Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1082: Rescuing the Soul (Third)

"The crimson dragon's breath will explode at the moment when your heart stops beating, hoping that it will destroy Pawn."

At this time, Drakekand clenched his fists, letting his nails be deeply embedded in the flesh, and a drop of blood fell out. He secretly prayed, "My friend, if you are really unfortunate, die in front of Pawn. , Then I also thank myself and atone for this ungrateful act! "

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the crimson dragon's breath is scrambling in Guan Heng's body at the moment, making Guan Heng cry out in pain, as long as this dragon's breath penetrates into Guan Heng's heart completely, then nothing will happen Reversible.

By that time, Guan Heng will become a moving humanoid killer. When encountering the Lord of the Abyss, the powerful power of Dragon Breath will erupt and destroy Pawn, but the premise is that it must be in Guan The dragon's breath in the heart will start to self-destruct completely when you cross the air!

"Dalakander! How dare you take advantage of me! I will never give up!"

The more he was on the brink of despair, the stronger Guan Heng ’s consciousness of survival became. He was desperately fighting against the crimson dragon breath that was about to penetrate into the heart, and the pores of his body kept bursting with a thick blood mist. This scene suddenly made others People looked shocked.

"Brother, what are you doing?" It was Dalavier who first noticed that something was wrong, and she exclaimed: "Why did Guan Heng become like this? Stop it!"

"Dalakander, are you crazy?" The beast **** brother Pinus realized that the **** of light was doing something weird, and immediately flew forward, and raised his fist to shake off and grab Guan Heng. Let him go! "

"Oh!" Darakund, who was punched by the beast god, shook three steps in a row, and murmured in an iron complexion: "Sorry, everything is too late, in order to have a chance to destroy Pang Well, let him have no chance to come to Ashton continent to harm the sentient beings. I, I, in Guan Heng's body, buried the power of the dragon breath that broke out at any time ... "

"Slap!" Wraith Hellagyan slaps Dalakende with a slap in the face, and he scolds: "Assault, you are a god, but you think of using your benefactor's life to die with Paine, you are crazy , Completely crazy! "

"Ehhhhhhhh!" Guan Heng yelled awfully, at this time he was exhausted, and the dragon's breath was about to completely attach to his heart!

Just then, sudden changes suddenly occurred!

The shard of Qinghuang's remnant soul connected with Guan Heng's heart suddenly flashed a strange light, which enveloped Guan Heng's heart in an instant, and the power of the dragon's breath was shone by this light, and even three points were timid. Began to cower.

At this moment, an indescribable feeling suddenly appeared in the hearts of the five main gods, and the elf goddess Qi Li Ni shouted in wonder, "Strange, the trace of the lingering soul fragments on me seems to have reacted!"

The other four main gods also shouted in unison: "Really, the remnants of our bodies have also been reflected!"

At this moment, the bodies of the five main gods trembled suddenly, and the fragments of the five Qinghuang remnants suddenly burst out of their bodies and rushed towards Guan, who was kneeling on the ground.

"Residual soul? How could it be possible for me to come back to me automatically?" Guan Heng was surprised when he saw this strange situation.

But these five remnants all penetrated Guan Heng's heart without stagnation, and they suddenly twisted together with the original remnant about the horizontal heart connection, forming a stronger remnant soul form.

Then, the Qing Phoenix Residual Soul, which was composed of six fragments, slowly coiled into a heart-shaped circle. "Woo!" The Qing Huang Residual Soul, coiled into a heart shape, suddenly took the dragon's breath in front of it. Power sucked into his circle.

"What the **** is going on?" Guan Heng's heart was closely linked to Qing Huang's residual soul. He was very clear about the incident that just happened. After recovering the five pieces of residual soul, Qing Huang's residual soul grew significantly. But, the remnant soul coiled into a heart shape, why the power of the dragon's breath is trapped, which makes Guan Heng a little strange.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt hot in the palm of his hand, "Oh!" The power of the crimson dragon still surrounded by the remnant soul suddenly appeared in the palm of Guan Heng as a sphere. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng suddenly understood something.

"Retract it." Guan Heng murmured three words in his mouth. The sphere formed by the dragon's breath power suddenly returned to Guan Heng's body, and steadily collapsed into the "heart-shaped" remnant soul.

"I ... understood, I protected Qing Huang's remnant soul with my own heart, and now it's her turn to protect me. At first, this trace of remnant soul connected to my heart was too weak, so it was It will urgently summon the five remnant soul fragments from the Lord Gods and merge them to strengthen their strength. "

Guan Heng thought of this, and the depths of his soul began to tremble: "In order not to let that dragon breath hurt my heart, Qing Huang's remnant soul coiled into a heart-shaped circle, which helped me confine dragon breath, even if Qing Huang she ... now there are only a few strands of remnants left, and I have never forgotten to protect me ... "

"Qing Huang ... Thank you ... for me, it bothers you."

Guan Heng knelt on the ground, sorrowful in his heart, and teardrops fell on the dirt in front of him. He shouted in his heart: "No matter how long it takes, no matter how long it takes, no matter how long it takes to pass Space, waiting for me, I will surely find all your remnants of souls and revive you !!! "

"Hey, Guan Heng ..." The light **** Darakund came at this time, and he whispered, "You, you don't care?"

"Hoo--bang!" Dala Kendall didn't say anything. Guan Heng's fist had been slammed into his face. The punch was so heavy that the **** of light fell down several meters, and Guan Heng followed. Jumping up, yelling at Drakkend's clothes with both hands and yelling, "Dude, do you know? I only hit you with one punch!"

"Why plot me? What conspiracy is there with the power of the dragon's breath?" Guan Clan asked expressionlessly, grabbing Drakekend's clothes with both hands and shaking: "You said it!"

"I ..." For a time, facing Draken's question, Dalakander was speechless. At this moment, in the face of this situation, Dallaweier, Qi Li Ni, Herrag and Gopinus They all stood idly by. They completely acquiesced in Guan Heng's approach, and didn't even mean to stop it.

"Dala Kendall did this, no matter what the purpose, he lost the faces of the five main gods." Herrag thought with a grudge: "Even if he was beaten to death by Guan Heng. I will not stop it. of."

"Well, brother ... you really asked for it." Seeing Guan Heng roaring at the Bright God, Dalavier tilted her head aside, and couldn't bear to look any further.

—— [2016.4.15 third, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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