Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11218: Flying Stone Butchering Insects (Fifth Outbreak)

Soon after entering the mine, Guan Heng and the others discovered one thing. The cave was a habitat for various underground zombies. They only walked more than a hundred meters away and found seven or eight species of zombies, large and small.

Some of them are so fierce that they provoke everyone when they come up. Of course, they are killed immediately. They don’t even leave the corpse. Some worms are timid and fearful. Seeing strangers come, they rush into hidden corners, and they are so atmospheric. Don't dare to come out.

In addition to the above two kinds, there are also some Zergs that are attracted by the aura radiating from everyone's body.

The other party is not afraid of meeting strangers, but instead takes the initiative to step forward. The evil worm mother is now responsible for negotiating with the other party in the past, asking her about the mines in the cave. For those who are willing to guide and lead the way, everyone will give aura as a reward.

At this time, the few "red-capped scorpion scorpions" that met with the worm mother belonged to the more honest guys. They wanted to ask for some aura to eat. The evil worm mother discussed with each other if the scorpion knew about the mineral deposits, You will get benefits.

The head of the piebald scorpion thought for a while, then shook his head, and squeaked to the worm mother a few times, which meant to say: "It's not that we don't want to ask for aura, but things about minerals are really not clear. What if you are unhappy if you take the wrong path?"

The worm mother told Guan Heng about the situation, and he laughed and said, "It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the specific location of the mine. Do you know who knows about the mine? We will find each other and there will be rewards. Here, I’ll give you this first. ."

With that said, Guan Heng pulled out a small skull head and threw it to the piebald scorpion leader. The other party took a bite and swallowed it, and then pondered for a few breaths. Only then did Guan Heng nod his head and waved his cheeks at Guan Heng and the others. Clamp, motion to everyone to follow yourself.


Just a few moments later, the piebald scorpion leader led Guan Heng and the others to a cave at the end of a fork in the road. The hole here is not big, and the surroundings are very clean. It seems that the owner here is very particular about cleanliness and hygiene.

"Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tu k tu k tu k tu tu k tu k tu tu k tu tu k tu tu tu tu tu tu tu [...

Suddenly, the layer of soil blocking the hole shook a few times, "Hah!" In the next moment, the head of a beaked monster appeared from inside. This guy's snout was long and narrow, like an Aedes mosquito, but his body was rickety. It resembles a shrimp, with three pairs of jointed feet and four thin wings on the back.

At this moment, the Sharp-mouthed monster slanted a glance at the head of the scorpion scorpion, and then made a sharp cry, as if to blame the other party for bringing a stranger to his nest, and it seemed that he was going to move again.

The piebald scorpion leader seems to be old friends with the sharp-mouthed worm, and doesn’t care about the other’s blame. He just whispers a few times like a smile, and then points at them with claws, which means saying: "These people There is no danger, you can rest assured."

But the pointed beak was still a bit suspicious and timid. At this time, Guan Heng was no longer willing to wait any longer. He took a step forward, and suddenly stretched his finger at the pointed beak. The opponent was startled and even wanted Retract into the cave to escape.


But the next moment, Guan Heng's fingertips overflowed with a wisp of Earth Profound Aura, and circled around the top of the monster's head. The pointed-mouthed monster was shocked when seeing the Earth Profound aura. At the moment, he couldn't worry about it. He stretched out his paw and wanted to grab it. Staying at it, but Xuan Lingqi instantly returned to Guan Heng's fingertips.

He smiled: "I can see that you are an Earth Zerg, do you want this thing? With it, you can control the soil aura and dig caves at least ten times faster."

"Squeak, squeak!" Upon hearing these words, the pointed-mouthed worm kept whispering and couldn't hide the joy of it. It immediately crawled out of the hole, closed its forelimbs, and bowed in front of Guan Heng. It meant that he was begging Guan Heng to give himself the profound spirit.

"No problem for you, but you have to show us where the mineral deposits in this cave are, okay?"

The moment Guan Heng said the sound fell, the sharp-mouthed monster nodded and agreed without hesitation, and then pointed to the northeast with its paw, which meant to say: "We can go right now."

"Well, for the sake of your cooperation, Xuan Lingqi will give you some first, and you will be rewarded again when you get there."

"Huh!" As soon as he said this, he turned off the flexed finger and immediately sent a wisp of earth mysterious aura to the pointy-mouthed monster, which was swallowed by its mouth.

"Buzzing!" In a short time, the pointed beak flew up and came to the wicked worm mother. The worm mother said: "Master, our three brothers will lead the way with the strange worm. It's not good."

"Alright, you go."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy When I touched the feet of Tan Guan Heng, I meant to say: "I'll go with you too, okay?"

"Yes, let's go together." Knowing that the other party still wants to help in exchange for some spiritual energy, Guan Heng nodded and agreed.


After a while, the pointed beak finally led everyone to the vicinity of the mine cave and flew down on a huge rock.

The strange bug turned his head and screamed, telling everyone: "Some powerful and arrogant guys live nearby. You have to be careful, the other party is likely to come over and ask for trouble at any time."

"Hehehe, we are not afraid of trouble, but we are afraid of trouble." Qing Huang smiled slightly at this time, and then said: "But we also want to thank you for your reminder, right, A Heng?"

"Well, huh..." Guan Heng just nodded, and suddenly said, "Speaking of trouble, there are really some guys who can't wait to come over."

"Where?" After hearing this, the mandrill immediately flew to the front of the team with the armor king and the white-browed old monkey, eager to try!

"In the pothole, monkey, go and say hello to the other party." Guan Heng said, raising his finger to point to the specific location.

"Huh!" It was too late, then soon, the old white-browed monkey suddenly picked up a stone on the ground and threw it violently at the entrance of the mine. Immediately afterwards, a horrible howl rose sharply: "Haw--"

Immediately after that, the guy shook his body and quickly crawled out of the cave. The Mandrill was still planning to do it. Who knew that the other party had barely walked three or four steps, and then fell straight to the ground like a tree stump, convulsed a few times, and was killed.

King Jia Yao took two steps to take a closer look, and then took a sip: "Huh, what a bad luck."

It turned out that this huge blue beetle tick was going to ambush near the entrance of the cave. By coincidence, it was hit by a stone thrown by the old monkey and directly penetrated the top of the skull. It went in in front and came out in the back. , Very unlucky!

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