Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1039: Misty demon

"Are you the boss of the Diwu tribe?" Guan Heng pointed at the head of the diwu tribe with a bow tip: "The courage is not small, and dare to steal the treasures of the elven tribe. I will teach you today."

"Grumbling!" The chief of the Diwu tribe waved his wooden staff in annoyance, and saw the tiny electric snake that crackled suddenly on the head of the staff, followed by a lightning speed of seven or eight meters. Fiercely bombarded Guan Heng.

"Well, will you still use magic ?! It is indeed the boss of the land witch tribe!" Facing the lightning strike, Guan Heng subconsciously blocked the bow of the elven **** in his hand.

I saw the flash of lightning hit the bow tip, and the lightning continued to flow on the arm of the bow immediately, and then merged into the bow string. Guan Heng was curious, and suddenly pulled the string into the air. The long arrow immediately appeared on the bow of the elven god.

"Hahaha, the original was returned!" Guan Heng said with a long laugh and the sound was still there, and the arrow of lightning had burst through the air. Yuan Sheng just now, "Boom! Pop!" I saw the target burst into pieces!

"It is indeed an artifact of the elven clan ..." Guan Heng looked at the blood flowers flying all over the sky and murmured to himself: "It is very convenient to absorb magic attacks and turn them into arrows."

Next, Guan Heng checked the arrow pot, counted it, and one of the twelve arrows. "Now go to meet Dika and Merty." Guan Heng thought of this, and turned away from the cave of the Diwu tribe quickly.

After a while, the elf territory of the West, the elders' meeting room. "Elder Gui, I brought back both the bow and the arrow." Guan Heng, who entered the door with Dika and Merty, said, "The bow of the spirit **** is really well-deserved. I tried it a little and it was very powerful. "

"What ?!" Gui, Kui, and Jia cried out in unison, "You can even pull the bow of the elf god!"

"Yeah." Guan Heng glanced at them, and put the bow and arrow pot on the table. He immediately said, "It's easy to fill up. Why are you so surprised?"

"Uh, it's not surprising that we are surprised," said Elder Qui. "Because there have been no Elven archers who can pull the bow of God for centuries, Mr. Guan Heng, you are amazing."

"Well, please collect your bow and arrow," said Elder Gui. "It's getting late now, please take a rest in our prepared room. Tomorrow I will guide Mr. Guan Heng to the Southern Territory area, where It's in the mountains, there are fog and swamps everywhere, and the path is not easy to walk. "

"Thank you." Guan Heng nodded, put the bow of the elven **** and arrow pot into the space ring, and then went to the room with Merty to rest.


Early the next morning, Guan Heng and Merty set off. They rode the earth devil bears, first traveling for several hours in the dense woods, and finally came to the edge of a swamp.

"This should be the South Elf Territory. I'll go and see if there are any Elf people here to pick us up." Guan Heng said, jumping off the back of the earth devil bear: "Merty, wait here Just now, don't run around with the devil bear. "

Merty nodded and agreed: "I see, brother."

"噌 噌 噌 ——" Guan Heng took a big step and ran to the swamp in the distance with a thunderbolt. While walking, he secretly murmured: "Strange, Elder Gui has contacted the Southern Territory. The elves said they would meet us near here. Why don't they even have personal pictures now? "

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly noticed that the fog in front was heavy, and gradually reached out with no fingers. "No, it ’s easy to get lost if you continue to run. Go slowly first." Guan Heng then released the queen: "Go, gather nearby flying insects and explore the surroundings."


A few minutes later, the flying insect controlled by the queen queen suddenly returned a message, and Guan Heng was startled: "What? There are five or six lying elves who can't afford it?"

Guan Heng immediately ran to the scene of the accident. He saw the elves fell to the ground and closed his eyes tightly, so he quickly picked up one and tried his breath.

"Well, I'm still alive ... Hey, wake up, wake up soon!" Guan Heng shook the elf tribe for a long time, and he almost didn't take a few slaps at him. Finally, after half a minute, this talent slowly Wake up.

"Uh, what's wrong with me?" The elf clan shook his head hard, as if still a little dazed, Guan Heng shook the blue bracelet on her wrist in front of her: "Brother, do you know this thing?" ? "

"Ah, I know, you are an envoy!" Seeing the bracelet, the elf tribe said incessantly: "My name is Ahan, and several partners were ordered to welcome the envoy to the territory, but when we reached the edge of the swamp, There was a thick fog ... "

"Right, I remember!" Ahan yelled, "It's the demon of the mist, it must be these weird and evil things that have stunned us."

"Is your companion okay?" Guan Heng looked at the remaining elves lying on the ground, and then said, "From my observation, they seem to just pass out."

"The misty demon is just a magical creature that moves around this swamp." Ahan explained: "The ordinary misty demon has limited abilities, and they can only stun people for a while."

Ahan said, taking a kettle from his waist and pouring some water on his companion's forehead, he immediately said, "As long as you apply some water, everyone will wake up."

"Well, that's all right." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and said, "My companion is waiting at the edge of the swamp, let's ..."

Guan Heng's words just came here, and the queen bee next to him suddenly buzzed and fell on Guan Heng's shoulders, and then put some information into Guan Heng's mind: Merty at the edge of the swamp and the earth bear not far behind There is a boundless black mist approaching.

"Well, something is going to happen with my sister." Guan Heng shouted immediately: "Ahan, after waking up your companion, come to me on the edge of the swamp, and I have to take a step."

The words didn't end, Guan Heng had rushed out of the arrow, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, at the edge of the swamp, Merty and the Earth Devil Bear have been surrounded by an inexplicable mist. The tens of meters around them have been shrouded in black mist, making each person and bear look very nervous.

"Wow--" The devil snarled, and stomped fiercely, then rushed to the outside of the mist. Who knows, at this moment, a few ridiculous dark shadows suddenly emerged from the fog. , One by one wrapped around the earth devil bear.

At this moment, the flower in front of the earth demon bear suddenly felt dizzy, and finally fell through to the ground, rolled his eyes and passed out.

—— [Second more in 2016.4.1, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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