Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 10834: Zhenwen's gift (first more)

"It's unreasonable that these **** evil spirits dared to attack my Xiaoyou!"

Even though he knew that the black plague was only frightened and not hurt, Xiaoxin was still very angry. She immediately pointed to the front rock wall and said: "Apprentice, go ahead and see if there are any remaining evil spirits, give me a cruel Teach each other."

"Yes, Master." Pu Xing said, and walked forward with the spear in his hand. After two steps, Pu Xing turned and asked: "Master, after the lesson, those evil spirits have to be captured alive, right? The other party is still useful to the soul recovery urn."

"Well, it's better if you think well, then capture it alive." Coriander nodded, and then exhorted: "But you must never spare them lightly."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I can count them."

After Puxing finished speaking, he shook the spear in his palm suddenly, "Whhhhhhh! Bang!" Between the lightning and the fire, Puxing's spear had been pulled into the rock wall, and it was crushed and rotten with a sharp spiral, and it was shattered several feet in an instant. The deep stone layer, "Boom boom boom!" Then, a huge hole appeared in front of everyone.

"Wailing hum - ow wailing -", said that moment, hundreds of evil spirits out of the body howling flyby, Pu Xing head and face directly toward the body, Ann Yan in the back Qiaode Clearly, busy yelling: "Be careful!"

"Sister, Puxing is my apprentice, so do you have some confidence in him?"

An Yan smiled and said at this time, An Yan blushed, and casually said: "Yes, my sister said something reasonable, I was too nervous."


Between the lightning and the fire, Puxing’s spear has turned into a hurricane shower of evil spirits in front of him, not to mention parry and block, and even before any reaction, they were pierced by the tip of the spear like lightning, and fell out one by one. Bumped on the rock wall, really embarrassed!

"Okay, Big Brother Puxing is amazing!" Seeing the other party gaining the upper hand, the beautiful and lively Xiaohei and Zhenwen laughed and praised them, but at such a time, the sudden change suddenly came to fruition! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Swish swish!" In an instant, two huge evil spirits emerged from no idea where they suddenly rushed behind the two little girls, showing their air claws to kill them!

"Eh?!" Xiao Hei suddenly felt the bad wind suddenly rise behind him, but did not dodge, not because of anything else, but because she doesn't need to dodge at all, because there is-it!


"Fuck!" It was too late, then quickly, a white bone claw was stretched out of the oblique thorn, and it swept viciously on the surface of the two evil spirits, and forcibly knocked the two sneak attackers directly out of the shadows. Demon spirit skull.

"Boom, boom!"

Two unlucky eggs fell heavily on the rock wall. At the same time, the multi-armed puppet worm sprang out from the bottom of Zhenwen’s sleeve and rushed toward the evil spirits, "Whhhhhhh!" In the next instant, countless holes appeared in the puppet worm's body. Immediately afterwards, countless black spikes rushed out.

"Duoduoduo!" In an instant, the spikes nailed the two evil spirits to the rock wall, no matter how screaming and struggling the other party, they could not get rid of the current state of extreme embarrassment.

"Hmph, you dare to attack me, you are blind, let's see how I can clean up you." Xiao Hei said, took out a handful of small flame beads in his pocket, and shook his hand suddenly. One pill.

"Boom! Boom!"

The small flame explosion beads hit the evil spirit on the left with the wind, and suddenly turned into a small group of flames. The evil spirits screamed and screamed, but the small flame explosion beads were not powerful and would only burn a few breaths on the spirit body. Extinction will not kill the evil spirit, but it will let it die uncomfortably.

"Hahaha, this is interesting, I'll try it too."

As she said, Zhenwen stretched out her hand to dig out Xiao Hei’s pocket, to grab Xiao Yan burst beads, "Pop!" But Xiao Hei instantly waved her palm and hit the back of her hand, and then shouted in a complaining tone: "Take me again. Yes, don’t you have it yourself?"

"Hey, everyone, sisters, why bother so carelessly?" Zhenwen smiled: "Well, let me play with a few tablets, and I'll give you a baby toy, how about?"

"Toy?!" Upon hearing this, Xiao Hei's eyes lit up and he immediately said, "What is it? Hurry up."


The corner of Zhenwen's mouth was slightly raised, and did not immediately answer the other party, but smiled and spread out her palms, Xiao Hei stomped her feet, gritted her teeth, grabbed a few small flame beads and placed them in her hands, and then asked: "What the **** is it? Say it quickly."

"Here, that's it." After that, Zhenwen took something out of her arms and threw it to Xiao Hei. She took a look and immediately shouted out of joy: "It's a slingshot, a triangle fork slingshot. I really like this. Up."

"Hehehe, and this is a slingshot that can release the small flame burst beads." Zhenwen smiled and said, "You can try it right away."

"Great, let me try."

"Huh! Huh!"

"Boom!" It was too late, then soon, the slingshot in Xiao Hei's hand suddenly released a small flame pearl, which just exploded between the two evil spirits, and sparks splashed all around, making these two guys hot. Howling and screaming ceaselessly, so embarrassed.

"It's fun, it's fun, it's fun." Xiao Hei grabbed the slingshot and danced and said with a smile: "It's not easy to grasp the head, but it doesn't matter, as long as I practice hard, I will soon be able to hit a hundred shots."

"Hey, with this thing, you are not allowed to bully others, and you can't just hit people with it, otherwise I will take it back." Zhenwen said.

Xiao Hei nodded and nodded, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will try my best to restrain the urge to use it to beat living creatures."

"Eh?!" Zhenwen smiled bitterly: "Listen to you, I already regret giving you the slingshot now."

"That's right." Qing Huang leaned closer at this time and said with a smirk: "The murder weapon fell in the hands of the murderer, just wait for the creatures to be charred."

"You, you, what are you talking nonsense?"

Hearing what Qing Huang said, Xiao Hei stomped his feet with anger, and Xiao Hei said at this time to complete the game: "Okay, it's all a joke, don't take it seriously, by the way, Xiao Hei, if you have enough fun, I will let An Yan took the two evil spirits away, we have to hurry up and continue to search."

"Well, I'll listen to my sister." After all, Xiao Hei stuck out his tongue at Qing Huang: "Lielielie~~~"

"Hey, little girl." Qing Huang smiled contemptuously, walked to Xianxin nonchalantly, and then said: "There seems to be a lot of evil spirits on the inside of the rock wall in front, but at this moment, she should have escaped far. ?"

"Of course you have to chase, don't let go of one, go!"

Suddenly, Qian Xin's shook the starry spirit spear in his palm. The black plague and golden eye beasts in front of him gave a low roar, and rushed towards the gap in the rock wall. The spirit fire bodies whizzed and followed, and the girls behind were the girls. With Puxing, everyone hurried to the front area.

After more than ten breaths, there was a sudden violent sound of "ping-pong-pong" in the air. It was the sound of the heart-burning fire fighting against the evil spirits!

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