Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1075: Flying island

"Young Master ?!" Xiaobai walked quickly from a distance, she asked loudly, "What happened?"

"It's too late to explain, the island may have to move." Guan Heng hurriedly said that he saw the orc statue Sulun and the protoss craftsman Effi ran over, Guan Heng asked loudly: "Effi, Sulun , Twelve power source magic formations in the huge garden, do you know where they are? "

"I know, I know." Xu Lun saw Guan Henghuo in a hurry, and then quickly answered: "I immediately started to open the mechanism, these power source magic array is near the lawn."

With that said, the introduction beckoned to Effie: "Come with me to help."

"Squeak-shit!" They ran to the clear water pool, moved a rock, and saw a long-handle pull rod underneath. After they held it, Xulun pulled it hard, "Oh!" Twelve openings emerged as soon as the lawn turned around, and six pairs of circular magic arrays appeared in front of Guan Heng.

"That's them." Guan Heng suddenly transformed into twelve huge and thick black iron thorns, making them longer and longer, more than ten meters. At this time, Guan Heng made his best efforts and raised his hands into the air. Shouted: "The wind comes, Yunju!"

"Woohoo--" A few kilometers in the sky suddenly gathered its numerous thick black clouds, and the wind and the torrents thundered all around in a hurry!

"Uh ... I hate thunder most!" At this time, the blue-collar rabbit ran to Xiaobai with his ears covered, and he called, "Little sister, I'm afraid."

"Brother Lan is good, sister hugs." Xiaobai took Lan Brother into his arms: "Come, feel the fur, can't be scared." Then, she also sorted out the bangs on Lan Brother's forehead.

"Oh, big sister's head--" Zori, Vinson, and Hyman also came up with hippie smiles: "I, we are also afraid of thunder, and we must hug ..."

"Bang, bang, bang!" Xiao Bai's fist knocked down a few statues mercilessly, beating them wailing, Xiao Bai shouted, "You idiots, don't see when it is now!"

Xiaobai's voice didn't fall. In the sky, twelve Thunderbolts that were several times thicker than a bucket were suddenly lowered, and they blasted on the six power source magic arrays fiercely.

"Xun Lun and Effie!" Guan Heng couldn't wait to yell: "Start the space movement ability of the island immediately, the goal: Grand Canyon of Warcraft!" One finger pointed at the sky, he cried: "Time is urgent, please give me a dash— — "

"Yes, the boss (the young master)!" For a while, five statues, six protoss craftsmen, and Xiao Bai and Xiao Lan, they all went looking for a place to work together, and Xu Lun shouted: "Everything is ready, island space The transfer function is activated !!! "

"Boom!" The entire resort island of the gods trembled fiercely in place, "Oh!" It disappeared there instantly.

The next moment, the entire resort island of the gods appeared over the Grand Canyon of Warcraft, Guan Heng roared: "Xu Lun, immediately control the island to the end of the Grand Canyon, there is a huge black hole!"

"Understand." At this point, standing next to the pool, there was a terrain sand table that emerged. Sulun grabbed the grip and let the island fly towards the direction of Guan Heng. A few seconds later, the holiday island was finally Came to the top of the huge black hole blasted by the detonation beast.

"Everyone pays attention!" Guan Heng shouted loudly, "grasp the fixed things around you, don't fall."

"Xu Lun, hurry up and let the island block the position below." Guan Heng then commanded: "Hurry up, the power of the five main gods will not last long."

Xu Lun and Effi both looked at each other and shouted at the same time: "OK, leave it to us."

"Oh!" Guan Heng's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and next appeared in front of the five main gods of Drakekend, Guan Heng shouted, "The island is about to fly over, everyone is ready to withdraw. "

The voice did not fall, and the shadow of the huge island had fallen down like an overwhelming dark cloud.

"Let's go." With a command from Dalakende, the other four gods instantly moved away. Dalakende reached out and grabbed Guan Heng's shoulders. Their bodies were like electricity, and they suddenly retreated to a few kilometers away. Safe zone.

At this moment, the earth-shaking island sounded: "Booming--"

"I'm going to see how the companions on the island are!" Guan Heng dropped this sentence, and then started the teleportation array on the Spirit Soul, and returned to the island.

"Everyone is okay?" Guan Heng returned to the huge garden and opened his throat and asked loudly, the ground here was shaken by huge cracks, and the black hole leading to the other world was blocked by the impartiality below the island, but The smoke spreads in the huge garden, apparently experiencing the impact of infinite approaching destruction.

"Young Master, everyone is fine!" Xiao Bai crawled out of the gap between the collapsed dragon skeleton at this time. She cried, "We were hiding here just now, so we are all safe."

"That's all right." Guan Heng nodded. At this time, Yi Chan sounded with the sound of wind, and five figures appeared in a huge garden.

"Unexpectedly, the holiday island we built for fun for a while, actually saved the crisis in Ashton today."

The light **** Dalakander looked at the messy island garden and said, "Maybe this is the doomed thing in the deep."

"Your Majesty the Light and the Light, are you ?!"

Each of the five statues and the protoss craftsmen gathered from all around. They inadvertently knelt down in front of Drakekend, and Xulun snorted and said, "Your Majesty, I really did not expect that you could descend to this insignificance On the small island, I will wait and see His Majesty the Lord. "

"It was Sulun. Are you okay on the island these years?"

Dala Kendall said here, and looked at the surrounding statues, and finally his eyes fell on the Protoss artisans headed by Effie: "It was unexpected that after the War of the Demons, there were still Protoss artisans who survived It ’s really thankful. "

The six brothers of Effie fell down again and said in unison: "See your Majesty."

"Let's all get up, this is not the time for this set of vanity." The Bright God waved his hand and said, "There are still many unresolved problems at this moment."

Guan Heng asked at this time: "How? You see it below? Has the island completely blocked the black hole?"

"Well, it was a critical moment," said Elf Goddess Qi Li Ni with a lingering fear: "Our divine power is almost exhausted. If you did n’t close the gap with the island in time, the black gas of the magic domain would spread directly."

"But we have now used the divine power to connect the island with the gap in the gap below." Dalavier said: "At least for a few months, this place will be safe and sound, and we will continue to repair the black hole."

—— [2016.4.13 second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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