Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1016: The Pig Race

"Grandpa spares his life." Seeing that Guan Heng was fierce, Panda and Solomo trembled in shock, and the two men scratched their heads at this time like chickens pecking rice. They kept trembling, "I knew it was yours , We dare not reach out and kill our grandfather. Grandpa is angry, grandpa is angry. "

"Hey, these two pigs seem to be frightened by me. Just listening to them chatting about the alliance between the pig patriarch and the demon lord messenger, it is better to lie to them and ask the intelligence package."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng said coldly, "Look, your two boys seem to be pig-orcs. Couldn't you be the master of Genro's men?"

"Uh ?!" Panda's mind was a little more flexible at this moment. When he heard the name of "Gongluo Patriarch" on Guan Hengbao, he immediately seemed to catch the straw for help, and Panda shouted: " Exactly. Exactly, does this uncle know our patriarch? Also look at the patriarch Genro's face and spare us two insignificant lives? "

"Do you know who I am?" Guan Heng suddenly changed into the Bone Evil Armor while the two were unconscious and confused, and then exuded the black energy of the demon domain.

At this moment, Guan Heng then said, "I am the ambassador of the Lord of the Demon Realm. Come to discuss the alliance with your Genro tribe. Please, I was taken away by you two idiots. Boots, that's why. "

The two orc pigs, Panda and Soromu, had suffered a fat meal, their heads were unclear, and their thoughts were confused. Now they have been fooled by Guan Heng for a while. The bizarre bone armor exudes a terrible evil, and there is no hesitation and doubt for a moment.

"Master Angel, my living ancestor." Soromu said at this moment, thumping his head and said, "This is a misunderstanding. I knew it was your treasure. We dare not move. . "

"Well, I really wanted to kill you, but ..." Guan Heng glanced at the two pig-orcs who were shaking, and then said, "Then I want to discuss the alliance with your patriarch, please, in order to avoid I'm sorry, let me bother you, get up. "

"Yes, thank you, Lord Messenger." Panda and Solomou hurriedly got up from the ground. At this moment, the two saw Guan Heng's mighty majesty wearing a bone bone armor, and they were so scared that they couldn't say a word. .

"That ... Uncle Messenger, I have no idea. I want to ask you."

At this moment, Panda remembered something. He asked carefully: "I heard the patriarch said that you won't be able to reach our pig clan's hunting station until around noon tomorrow. The little brave asked why you are now Just here? "

"What's weird about this?" In order to dispel some of their doubts, Guan Heng's tone was full of disdain. "The messenger comes and goes like a wind, travels thousands of miles, as a daily routine, arrives a day and a half a day, nothing serious. ! "

Guan Heng talked with a big grin, but in fact showed no flaws. The two pig orcs gradually dispelled the last doubt. Soromu said respectfully, "Please go to the hunting station with us."

Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, "Well, you are leading the way."

After a few moments, the sky was dawning, and a few rays of sunlight reflected through the dense canopy on a group of three people. At this time, Guan Heng had come to a temporary camp with a few kilometers away with Panda and Soromu. nearby.

"Master, you see." Panda rushed to Guan Heng, pointed to the camp village, a few kilometers away, and said, "That's our pig tribe hunting station. The two of us will lead you right away."

"Um." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and along the way, he didn't have much effort to set out all the information that the two pigs knew.

It turned out that Gen Luo, the patriarch of the pig orcs, was also an ambitious and bold guy. Gen Luo used his bravery to excel. He felt that even the top powers of the orc royal family had a fight, so they passed the snake family. The patriarch Yawei's provocation and threading lead, preparing to ally with the emissary of the demon lord, to overthrow the current orc royal family, and then divide the orc territory.

"Well, Li Ling is dizzy, his head is flooded, and he is talking about a guy like Gen Luo." Guan Heng sneered: "Since you are already collusion with the emissaries of the magic domain, then don't blame me."

At that moment, the three had arrived at the gate of Yingzhai. Soromu shouted to the patrolmen on the battlements: "Hey, hurry up and inform our patriarch, and say that the emissary of the demon domain has arrived, and let him come out to meet him. "

"What ?!" The patrol on the battlements heard the words were a little dumbfounded, and his face immediately showed a weird look. One of them shouted, "Just a moment, I'll inform the patriarch!"

Only a few tens of seconds later, the gate of Yingzhai was suddenly opened, and a sturdy pig orc with a large waist and a round waist was seen holding a sledgehammer with round spikes and aggressively led his minions and strode away. come out.

"Panda, Solomou, you two idiots, quickly roll over and talk." The pig-orc orc with a big mallet is obviously Gen Luo. At this time, he yelled angrily, but made Panda and Solomome inexplicable wonderful.

Panda took the first two steps and said to Gen Luo, "Patriarch, this man next to me is the emissary of the demon domain ..."

"It's really blinding your eyes to confuse things." Gen Luo yelled, then flashed, so that they could see the person behind him, Gen Luo shouted angrily: "This is the real ambassador, You two idiots have been cheated by fakes! "

"Ah ?! This, this ..." Panda and Solomo were dumbfounded, and before they could react, Guan Heng had already started, and saw his two punches go together, "Bang!" The unlucky pig head orc flew into the stinking ditch next to him.

"Haha, thank you both for taking the lead." Guan Heng smiled at this moment, then turned to look at Gen Luo and the real messenger behind him, then said: "Since it is really here already, so just save It's my trouble ... "

"Boy, who the **** are you?" The demon messenger was tall and thin, just like a withered skin covered with a layer of skin. At this moment, he was staring at Guan Heng fiercely: "Why impersonate me? You think What are you doing? "

"Hey hey, you dogs in the Devil Realm are really shit." Guan Heng said impatiently: "Don't think about Lao Tzu's identity, you just know that I'm chasing you idiots in the Devil Realm everywhere."

—— [Fourth more on March 27, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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