"Mr. Han, you know the identity of the young marshal. I'm just an ordinary person. Do you think I have the ability to order him to do things? You think too highly of me!"

Han Yaotian's face stiffened, "I didn't mean that, I was worried too..."

Yun Xi twitched the corners of her mouth coldly, "And the other party is here for you, and it has nothing to do with us. My classmates and I are also implicated by you. The young marshal can come because of affection, and it is also the reason not to come. As long as we don't go out, this car is bulletproof and safe."

Her self-comfort was completely unable to calm Han Yaotian, and even Li Sinuo became more and more agitated in the panic.

Seeing that Yun Xi was still so calm, all the anger in her head came up.

"Yunxi, don't talk nonsense there. Now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, so hurry up and think of a way! If you really want to be kidnapped, it won't do you any good!"

"What can I do? Could it be that you let me go down to attract firepower? What a joke!"

"Then you can call the young marshal again..."

Before Li Sinuo could finish speaking, a bullet from outside slammed into the car window beside her.

Although the bulletproof glass had a trace of scratches, when the second shot came, a crack began to appear on the glass.

Li Sinuo panicked, screamed loudly, and hid under the seat with his head in his arms.

Yun Xi sat quietly, looking at the fallen bodyguards outside, and turned to the bodyguards who were sitting on the driver's seat: "Their target is President Han, let the car in front get out of the way, let's hurry up!"

The bodyguard reacted and hurriedly commanded the bodyguard in the car on the other side of the headset.

Just as the car in front gave way, Yun Xi's car had not driven two meters before the bullet hit the windshield, and then two cars quickly drove out of the bushes on both sides of the road, collided with one another quickly. Come up!

With two bangs, two cars on the left and right slammed into the car door, directly blocking Han Yaotian's car, blocking the way with domineering savagery.

The crash was so hard that Yun Xi happened to be sitting on the co-pilot, and the huge impact force even knocked her aside!

There was a sudden numbness in the arm!

The car was forced to stop, and a group of people quickly poured out of the car on the left and right sides. Two or three people were dragging heavy heavy hammers in their hands.

Han Yaotian couldn't calm down when he saw this group of people with their faces covered.

"Yun Xi, where's the young marshal? Why hasn't he come yet!"

"How do I know!" Yun Xi replied angrily, clutching her arms.

Outside the passenger's window, a masked man with a hammer began to smash the dented door.

Curled up under the car seat, Li Sinuo heard the sound of smashing glass, raised his head and glanced, the window glass shattered into cobwebs.

"Ah..." Li Sinuo screamed while holding his head.

The masked man who smashed the window outside the co-pilot heard the cry, and the action of smashing the window paused.

Yun Xi noticed his movement with sharp eyes, and slammed it down to unlock it, slammed the car door open, bent her legs and kicked the car door fiercely.

Just as the man outside raised the hammer, he was hit hard by the open car door, and the hammer he held slammed to the ground.

Yun Xi took the opportunity to get out of the car, slammed the door, and was about to pick up the knife on the ground when a gun was placed on her forehead.

"Don't move!" Yun Xi withdrew the hand holding the knife, raised her hands and stood up.

Seeing him, Cobra narrowed her eyes sullenly, pressing her icy gun against Yun Xi's head, and threateningly said, "Let Han Yaotian come down, or I'll kill you first!"

Yun Xi twitched the corners of her mouth, "Brother, you think too highly of me, if President Han is willing to come down, then you have to ask him!"

Saying that, Yun Xi raised her hand and knocked on the glass window on the back seat, "Mr. Han, this dude is looking for you!"

Let's Yun Xi, is this a daring artist or a young marshal, this mountain is so cool hahahahahaha

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