Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11252: Coriander is about to show off

"Uh, Lord Guan, I'm sorry, I misunderstood it." Guhuang Howler was stunned at this time, bowed deeply towards Guan Heng, and then said: "I am damned, I am wrong, Lord Guan, please forgive me. ."

"Forget it, no one takes what you said to heart, I am teasing you."

With that said, Guan Hengli suddenly portrayed a five-element spirit gathering array on the surface of Fenghuo Jinsuo, and then said: "In the future, Jinsuo can automatically absorb the surrounding auras anytime and anywhere, and keep himself active. The power will follow the auras you send. It depends on the number."

"Yes, thank you, Master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother's eyes lit up and she was very happy.

Guan Heng said again: "Yes, there is one more thing you three have to remember clearly, that is, the speed of this Fenghuo Jinshuo is much faster than before. Remember, it must be carefully controlled, otherwise, once it is activated It’s easy to get out of your control."

"Yes, we took it down." Upon hearing this, the three insects immediately said in unison.

"Well, that's fine, take it." After Guan Heng said, he threw the Fenghuo Jinshuo back to them. In a short time, the three insects released their breath, and the Jinshuo suddenly turned into three air currents, rushing towards them respectively. Their bodies.

"It seems that Fenghuo Jinshuo is close to the level of a superior **** soldier after such a transformation by you, right?" Fang Xin asked next to him.

"Almost, but the three insect mothers need to be carefully raised with spiritual temperature. This Fenghuo Jinshuo can gradually grow. All magical soldiers have spirituality. Therefore, any means of pulling out seedlings should not be used, but this time it is used for gold. The Five Elements Spirit Gathering Array on the shuttle is an exception."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and Guan Heng glanced at Xianxin, who was approaching with excitement.

Afterwards, Guan Heng said to her: "Princess, I can't quite know your thoughts. Now the Starry Spirit Spear has been mentioned as a high bottleneck as a member of the magic weapon. No matter how it is modified, it will not be able to increase its power. of."

"Uh, you actually know what I want to say..." After seeing through his mind, Feng Xin was a little embarrassed, and then said: "Then how can I do it well?"

"If your weapon can't increase the power, then you should find the reason in your own."

Guan Heng said unceremoniously: "You have had a few shots recently, so there is not much time for the Holy Spirit Spear to exert its power. This is also the main reason for the sluggishness of the magic weapon and unable to go further. In my opinion, you are better off. If you find the enemy to play a few more games, you may make progress."

"This... okay." Thoughtful, Xiao Xin said in a loud voice, "Munxin, Fat, Old Monkey, have you heard that, when you encounter enemies, you will rush them all to this princess." Come on, I want to do it myself!"

"Yes, it's all to the princess' orders." The mandrill and the king of armor naturally did not dare to defy the orders of Coriander, and they repeatedly agreed, but the militant of the white-browed monkey was a little dissatisfied when he heard that the princess wanted to steal His enemy grinned, shaking his claws and stomping his feet again and again.

"Dare you not be obedient?" Xianxin pointed at the monkey with the holy spirit spear in his hand, and then Liu frowned and cried out, "Believe it or not, I will beat you now?"

"And us!"

At this moment, Qinghuang, Ruotao, Gu Sangnu, and An Yan shook their fists at the old monkey. The monkey shrank his neck in fright, then bowed and hummed repeatedly, which meant saying : "I can't afford to provoke you, just listen to the princess."

"Huh, this monkey, don't scare it, it's really disobedient." Ruotao said, and smiled and said to Qianxin: "Sister don't worry, no matter what enemies there are, we will take them to you later. Come ahead."

"Okay, you deserve to be a good sister." Xianxin said, patted Ruotao on the shoulder, and then raised her voice and asked, "Where is Puxing? This stupid apprentice, everyone has said, shouldn't he show his expression? Determined to help Master?"

"Hehehe, your silly apprentice has run out of sight." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "Just when I heard that you were looking for an enemy to practice hand skills, this kid immediately ran out looking for prey."

"Well, this is almost the same, he is a good apprentice." Hearing this, Xianxin nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "This is the result of my usual teaching and effective, and I finally see results."

"Puff." Upon hearing these words, the sisters all covered their mouths and laughed.

"Master—Princess Master—"

"Suddenly!" When it was said that it was too late, it was soon, Puxing had already rushed back not far from the front with his spear on his shoulders, and Xiaoxin saw his rather excited appearance, and asked: "Why? Look at you, I can't breathe anymore."

"Enemy." Pu Xing took a big breath, and then spoke sharply: "I found a large group of evil beasts in the front area. It is enough for you to practice your hands. Let's go and take a look."

"Good apprentice, thank you for your hard work." Upon hearing these words, Feng Xin opened her eyes and smiled. She waved her hand and shouted, "Sisters, let's go!"

"Okay, go and take a look with my sister." Then, under the leadership of Xiaoxin, the girls rushed forward like a smoke.

At this moment, Guan Hengya slanted a glance at the group of beasts such as Mandrill and Old Monkey, and then said: "I have seen it all, the girls are in the mood, no matter how intense the fight is, they are not allowed to help or grab the head. If it disturbs their interest, it will suffer a lot."

"Also, don't expect me to intercede for you!"

"Yes." The Mandrill continued: "Master Guan is right. We won't be so insightful. Girls want to play, so let them have fun."

"Just know, let's go." As he said, Guan Heng rushed forward with them.


At this moment, Xianxin had already started working with the group of evil beasts and evil things. Those were dozens of soul-eaters with a large number of "black bone dogs", all of them menacingly.

But the fierce looks alone can't scare the Princess Coriander, who is holding the Star Spirit Spear. She shook the Spirit Spear suddenly, "Ping Pong Pong! Boom Boom!" A series of violent noises one after another, hit the black dog one by one. Turning on his back, rolling all over, not embarrassed.

"Wow Wang Wang--Wang Wu Wu--"

Seeing this scene, the rest of the companions can still remain calm, except that the King of Corpse Dogs and the Corpse Dogs who are with Guan Heng are a little excited and uncontrollable. After all, the other party is a canine enemy, so they can't help but want to. It meant to be provocative, so they barked at the same time.


Seeing this group of guys was really noisy, Guan Hengji suddenly sank his face, so scared that the king of the corpse dog kept winking at his companions and grinning and whispering, which meant to say: "You **** are all safe." Minutely, if it annoys the owner, everyone will have to eat it!"

Now that the boss has spoken, the other dogs will naturally be honest.

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