Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11230: Beast bead flying skull

"Woo!" Suddenly hitting his door by a bead, Baojia Dry Turtle fell to the ground, shaking his head and screamed.


At this moment, the little catfish that came out of the soil knew that they were in trouble. They were all dumbfounded, but the dry turtle had a thicker skin and thicker head than a stone. In addition, it knew the little catfish. Not intentionally, he patted them with his paws to show that it doesn't matter.

At this time, the stubborn stone 猲猲 walked up to the round bead that fell on the ground, fiddled with the object with his paw, and then called to the little catfish, meaning to inquire about the use of this thing.

So the little catfish told the origins of dry turtles, scorpions and mud cockroaches. It is said that not long ago, the little catfish came out for a stroll and accidentally found this thing somewhere on the soil platform. The little guys found it funny. So I hid this thing underground, and took it out here when I was free to play with it.

Baojia Dry Turtle took a closer look, and thought that this kind of thing was like a crystalline bead in an ancient beast, that is, a beast bead, so he decided to take it back to Guan Heng and the girls to see.

So, the dry turtle opened its mouth to bite the bead, and waved its claws at the companions, signaling everyone to return with them, but the moment they jumped off the soil platform, they suddenly changed!

"Buzzing—buzzing—" Between the electric light and the fire, the bead in the dry turtle's mouth suddenly blurted out, spinning rapidly at low altitude, which made the three insects and the little catfish a little surprised.

Fortunately, the Baojia Dry Turtle reacted extremely fast, suddenly exhaling a sigh of earth mysterious aura, and covered the beads in the sky with lightning speed, trying to drag the thing back to him, but the beads were spinning extremely fast. , Is not an easily accessible state.

Immediately after that, the mysterious aura of the dry turtle was quickly taken into his own by the beads, and disappeared in an instant.

"Ouuuuu!" Seeing this, the Baojia Dry Turtle was so angry that it wanted to jump up and grab the bead. Who knew that the bead moved very quickly, and it was a few feet away in the blink of an eye. There was no way with the little catfishes, so they had to keep catching up.

"Swishwwww!" For a moment, strong winds were one after another, and the beads stopped somewhere low in the sky, and then kept spinning again, I don't know why.

At this moment, the Baojia dry turtle, the stubborn stone scorpion and the white-bearded mud cockroach all rushed to this place. At the same time, they also noticed one thing. The place where the bead stayed was the little catfish just now. The children divide the corpse of the beast-eater skull tentacle monster and discard the place where the guy's skull is.

Seeing this, everyone was a little puzzled. Just when they didn’t know how to deal with it, the beads in the sky suddenly produced a pale light, which suddenly reflected on the surface of the abandoned beast skull. Mid-air.

"Swish swish!"

Suddenly, the beads and skulls hovered in the air and turned quickly. Just as the three insects and the little catfish were dumbfounded, footsteps suddenly came from nearby. At the same time, Guan Heng's voice sounded: " Hello, kid, are you over there?"

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" heard this, Baojia Dry Turtle immediately screamed, signalling Guan Heng to come here quickly, and in an instant, Guan Heng had already flew and landed beside everyone.

When he saw the beads and beast skulls spinning in the air, he was a little surprised, and he asked, "Explain, what's going on?"


"The weird beads and the skull of the tentacle monster... are really interesting." Guan Heng smiled and asked, "Do you still want that bead?"

"Huh, huh!" Upon hearing this, the little catfish rushed and jumped immediately, expressing that they really wanted to get the "toy" back, and Guan Heng nodded and said: "Well, then as you want, I'm optimistic."

"Huh-" It was too late, and it was fast, Guan Heng also released an earth mysterious aura, covering the ancient beast skulls and strange beads that wandered around like lightning.

"Chuck and slip--" In the next moment, the strange bead absorbed this mysterious aura with a thunderous force, but the speed had been significantly reduced a lot, and it gradually fell slowly.

"That's the case. Just now, the dry turtle said that this bead absorbed profound spiritual energy. I am still a little curious about this process. Now it seems that the bead has some spirituality and it seems that it wants to merge with this beast skull..."

Guan Heng's eyes rolled, and then his five fingers were slightly bent toward the air for a shot.

"Whoo!" In an instant, the bead was involuntarily sucked into Guan Heng's palm. It can absorb the earth profound aura of the dry turtle, but it can't resist Guan Heng's palm. That's because this guy has already absorbed Guan. The horizontal aura will be controlled subconsciously.

"It's just a small beast bead, but it has become a bit of climate because of its age, so you can't resist me at will."

Seeing this bead eager to move in his hand, Guan Hengsu suddenly waved in the air, and the ancient beast skull fell in his palm. He continued: "Do you want to let yourself and this beast? The skulls fuse together? I can help you, but it's conditional."

"First, you are not allowed to betray and run away at will. Second, play with the little guys. They will give you a lot of aura." Guan Heng said: "If you can do these two points, I will let you merge with the beast skull. , How about living in the world in a completely new state?"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Upon hearing this, the beads in Guan Heng's palm flickered a few times, as if he could not wait to agree to these conditions.

In fact, it’s not surprising, because Guan Heng’s profound aura is "extremely delicious." The beads have only absorbed a little bit, and they have been completely fascinated. It was completely reduced to a slave and willingly.

But speaking of it, no one would let a bead be his slave...

At this time, Guan Heng gently stroked the animal skull in front of him with the palm of his hand. It was suddenly squeezed by the spirit energy between its forehead and eyebrows, and gradually a concave hole appeared. Guan Heng pushed the bead inward, and it was set in the hole. .

He smiled and said: "Okay, now wrap you up with aura and let the two merge with each other. By the way, I think you like to float in the air, and I will paint you a few circles on the surface of this beast's skull. The "floating pattern" created by the Ming people."

"This method of portraying the floating pattern was learned from Zhenwen. It is rarely used, so I will try the effect here."

With that said, Guan Heng painted a circle of rippling patterns on the surface of the beast's skull. Then, he stretched out his hand and patted the beast's skull and smiled: "From now on, you will be the'beast bead flying skull'. Get up and take a look. Bar."

"Huh -" Upon hearing this, the beast bead flew into the air suddenly.

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