tantamount to letting the opponent slap himself in the face.


After leaving the classroom, Yun Xi was stopped by two bodyguards as soon as she left the school gate.

Although he stopped her, he did not go too far. Instead, he politely invited her to the black car on the side of the road.

"Miss Yun, our young master wants to see you."

Yun Xi glanced at them. At this time, there would be no one except Han Yaotian to invite her with this battle.

It caused her to be kidnapped, and even had the face to come to her!

Following the bodyguard and stepping forward, Yun Xi looked at the figure sitting in the car coldly, and stood on the right side of the door.

This angle can avoid the bullets that come to snipe at Han Yaotian from a distance, and she blocked herself in front of the window instead.

"Mr. Han, I didn't expect you to dare to come to me, are you not willing to kill me?"

"Miss Yun, you misunderstood!" As soon as Yun Xi spoke, Han Yaotian felt so guilty that he could not open the car door and get out of the car.

But his safety could not be guaranteed, and he didn't dare to come down, so he could only see the figure outside through a car door.

"I'm here to apologize to you today! I'm really sorry to have caused you! I didn't expect such a thing to happen, I'm really sorry! If you want, please give me a chance to make up for you!"

The young marshal didn't see anyone, and his father didn't see anyone in person. The Han family was in a panic.

If he wants to inherit the Han family, he must do something for the Han family in order to get the support of the old guys and let him sit on the board of directors!

So I can only take risks at this juncture and ease the relationship with her.

After all, she was the young marshal's savior, so it might not be difficult to meet him.

If he could see the young marshal through her, it would definitely be better than his dad waiting at the post every day!

"Compensation?" Yun Xi couldn't help sneering, her eyes filled with coldness: "I almost lost my life, what do you think you can compensate me for?"

"As long as you propose it, I will not refuse what I can do!"

Yun Xi jokingly looked at his hypocritical appearance, and snorted softly.

She wanted to say, I want your life, will you give it? !

A selfish and ungrateful person like him has only interests in his eyes, who wouldn't say nice things?

After reliving the first life, she still couldn't see what he was looking for her for today?

Mu Feichi couldn't get through, and the Han family was like an ant on a hot pot. If he wanted to meet Young Master Mu, he could only come to her to try his luck!

Otherwise, with his temperament, how could he waste time on a high school student?

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