After all, isn't she jealous that she has a son, all of her daughters Liang Xiuqin gave birth to?

"What I said is the truth. My sister doesn't take care of others, isn't it alright?!"

Just as the second aunt was about to refute, Yun Xi interjected: "Mom, even if I want to take care of Yun Ziling, I have to see if she has the ability to let me take care of her. She is a student in the ordinary class, and Haoze is the top class. Her grades are very different. Even if I want to take care of her now, it's too late! If I have time to argue with my family and outsiders, why don't she go back and review her high school knowledge! This There are no shortcuts in the world, at least not here!"

Yun Yuanfeng was already in the living room. Hearing Yun Xi's words, he glanced at the aggressive Liang Xiuqin with a gloomy face.

"Shut up! We're all in the same family, so what are we? Look at Yun Ziling, you've been used to it, it's fine if you don't want to make progress in your studies. With Yun Xi around, I don't expect her to be much more promising. , but look at what she has become now!"

"Dad! Why are you so biased! All you can think about is Yun Xi. I'm your daughter too. In your opinion, I'm useless?"

Yun Ziling turned her head angrily and questioned Yun Yuanfeng with a stern look.

Before Yun Xi, the dead girl, came back, she was alone at home with her parents' favor, and Yun Chuhan was not her opponent at all.

Now that Yun Xi is back, he is arguing with her everywhere!

All the things that belonged to her have now gone to Yun Xi!

Her father doesn't hurt her anymore, only Yun Xi is in his eyes!

The money given is also exclusive to Yun Xi, and all the special cases only give her the green light, they can't compare at all!

Now that she is being called unpromising for just a few words, could it be that Yun Xi, a mourning star, is very promising? It's just the first place in the test, what a swagger!

She is not reconciled! Not willing to lose to her everywhere, let alone being robbed of everything by her!

"Zi Ling..." Liang Xiuqin pulled Yun Ziling, not wanting to make her quarrel with Yun Yuanfeng at this juncture.

Not only did Chen Lixue see the joke, but Yun Xi, a dead girl, took advantage!

"You have to be half as good as your sister, and Dad doesn't care about you! But you look at yourself, thinking about taking shortcuts in one step, I think you are spoiled by your mother! Your sister has never caused trouble for the family. , Diligent and studious, but what about you!"

Being so scolded by Yun Yuanfeng, Yun Ziling's eyes suddenly turned red, and she burst into tears.

"Zi Ling..." Liang Xiuqin was sad and distressed, staring angrily at Yun Xi, who had nothing to do with trouble, with her eyes that she wished she could gouge out a few pieces of meat to relieve her hatred.

Yun Xi ignored the mother and daughter lazily, winked at Yun Haoze, and turned to go upstairs.

Yun Haoze was not in the situation at all. Although he knew that Yun Ziling was targeting him, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Boys are big hearts!

Yun Xi found several notebooks and information books she made and handed them to Yun Haoze, "We are also reviewing the knowledge of the second year of high school. These are my notes in the past few months. You can look at them, and you can also go back. Review it."

"Thank you, sister!" Yun Haoze held a stack of information books fondly, "When you come back, I will let my mother move back to the villa, you can come and stay at that time, there is a guest room at home, and you can also teach me to review by the way. There are many people in the family, it’s too noisy, and it’s not good for your college entrance examination review.”

"Well, wait for me to come back and talk about it later! You study hard, the New Year is coming, don't run around, there are many cars and thieves, it is not safe!"

"Well, I listen to my sister!"

Well, this is sister control Xiaozheng too hahaha~~ continue tomorrow~~

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