Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 424 No distractions, no fear.

The day before the operation, Yun Xi made another trip to the hospital to confirm the details of the operation and the operation plan again and again.

Professor Joseph also admired Yun Xi's cautious and serious temperament, and took the trouble to discuss the operation plan with her.

Several other experts and professors from the General Hospital of the Military Region just watched them communicate in English with a dazed look on their faces.

In front of the family, Yun Xi directly acted as Professor Joseph's translator, explaining the professional terms to them in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

The next morning, Yun Xi came out of the compound after breakfast, and Mu Feichi's car was already waiting there.

Compared with everyone's worries and nervousness, Mu Feichi was calmer than anyone else.

Standing on the aisle, he watched her come out of the disinfection room wearing a green surgical gown, her hands slightly raised in front of her chest, and the petite man walked on the empty aisle.

Step by step, sonorous footsteps without the slightest timidity and hesitation.

This road is destined for her to walk alone.

He looked at her, proud and full of lonely back, both distressed and inexplicably proud.

In the car that day, he asked her why she had to have the operation, but he had already guessed her intention.

Whether for him or for herself, this was the beginning of her career as a doctor.

After taking the first step, she will be able to laugh at her own life in the future.

Just in case, the hospital arranged for several other experts and professors to come to the scene in case.

It is said to be just in case, but in fact, I want to see with my own eyes how this operation that has not been successful in China works.

If successful, then this is the new record and pioneering work of this case in the General Hospital of their Military Region.

The dean and his family were also waiting outside, and everyone was nervously waiting for the results of the operation minute by minute.

Three hours later, the lights in the operating room went out. The dean and his family members rushed to the door of the operating room and nervously looked at Professor Joseph who pushed the door open.

"How was the surgery?"

Professor Joseph took off his mask, also excited, and said to the dean in broken Chinese: "Thank God! The operation was a success! Miss Yun and I cooperated very well, and she is completely my assistant!"

"Thank you, Professor Joseph!" The Dean shook hands with Professor Joseph gratefully, and turned to see Yun Xi coming out of the operating room.

"Miss Yun, thank you too! Thank you for your hard work! You have created a new success story for our hospital!"

Yun Xi took off her mask, and when she left the operating room, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After three consecutive hours of surgery, she was very glad that her hand holding the scalpel did not shake!

Even after so many years, standing on the operating table again, she felt that her mentality and methods gradually overlapped with her previous life.

The moment I picked up the scalpel, I had no distractions and no fear.

Turning her head, she looked at the figure standing by the window. At this moment, he also looked at her.

A few meters away, she felt that only his figure was in sight.

She couldn't hear the noise beside her, and the excited thanks of her family, and all she saw was his tall, tall figure.

Those usually clear and deep eyes now had a complex look that she couldn't understand.

His thin lips were pursed lightly, a man who had always been arrogant, but now she looked at him, but she only felt that those eyes could suck people in.

Reason is clamoring to look away quickly, but the eyes do not obey.

She was happy in her heart that the operation was successful, and she was qualified to perform the operation on the President's wife.

If there is no accident, she can save this favor and use it on him in the future.

Invest it with peach, and repay it with Qiong Yao.

But she didn't know that at this moment, Mu Feichi had the urge to cry.

His little woman, in order to save a life-saving favor for him, did her best.

Such a hard-working little thing not only made him feel distressed, but also made him so proud that he wished that people all over the world could see her light!

She is willing to pay for him, willing to come to him, and he is happy from the bottom of his heart.

This woman who was destined to accompany him on the battlefield had already taken the first step.

He is not alone in this journey.

Ahhh~~ There will be an update later~ 77 I'll be back after a meal~

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