Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 10911: Scythe Soul (third more)

"For example..." At this point, the insect mother suddenly flew to the front and made a steep turn, and then fell in front of her companion, and continued: "Like this place, there are only scattered remains and worm souls, and the real grave The mound is deeper, understand?"

"Then let's look for the real Zergid tombs now." Guhuang Roar suggested. "Of course, otherwise we wouldn't be here."

The evil worm mother thought for a while, and then said: "Roar, you let go of the worm soul you just grabbed. I will let the mutant worm follow the other party invisibly, and see if it can take us to the real worm mound. ."

"Understood." Hearing these words, Guhuang Roar immediately followed his instructions and let the Ape Soul release a worm soul. This guy is as anxious as a bereavement dog, and immediately flies away towards the distance. , There are already three mutants trailing behind him.

Not long after, the fleeing worm soul rushed to a rock wall in embarrassment. This guy jumped into the air without hesitation, got into a hole in the rock wall more than 10 feet above the ground, and disappeared.

After chasing here, the three insects also saw the hole, and roared and said: "The hole is not small. All three of us should be able to get in."

"Let's go, Xiao Jin, you let a few black stings clear the way first, tell everyone to be careful, and let us know with a tweet if it is dangerous."

"Yes, boss." Upon hearing the insect mother's words, King Golden Sting nodded, and immediately dispatched a few glancing black stings, and the other party got into the hole with lightning speed.

After a few breaths, the black sting that screamed informed everyone that it was very safe inside, there was no danger, and the other way had been found.

"Well, black stings do things neatly." The evil worm mother boasted, and in a flash, she rushed everyone into the hole and slammed to the other side of the cave near the exit.

"Squeak, squeak!" At such a time, the Glancing Shadow Black Sting who was in charge of looking out at the front hole suddenly screamed, as if something unexpected happened.

"Suddenly!" The three insects who heard the call suddenly pulled out like electricity, and quickly swept over there. They were surprised to find that the black stings were surrounded by the shadows of a few insect souls, and they were frequently launching fierce attacks.

"Bold, dare to bully my little brother, you are looking for death!"

The golden sting king who roared suddenly came to the front, "Swish!" The dazzling filaments of golden light were woven into a net in a moment, and the worm souls were caught all at once. No matter how madly they struggled, they couldn't get rid of the shackles. It could only be captured and taken into the old soul orb.

"Huh, I can't help myself." As soon as King Golden Sting finished saying this, the Guhuang Roar near the exit whispered: "Boss, second brother, there are a lot of worm spirits outside!"

"Really? I'll take a look." After the mother of the insect said, she walked to the side of Howard, and her expression suddenly became serious: "Good guys, there are more than a lot, just enough!"

Immediately afterwards, King Golden Sting also saw the posture of the worm souls outside, and immediately said, "There are thousands of them? It's a miracle that there is still peace in the mound!"

"Perhaps there is something here that can suppress and deter many worm souls, just like my worm emperor orb...Huh?!"

Just after the insect mother said this, it suddenly made a surprised sound, and the roar and golden sting king next to him asked in unison: "Boss, what's the matter?" "The insect emperor Orb has reacted. It seems that it really feels that there is something nearby. Similar to it."

"Huh!" After saying this, the worm mother suddenly spit out the orb, and the thing floated in the air, slowly spinning forward, which meant that the worm mother would follow her to move forward.

The evil worm mother nodded at this time: "Well, I understand, then follow the Insect Emperor Orb and see if there is something nearby that attracts it."

After more than ten breaths, the three insects followed the Chongdi Orb and moved forward along a narrow gap close to the cliff. Due to the invisibility ability of Mutant Clam to help hide and hide, they were not moved more than ten meters away. Many wandering worm souls perceive the existence.

Wait until I reach the end of this narrow gap in the cliff. "There is a hole here, which is very secret. If you don't observe it carefully, you can't find it at all." The golden sting king who walked in front whispered: "Boss, this place is quite narrow. It seems that we can only crawl in one by one."

"It's okay, take your time, don't worry." At this time, the insect mother was calm, and it said softly: "You go in first, and then, I will be the last one, pay attention to safety."

"Understood." Upon hearing this, King Jinzhe agreed, and shook his body and crawled into the cave.


The narrow entrance in this cave is not too long, only a few meters away. King Golden Sting, relying on his skill and agility, moved extremely fast, and soon reached the wide area in front of him. It was secretly happy in his heart, and was about to rush directly. When I went out, I suddenly felt the cold wind on my head!

"No, there is a sneak attack guy!" Now the Golden Sting King can be called a dilemma. If you retract it, it will definitely be too late. Besides, there is an ancient roar behind it. It is easy for them to collide with each other one after another. Go ahead. Ninety-nine percent of the opponent's attack will fall on him!

"Fight!" Suddenly, the Golden Sting King gritted his teeth and sprinted forward, violently covering himself with mysterious spiritual energy to protect itself. It also shouted: "Hoar, be careful!"

"Dang!" It was too late to say, it was fast, and the moment the King Jin Sting rushed out of the hole, the opponent's heavy blow also fell on it.

However, the role of Jin Xuan's spiritual energy body protection was also instantly revealed, and the opponent was shocked abruptly. This blow did not hurt the Golden Sting King at all, but made the attackers squeak and groan, which seemed extremely painful.

"Damn thing, dare to sneak attack my second brother, I'll hit you!"


At this moment, King Golden Sting turned his head and shouted: "Houch, get out of the way, I will deal with this scum!"

"Okay, second brother please!"

"Chaochacha!" Houzhen didn't relax when he said this, and suddenly turned his wrists and swept three sword lights, and suddenly forced the sickle-arm worm soul to jump up and down, wailing again and again.

"Huh, it's cheaper for you." At this moment, it sneered and retreated to the side.

"Sneez!" At the same time, the golden sting king who flew up has thrown out a spiritual energy filament, and suddenly entangled the soul of the sickle arm worm soul, "creak!" The ear-piercing sound sharpened, and the spiritual energy filaments were more and more tightened. The tighter, the worm soul is in pain and trembling all over.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning!"

"Huh!" The sneer Jin Sting King suddenly threw the opponent up and slammed it against the rock wall next to him!


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