Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1011: Under the cliff

"It's something weird," Guan Heng thought for a moment, then said to Lan Yi, "Let's go back to the caravan station and stay with them, in order to prevent it, I will Let the gold-eyes secretly protect you. "

"Brother Guanheng, what do you want to do?" Lan Yi was startled, she asked nervously: "Don't you just want to follow the snake group to find out?"

At this moment, the snakes of the white-scale viper snake have been walking along the mountain wall, gradually climbing to the bottom of the cliff, and Guan Heng whispered, "If I do n’t confirm it, I will never feel at ease. Breeding signals. "

Speaking, Guan Heng waved to Lan Yi: "Just do what I said, I believe it won't take long for me to return to the caravan station."

"Well, all right, you have to be careful yourself." Lan Yi saw at first sight that Guan Heng's decision had to be turned back to the caravan.

Guan Heng silently followed the group of white-scale viper snakes in front of him, and wanted to see what the other party was going to do. In this way, the snake group crawled forward, down the cliff, and Guan Heng followed. , And slowly climbed the cliff from the humble corner.

"Snake swarms ... seems to disappear, what's going on?" When Guan Heng double-pedaled to the bottom of the cliff and looked for the white-scale viper, he found that they had disappeared.

"Fortunately, there are still traces of these snakes crawling on the ground." Guan Heng glanced at the sticky trail on the ground, and said secretly in his heart, "Let's follow this."

Under the cliff is now dark, surrounded by thorns and weeds. By the dim star and moon, Guan Heng traced along the way, and finally found a group of white scale snakes still crawling a few kilometers ahead.

But at this time, three figures suddenly appeared around the snake group, and they made sharp whistle to make the snake group advancing abruptly stop, and curled up in one place.

"These whitescale vipers are under control?" Guan Heng realized this after hearing the whistle, and he immediately shrank and hid in the thorn bushes to prevent the other party from finding his own trace.

At this time, I heard someone say, "Okay, now that the snakes around the free range have been brought back together, let them rest here, and we will go back to the patriarch to return to life."

"Well ..." The other two laughed squeakily, and one said, "With these venomous whitescale viper, we snake orcs will sooner or later have a day of revenge."

The three talked a few more words, and drove the group of white scale snakes into a huge pothole nearby, allowing the snakes to inhabit it, and then headed towards the end of the canyon.

Guan Heng was in a hidden corner, thinking to himself: "It turned out to be the scum of the Snake Orcs. Listen to Lan Yi saying that these guys are not a good thing. I'll go and see."

Following these three snake-orcs, Guan Heng came to a wide open area in the canyon. I saw dozens of huge bonfires burning here, plus dozens of people holding torches in hand, and the 100-meter circle around the place looked like daylight. .

There is a raised high platform in the open space, on which stands a strong orc in armor, his face is covered with ugly scales, and he looks like a snake orc.

"My ethnic compatriots, decades ago, I and other snake orcs bravely rebelled against the orc royal rule in order to fight for their own interests, and they were brutally suppressed and destroyed."

At this moment, the strong man shouted, "There are less than a hundred people left now. This **** sea is in deep hatred. Can we forget it?"

"Can't forget it!" The snake orcs holding up the torches shouted in unison: "We want revenge!"

"That's right, but we are weak, although we have already trusted the Lord of the Demon Abyss, but in their eyes, they are just trying to treat us as chess pieces, so people in the Demon Realm can't be trusted."

Zhuang Hansenran said: "So we must plan for the orc royal family as soon as possible. To this end, our chief has found something. Its power is amazing enough to let us defeat all orc royal family masters. "

"Matriarch Yawei, what did you find?" A snake orc asked loudly, "Can you tell us about its origin?"

Upon hearing this, the snake orc patriarch named Yawei immediately waved and said, "Immediately lift up the iron cage!"

"Yes!" A few young snake-orc orcs suddenly agreed, and quickly walked to a water pond near the high platform, grabbed the thick rope tied to the tree, and pulled an iron cage several meters square from the water pool. These people grabbed the four corners of the cage and lifted it onto a high platform.

A very weird icy breath filled the air all the time, making the snake orcs around them unable to resist a chill. They thought to themselves, "Oh my God, what the **** is this?"

"Squeeze ..." Chief Yawei reached out and opened the door of the iron cage, and smashed a piece of white, seven or eight meters long from it, like the spine of an animal. He held it up, Shouted to all the snake orcs: "Do you know what this is?"

Seeing the people's faces bewildered, Yawei proudly said, "Tell you, it is a kind of spirit snake skeleton that lives in the Grand Canyon of Warcraft. This unknown spirit snake is a sideline tribe of the Dragon tribe. Their bones can condense automatically. The element of ice in the air creates a freezing freeze attack! "

"What? Is this true?" The Snake Orcs under the Tutai can't help but start to talk. "This thing is really so powerful? I wonder if there is any advantage when compared to the Orc Royal Warriors?"

"Well, my people, you don't seem to believe in the power of this spirit snakebone whip, okay, I will let you see it immediately!" Yawei yelled, "Go, take the three captives come!"

A few Yawei's men agreed, and immediately pushed and pushed the three orcs from behind the tree.

"Okay, let's start an experiment with this canine," Yawei commanded, holding the spirit snake bone whip, "untie his rope."

Immediately, someone was able to loosen the terrified orc orc, and when he saw his hands and feet recovered, he immediately screamed and ran away.

"Hmm, you can't run." Chief Yawei threw the spirit snake bone whip in his hands, and suddenly gathered around the ice elements of numerous cold and pressing people, frozen so that the snake orcs in the vicinity receded.

"Slap!" The spirit snake bone whip froze in the freezing cold like a flash in the midst of the air, and then drew it on the dog orc's back fiercely.

"Hey, click, click!" The hit canine man was immediately covered with heavy frost, and the ground next to his feet was covered with ice. This kind of cold that is far better than ordinary ice magic is simply amazing!

—— [Fourth more on March 26, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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