Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1041: Tree of Purification (first)

"Oh!" At this moment, a huge black mist rushed out of the burning underground palace, and it issued a terrifying roar: "Who? Who disturbed the king's dream and burned my underground palace?" Is that so? I want to kill you !!! "

"Huh, I'm afraid you can't kill anyone." Facing the huge mist demon king, Guan Hengyun took out the bow of the elven god, and he sneered: "I will destroy you first, then I will take the goddess Scepter! "

"Arrogant, even if the elven goddess comes here, the king is not afraid!" The Fog Demon King is also a treacherous and cunning survivor who has survived for thousands of years. Although he was not seriously burned by the flame undead bird just now, it was also burned and burned. The king said not to be afraid, but in fact he was alert.

At this moment, guide Ahan whispered behind Guan Wang and reminded: "Envoy, the scepter of the elf goddess is on the stone platform at the top of the palace."

"Well, Merty." Guan Heng's eyes turned softly and commanded: "Now the mist demon in the palace should have been almost burned by the flames, you and Ahan to get the scepter, I will deal with the mist demon king. "

"I see, brother." Merty agreed, then said, "Be careful yourself."

"Ha ha ha! Old monster, watch the arrows!" Said time and time, Guan Heng took a bow and stretched the string, aimed at the Mist Demon King in a blink of an eye, and shot six Jinya in a row!

The bow of the elven **** is a family of artifacts. The arrows it sends have an extremely powerful power to break the evil. The Mist Demon King does not dare to connect with the great ability, but these arrows that seem to be horizontal are too bad, the distance is too bad. There are still a few meters away from the Fog Demon King, and he has already flew to another place.

The Fog Demon King easily escaped the attack of the opponent, and couldn't help laughing loudly at the moment: "Hahaha, idiot, your bow and arrow level is too bad."

"Huh, is it? You stupid, who said I was going to attack you?"

Guan Heng sneered slightly. At this time, the traces of Merty and Ahan were gone by his side. It turned out that when Guan Heng had just attracted the attention of the demon king, Merty had already ran to the outer wall of the underground palace. Guan Heng The arrows that have been issued have formed a vertical line and become stairs that can be climbed.

Merty grabbed the arrows that had plunged into the wall, and immediately climbed up the stone wall on the periphery of the palace, and jumped to the stone platform with the scepter for life.

"Slap!" At this moment, Merty stretched out her hands and held a half of her scepter, pulling it out with her teeth.

"Ah?" The misty demon king turned his head and suddenly felt something bad. It suddenly turned the huge body into a dark and dense fog, and flew directly to Merty on the stone platform of the palace. "Little girl, How dare you steal my baby scepter, I killed you! "

"Old monster, stop thinking about it." Guan Heng yelled suddenly, then put on the five-star **** soul armor: "The spear of light shot!"

"Oh!" In an instant, a hundred spears of bright attributes formed in the air, and flew straight towards the Mist Demon King.

"Abominable, I hate this kind of bright power the most." The Mist Demon King suddenly narrowed his mist range, as many mountains as possible with those spears, and sure enough, most of the bright spears were lost.

"It's not over yet." Guan Heng suddenly sneered, and stretched out his hands to take a shot. "Stop."

Between the light and the flint, the spear of light in the air suddenly stopped, and Guan Heng whispered, "The light is imprisoned."

"Oh!" Dozens of bright spears suddenly turned into a fence, trapping the Mist Demon King, forming an air cell emitting strong light power.

"Ahhhhh! Let me out!" The Mist Demon King was caught unprepared, caught out of breath, and stretched out a pair of ghost claws trying to fold the fence. Who knew it had just been touched and had already been burned? I smelt black smoke: "Uh ah, it hurts!"

At the same time, Merti on the stone platform of the palace repeatedly tried to pull out the goddess's scepter, but the scepter was still intact, and Merty was anxious to sweat on his forehead: "Oh, what can I do? Damn it, you move me! "

Just then, sudden changes suddenly occurred! The cyan bracelet on Merty's wrist suddenly turned into several narrow green leaves, which flew to the goddess' scepter in a blink of an eye. Three green leaves bloomed with faint light, and the scepter was slightly trembling on the stone platform. .

"Although I don't know what's going on, it's a good opportunity!" Merty thought of it, reached out and continued to pull the scepter, listening only to the sound of a cricket, the six-foot-long goddess scepter was suddenly pulled away. The core of the stone platform fell into Mertie's hands.

"Haha, I succeeded." Merty was ecstatic with the scepter. At this moment, the three green leaves in the sky flew back to her wrist, turning into a cyan bracelet again.

"It's strange, this bracelet has helped me many times, is it really so magical?" A question mark appeared in Merty's mind at this time, but she had no time to think about anything else, because Merty felt that at this moment , His own scepter is transmitting an extremely powerful force over.

In a flash of time, numerous mysterious runes and spells emerged from Merty's mind. She slowly raised the goddess' scepter above her head and said loudly, "Evil power, you have polluted the inhabitants of the elven generation Land, I'm going to punish you, show up, the tree of purification— "

As soon as Merty's words fell, he saw a humble green sprout suddenly appearing under the light prison where the Mist Demon King was imprisoned in mid-air.

When the green sprout arched out of the soil, it was so inconspicuous that it was too young. It seemed that the wind would blow it away without any trace, but in a flash, the green sprout had grown to a meter high. The small tree, next, was two meters ... four meters ... ten meters ... thirty meters ... until it grew into a leafy tree.

"Yeah!" The towering giant tree turned into a green tree suddenly blooming green light, which is full of vitality, sacred and cannot be ignored, the crown of the giant tree surrounded the imprisoned mist king in a blink of an eye. Only heard the screams of the demon king, it was screaming again and again, and then countless dark plumes of smoke rose, and the mist demon king completely disappeared.

"It's amazing." Guan Guan, who was holding the bow of the elven **** in his hands, looked foolish, and murmured: "This is the true magical power of nature, full of vitality, and even washing people Heart. "

"Dang!" Merty on the stone platform collapsed suddenly, and her scepter fell to the ground. Obviously, with her magic and physical strength, she could not bear the "purification tree". Consumption of natural magic, Merty must be exhausted.

—— [2016.4.2 The first change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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