Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1112: Unexpected encounter (third)

"Borui, you are really a cowardly waste." Yimila said, crossing her waistline, "You have said the same thing four or five times, don't you feel annoying?"

"Yeah, you were screaming tired an hour ago. Since then, we have stopped and rested three times." Zuo Wei said dissatisfied: "Look at Brother Guanheng, always walking in front, he I never shouted hard. "

"Oh, two young ladies, don't you compare me to Guanheng's monster that is comparable to a dragon?" Borui said frowningly, "I was originally a magician with poor strength. This kind of trek to me In other words, it is inhuman torture. "

"Forget it, you don't have to embarrass Borui." At this moment, Guan Heng stopped suddenly. He waved his hand first, let the general dead, and then turned around and said to the two girls: "Distance from Gagera The castle is not too far away, let's rest for a while, and then go to the destination in a hurry. "

"Ah, it ’s an amnesty." When Borui heard Guan Heng's words, he immediately stepped forward and planted it in a thick grasshopper. He said weakly, "I really want to sleep until dawn like this. ... hmm ... "

Zuowei and Imila shook their heads at each other and said in unison: "It's a useless bitch, such an ugly image."

"Ah, what is this?" Borui suddenly screamed, "There are snakes in the grass!"

"Papapa!" "Damn worm, I'm stepping on you." The next moment, the angrily Borui faced the slender "snake" in the grasshopper and stepped on it: "Go to death! "

However, Guan Heng, Zuo Wei, and Yi Meila who were on the sidelines all petrified instantly. At this moment, Zuo Wei shivered and said, "Stop it, Borui, that snake is not ... but ..."

"Woohoo!" A furious howl sounded suddenly, almost scaring Bory to death. When he raised his foot in panic, the colorful thing suddenly shrank back.

"My mother!" Borui raised his eyes and saw that he wasn't a snake at all, but the long tail of a red male lion squatting and dozing.

"嗷嗷 嗷嗷 嗷 ——" The male lion's tail was almost completely swollen by Borui. Under the severe pain, the furious male lion raised his head and roared, and its mane was crackling suddenly.

Imila cried out suddenly: "I remember, this is a lightning lion. It can gather magic elements in the air, quickly rub the elements, generate high-voltage electricity, and easily turn people into coke."

"Boom--click!" Imila's voice didn't fall, and a blast of electricity broke through the air with a strong wind, slashing fiercely at Borui!

"My mother, auntie, why didn't you say that earlier ?!" Borui heard these words, and his pants almost didn't urinate, and he panicked in a panic with his hands on his head. "Bang!" The ground suddenly appeared a few feet deep and smoky.

However, the Lightning Lion's offensive didn't stop there. Instead, it became more and more fierce in rage. "Crack, bang, bang, bang, bang!" The rapid lightnings followed one another, holding Borui's buttocks, and kept falling.

"Ehhhhhhhh --- h-hhh-I want my own life!" Borui ran away with tears in his eyes and ran away as he ran sternly, "Big brother and big sisters, think of a way, I don't want to die in this dark forest with no fingers, and become a lion's dinner, ohh ... "

"Two sisters, do you want to save him?" At this moment, Guan Heng blinked his eyes and asked Zouwei and Imila seriously: "This child looks so pitiful."

Zuo Wei was playing with the priest staff in her hand, and she murmured in a little more embarrassment: "Brother, I'm studying auxiliary magic. The power of light and arrow art can definitely not hurt the Lightning Lion. I don't want to cause trouble."

"Ah, I've been on the road for a day too, my shoulders are sore." Yi Meila shrugged her shoulders deliberately and exaggeratedly: "My girl is also weak and weak."

"These two vicious little girls! They just want to watch me die!" Borui shouted in his heart, but at last he turned to Guan Heng with his eyes full of help, and his nose was tearful.

"Oh, okay, I've played enough, I still can't help but die." Guan Heng sighed and said, "Sisters, don't play with him, let's do it."

"Defensive iron wall!" Zuo Wei waved the priest's staff with a low whisper, and immediately blocked an ill-powered battery that blasted to Borui with the iron wall.

"Boom-pop!" The power of the blast was amazing, but it was just broken by the defensive iron wall.

However, this has already won the opportunity for Borui to dodge and counterattack. "Oh!" Borui rolled over to the side of the Lightning Lion seven or eight meters away, waving his wand and shouting: "Flaming Flame Mantra!" "

"Woohoo!" The three flames tumbling in the air toward the Lightning Lion, the momentum was scary, however, this Mr. Lion did not take this flame power into his eyes, "Hah-oh!" It was just After sneezing, he extinguished the three flames released by Borui.

"Eh ?! Is there anything wrong !!!" Borui held the wand in his hand and circled, saying that time and time were fast, Imila rushed straight to the front.

"Ancient martial arts, Combo Rock Fist!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" The fist-like fist shadow has fallen fiercely on the Lightning Lion's head.

"Woohoo!" The Lightning Lion with heavy punches slumped backwards, but it just shook his head, but it didn't hurt, Guan Heng shouted at this time: "Yimira, your punches are too light It is impossible to cause fatal injuries. Take your gloves. "

"Cut, I still think I can knock this lion down with bare hands." Yimila shook her figure and walked around, and put claw-type gloves on her hand. "Hum--" she suddenly pointed her toes. Nodded, stunned to the side of the Lightning Lion, this lion did not respond slowly, his head opened his mouth and bite at Ymira's arm.

"Want to bite me? No way!" Imila's fist was not heavy, but the speed was swift and unkind, and she evaded briefly, and the lion's mouth bite into the air. At this moment, only the sound of the sound of the air burst , Borui's frozen spell and Zowei's light and arrow attacked at the same time.

"Roar!" The Lightning Lion screamed loudly, and a crackling sound was heard around the mane on the head. The tiny electric snakes couldn't stop chaos, and instantly formed a light shield lingering on the current.

"Bang, bang!" The Frozen Mantra and Light Bolt hit the Lightning Shield at the same time, and the three powers instantly became neutral.

"Oh, this Lightning Lion is really interesting, it will do a lot of tricks." Guan Heng smiled slightly: "You work hard, and quickly pass it on."

—— [2016.4.25 third, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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