Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 484 Lao Tzu must start killing!

Without a seamless plan, at least at her age, it was difficult to devise.

Like him, she has experienced many trials and failures to grow up slowly. Even at her age, she dares to play such a big game, and even he thinks it is incredible!

If it wasn't for the success of this plan and no loopholes, he would have to take care of her!

"There won't be any mistakes. You have brought so many people with you. If I'm really taken hostage, is it possible that you can't save people?"

When she laid out this game, the first consideration was his marksmanship and the strength of his special forces.

It was because of her absolute trust in him that she dared to involve herself in it so boldly.

"If you are really taken as a hostage, I will definitely kill you!"

He glared at her angrily, squeezed her chin to make her face him, and reminded her word by word, "I'm not joking with you!"

"..." Yun Xi subconsciously swallowed her saliva and nodded slightly.

She knew that if he could say it, he could do it!

Seeing that she was so obedient and subdued, he put out the fire a little and stood up straight from her.

Inadvertently touching her waist, Yun Xi suddenly gasped in pain!

Mu Feichi turned around abruptly, staring sharply at the place where she subconsciously reached out to cover her, and reached out to lift her coat.

"Young Commander, don't mess around, I'm fine!" Gritting her teeth, Yun Xi rolled over to the head of the bed while avoiding his big hand.

However, the pain in her waist is really painful, she is struggling to even turn over at this moment!

Mu Feichi easily caught her back, pressed one on her collarbone and lifted the hem of her clothes.

As soon as I opened the clothes, the waist side was black and purple, and there were even bloodshots in the black!

Mu Feichi's long and narrow eyes suddenly sank!

"How did you do it?" The cold voice was full of anger that couldn't be concealed, and the haze on Jun's face could frighten Yun Xi to death!

"It's... just accidentally..."

Squinting slightly, Mu Feichi thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that when he was on the mountainside, he saw two Cobra cars crash into Han Yaotian's car door!

He didn't know at that time that she was sitting in the passenger seat, and the front of the car slammed into it. He knew how hard it was. If she didn't get hurt, it would be hell!

When he thought that that kind of impact was tantamount to a car accident, Mu Feichi was furious!

The arrogant man snorted coldly, turned around and slammed the door shut.

Yun Xi raised her head with a bewildered face, touched her stinging waist, hissed patiently, and got up to go to the bathroom to get a hot compress.

Her this is the congestion from the impact. After the hot compress is used to expand the pores, the medicinal wine is added gently to dissipate the congestion.

Pain is unavoidable, and it is not that there is nothing to gain from seeing it at night. There will be a good show waiting for her to watch it tomorrow morning!

As soon as she opened the door of the bathroom, the door was slammed open. The man who slammed the door came in with a medicine box. He looked coldly at the figure standing at the door of the bathroom without saying a word.

Yun Xi blinked, turned around and entered the bathroom, twisting a hot towel over her waist.

Mu Feichi pushed open the door and came in, looking at her gloomily, leaning against the wall and covering his waist, with a pitiful appearance, and somehow still softened.

All right! He was used to it himself, and he had to continue to get used to it even when he was kneeling!

With a helpless sigh, he stepped forward and wringed out the cooled towel, then poured hot water on it, wet it, and wrung it out, covering her waist.

The two stood face to face like this, the lights in the bathroom were bright, but the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Yun Xi raised her eyes to look at the man who was close at hand, the light reflected on his three-dimensional face, and her thin lips were habitually pursed.

He was still wearing a combat camouflage uniform, and Ang Zang's body exuded a domineering and introverted look.

Those gloomy eyes looked at her with a bit of forbearance and pity.

Hey, there will be an update in the future~

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