Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1004: Complete roadmap

"嗖 嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" At this moment, the people of the Thieves' Guild couldn't stop pulling the trigger of the crossbow box. Rui fell to the ground at the same time and died.

"Huh, the running dogs of the Demon Realm are dead!"

Sanson was divided into two by a smashing attack. It was Guan Heng who came to Taling Town in advance to seriously hurt Sagan and Chari. He informed Sanlu and others of the thieves' guild, Bill Luhe. Shanian and others, and gave them the multi-stringed crossbow in their space ring, and this was the scene that completely wiped out the enemy just now.

"Hahaha, Mr. Guan Heng, please report to you in time and give a helping hand." At this time, President Billu said with a smile: "Otherwise, our robbers' association will be caught by these villains. Thank you for your calculations. "

"President Billu need not be polite."

After collecting the three pieces of the magic disk on the ground, Guan Heng immediately replied: "I also want to ensure that the road map of the dark goddess' sleeping place is not taken away by these guys, because I received the commission from the **** of light before To wake up his sister Dalavire, so it is inevitable to help. "

"Well, please come to my room to discuss the specifics." President Billow waved and let the people under him clean the battlefield and debris. He led Guan Heng to the chairman's office, Shani. Waiting there.

Seeing Billou and Guan across the door, Shani hurriedly asked, "How's it going? Are the bad guys flat?"

"Of course, that's a breeze." Guan Heng replied with a smile: "All I have to do now is to rush to Dalaweier's sleeping place and wake her up."

"Please wait a moment." At this moment, President Bill Lu first closed the door gently, then came to the wall at the end of the room and reached out to open the machine.

After only two squeaks and gurgling sounds, a recessed Migu appeared suddenly on the wall. Billu took a copper box from it and put it on the table.

"Xia Ni, take out the key that I gave you for safekeeping." At the command of President Billu, Shani took off the necklace on the neck, and there was a key hanging on it. After the president took it, He took a key out of his pocket, put the two keys together, and pushed it into the keyhole of the box.

After a short while, the president took out three drawings from the box and spread them out on the table. At this time, the map was still incomplete. It lacked a piece in the middle, and Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Where am I?"

With that said, Guan Heng took out the fragments handed to him by Drakekend and placed them gently in the middle of the map, only to see that the complete road map suddenly changed shape, and it was no longer a strange terrain that could not be understood before, but a Geographic drawings of mountains and rivers throughout the Ashton continent.

I saw an "X" sign in a prominent place on the road map, and there was a place name: Cachassi.

"Kachas?" President Billow lowered his head for a moment's thought, and suddenly looked up. "This is the name of the capital of the state of Missouri. It seems that the sleeping place of the goddess of darkness is there!"

"Oh Missourian, this is where Irene and Xiu Sen are." Guan Heng moved in his heart at this time, secretly whispering: "It seems that it is time to visit an old friend."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng said to Bill Lu and Shani: "Now that I know the exact location, then I will start immediately, and say goodbye."

"Boss, be careful all the way," said Shani. "I originally wanted to go with you, but the gold-eyed finch may not be able to carry two people, and there is no way around it."

After a moment, bid farewell to Bilu and Shani's Guan Heng, and walked outside of Taling Town. He uttered a spell and instantly sent him back to the Temple of the Sun.

"His Highness Drakekend." Guan Heng hurried to see the **** of light: "I now know where your sister's sleeping place is, and now I will wake her up."

"Oh, what's the matter with you when you come back?" The bright **** Drakekend was sitting on a golden chair in the hall at the moment, teasing Dingchun, Guan Heng took out three magical shard fragments: "Look, I After only a few days of leaving, I immediately got another harvest. I found these pieces and rushed them to save them for you. "

"Great, then there are twelve pieces now." After Drakekend took it, he smiled slightly. "As long as I find the most critical core pieces, I can put them together and use the rest. The power of several Lord Gods has every chance to repair this object-seeking astrolabe. "

"Also, the timing of your return is very precise." Drakekende continued: "I have already blessed half of the light attributes of your evil pupil sword and bone bone armor, and now you can take it back."

"Your Majesty, what is the status of Qing Huang's residual soul?" Guan Heng was actually most concerned about this. He whispered, "I do n’t know when this strand of residual soul can be restored to the best state?"

"Kuan Heng, you don't need to worry." Dalakander said without any hassle. "Rest assured, the remnant soul of your fiancee is now in good condition, as long as you wait for a while, you can get it back."

"All right, Your Majesty." Guan Heng nodded slightly, then said, "I'm going to Missouri now. Goodbye."


Half a day later, in the northern region of Ashton's continent, the borderline of Missouri. When Guan Heng passed by here, he suddenly found that the state of Missouri was not very peaceful. The two small countries around him were working together to attack the border of Missouri.

"It's really strange. I've heard before that Missouri's country has always been based on peaceful governance, and it rarely fights with neighboring countries."

Guan Heng was riding a golden-eyed bird in the air at this time, watching the people on the ground killing and deafening. It seemed to be an endless situation. He couldn't help but have some doubts. At this moment, a rattling sound sounded. It turned out that a war horse rushed from a distance.

Immediately a military commander of the State of Missouri, this person waved and threw, "Pop!" A flagpole of a large flag plunged directly into the ground.

At this moment, the herald exclaimed: "The generals of the Missourian Army listened to the order, preaching the will of His Majesty the King, retired ten miles from the army, strictly guarded the border, and could not arbitrarily engage with the soldiers of the other two countries. Note that this is the king The will, do it right now, without mistakes! "

The soldiers of the State of Missouri were surprised when they heard this, but the soldiers were obedient to obey orders. Since the king's will had been given, there was no room for refusal.

At the time of the retreat, the troops of the State of Missouri showed a neat queue, obviously well-trained and elite. Without this, it would not have been possible to stay with the Union forces of the two countries for so long.

"It's so easy, it's like an exercise." Guan Heng, who watched the war, murmured, "What are they trying to do?"

—— [2016.3.25 The second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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