Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1080: Soul melting power (first)

"That's enough, don't quarrel." Dalavier slumped. "Really, people haven't woke up yet, and you're quarrelling there. What does it look like? Stand to the side."

At this time, a faint voice suddenly sounded: "Uh ... my head hurts. Why do you think there are two flies buzzing in my ears all the time? I really want to shoot them."

"Hey, boy." Wraith Hellag asked, "How do you feel now?"

"I just think your voice is very noisy." Guan Heng frowned. "These rags on my body ... It's so rude, wait a minute, I want to find a new dress to wear."

A new dress was rummaged from the space ring, and he was well dressed, Guan Heng said to Heilag, "I don't know if the soul fusion has been successful, otherwise, let's try it?"

"If Hellag's soul-melting technique doesn't work, I still have Dragon Breath here."

The light **** Darakund said, "Did you know? I have blended the black fire element you said into the dragon's breath in the past few days. The effect is very good, because it contains the black of the ancient skull and evil god's residual soul. Fire itself is something in another world, so ... "

"Okay, Dalakende." Herragh quickly interrupted the endless narration of the other party. The witch **** said: "Give me and Guan Heng a little time first, we have to look at the soul fusion technique and Guan Heng's swallowing ghost. The evolution of the beast. "

"Everyone takes a step back," said the witch **** Herrag, waving. "Now it's about to begin."

After hearing this, the other four main gods slowly took a few steps back, and Herrag suddenly took out two bizarre light clusters. He said to Guan Heng, "One is the ghost of the holy order of the human race, and the other is the godlike period. Beast soul, which experimental soul fusion technique do you plan to choose first? "

"Choose the ghost of the holy order of the first human race first." Guan Heng pointed to one of the soul groups and said, "That's it."

"Okay, pay attention, shout--"

Herrag suddenly threw the holy order strong ghost spirit group into the air, and Guan Heng's eyes flashed a faint flicker. His right hand swallowed a ghost totem and suddenly opened three evil eyes, "Oh!" The power of the Evil Eye instantly swept the ghost light group of the strong human race. A strange light network became tighter and tighter. With the speed visible to the naked eye, the soul group was compressed into the size of a walnut.

"嗖 ——!" At the next moment, the soul group and the light net all disappeared. Suddenly there was a shining and singular singular crystal falling into the ground.

Guan Heng leaned down to pick up the strange spar, glanced at the witch **** Halag, and asked with doubt: "Witch god, what is this?"

"Hahaha, it seems that your swallowing beast has completely absorbed the energy of the red and white soul spar and the stone of silence." Heilag laughed: "Now the evil eye of swallowing the beast can hold the ghost in this way. Strange crystals so that the ghosts do n’t fall apart quickly. "

"Let me give a name to this kind of spar that can hold ghosts." Helag said here, took two laps in situ, Guan Heng looked at his dream, and said casually: "Otherwise, It's called 'Soul of Soul'! "

"Good name." Helag nodded after listening, and he said, "After the swallowing of the beast and the use of pupil power to turn the ghost into the" soul of the soul ", it is time for you to use the soul fusion technique, come on. , Follow the method I taught you before, let's get started. "

"Okay." Guan Heng smashed the stone of the soul in his hand, and saw the imprisoned ghost suddenly get out of sleep. However, the ghost was motionless in place. At this moment, Guan Hengzhou suddenly appeared on his body. Vortex-like airflow, and pulled the ghost into his body with a strong absorption force.

The ghost entered the body, and Guan Heng's mouth suddenly spit out two words: "melt the soul."

In a short time, all the air around it seemed to have completely solidified. In the pupil of Guan Heng ’s left eye, a strange mark appeared suddenly, like a ghost head. When Guan Heng ’s eyes were closed for a moment, the mark was steep. Suddenly disappeared.

"The holy order of the human race, Ralto, male, died at the age of 57. He is good at body-building and powerful. He uses a weapon of" Mighty Iron Battle Hammer ". He was born in the eastern part of Ashton. He has no children and descendants. . "

At the moment when the soul-melting technique was activated, Guan Heng had grasped all the memories of this ghost's life in an instant, but these were not the point. At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly drank suddenly, and his whole body muscles suddenly burst into bulge. He Even at this time, the refining technique of Larto's life was brought to the extreme!

Guan Heng's knees were slightly bent, and he jumped abruptly. "Bang!" The crater pit that he left when he exerted force suddenly appeared on the ground. "Oh!" Instantly, Guan Heng's figure turned into aurora. Lightning has soared hundreds of meters, and he aimed at a huge rock up to ten meters in front of him and fluttered.

"Break!" The two fists smashed the power of destroying the earth and blasted it on the rocks, immediately shattered it into pieces, and Guan Hengquan's momentum remained undisturbed, leaving him far away from the air. In the huge iron fences of the huge gardens in the huge garden, "Boom!" This earth-shattering sound rang through the sky, so that everyone around him couldn't help covering his ears.

"Yeah!" Guan Hengyi teleported back to the five main gods, and he said to the witch **** Herrag: "This improved soul-melting technique is really powerful. I think I can fully use the strength of this holy order strong man before his death. I just do n’t know if there is a time limit after the soul melts? ”

"Three days, I don't think you have to worry about the power disappearing within three days after you blend with the power of this ghost."

The witch **** Herrag said with confidence: "All these are due to you and the swallowing of the beast, which absorbed the power of the silent stone and the red and white soul crystal, so you can retain the power of the ghost for three days instead of studying as you did before. The ghost assimilation technique can only be used for a few minutes and it can no longer be maintained. "

"But there is a small problem, you must pay more attention."

Heilag said to Guan Heng, "This soul fusion can only absorb one ghost's power at a time, and then blend with you. If you absorb other ghosts within three days, the previous soul fusion will be converted. The ability will disappear, so the object of performing the soul-melting technique must carefully consider whether it is in his favor. "

"I see." Guan Heng nodded his head and head slightly, and he said to Helag again: "It is no problem to use the soul fusion technique on the ghosts of the strong human race, let's try the animated beast soul again. Right. "

"Okay, you go on." The witch **** then threw the remaining soul group in Guan Heng's hand, and the latter immediately used the pupil's power of swallowing the ghost to turn the immortal beast soul into a soul stone, Guan Heng in When the spar fell from the air, he received it in his hand.

—— [2016.4.15 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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